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Everything posted by Azrael120782

  1. No windows are open,but says please close all windows before closing. So the GECK dont work.Latest version and fallout and Nada. Any help?
  2. Well Im building an armor on TGs Armor Collection. My plan is to use the Hot Weather Gear with Jeans. Then remove the leg holster and re-position it on his chest either in a way simiilar too Marcus from Gears of War or have it in a chest rig on the armors side. Any tips?
  3. Yup I dunno why FakePlasticTrees does that,it seems to jumpstart the quest way along.
  4. My current loadout Weapons Saiga 12 gauge with Aimpoint. With Slugs its basically an assault rifle. Only meaner. Mosin Nagant no mods. General use for when stuff is outta reach of the Saiga. Kimber Stainless,for when crap hits the fan and I need to skedaddle. Shovel.Never know when my trusty shovel wont be needed to bash some roaches in for dinner. M79.Trusty,rusty,great room cleaner. Ammo Saiga-as much as I can carry of all sorts. Mosin is mostly hand loads for the extra accuracy. Kimber-whatever I can scrounge up.Odds are if Im on this,Im screwed. M79 is mostly incendriary but HE is great too Aid Stimpaks and Doctors bags. Seeing as those Nightstalkers can magically cripple me if Im not paying attention. MREs cause theyre yummy. Water and lots of it. 1 Bottle of Jack Daniels for the lucky charm effect. 5 Weapon Repair Kits to fix up my gear in case I break it,but using Soviet and a high quality American firearm,I rarely need these. Misc Any interestng goodies I find. Scrap metals,electronic and sensor modules are def grabs. So are bobby pins. Armor TGs Hot Weather Gear with the Tan Operators hat Black Operators Gloves 15 and 70 lb back packs Amber Glasses from the Sunglasses Shipment NV Scarf or Holotag depending on my mood All in all I usually carry around 100lbs out of my 350 for gear.Leaves me plenty of wiggle room to snag those guns and sell em for more supplies. How about you guys?
  5. Id like to see an entire state done. Like NY. From Plum Island up to the Adirondacks would be fun. Thered be a lot of varying terrain and settings to make it interesting. What not more fun than sitting there frolicking through a field in your underpants with a horde of Ghouls trying to eat your brains?
  6. Screw lore friendly,half my mods use modern weapons and gear,whats wrong with a cute fuzzy animal? Cuter than a baby gecko :P
  7. Using two threads to say the same thing will get you banned for spamming. Just use one of the many pipboy mods.
  8. Id fully support a furry maine coone following me around.Even if it ran away from everything,Id totally do it.
  9. Because youre missing meshes. If youre modding any game you need to learn the tools iit uses. Ill run down the steps. Go to your Fallout NV Install Directory,usually in Steam. 2 go to were it says DATA.Click and enter folder. 3.Open your RangerDenali.zip folder. 4,Extract everything to your data folder.Overwrite as needed. IF its a .FOMOD then you need to go FOMM Click Package Manager. Then click AddFOMOD Find it,click it Hit ok, and overwrite anything needed.
  10. Seems like you have a lot of problems :P I had that bug too.Just open console and enableplayercontrols and it should work.
  11. Could be hardware starting to fail. My old PC was doing that. turns out one of my GPUs was quittin out.Seems like its time to upgrade. Prepare for Skyrimm and FO4 :thumbsup:
  12. Having played FO1/2 They were good,fun. FO-3 What I liked. Loved roaming DC,always something new to explore So many historical refrences,stuff I knew I could explore. The Close Quarters always made things interesting when Muties were lauching rockets everywhere. Quantum.Love the soda that lets me write my name in glow-in-the-dark urine. Nuff said. Three Dog>Mr.New Vegas. Didnt like Craptacular writing. Craptacular engine stability.Some days I could pay all day no problem.Next I cant make it 10 feet without crashing. Meh quests DLCs were pretty bleh too. Zeta was poop. FNV What I liked Factions Better writing and acting Turf wars made things fun to watch. Felt more in depth than FO3. But I didnt feel attached to any character,like I did with Dad and Moria. Consequeces for your action. You can be shunned or attacked on sight. Or loved and handed goodies. Things I hate HORRID engine stability.it seems Obsidian just half assedly CTRL C + CTRL V'd it all. Nothing really new it felt. Again the horrid engine stability.No matter how hard you try,you WILL get a CTD. Trying to correct it can and will make it worse. Copy pasta everything. From buildings to environment and critters. There really is nothing new save for a few items. It feels half baked. Buggy,not optimized for current hardware.Horribly game breaking bugs and patches seem to break more than they fix. Bugs that were in the previous games using this engine not fixed. I know its hard to build a game,but some of these have been around for years. Dontcha think its time to fix em a bit? Between the two Both ultimately feel half baked. FNV more so. Its great dont get me wrong,but i felt like i was being led along ONE path. FO3 I could go explore everything from the start, vs go explore and get raped by all sorts of critters or go to Primm. FO3 was halfbaked as not everything was implimented like it could,would,shoulda been.All in all theyre great games. But they arent fleshed out enough.I found myself playing and enjoying the mod quests more than the vanilla ones. Sure FO3 was the same way,but I had more freedom it felt. New Vegas feels a bit too empty. I know that its a desert and all,but really its too quiet vanilla. Both games get a solid 7.5.
  13. Did you install NVSE to the correct directory? Its suppsed to be in with your FNV.exe. Also run without FOMM and tell us what version of Fallout you have.
  14. Run one or the other.You already have ARG so why run both ESPs? Just run the one for Nevada. Both will cause conflicts
  15. 29.You can fast travel into a Super Mutant. 30.Powder Gangers only know how to chuck dynamite,or beat you senseless with said dynamite. 31.Exploding Pants.Always funny.
  16. Turn off ALL your mods.then make a clean save. Then start adding the mods 1 by 1 (or the ones that rely on each other) then see whats causing the problem
  17. Aha! Thank you agoon! Now I can resume sniping them Fiends...
  18. I use the Taurus Raging Bull with Bullet time due to that glitch.My Mosin-Nagant has the SAME issue where unless im point blank my shots miss with Vats. This bug has been present since Fallout 3 and nothing has been done as noone knows how to fix it. DWC NEEDS you to run on high textures else it borks itself and looks bad. Part of the horribad missng problem in 3rd person results from how the Devs felt the need to have the camera so awkwardly placed. I run Project Nevada so I use bullet time so its easier and i leave kill cam on so I can enjoy those long distance iron sights shots.
  19. Yes.Most store bought copies of Fallout 3 had GFWL on it. Stupidly when GFWL totally broke everything.... ANywho steam is your updater. Does it all magically for you :)
  20. Connect to steam. Easy as that. GFWL sucks and ruined FO3.
  21. You mean dual wield? It is incredibly hard to do,and HAS been done,just never released
  22. What about Shrapnels Definitive Weapon Collection? The Smith & Wesson M29 Satan and the Taurus Raging Bull are smexy revolvers :D EDIT Theyre both incredibly accurate.And dont aim high.And they hit like a freight train at 150 :devil:
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