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  1. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/4065-skyrim-special-edition-mod-requests/
  2. In response to post #43584495. #43584650 is also a reply to the same post. Agree with GRC472. How often does one actually type out a URL?
  3. Edit: This thread seems to be asking the same question I am https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4892045-nexus-for-skyrim-remasted-edition/ Still no answer though. Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, I didn't see anything on a cursory search So Skyrim SE is a different (as in separate) game on steam. âI know that many mods will require additional tinkering in the new CK, so: will it's mods be housed on a separate page on the nexus? Or will the SKyrim page continue to house mods for both?
  4. Thank you for instituting this back system. This has always been an issue with me and something which I disliked about the site.
  5. Forgive me if this is already a mod. I would love to have the ability to separate Save Games by character, a la MOST EVERY OTHER PC game. This way when I hit load game I see a list of my character names and click one one, then seeing a list of save games only applicable to that character, rather than the whole list in chronological order for all characters. It makes playing across different characters quite frustrating. To a lesser degree I would love to be able to rename save games as well. Is any of this possible?
  6. Except at the time of my posting this thread was in the nonspolier forum.
  7. A. THis is a non spoiler forum. B. you put spoilers, not just in the post, but in the title
  8. I could also stand some more recognition upon saving the world; even a "thanks"
  9. Hmm, thanks. I really wish there was something in game. This seems like an instance of Bethesda porting a console game instead of making a pc version of a game. I'll stay on the lookout for a separator.
  10. I get em in Riverwood. The archer elf and Alvor, the blacksmith are the only casualties so far. Pretty good for 8-9 attacks, Id say.
  11. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/19.jpg Disagree.
  12. Forgive me if this is already a mod. I would love to have the ability to separate Save Games by character, a la MOST EVERY OTHER PC game. This way when I hit load game I see a list of my character names and click one one, then seeing a list of save games only applicable to that character, rather than the whole list in chronological order for all characters. It makes playing across different characters quite frustrating. To a lesser degree I would love to be able to rename save games as well. Is any of this possible?
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