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Everything posted by Garnn

  1. My computer's almost recommended specs, according to CanYouRunIt, just needs an upgrade from 512 MB GPU memory to 1 GB. I used to run Skyrim fairly well before 1.3, could run on Medium settings, especially when using an optimization mod which is no longer up-to-date. Skyrim, since 1.3 seems to run worse than it did without optimisation, and I get lag even on minimum settings. It's not really playable, especially around any sort of water. I could run it fairly well on low before 1.3, even fight dragons and go in particle-heavy areas. Anyone know what's going on? Processor IntelĀ® Core i5 CPU M 460 @ 2.53GHz, 2534 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s) GPU is a Radeon HD 6370M, 512 GB memory 6GB RAM
  2. Is anyone able and willing to do this? I'm willing to wait for results, but I do hope someone tries it.
  3. Well, I'm a Bond fan, and I was curious if anyone could try to make Bond's suit from Skyfall. I'm sure I'd be far from the only person who'd use this. I was planning to make some Bond-style screenshots too, that's another reason. It needs to be compatible with Pipboy Readius, as that's what I use. Looks better in my opinion. Here's the suit in question. http://thesuitsofjamesbond.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Skyfall-Suit.jpg
  4. Similar issues here. I used to run fine around 30 fps, dropped to 25 FPS without TESVAL/Skyboost, then when 1.4 came around.....I'm lucky to get 10 FPS. I'm wondering what the heck is up. Not my hardware, I keep it optimised so the bottlenecked mess that is World of Tanks actually runs decently with my fairly good computer(which does pass the specs for Skyrim by a reasonable amount).
  5. Yeah, even if Valve wanted to make modding charges for Skyrim mods, they couldn't, I do believe, because then Zenimax could sue them for it.
  6. I think you should just try making an LAN mod first, to see how it works and work out how to get it to work, which will also get you more support and knowledge of what you're doing when you go to the next step.
  7. I like the looks of some of the equipment in Skyrim a lot more than how it looked in Oblivion- especially Daedric, which is pretty meh in Oblivion, but looks better, or rather, freaking awesome in Skyrim, in my opinion. In Skyrim it also looks more.....alien? Especially the weapons, which seemed to just be redesigned normal swords in Oblivion. In general most equipment looks aesthetically better and more varied in Skyrim to me. Would it be possible for someone to create a mod that allows you to obtain the Skyrim versions of equipment, maybe a shop in the mountains or something? It'd be pretty neat, and it wouldn't replace Oblivion equipment- though you might have to remodel the main armor pieces in Skyrim into a Cuirass and Greaves, if it's not possible to merge the two pieces like in Skyrim.
  8. Actually, while I did have 100 smithing by level 25, I also had 70 one-handed and 50-60 heavy armor. I found working on the smithing VERY useful for a heavy armor build, as better heavy armor can be extremely expensive(My speechcraft is only about 40 at level 28) and hard to find. I can easily take on Blood Dragons, rarely having to chug potions. And no, I don't use any enchanted equipment except for Nahkriin. I have no enchanting skill at all really, since I hoard all my enchanted items I find. I use unenchanted, vanilla made armor and weapons, though it is improved to Legendary level (This is expensive when you're making Daedric stuff. Worth it for selling Daedric for profit, though.). Don't die a lot at all. So yeah, leveling smithing early lends itself well to a heavy armor build, from my experience. It is possible to keep balance while powerleveling smithing, just do a few smithing levels at a time when you're in town after some dungeon crawls, sellin loot and restocking. That way you'll still be leveling your combat skills while leveling smithing, and you'll also save money by getting ingots on your own, rather than buying them. Also, always sell all of your iron daggers, the weight from powerleveling using them adds up very fast if you forget to sell them.
  9. I'd think it'd be pretty cool to see Atmora as the setting for the Elder Scrolls game. We have next to no information about it, which gives the devs tons of freedom with creating it. There could possibly be humans there also, since it's where they came from. Who else wants to see Atmora?
  10. I like Daedric, it looks like it was really intended for wear by Daedra, and it has that Daedric feel to it, while still having a bit of dragon theme to it, especially in the helmet. This kinda suits me because it feels immersive, because, in all reality, the only templates for making Daedric armor would come from Daedra, so it should have more of that daedric feel. I wish you were required to go on a mission to find and learn from a daedric armorer in order to wear/smith Daedric once you get the perk. Would make the most powerful armor in the game feel like you earned the ability to forge it. There could be variants of it too, with different stylings. Actually, this sounds like the base for a good mod.
  11. I was reading up lore, and I come upon this little tidbit. The dragonborn, by lighting the dragonfires, can become Emporer. Would make a neat mod, but would be cool if this turned out to be DLC. It seems to obvious, though......yeah, mod realm here. But anyways, what do you think about this? Could the character become Emporer, or not?
  12. So, would it be possible to put some boss dragons in Skyrim the size of D&D Wyrms and Great Wyrms? I want to fight a nigh-invincible giant 80 to 640 ton titan of a dragon at some point, just for the lulz of the deaths I have. Would go neatly with a questline that allows you to join up with some self-appointed dragonslayers to fight these monstorous behemoths.
  13. If you play it a certain way (I use mostly mined ores, and I only occasionally buy iron ingots en masse to make daggers, mostly I make iron daggers with what i've mined and the small amount of iron ore my local smith stocks occasionally.), smithing can be fairly frustrating. For example, I only make dwarven ingots using bent dwemer scrap metal, with the roleplay reasoning that I'm trying to preserve the useful artifacts. Real reasoning is because Bent Dwemer Scrap Metal has the best weight-to-ingot output of dwemer metal pieces. Oh, and I try to get most of the scrap metal off dead dwarven enemies instead of what's laying around. It gets just a tad bit frustrating at times.
  14. That could be rather akward. attempts to marry a dragon with an Argonian character gets turned into dinner for dragon
  15. Sheogorath makes an appearance. Did I mention that Sheogorath in Skyrim is the player character from Oblivion?
  16. So, since technically, the PC in Oblivion became Sheogorath, thanks to Shivering Isles, wouldn't that make the Sheogorath in Skyrim the character from Oblivion? So, in essence, we can meet ourselves in Skyrim? I'm confused and pretty dumbstruck at the same time. If this is a possible, I wonder what the mod potiental would be. Could be interesting to go back to Shivering Isles in Skyrim.
  17. Well, turns out the first dragon you fight has a corpse that seems to not go away. Doesn't regenerate it's contents either, so you basically can store anything in it. It doesn't go away, right.......?
  18. I want an 1830 Napoleon Saber. In reality, I'd consider it superior to a katana and many other Japanese weapons which seem so popular. Why? Well, it's in the same basic role as a Katana, which is the cavalry sword/saber. Also, it's made of much higher quality steel than Japanese swords, especiallly real katanas, which are made using low grade Japanese iron in the steel, which means the Napoleon's probably going to be tougher and last longer. Also means you won't take as much blade damage when parrying. And the Napoleon just looks so much better. A katana would also have a bit of trouble against someone in metal armor. It's not built to fight that kind of stuff, the Japanese didn't have the quality of iron to make metal armor.
  19. Where will you want to go first? Me, I'm going out on the ice floes on the ocean. That looks so awesome I have to do it.
  20. What are your wacky, impossible Skyrim modding ideas? Mine is putting a functional (including the 7.6cm) Hetzer into the game, so I can.....well.......hetz anything in my way. Because Hetzer gonna hetz. And nothin' ain't stoppin' it.
  21. Hey, can anyone make a few cavalry sabers for me? I'm looking for more Civil War-era stuff, mainly, the Model 1840 Cavalry Saber 'Old Wristbreaker' and Model 1860 Light Cavalry Saber. I'd like them to be strong and leveled, but not too unbalancingly strong. I'd also like them to look nice. If anyone can do this, thank you! Also, if someone could make a US Army Dragoons officer's uniform, I'd be especially impressed. But I mostly want the swords :P. Here's two wikipedia links to show what I'm talking about. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_1860_Light_Cavalry_Saber http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_1840_Cavalry_Saber
  22. Sorry about you losing your animator, hope you can somehow be able to use the stuff you already had. If not, I hope you can do even better this time :thumbsup:
  23. And two. I've got the screenpic of Steam too. EDIT: Oh wow, didn't mean for them to be that big.
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