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About DaemonGrin

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    Dead Space == Mass Effect lol

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  1. Yeah that can be an issue when you have competing mods editing the same NPC(s). Geoff
  2. True Daughters of Skyrim for oldrim had a vanilla option https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45453/?tab=description Good luck, Geoff
  3. Only thing that comes to mind off hand is Diversity https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5291 hope it helps~! Geoff
  4. Ohhh okay that's what I was missing~! I'll need to make a note of that for future reference. Much appreciated Fore~! Geoff
  5. I have used that site and there are some amazing things over there :teehee: and honestly helpful people. Here's a question for the sitting what do I do for the 3 part sitting when defining the fu 3 step animation? Do I just use the same animation but edit the naming ie sitting.hkx becomes sittingenter, sittingidle and sittingexit? As I've only got a single sitting animation from Pretty Sit idles to use. This is a really well put together doc, Geoff
  6. Hallo Fore~! Enjoying the mod very much! Well that's disheartening but not unexpected seeing as there are no player exclusive siting mods available :confused: . I totally forgot to download the modders doc from the oldrim site, I'm such a forehead :pinch: Thanks for the reply Fore much appreciated :thumbsup: Thanks, Geoff
  7. I would really like to setup a player exclusive sitting animation. I know using FNIS for a single animation which is capable of far more important player animations might seem ridiculous to some but I am hoping someone could help me out~! If you know how to achieve this with or without FNIS, would you be so kind as to tell me the process in a "made for dumbies" kind of way :laugh: much appreciated~! Thanks, Geoff
  8. I just started using this mod and recall having an issue with Annekke getting stuck in her house. I checked the walkthrough and it said to use the moveto command if that happens. You might do this with Ysolda. Check the mod page scroll down to ysolda's walkthrough link and it gives her ref ID to use. Hope it helps~! Later~!
  9. Hallo~! I generally don't use Alteration much but decided to play with it on a pure mage build and noticed to get a few quick level ups in Whiterun that Detect life was only highlighting 9 NPC's/creatures with a 10th flickering and when I stopped casting; it would highlight all living things for a second before fading. If I immediately started casting again it would highlight the new entities and drop a couple from the previous to get back to the 9 with 10th flicker thing it was doing before. No mods touch Detect life that I have installed and the only thing I could think that would effect it would be the ENB I am using but turning it off did not change anything. So did I encounter a once in a blue moon bug that doesn't get reported a lot cause I couldn't find much info out there about this except a post on another site with zero replies. Thanks~!
  10. Algabar wow does it? I always slap the esp in the data folder and save it in sse ck before fully installing the rest of the mod so never noticed or payed attention to the overrides when I did. I would probably pull my hair out trying to figure out why it was jacked up, nice bit of info!
  11. for optimizing the meshes I use https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4089 you have to do the head parts separately, dunno about the other one but doing everything at once is less control than I like personally. I haven't had any issues. I also use https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17990 when I first learned how to port oldrim to newrim. Good luck~!
  12. Just curious aritasum, did you happen to save the ESP with the SSE CK to update the esp to form 44?
  13. Hallo~! Just curious what do I need to watch out for when adding a vanilla companion to PotentialMarriageFaction. I have read around and a couple things I think I understand are - 1) If they are large quest oriented it could break the quest line. 2) If they have a unique voice they won't have banter to reflect being married or so. Any other potential things that could affect things? Thanks~!
  14. Use the AFT Tweak Follower Spell, there is a toggle in one of the menus to turn it on. Good Luck~!
  15. If I recall just make your new form ID's select all of the appropriate objects and Ctrl + F to search it will bring up a little menu to scroll through, find your new form id and replace. It will replace all the selected objects with your new one. rinse and repeat for others you need to replace with a new form~! Good Luck~!
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