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Posts posted by proconsu1

  1. So my question is where do you define wether an object is pickable with karma loss or without karma loss?


    Ownership. In the object's reference data there is a place to define the ownership of that instance of the object. It should be a tab on the Reference menu screen, which you should be able to pull up by double-clicking the item in the render window. If the ownership is set to an NPC or to a faction (or rank within a faction) to which your character doesn't belong, then taking the object is defined as stealing.


    Edit: containers can have ownership, too, so be aware of that when you place items into a container


    Edit #2: For future reference you should bookmark this page: the GECK Wiki Site

  2. Go one by one through the archive files of the original downloaded mods and extract them into separate dummy folders. Then look at the files in those dummy folder to see what needs to be removed from your actual installation folders. Nothing that is mod-installed ever overwrites any vanilla files, so any file you see in a mod archive is NOT part of the vanilla game. The only thing that some mods may change that IS part of the vanilla game is the fallout.ini file in your \\My Documents\My Games\Fallout 3\ folder, and they only edit that, not overwrite it. And that ini file can be reset by copying and renaming the file "default_fallout.ini" found in the installation folder.


    And for future reference: if you are going to be experimenting with mods, get and use a good mod installer/uninstaller tool like FOMM or Wrye Flash. Either of these programs can install mods AND track the file changes they make, so that they can uninstall them later and put everything back as it was prior to install.

  3. If FO3edit is insisting on misinterpreting your load order and then building a merged patch based on the wrong load order, then maybe you need to just kick FO3edit to the curb and try Wrye Flash instead.


    Get and install these two files: Wrye Python 03a and Wrye Flash in that order. You should also take a look at and bookmark the online user manual.


    Since you already have experience with Wrye for Morrowind I will forbear with a long screed on how to make a bashed patch, unless and until you need help with it. Just say the word if you do.

  4. Very. I am now officially fresh outta clues. Afraid the brute force approach may be called for here. But you could check things in a smaller way by starting a new game, playing all the way out of the Vault and into Megaton. See if it remains stable through that first coupla game days after emerging from the Vault. Wondering if this is corruption that has built up due to bad spawns in your cells, or if its more systemic and perhaps coming from a bad version mismatch in your mods.
  5. Then I'm afraid you must do it the hard way. Follow these steps until the error recurs. When it does, let us know how far you got.


    1. First step, deactivate ALL the mods, leaving only Fallout3.esm, restore your .ini to vanilla default condition (use the default_fallout.ini from the installation folder if you need to) and try loading using the game's own launcher, not FOSE.


    2. If that works, then launch with FOSE.


    3. If that works, add back DarnUI (using FOMM!). making sure it edits the ini as it should.


    4. If still loading ok, add back one mod. Test.


    5. Repeat step 4 until either all mods are installed and working or you revive the error.


    6. If the error still fails to reappear, reinstall FOIP.


    7. If still good, rebuild merged patch.


    8. If still good, crack open a beverage and toast yourself. Then enjoy your game.

  6. Deactivate your merged patch temporarily and then deactivate these two esps:


    EVE - FWE Master Release.esp

    EVE - FWE Master Release (Follower Enhanced).esp


    and try it again. Betting its that FOIP for EVE-FWE that is hosing you there. If it works without those two FOIP files, then rebuild your merge patch and test out its stability.

  7. When you save a game it also saves the list of esms and esps which were active at that time. So when you load up that save and it sees that one of the esps that was active before is suddenly not there, then you get the message about content no longer being available. But then when you play on and make another save, it is now saving the list that does NOT include that removed esp, so future loads don't give the message any more.


    As for your error, it would help a lot to see your load order as exported from FOMM.

  8. By "knee-jerk" I meant that those were the usual questions that pop into my head when I see someone having the kind of problem you are getting hammered with, but they don't always apply. If you are still having the prob after tidying up your saves, then post your load order as exported from FOMM, so we can have a shifty at it and see if there are any suspects in there.
  9. Which "same" problem? We had the OP with inability to get a cursor or menu on the load screen. And we had zeBadAcid who had that problem which then morphed into an immediate CTD at launch. Which are you having? Actually, to make this simpler why don't you start your own thread, describe the problem in detail and post your load order? We have been hijacking the OP's thread long enough.
  10. @robx99 - paying it forward, eh? Good on ya!




    Only one thing to add to what Rob said: when you see a plus sign (+) in the checkbox of a file in your Wrye Flash mod listing, that means that file has been merged into your bashed patch and should now be left alone. There is one instance where you will wanna change that, though, and that is when you have installed or uninstalled something...or are just having doubts about whether your patch was built correctly. In these case just recheck those boxes, resort your load order with BOSS, and then rebuild the patch using the steps Rob laid out. Wyre should again deactivate them, merge them into the new patch, and then automatically place plus signs back in their checkboxes.

  11. First of all, accept my humble expression of virtual love.


    Errr.....'kay..? :unsure:


    I haven't been able to reply immediately because of actually playing the game.


    Sweet victory!


    Now that everything works i'm ready to go further and learn more!

    Please teach me everything you can :D


    Okey dokey. Here is the sequel to that first novel. This one is called "Wrye Flash - Bash Patching"....catchy, huh? But the plot is even more boring, be warned. I cut and paste this...again...from a post to another friend who was getting his feet wet up to his neck. I know you have already done the first coupla steps, but the rest should get you into bash patching in no time.


    1. Get and install both Wrye Python 03A and Wrye Flash, in that order.


    2. Run the WryeFlash program: note that it's executable will look odd; the filename to run is "Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw" . It will open a screen that lists all your installed mods, with their names color coded, check marks by the active ones and so on. It will look similar to FOMM's load order screen except in color. I strongly recommend that you click on the column labeled "Load Order" to arrange your view based on this field. Otherwise things will list in a different order than what they will actually load in, and that can be very confusing. Note also that when you arrange based on load order you may see that some inactive mod components appear higher in the list than some active ones - this is normal, as they are listing in the order they would load in if they were all active.


    3. BOSS - along the bottom of the WryeFlash window there is a row of small buttons on the left hand side. One of those is for BOSS. Click it to launch BOSS from within Wrye and have it sort your load order prior to making your patch. Note that this requires that you must already have downloaded and installed BOSS.


    4. At the bottom of the now sorted load order you should see a file called "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". Right click on this file to open the context menu and click "Rebuild patch..."


    5. It will almost certainly open another dialog window that lists some of your esps, says that they are mergeable, and asks if it is OK to deactivate them. Take note of which files it names and then click "Yes".


    6. Now it will bring up a window with a bunch of options listed on the left side and an empty frame on the right. The second option listed on the left will be "Merge Patches". Select it and click to put a check in the checkbox next to it. You should now see a list in the right hand panel which names all those mods that were listed in step 5. Check the boxes next to all of them.


    7. Click the button at the bottom of the window that says "Build Patch". A status window should appear to confirm that the patch was built successfully. You should also see "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" still at the bottom of your load order and now activated (if it wasn't already activated).


    8. Now close Wrye, launch FOSE and test it out.


    Just lemme know if you run into any snags or need any other info.

  12. That just means that Wrye disagrees with that positioning in the load order, not necessarily that it's wrong. I get that on Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp myself, but it is doesn't make a bit of difference since that esp was merged into the bashed patch anyway.
  13. Most of those seem like times when the game would autosave. Have you tried disabling autosave? And how many saves do you have in your \\My Documents\My Games\Fallout 3\saves folder? In any case, those are just knee-jerk responses, really. But the pattern seems to suggest corrupted save(s).
  14. WELL, I didn't have live before the issue, SO...


    You cannot have Fallout 3 and NOT have Live. They come bundled together, and installing FO3 also installs Live, if you didn't already have Live installed. Xlive.dll is a Games for Windows Live file, so it is definitely a Live-related issue one way or the other.


    Edit: you might wanna download and install the latest version of Live. It might be that FOSE is crashing out while trying to disable your current version of Live, but it might have more luck with an up to date version.

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