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Posts posted by Azrael120782

  1. Cant complete The House Always Wins IV.


    I did all the objectives,killed who I needed to kill,and yet,Mr House keeps telling me that I need to check in on the Omertas. Victor is also missing from his usual spot for some reason at the door to the Penthouse and the evevator.








    Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

    Project Nevada - Core.esm


    Gun Headquarters.esp




    Selective Fire.esm


    New Vegas Redesigned.esm



    New Vegas Error Corrections COMPLETE - NO DLC.esm


    Butch Override.esp

    G36C (In House).esp

    MP5N (In House).esp

    M416 (In House).esp

    Magpul Masada (In House).esp

    M9 (In House).esp

    Tactical Armor Pack.esp

    Smith and Wesson Mod. 5906 (In House).esp

    F2000 (Inside House).esp

    M4A1 SOPMOD (Inside House).esp

    SCAR-H (In House).esp

    AK5C (In House).esp

    ILO-RI-Fallout New Vegas - Complete Edition.esp




    The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

    Kobu's New Game Quick Start and Better Rebuild.esp



    Portable Tent.esp

    UHNV-More Mannequins.esp

    UHNV-Brighter Lighting.esp




    Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

    Selective Fire - Project Nevada.esp

    Improved Sound FX.esp

    Improved Sound FX - Weapon Sharing Fix.esp

    Improved Sound FX - Project Nevada.esp





    Unique Items & Collectables.esp




    Holster Gear.esp











    dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp

    Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

    EVE FNV.esp

    Project Nevada - EVE.esp

    Improved Sound FX - EVE.esp

    Vurt's WFO.esp

    The Weapon Mod Menu.esp



    NCR - New Uniforms.esp





    M110 S.A.S.S. (In House).esp

    M1014 (In House).esp

    Remington 870 (In House).esp

    Steyr Scout (In House).esp

    M24 (In House).esp

    USP 45 (In House).esp

    Remington MSR (In House).esp

    M16A4 (In House).esp

    M98B (In House).esp

    MK 14 Mod 0 EBR (In House).esp

    Blackhawk Tatang Knife (In House).esp



    NVEC Complete Improved Sound FX Patch.esp

    NVEC Complete LINGS Patch - NO DLC.esp


    FNV-PC idles.esp




    BIG & HEAVY.esp





    Total active plugins: 105

    Total plugins: 106




    Load order,I cant find any conflicts :/ and none that certainly alter or modify Mr House or his bots.

  2. Suppressors are used to keep noise down in an urban enviroment. Ever shoot a gun in an enclosed space like an indoor range with no earmuffs? Its loud. It makes your ears ring. Imagine a fire fight with multiple guns firing. I imagine,some with the desire to keep their hearing would use a suppressor.


    Also,Dragonskin is only good for a few hits,as more hits youre taking,the more likely it will be when the armor starts catastrophically failing,i.e shattering of the ceramic disks,or sepration of the materials. Thats all body armor can really take is a few hits before failing. Its one use and you have to replace the entire section. Trauma plates are only good for a hit or so.


    Unless youre talking about Heavy armor,as in Explosive Disposal Armor but I doubt that could take many hits in general anyways.


    Rocket Launchers use piss poor animations and locations for the grips. I would stick to a basic old Thumper,or LAW.


    Javelins are NOT direct fire weapons. Its an arcing shot designed to attack and punch through a tanks roof,where its thinnest. The closest thing to a Direct Fire Anti-Tank weapon would be the M47 Dragon,or the RPG family. Dont get me wrong,the Jav can do a direct fire attack,but its simply too bulky and unwieldy to use unless you have support. Same thing with the Dragon. Plus,door to door fighting,would make you a liability as you are now a guy with a target on his back.


    Youre better off with a disposable LAW,or a grenade launcher with proper sights that are not Fked by Obsidians laziness.


    if you want the hud rearranged,use OHUD to do that in conjunction with The Mod Configuration Menu.


    Well,we *do* have chemical based lasers,not quite mansized,but still,they melt stuff.


    AK/M4/M16 etc. Go find the Book of Earache,and use Azteks Shrapnel Collection to get your gun jollies in as using both mods pretty much erases 95% of the energy weapons in game and replaces the level lists with more of what youre looking for.


    ANPQs really can only be seen with NVGs or Thermal scopes,something youd use at night really,and why waste valuable processing power on that trinket? I imagine if you coded it to only appear with the NVG effect then itd be ok. Visible beams would give you away in the dark and say SHOOT ME HERE PLEASE!




    Outside Vegas,theres an area near Vault 3,close enough until somone builds your Middle East in Vegas.


    Weapons can be readjusted,theres a mod on here that basically makes getting shot extremely deadly. i.e you get shot with a shotgun,you dont get up and it makes PA pure badassery.

  3. you could try FNV Project Reality,but its pretty hard on your system,even my well built PC stutters cause of it. I think Im going to wait till the next release to see if its improved,but I like FNV PR better than Nevada Skies.
  4. Tactical Weapons Pack sounds a lot like Alex Scorpions kit that he has running around.


    Whats in it? Can you post a screen shot of it? That might help us narrow down if its already here vs or if its OP was banned/doesnt want it on the Nexus.

  5. Depends on *who* exactly the author was. and sometimes the original author wouldnt want you to upload it here. Some modders dont like the Nexus anymore so they dont want their mods here. its best to leave it where it is and find the author and ask them. You dont want to be banned do you?
  6. Ever notice how the Grenade launching weapons dont use the sights correctly? The shell arcs,so using the sights like you would on a rifle would make your shots fall well short. So,why not fix the grenade launchers sights by properly adjusting the sight picture through the gate.



    To use the gate sights,you would have to alter the animation of the grenade launcher weapons to have the arc so you dont have to aim up to make the shot go further.


    The grenade weapons reloads could get skewed when the launcher is already in an arcing pose



    You wont have to aim up anymore so instead of long balling grenades and looking like a fool you can still have good field awareness and get decent distance on grenades.








    See how he has it aimed up and the sights would already be calibrated for the distance.



    Thats the grenade rifle. But see how the sight rail can be adjusted for distance so you would set the distance and hopefully hit what you are aiming at.

  7. Now imagine how annoying that line must be to those using the mod that makes it winter in the Mojave. They did seem to skimp on the random voiceclips and npc convos in Fallout don't they?...I was playing Oblivion again and they have all kinds of conversations and smalltalk about rumors...some of which the first time you hear them become a quest hook!....So why the scimping with Fallout?



    Because patrolling the Mojave makes me wish for a nuclear winter.



    Just the devs being lazy. It happens. They leave it to us to flesh out the bits they half ass

  8. You'll prolly hate me for this, but it is anti-materiel rifle, not material. Material is material...wood, iron and many other things, materiel is matériel - hardware, as in armors for example.

    Not trolling, just a bit stingy about this one particular thing about AM rifles.



    Blah that is true,and I dont know how to do that xD


    But anyways,I guess this is were the Devs got the idea for the AMR in Fallout. Can only imagine dropping it on your foot or osmething

  9. A crowbar. Why?


    Its a tool,I can use it to pry open a can,or break a lock.


    Its a weapon,if someone,or something(probably a dog,and I hate dogs*you get a cookie if you get the refrence) attacks me,I can crowbar it down,and by the International Laws of Go F yourself,you attack me,all your stuff belongs to me.


    But most certainly,water purification gear,seeds,clean soil.


    Weaponry would be common caliber gear. 12 gauge, 556,308,and 9mm or .45. A decent fighting knife,and a utility one as well.


    Minimum of 6+ months of food,clothes,fuels. etc


    Probably would teach myself how to make biofuels.

    http://theepicenter.com/cgi/order.cgi?page=freeze_dried_and_dehydrated.html&cart_id=%%cart_id%% :nuke: Start preparing. We only have a year left! :nuke:

  10. I would imagine shooting the car causes the coolant to displace, and thus drives the fuel rod critical.

    There is no coolant. The reactors haven't been running for a long long time. When you produce energy, you have to spend it somewhere, and cars remain cold and silent.


    It's just movie magic or call it game magic. No reason for them to explode at all.



    I would imagine,that the nuclear engines could be charging a lithium battery. Or a lithium mix battery. And we all know what happens when Lithium meets air..

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