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Everything posted by Trucidation

  1. I second this please, carrying so many itty-bitty minor potions becomes an inconvenience when they've outlived their usefulness, but would be a waste to dispose of.
  2. Hmm, an armor piece... trouble is, not sure what slot it'd go in, isn't Skyrim picky about this kind of thing? How about gauntlet, so you can still wear a torso piece, I think it's a fair trade (don't see how you'd cram the metal hand bit into fur gloves, for example). Getting it to display properly might be something else, the torso piece arm may clip it. Other than that i think it should be good to go. Plus, as a standard gauntlet piece i imagine the game would automatically let you enchant it just as you would any other gauntlet. Edit: Not a Deadmau5 fan but I think it's hilarious on the mod description where it says "Looks awkward" under "Known Problems" :D
  3. You may have older mods which aren't updated for Dawnguard, just guessing. Might want to post your load order in spoiler tags.
  4. That would conjure @ create a clone of said NPC, not actually summon the original one, right? Potential hilarity here.
  5. Yeah :) Thanks for the link and the chuckles, Veltoss.
  6. That's basically the problem. Check every single mod's description too, most modders are responsible enough to tell you that you need at least X version of the game.
  7. Obligatory mind = blown gif... http://i.imgur.com/UmpOi.gif Definitely haven't seen that in the game. Wtf Bethesda!
  8. It would do well with whip animations, I'm thinking.
  9. Eh, you could blame it on the Dwemer. Functionally, by "arm replacement" do you mean it's just a texture replacement for one of the player's arms but otherwise does nothing; or does it actually have stats like built-in armor, but the arm itself is actually still usable for something else (e.g. player can still wield things with it), or is it a full on armor/shield thing i.e. you just use it to block hits and can't wield things with that hand? Edit: Btw I juuust figured out that your sig has Deadmau5's symbol thingy... did i get it right?
  10. I don't know how the game's going to handle additional children, e.g. what happens when it's night time and there's not enough beds? Unless you could use the extra little blighters as coat racks or weapon stands or something. "Hey kid! I need something to prop up my extra staves, but you'll do. You get a roof over your head and food to eat. Deal?"
  11. Just take a screenshot with the PrtSc button then paste it in MS Paint, crop and resize, upload to a good imagehost like imgur.com, then link here.
  12. Core Temp is good, but if you got a laptop then google forums dedicated to the model/family, they can recommend specific tools if necessary. I live in the tropics and my room gets plenty of dust (apartment facing busy road), generally need to clean up the machine during weekends. Light brushing with an old toothbrush, nothing fancy.
  13. Praise Talos, you're doing the Divines' work, man, please don't stop! Congrats on making it into STEP btw :) I try to pick mods that truly have an impact on the game, and NOT being railroaded into quests is a Big Deal. I'm sure there are plenty of others who'd love this if they knew about it.
  14. While I wouldn't use this, I understand how useful it can be. It would be nice as an extension/plugin to something like SkyUI - an extra tab in your menu or something, that lists all these commands. Good idea wimwinkle.
  15. This is a great idea. One of the things we gotta worry about though is making sure civilians stay indoors during the siege, it's just horribly annoying when some obscure quest-giver gets killed because he happened to step out of the inn at a bad time. Maybe for the duration of the siege the city is just populated by nameless guards. Time limit + killcounter = determines whether siege was successful. Man, this would be so nice to have >_> Anyone else play the Dynasty Warrior games? Heh.
  16. I agree, that's just cheap and annoying. They either need to not be able to spam it (better option imho), or the shout gets nerfed (probably not a good idea).
  17. Na, sounds about right. Didn't think it's be as easy as drag-drop from Oblivion, but I figure it might be an interesting exercise for curious animators.
  18. Thanks flummox, that's a great find! I'll need to figure out if the crafting stuff conflicts with anything else i got, but otherwise it looks like an excellent mod.
  19. Damn, if an Oblivion mod already exists it shouldn't be too much trouble to adapt it for Skyrim. Anyone know the modder involved?
  20. They'll have to downgrade Castlevania whips into plain ol' melee weapons though, and the animation (1-handed) would need tweaking. But other than that, yeah, it would be an interesting take on a new weapon type mod.
  21. What a coincidence, I was planning to use that mod - after reading all 6 pages (the discussion seemed to end rather abruptly...) I realised you wrote the mod, nice. Wonder why this hasn't gotten more interest, I thought surely more than a handful of people would prefer having more options available to them quest-wise.
  22. There's a forge, you mean, and no I don't think there's an ore smelter nearby. I actually used Anise's hut for a while; it has a lovely cellar containing an alchemy lab and arcane enchanter, with several handy containers (sacks, barrel, cupboard, not to mention the ones up in the hut). It's nice and small too, very cozy - hardly had to move to reach everything. The problem is, it's a dilapidated hut that looks like it could fall apart any time, and the holes in the wall definitely don't help. The cellar might be a cozy hideout (yay hideout) but the bed is upstairs, and no way am I going to sleep where a bear could simply wander in (no door!!) and rip my face off. Also, the mountain right on the north side kinda make getting to it a chore and it's relatively isolated, although Riverwood is fairly nearby. Finally, you need to commit the ghastly murder of an old lady to obtain the place D: I give it 4/10. Great thread, btw. I always find myself scouting out places (after I've cleared them of hostiles) to see how viable they are to use as bases. Please list more!
  23. Agreed, and I can't emphasise enough on step 2. A particular mod might sound like a good idea, until you read its comment thread and discover people complaining about it not being updated, nasty bugs, compatibility issues with popular mods, etc. Some other tips:
  24. Yes, SKSE is Skyrim version sensitive. You haven't updated your Skyrim? Edit: I just realised I asked this already in my previous post. You need to make sure the version of SKSE you have will work for the version of Skyrim you have. As long as you have an updated game, the most recent SKSE should work.
  25. "Civilizing influence"? Nowhere in lore does the Legion mention that, you managed to miss the point as various NPCs (repeatedly) mention: if not for the Empire, the Thalamor would roll over everyone. And last I checked, the Legion didn't have racial requirements for joining; better them than Ulfric "if you're not a Nord then gtfo" Stormcloak. Also, /sarc ;) The idea, I think, was that you would then spend perk points on supporting skills, like Enchanting Some of us use a shield in the other hand instead of trying to do both magic/melee.
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