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Everything posted by Midgefidget

  1. Title says it all. I adore the warforged and they are in almost no games. Please let me be a warforged!
  2. I am majorly impressed. That took some work. I'm too lazy (and incompetent ) to do something like that.
  3. Ok, I might have found what is messed up. I bought DA:I Digital Deluxe Edition Then instead of buying the expansions I bought DA:I Game of the Year Edition because it was actually cheaper than buying all the mods. Could this be what's messing me up? sorry, all the expansions I meant
  4. I'm getting a message that the program is incompatable. Is there a way to run it in 32 bit instead of 64 bit? I don't know if it would help but I'd like to try
  5. I was playing DA:I on this computer and it was working great. I bought all the expansions and now it will not play. Is there a way to disable expansions so I can try to find which one is incompatable with my system? I'm running windows 10, if that makes any difference. I adore the game and would love to keep playing it.
  6. I came to ask if I could just skip Concord completely. Apparantly I can. Good, I despise Preston.
  7. I had already been playing games for quite a while, but Arena triggered my addictive genes. I've spent more time in the Elder Scrolls than in RL.
  8. Mine opens and tells me to start Fallout 4 to create an ini file. I have repeatedly started Fallout 4 and the NMM is unable to find the ini. Ah, well.
  9. Having the same problem as darktemplar92. NMM is unable to find the ini files. Files are there, just not being recognized. Bummer.
  10. Oh, thanks BlackRampage. I owe you one, maybe more...
  11. I'm level 32 and still have no idea how to start the Dragonborn DLC. Is there something I can do? Other than wait, of course.
  12. Don't think for one second you aren't appreciated. I tried modding and even with tutorials I couldn't figure out ANYTHING. Anyone that makes a mod, even if it's total garbage, has more skill/determination than I do. I too have noticed the huge difference between downloads and votes. I've been guilty of not voting for mods that I consider vital to playing the game. I just get in a hurry to install it, get it working, and using it. After I play a while I forget all about it. That's my bad. But be aware that many people do download and use the mod and don't know to endorse, don't care to, or don't remember to.
  13. Dawes isn't a ganger. Your being despised or adored by them is irrelevant. You will be attacked as soon as you enter the facility, but only by gangers. Off them (without injuring Dawes) and make SURE the fight is over. You can do this by entering stealth mode. If the message at screen top says DANGER you are still in combat and talking to him will make him attack. If it says WARNING, just sneak along the wall farthest from Dawes and dispatch gangers till it says HIDDEN. Holster your weapon and return to DAWES. He should be willing to talk to you now.
  14. This is freaking hilarious! I'm not downloading, because of the gold cheat, but I dropped in to say "Well Done!"
  15. They probably were going to chop Ulfred first but Mr.Eager rushed to the block like it was a buffet.
  16. Third era weapons have also been implemented into Tytanis Ultimate Mod
  17. I find it odd that I haven't seen Damascus blades for ANY of the elder scrolls games. *It's possible I missed it* Does this not present well on-screen, or is there some other problem? Or possible I'm the only one interested.
  18. The epic "Born to Kill"/"Peace" helmet adapted to Skyrim helms. And since the place is full of Nords how about "Bjorn to Kill"? Stick this on various helms. I'd like it, maybe others too.
  19. Thanks for the input people. Just to clarify this is just for setting my own height based on my race. This will help.
  20. Since we are in Skyrim we'll set Nords as the standard. Thus Nords are 1.0 on the scale. How would the other races compare in order to fit the lore? I would like to RP the size difference. All I know for sure is that Orcs should be bigger, but by how much? And what of the other races? Where do they "stand"?
  21. I was about to enter the fort with Hadvar in the very beginning. I stopped to watch the dragon. Bad move :wallbash:
  22. You are all right in my book. Must have taken serious dedication to figure that one out. I'm e-mailing the link to my son. He'll love it more than I do.
  23. I'm assuming you know that LC puts you in 'ready' and the next click attacks. Also,many spells require that the buttton be held down for the 'chargeing' phase. Other than that I have nothing to offer but sympathies, my friend.
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