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Posts posted by Azrael120782

  1. if they could,I think they should totally overhaul FNV and FO3.


    Merge them into a singular game,fix allllllll the bugs,glitches,and anoyying things that have been around since they built the game,then rerelease it and Id be happy.


    Of course,starting in the Vault and ending in Vegas with a multiple year gap,would be rather hard to do,but anythings possible right?

  2. So,I was exploring the internets and then I came across this gem





    A mighty fine looking piece of French hardware. Now,I want to play with one. Damnit. xD


    PGM Hecate ll. Weighs in at 31lbs almost.

  3. So after losing my Fallout New Vegas *again* I decided to make a new character and go totally against what I normally do.


    Name: Alexi Makarove

    Gender: M

    Age: 26

    Race: Caucasian

    Combat Style: Anything he can get his hands on. From a brick to a Gatling laser,if it can kill something,he will use it.

    Specialties:Playing people for their trust,combat with any type of item,economics,tactical knowledge. IQ estimated at 175

    Weaknesses: Due to facial damage,he wears a ballistic mask and eye patch to hide the scars. They were from a bombing of an NCR facility several years ago. Very few people have seen his face since then. But the remaining eye,is said to harbor something that normal men do not posses. Even his own squadmates have said he doesnt belong with normal people,but locked in the cage as he is pure evil,or an animal.

    Likes: Money,money money. Could care less about how many lives it takes to earn that money,he just wants it.

    Dislikes: People,ghouls,anything that talks.

    Wants: More money,guns,anarchy.

    Fears: None,perhaps being captured by bounty hunters.

    Friendly Factions: None other than Good Springs and the Gun Runners.

    Enemy Factions: All.

    Companions: Willow. Everyone else wont go near him.

    Love interest?: His money.

    Parents: Alexi grew up in a rather normal parenthood,his mother and father were very loving and caring parents,but even as he grew older,something didnt quite seem right about him.

    Early life: He spent many days reading,learning,and teaching himself a wide variety of crafts and skills. Alexi can make a weapon from anything,or he can make anything into art.

    Teen years: He left around age 15,to find a life for himself. He had gotten a taste of money,and wanted more of it. He didnt care what the money came from,if it was money,he took it,no job was too risky for him. He was well known as the man you did not cross. he was captured by the Enclave when he was 17,but later kicked out and exiled when he was 21 for using methods even the Enclave would later deem far too inhumane.

    How did he/she become a courier?: An easy job for his run to Vegas to see what trouble he can stir.

  4. Bug Juice

    Squished up bugs into a smooth puree. Tastes like it looks,but better than that ghoul foot!


    Thirst -75 Hunger - 50 HP +5(15 seconds)


    Cause its liquid bugs.



    Chocolate Mantis

    A mantis dipped in chocolate! Who doesnt love chocolate covered bugs?


    Sleep -25 Hunger -50 HP 15(10 seconds)

    (chocolate has caffine in it or its the sugar,one of the two)


    Honey Coated Ants and Honey Coated Fire Ants

    Normal ants covered in sweet honey. The fire ants are an extra kick!


    Food -50 for normal,Food -55 for fire. No water loss on normal, +15 water loss on fire(cause its spicy)


    Ghouls Foot

    A foot on a stick. That ghoul doesnt need it anymore right? Add some BBQ sauce,and its just like Brahmin!


    Food-15 HP+10(6 seconds) -40 Karma

  5. Yep. Removing people from their land by slaughtering them. Something we can relate to in real life history and actual modern events.


    Hey maybe I should add something to that: Mr. House killers condone the slaughter of Palestinian babies and Native Americans.


    Now think about that for a moment.



    AFAIK House didnt kill anyone. He simply said here have these casinos,you get food,shelter,money and prestige. Dont like it? Leave. Wont leave? well make you.



    Youre thinking Legion. Legion has good ideas a few. Such as a zero tolerence policy. But they arent well liked due to their actions.


    However,Nipton was pretty damned brilliant.

  6. Technically speaking one could argue that after the Enclave found it's end in Fallout 2, the capture of Navarro by the NCR could provide them with such armors .. Which is even more believable considering while even though they have had battles with the BoS, there is no guarantee that would've left them with working armors .. and this way they at least would've had a proper place of origin .. :)

    True,but those caputred units would be highly prized and only select few could posses it for field trials.


    With the way the Enclave are,Im suprised they didnt have contingency plans such as self destruction if the use is killed.

  7. I like it, it looks more metal then machine. If those white patchs on the arm show his undershirt, even better. (NCR just could'nt get that joint right..)


    I hate how everyone considers the NCR abunch of technological throwbacks. Yea, they don't like energy weapons, But who does besides those silly BOS members? They are military, they know guns work and work well and can be easily serviced and maintained. Energy weapons where never really perfected for military use IMO in fallout. They work sure, and are even somewhat effective, but given a laser rifle or a service rifle.. I'll go for the service rifle every time.


    I see the NCR as this.. They have technology, They have access to lots of technology... They just don't like becoming totaly dependant on it, and what they have works well, So they are not overly conserned with researching/recovering old technology and are more conserned about holding land and resources, Technology recovery can happen later at its own pace, But owning the land, they own the recovered technology too.


    When nobody can make/repair the more advanced technology (Except maybe the BOS who do nothing BUT technology), Depending on it would be a vunerability (Say someone sets a huge EMP off (or a nuke), your technology is gonna be usless)





    Im not saying the NCR is a bunch of tree huggin tech hatin hippies :P


    Im saying it looks TOO advanced for them. Maybe a protoype for them. This is something only one in 20 should get if that.


    T47/fifty something is more what theyd have. The Enclave version would be a little too far ahead(not sayng they wouldnt try to use captured units) but this armor would be a rarity.





    Independant Vegas

    You could set laws



    YesMan is now "assertive"

    Anyone see Terminator?




    Highly Advanced

    Laze Faire

    Can still set laws if laws are logical as House sees logic.



    Not that he doesnt care about the outlyng areas,he cant take care of them yet as he cannot risk over extending himself.















    No substance abuse



    Pretty much anything fun.


    IMHO House is the least of all evils.


    Fixed. And if your gonna put "doesnt know everything." as a con you might as well put it for everyone there and the NCR cannot actually protect people. I also dont know what laze faire is...


    I agree with the conclusion though.



    I still think Vault 22 is just a curse and has almost nothing of real value as they were only able to research for a few years at best since we learn in HH the vault got abandoned with the same generation that entered the Vault. All your gonna find is the aggrocultural(sp) data for a starving country(Yes America was starving just before the war) and some top secret weapons research just like you do in every Vault. There is no evidence that there is anything truly ground breaking inside the Vault that could help the NCR with its food problem the only thing found were bioweapons, a strange food additive that changes mood in mammals, hydroponic gardens, and data on making plants produce more oxygen.


    The Vault has been open for 200 years the plant growth you see is just natural growth from all that time as the hydroponics keep the plants alive. Just look how much the plant grew after leaving the Vault. Not by much for the time given.



    House is very hands off in his Casinos. All he wants is his share and lets them do as they need. Laze Faire means (in French I think) Hands off.


    Well as for V22


    The Vault it seems to have infected far below and near Big Mt and the Zion Valley. Could be very precise growing requirements. Seems more or less the work was started in big mt and sent to V22.


    But I agree I hate that place. I go in armed with a flamer and Willy Petes and Molotovs.


    House knows the most out of them all. The Legion has good ideas,but fall on their face. Cant win people over by crucifying everyone you dont like. NCR is the biggest,but stretches far too long and thin to be effective. Too much beauorcacy and you can hear it when talking to people.


    House is the lest of all of them. Theyre all bad options as each one opens a worse can of worms from the next,but at least House can have a sense of control and order.

  9. Well PN would give you a lot of benifits like cool armors,implants etc.


    (and a ton of new toys)


    I had RX and it was good,but then I started getting that bloated save bug.


    Sorry,my eyes are kinda sandy from hunting down Willows new gun..


    WME/WMX i dont really use anymore personally. They were fun,but the community makes guns far better than Bethsoft/Obsidian can :P

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