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Everything posted by skubblebubble

  1. If they have the bethnet linked to steam accounts in by then, I think that will help a lot with the mod piracy. Won't stop it completely, but would slow it down I think. Willing to bet the CK is going to be the same one as FO4. If you check the CK wiki it has both games. Looking in the FO4 CK, there are still skyrim bits in it. So it looks like they are trying to have one kit do the games, which is easier for them and for us. Hopefully they get all the bugs out. Now, if they do use one kit for both games, would be nice if they would also let us use assets from one game in the other. THAT would open up all kinds of cool possiblities. :D
  2. That's one of the reasons I made my cache mod. One shot, it goes boom, loot, move on. (the extra armor bonus works well enough you don't really need TGM except for a few ugly places. like escaping the institute after shooting a named scientist in the face.) :P
  3. A start we can do, from another post I made in modtalk: " I've put links into my mod descriptions here and on beth. On beth, it points back to my mod here. On the description here, it points to the mods on beth. All of them have the following: "NOTE: All my mods will now link back to Nexus as proof I uploaded it.The Nexus page will link back to my uploads for console. If the 2 way links are NOT there, I did not upload the console version. " At least then, console users who care can tell if the one on beth is legit or not. (and makes it easier to report those that aren't) If I put one up without the link, I'm also going to put in WHY there isn't one. (adult content, not ready, bugs, whatever) It's one way to let the console users help us. (we all know the bethsite needs work (I'm being generous here) :D ) It also helps us stomp on the moron users. (whoever they may be) oh, feel free to use the note part above as is if you wish."
  4. I've put links into my mod descriptions here and on beth. On beth, it points back to my mod here. On the description here, it points to the mods on beth. All of them have the following: "NOTE: All my mods will now link back to Nexus as proof I uploaded it.The Nexus page will link back to my uploads for console. If the 2 way links are NOT there, I did not upload the console version. " At least then, console users who care can tell if the one on beth is legit or not. (and makes it easier to report those that aren't) If I put one up without the link, I'm also going to put in WHY there isn't one. (adult content, not ready, bugs, whatever) It's one way to let the console users help us. (we all know the bethsite needs work (I'm being generous here) :D ) It also helps us stomp on the moron users. (whoever they may be) oh, feel free to use the note part above as is if you wish.
  5. Love how Preston decided to just sit down. In mid air. Hilarious!
  6. oh yeah, almost forgot. Still working on elves.
  7. I'm actually trying to make a synth wood elf companion. (based on Bast from John Ringo's books) Got the race in, how it works in game, not so good. I really want to get it working. The char is hilarious. (if you've read the books, think of what she would say if plopped into the Fallout Universe. too funny) Oh, and yes, would also have to make The Bunny!
  8. My end goal is the Red Rocket Ranch. (ayup, it's a brothel) :D
  9. Alternate races is being worked on. There are issues with it (as in doesn't work right). I want elves. So far, no go. (there will be elves though. just 'cause I want them) :D
  10. How about we stay on the topic of the original question please. I'm not asking about anything else (and I've posted my views about the whole mess elsewhere) Thanks.
  11. Ok, this is what happens when you get old... the brain gets.. where was I? :confused: Just saw the post from SMK that you cannot detect the platform via papyrus. Didn't finish watching the longassed video, but I just figured out what DDP was talking about for making sure a mod stays PC only... Gods, so easy, and soooo funny. (nope, not gonna say what I'm sure it is) "I may be wrong, but I doubt it" :P
  12. Again folks, I don't HAVE a console. Never will. Ever. Never. Hate the things. This is about if SOMEONE were to do it privately for their own use. (btw, any smart console player would be doing exactly this, and keeping their mouth shut. Then again, please read the key words in the above sentence.. :tongue:
  13. First off, yeah, I'm a newb author. Nothing spectacular. I'm learning and trying. (have to start somewhere) I do have a couple mods up though. Now for my question, which I would like the MA to answer. Q: Would you mind if someone uploaded your mod PRIVATELY to bethsite. For their own use. That option IS available. (I just double checked with my mod. private/public) You don't have to give explanations if you don't want, but I'm rather curious how authors feel. Me, I would have no problems with that. No real difference between that, and downloading from here. Mind you, if it doesn't work, causes your console to explode and a gooey mess, well, don't cry to me, start mopping up. :laugh:
  14. A flying Booby Prydwen, with the cheesy monty python wings. oh gods, that's too funny. Have to make it lactating of course. "look, what's that in the sky.... **SPLORT**..." ROFLMAO!!
  15. WELP!!! lol. I shoulda known to be having a beer when I started playing that vid. BTW, was that win98? I haven't seen the Network Neighborhood icon in... a loooong time. (and I was waiting to hear the "Nuclear Launch Detected" clip to be honest) :) and I just added my 2 coppers to Darkones thread. seriously, if I poison my mods, it's gonna be nasty poison. (it won't actually break anything though, I won't go that far. That would get ME in trouble)
  16. So the mod author has to make an official DMCA complaint? seriously? ahh, the lawyers and PHBs got involved. sounds like the script extender is going to be the way to go. heh, I'd really like to see an open, extensible world (skyrim and fo type) done, but for steamos. (I'm thinking Moe and 2 fingers in their eyes with this) Now I'm getting annoyed with them. <takes deep breath...> edit: actually, rather than script extender, just put XXX material in. EIther they check the mods, or they'll get other people complaining. (religious, lawyers, etc) or do both. oh yeah, the various forums are going to go berserk over this.
  17. Nope, entire site down for maint. now, it could be scheduled maint, but somehow I don't think it is. Any bets on how many threads are locked/gone when it comes back? :D
  18. For me, the bethsite was part of the CK beta. As part of closed beta, uploading there would be considered testing. That is a big reason why I put my mods up there and on console. (and yeah, will do PS4 when avail) They let me in to closed beta, I agreed to it. Consoles were/are part of that testing. Same for their mod site. I intend to hold up my end of the bargain. On their end, Beth really needs to step things up. The only reason I can think of for the mess we're in, is that some PHB either couldn't make a decision, or made a bad one and won't admit it. Either way, this entire mess could have been avoided.
  19. Seems it's a bug. I had to remove that effect from my mod. Doesn't always hit,but very annoying when it does. Not sure why it gets stuck.
  20. If they try to completely lock out 3rd party mod sites,well, foot, say hello to bullet. It's going to smart. Besides, someone will find a way around it. Unless it's the always on, always vet with the mothership kind of thing, and that would not only shoot sales in the foot, would be like sitting on a nuke and pushing the button. Not good.
  21. umm.. just as a heads up, I've added all the QA chests to home plate in my cache mod. Don't want any conflicts with other mods. Avoidance is easy though, my mod first, scrap the chests. The Legendary chest is by the back door. Do the enter/leave/enter loot then scrap. Then load home plate mods. I didn't do anything else to home plate, so shouldn't be any issues then.
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