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Everything posted by skubblebubble

  1. Subtly is my middle name, right after "NUKE THEM ALL" and "WATCH THE WORLD BURN IN RIGHTEOUS FIRE" Let's just say I've worked someplaces where they decided to truncate my nametag No no, it goes "Nuke them till they glow, then shoot them in the dark!" (starts with "Fire Mission: Nuclear. Morons in the open, over.") heh.
  2. sorta. DL from bethnet, and ensure that NMM has them active. Pretty much all there is to it. so far anyway. My own mods that I make, I don't DL the files from here, but NMM has no issues with making sure they are active. No at the moment, to DL from beth and turn into RAR / 7z files to use manually with NMM. (suppose you could manually do it though, all mods seem to just have the base .esp and the .ba2 files)
  3. connection point issue resolved. working as fast as I can. update today for main file. neon version to follow. (lots of items to add right now) bathroom is done. fireplace added. thats for mainfile. Glowmaps tomorrow. 2 hooks. 3 racks. mirror (storage one) soap dispenser. toilet paper dispenser. newspaper rack. shavedrawer. prewar fireplace. All buildable. Glowmaps on Sunday. Monday is Victoria Day. So that's another outside day. Kitchen stuff, shelves etc to finish the house are during the week. (and no, haven't forgotten about the laundry room/hvac) Vehicles are going to be a pain. (do I do the ones that you can blow up? what's the point. Will do'em as shootem'up and see what ya git. heh) hmmm... Q: has anyone done Tattoos as glow in the dark?
  4. Ok, here's what I'm doing, from the start. copy the PlayerHouse_BahtroomDispenser01.nif to 000BB_PlayerHouse_BathroomDispenser01.nif edit said dispenser in CK, but give it new name/formid. 000BB_PlayerHouse_BathroomDispenser01 Also edit it to use the 000BB nif. edit a workshop item so I have that for preview. open up 2 copies of nifskope. 1 has one of the pictureframes. 1 is dispenser. Follow your directions.. OR insert new block after BSXFlags. Same thing. Won't see the connection point parent in CK or game. nifskope sees it just fine. BSConnectionPoint::Parents CPA[7] Number for where it is in the list doesn't matter. Insert and it's 2. Add and it's 10 extra data list, yup 2 items, (CPA) is listed. grrrr. Going to try copying a different block. Like I say, it has to be something stupid I'm missing/doing wrong. (thanks for the help though) EDIT: derp. looks like I did make a boo-boo. stay tooned. EDIT2: ayup. I'm an idiot. I helps to make SURE that it's using the right nif!
  5. It does. I'm going through the blocks, index, etc. All looks good. I can even do block-insert and put the info in, all appears fine in nifskope. Game mounts it in the floor. CK doesn't see the connection point parent. On the one that works, it does. soo, issue is, what happened to make the first one work, that I cannot duplicate. Has to be something stupid minor/weird that's making the game read the original nif and not my modified one. sigh. Why is something that should be so simple, so hard.
  6. Nope, still wants to go into the floor. grrr. (that's with all zeros for axis. time to play with those, but I should be able to put anywhere on the wall. I grabbed the CPA from picture frames) Aha! Ok, after saving, it put an extra number after CPA. had to go and put CPA a second time, then it go the numbers right. In my case, for the radio, it's 5. But nifskope moved it to the right spot in the blocklist, but put CPA [2] [5] which confused it. The string had CPA [2] edit it back to just CPA and now it works. No translation needed. Whoo-hoo! Bathroom radio done! Thank you! Edit again: sigh. doing bathroom dispenser, it's in the floor. All the connection point info looks right. I've redone it multiple times. hmm, time to check version of nifskope etc. BTW: when it doesn't work, the CPA is at the bottom of the list, when it does, it got moved automatically to slot 2, right after BSXFlags. Not sure what made it automove though. Time to check nifskope version.
  7. Does the all-in-one include options for the Neon Wasteland? Or just the original textures and stuff. Well, I haven't made an all in one. yet. Just finished far harbor, so firing up CK after I check posts etc. (and got really really sunburned the other day. nodded off in the backyard. ouchie) Going to work on trying to get the rest of the bathroom added first. If I get that done, then it's the shower and powered fridge (without the cooling effect) Mixed in with that, someone found that adding my mod to their list causes a bug, so I'll be keeping an eye on that. It's a fairly long list of mods, and I suspect that keywords is involved somehow, which I don't use. (I changed nothing in the menus, so there shouldn't be any issues at all) Doing a rollup all in one thing is rather near the bottom of the list. (more of a see if I can do it kinda thing) But now, it's lets get the bathroom done!
  8. An all in one is on the list, but down a bit. Just saw a post about editing nifs to add connection points properly. Going to have a go at that later today. If it works (meaning if I do it right), I can then add the rest of the bathroom to the buildables. All that's really left are parts that have to go on the wall. If all *that* works, then I may do the kitchen cupboards as well. I want to be able to rebuild in pieces, then entire prewar house. The cupboards of course, should also be storage. If I get the nifs working, should only take a couple days to get the rest done. (making items buildable is dirt easy for me now) aaaannddd.... if I can do a connection point to add for hanging on wall, I should also be able to do to connect POWER! Which means having the shower stall be a decon station becomes a possible reality. (have to figure out how to turn it on/off and see about the animation) One little thing that's been holding up so much. :) Ok, time to get the yardwork done so I can go do fun stuff. :laugh: (ok, if it's warm enough, I may take the afternoon to sit in the yard and have a brewski) :cool:
  9. Thank you! I'm going to give this a shot later today. I need connection points added to some nifs so I can make the rest of the bathroom items buildable. (well, have that already, just can't put them where they belong) "they only need one the P-WS-Autoplace" That's also what I need. (eg: putting the bathroom radio on the wall)
  10. Grab all the mods that have the glowy stuff. Dump into data folder, extracting any .ba2 files (like mine). Create new mod, say NEON_FULL. save it. (it's empty) Now, make 1 new item copy. Doesn't matter what. (toilet for example) copy the .nif to your new item nif. In CK tell your new item to use the copied NIF. Ignore the .bgsm in it. Now go through the motions of uploading to beth net and pack the archives. (don't have to upload,, just want main and texture archives made) Now you can use the archive2 tool (part of CK) to add ALL the material files (and meshes if any) to the main archive, then add ALL the _g.dds textures to the textures file. Now you have 1 mod, 3 files and all the pretty colors. :) Giving the option to choose colors of course would be another story. (rather, now we need an NMM installer script to pick what colors you want for various parts. That part I haven't tried yet.) Granted, going to be a bit of a pain, but for loose files, would probably be tidier, and much easier on the game. If I get the time, I could probably grab all the loose files and do that. (giving credit to the actual authors of the textures of course) :) After Skyrim/FONV, I really got to hate loose files in the data folder, even with a mod manager. (overwrite? umm...gahh. Hated tracking that)
  11. Awesome, so is there an installer when you install now? Or is it a quick NMM install and it just installs. My next playthrough is scheduled for June 1st so that will be the next time I play Fallout 4 lol. No installer. NMM should just dump the 3 files into the data folder. The main .ESP file, and the 2 .BA2 files. If I had/have to go with loose files, then I'd have to look at doing the installer script. Latest version has most of the bathroom done, and I also did the post-war grills you find laying about. I had missed 1 stove color so the whole thing was green. oops. fixed now. Not sure about doing the broken toilets/sinks/tubs. What the game does to the main material/nifs is not pretty. They get scrapped in settlements always. I'll probably poke at them this week though. I'm going to take a look at the idea of the shower as a decon station, then I'm going to load up the mods I took out, and start getting ready for Far Harbor. :smile: Fireplace is on the list too. So aside from possible bugfixes, probably not much new for a little bit after that. edit: just did the fireplace and 2 calendars. Looking at the list, and having just played with the archiver, looks like it would be possible to make just one file to hold the entire NeonWasteland stuff for non-created items. new post for that.
  12. Just updated the mod. (fell behind on the weekend) Apparently CK didn't pack the extra glowmaps in by default. So, if you edit the .BGSM files to add a glowmap, the .BGSM gets packed, the glowmap does NOT. Have to manually tell it to pack the files in. Who knew. (I don't want to have lots of loose files all over, that just leads to conflicts down the road) Oh, the towel rack glowmap IS going to change. I just stuffed it in there for now. (trying to figure what part of that map is what....) All the little bits in the bathroom? paper dispenser, racks, all one big file. bleah. :tongue: oookaaayyyyy.... CK is NOT putting all the extra goodies into the .ba2 files. Just had to go add them manually with beths archive tool. (remember, CK is still beta, so we're still figuring this all out. (least I am)
  13. yep. that's it. Beth hopes to have a fix in the next update. Fingers crossed.
  14. I'm back at work, but should have the rest of the bathroom done on the weekend. On vacation next week, so can get more stuff done. (just a heads up)
  15. You would have to go through every scrappable recipe and change what is returned. It's not hard to do, just tedious. (open the build recipe and matching scrap one. increase/add the things you want to the scrap) Or, just give yourself a stupid amount of building materials to start with. :) Oh, and changing the scrap recipe will also affect ALL items like that. eg: a bed. The game can't tell if you made it, or it was already there for scrap purposes.
  16. If you plan on doing other stuff you should try your hand at a 2K or 4K retexture of the object first, and then add a glow-map on top of that so it all looks really nice in game. Just a suggestion is all, I will accept glow mods either way :D heh. these are my first mods I'm doing publicly. Just trying to find the right spots in the files is tough enough. Doing a higher res, well.... I'll keep in in mind though. (to be honest, adding the glowmaps really is kinda like homework. Read someone else's .dds file, figure out what actually is mapped where, and make changes. oh, and like kindergarten, "stay inside the lines") :laugh:
  17. Bathroom mirror and shower just added. I kinda like the way the shower curtain turned out. :nuke: Ok, nobody has done the cars yet. I'll start in on those. I'll just keep dropping them into the neon version of the buildables. (easier for me) Eventually, I'll just pack them all up into a standalone replacer.
  18. My buildables adds a toilet, shower, stove, refrigerator, sinks, BBQ. BlueBeers Buildables There is an optional NEON Wasteland version that affects world items as well. Doesn't change menus. Items are where they should be. No requirements. No loose files.
  19. Sorry man, I must have missed your post when you posted it. So besides glowing the insides of stoves, what all does your mod ADD to the game. I need to know the specific items before I add your mod in. Also, I would PERSONALLY prefer a version that DOES affect all the other game stuff. If there is a way to do so, I would prefer a version that doesn't add items into your game or workshop, but instead just replaces all the stoves and other items you mentioned, with YOUR versions WITH the glowing. The Neon Wasteland doesn't rely on Lore Friendly stuff. We are all about the eye candy :D Oh, ok. I can do that. The hard part was NOT affecting the rest of the world. heh. One nukified, radioactive, glow in the dark and you will too version coming up! :devil: (will go up later today as an optional file on the main buildables page) I listed everything it does in your 100 mods page (as you saw) and put the link there. EDIT: it's uploaded, and a few screenies of it changing world items. (had to find an old save)
  20. I just added the shower to my Buildables. The rest of the bathroom stuff, I'm going to have to get into seriously editing the meshes to get connect points. They just won't go on the wall.
  21. Fridge is now more subdued and whitish. Not a clear color, but that's because it uses the stove file. BlueBeers Buildables
  22. uploaded. the glow on the sink is now more subdued, and looks more like it's light up. Only the light that is above the sink, and the dial on the scale. It should be compatible. I pulled my versions of the store counters out. Has: Prewar stove which has appropriate red glow. (heating elements) It's a cookstation Prewar Bathroomsink, scale/light glows. So does the ring around the drain plug in the sink. (reflected from light I guess. chemstation Prewar toilet. nothing special. Prewar shower stall. nothing special. Prewar vault sink. chemstation with green glow. Prewar refrigerator: green glow. I should change that to a yellowish, but that's trickier. The glow parts from inside are using the stove material file. ok, so I make a third stove nif/bgsm/..._g.dds file. :) Prewar BBQ: cookstation. red glow for heating and highlights. I have the rest of the bathroom ready to go, once I get connection points. no eta on that. Prewar fireplace can be added (ready to go) Still working on the kitchen. Should not interfere with Better Stores or Renovated Furniture. No menus were changed etc, and just needs the base game, no DLC etc req.
  23. I'm working on a cleaned up bathroom. All buildable. Toilet/sink/shower are done. Mirror, while I have it buildable, I haven't been able to get it to go on the wall. It wants to go into the floor. Once I figure that out, then the entire bathroom will be buildable. All with pre-war looks. The sink btw, is a chemstation. Sink will have glowmaps. I'm redoing it, the one already uploaded doesn't have the shower in it, and the sink has green glowmap. changing that to a yellowish color. (so it looks like a light)
  24. Done! Well, uploaded anyway. The fridge uses 2 material files, and trying a custom swap got very very weird. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12313/? No loose files, CK packed them into .ba2 files so they can be safely overriden by loose files. I haven't done the post war stove yet, that I'm going to do differently. Fridge (storage): glows inside. Prewar stove (cook station): elements, dials, and interior glow. BBQ (cook station: element, wheels, dial, and end bit glow. Vault sink (chem station) drain glows. working on the pipes, but the file is nasty. Bathroom sink station (chems): light, drain, and scale reader glow. It's a start. :smile: Hadda learn a bunch to do this. Fun stuff. EDIT: complete redo underway. I figured out how to use different/custom nifs, so I'm redoing everything to use that, so it won't conflict with other mods, or the base units in the game. I'm also going to have 2 files up, one with my version of the diner counters as stores, one without, so it won't duplicate what's in Better Stores. Had to figure out custom nifs since the fridge uses the stove bgsm as well. Wasn't hard to figure out editing the path in niftools. was surprised how easy it was. :smile: Now if I can figure out how to duplicate that, I could get multiple colors going. (which I would like) Edit2: ok, fixed it so my changes will not affect everything else. I mean, could have all the stoves/grills glow, that's easy enough. If people think they should, I'll drop that in, I just spent the day making sure it wouldn't. (and my grill for example, being pre-war, glows red. I can easily drop in the file to make all the post-war ones glow green the same way. Same for all the post-war nuked up stoves. If people want that that is)
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