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Everything posted by Dicecaster

  1. If you look at my signature, it has a link to the AKH Batch File to EXE Converter. I used that to make it into an actual program (using the blue icon). I don't know of any icons that would be suitable, but I think I'll look around. Thanks. P.S. I didn't know that they would allow you to attach .zip files. I would probably have put the .exe in, but it doesn't allow you too. Thanks.
  2. First, go to "My Computer", open drive C (C:\), and make a folder called "GAMES". Then copy and paste it into Notepad, save it as "anything.bat" and start it. Type "info", hit enter, and it will explain how it all works. P.S. I changed the script so it will work with these instructions.
  3. So, I play a lot of computer games, and I decided that I wanted to make a program that let me catalog all the games I own. Thankfully, batch scripting did the trick. Here it is: @echo off title Game Explorer color 0a :command cls echo Commands: echo, echo list - shows a complete list of catalogued games. echo add - walks you throught the process of cataloguing a new game. echo view - view the information of the specified game. echo delete - delete a game from the database. echo color - change the background and text colors echo info - displays information about Game Explorer. echo, set /p cmnd=Enter command: cls if "%cmnd%"=="list" goto list if "%cmnd%"=="add" goto add if "%cmnd%"=="view" goto view if "%cmnd%"=="delete" goto delete if "%cmnd%"=="color" goto color if "%cmnd%"=="exit" exit if "%cmnd%"=="info" ( goto info ) else ( goto command ) :list tree /f c:\games pause goto command :add set /p name=What is the game's name? set /p genre=To what genre does the game belong? set /p descrip=If you'd like, enter a description for the game: echo Name: %name% > "c:\games\%name%" echo Genre: %genre% >> "c:\games\%name%" echo Description: %descrip% >> "c:\games\%name%" goto command :view set /p game=What game would you like to view? if exist "c:\games\%game%" ( cls type "c:\games\%game%" ) else echo That game doesn't exist or you made a typing error. echo, pause goto command :delete set /p game=What game file do you want to delete? del "c:\games\%game%" goto command :color echo Here are the color codes: echo 0 = Black 8 = Gray echo 1 = Blue 9 = Light Blue echo 2 = Green A = Light Green echo 3 = Aqua B = Light Aqua echo 4 = Red C = Light Red echo 5 = Purple D = Light Purple echo 6 = Yellow E = Light Yellow echo 7 = White F = Bright White set /p b=Enter the background color: set /p f=Enter the text color: color %b%%f% goto command :info echo Game Explorer is a small program that allows you to catalogue and view computer games. I've created it so that you can view all your games in a breeze. It comes with six commands: list, add, view, delete, info, and color. List shows you a list of all the games you've catalogued using Game Explorer. Add allows you to catalogue individual games, guiding you through the process. It can also be used to rewrite previously catalogued games. View displays information about a game you specify, if it exists (like start). Delete works like view, except it deletes the information for one of the games. And you know what info does. Color guides you through a process to change the color of the background and the color of the text. echo, echo Note: When writing the title in the game-adding process, don't use special characters (colon, exclamation mark, etc.). These will cause errors to occur. echo, pause goto command So, tell me what you think. Oh, and when I try to add a game, when I use a colon in the title it erases all the other data I input for that game. Does anyone know how I can fix this (or at least why it happens)?
  4. If you're talking about the Duality of Truth topic, I already said I wasn't going to post anymore. It has been extremely tempting, yes, but I'm not going to make a liar out of myself. Sorry.
  5. Dicecaster


    I disagree, corporations are subject to keeping themselves profitable at all times. Governments on the other hand are always profitable, we pay taxes regardless of how well the government performs. No, don't talk about religion. All religious discussion is against the rules of the debates forum and will get this topic locked immediately. By the way, I do agree with you.
  6. Okay, I lied. It's to tempting too resist. Okay, I've tried to say this earlier: there is a universal truth, but as humans our distorted perceptions typically prevent us from knowing it. So, it doesn't matter if someone sees red and another sees green, it's still red or green (or some other color, but that's arbitrary to my argument). The philosopher king doesn't know whether or not he experienced truth or lies, but that doesn't negate such truth's existence. Seriously, last post.
  7. For the sake of forum rules I have taken religion out of the equation. Philosophy as taught by the ancient Greeks had little to do with deities but rather how to navigate through life within the boundaries of accepted principles of action and morality. Socrates and Plato were not theologians but rather thinkers posing ethical questions of behavior and since their culture was the progenitor of all scientific thinking that followed it is perfectly appropriate ti use them as examples of questions that have had no resolution in their time or ours. I get my philosophy from my religion. Therefore, if I continue this argument with you, I would be limited by the forum rules. Therefore, allow me to say this: it has been a pleasure to debate with you, but I am forced to withdraw. Fairwell.
  8. Philosophy: "the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct." - dictionary.com That doesn't take religion out of the picture. Religion, more than anything, gives the answers for the truths and principles of being, knowledge, and conduct. Either, there is no Deity out there, therefore man made the investigations himself, or there is a Deity, who gave us these answers. Either way, it's still philosophy. If my sentences aren't making a lot of sense, please tell me and I'll come back later this afternoon/evening. I think I'm clearer then.
  9. You have practically described the leveling system on TESIV No, you only get "XP" for that stuff if they're part of your Major Skills. You only get XP for sneaking past guards if Sneak is one of your Major Skills. DrunkenGamer, correct me if I'm wrong, but you meant getting XP for everything, regardless of Major Skills, right? You still get XP even if sneak was a minor skill. And you can still upgrade the relavitve attribute, but no bonus is given if it is a minor skill. I personally like Bethesda's use of attributes and specific class system on major skills. It makes it very difficult to make a 'God' character who is good at eveything. It would make no sense if you wanted to be a thieving character and yet not pick a class the suits what you want. They can still make it difficult to make a "god" character if they just make things progress more slowly (or some such system). But, players who play for five years (or whatever) should most definitely have a "god" character to play.
  10. Pretty much anything can be proven with science; the reason things are in flux is either because we don't have enough information to make an accurate logical decision, or people are too stubborn to accept the logical decision (probably the latter). Just because we can't yet find that truth doesn't mean it's not there. This is too good to pass up. Anything can be proven by science? What about the deep and persistent philosophical 'truths' that have preoccupied man since his earliest point of sentience? Is this all there is? What is the purpose of life, or does it have a purpose? Could the questions of morality versus convenience be scientifically weighed? Seeing the universe through just the prism of science is a very tunnel vision view of existence. I think that the OP had more in mind when he posed the question of Duality of Truth, than provable equations. Science is the study of life, the universe, and everything (I'm not being sarcastic), so what I meant was that all truth is a part of nature. Now, according to the rules of the debates forum, I can't talk about religion (which is what your post is screaming for), but suffice to say I do believe all (or most) truth can be scientifically discovered, given time, and that I believe that the universe has natural laws about morality. And, what to you mean by convenience? And what's OP? We can't be sure everything can be proven by science until we prove everything with science... OP = Original Poster = the person who made the thread Thanks for the OP clarification. Unfortunately, you're not mistaken. We can't really be sure of anything because we don't have the proper minds/know-how/resources that we need to really prove it. Figures.
  11. You have practically described the leveling system on TESIV No, you only get "XP" for that stuff if they're part of your Major Skills. You only get XP for sneaking past guards if Sneak is one of your Major Skills. DrunkenGamer, correct me if I'm wrong, but you meant getting XP for everything, regardless of Major Skills, right?
  12. Pretty much anything can be proven with science; the reason things are in flux is either because we don't have enough information to make an accurate logical decision, or people are too stubborn to accept the logical decision (probably the latter). Just because we can't yet find that truth doesn't mean it's not there. This is too good to pass up. Anything can be proven by science? What about the deep and persistent philosophical 'truths' that have preoccupied man since his earliest point of sentience? Is this all there is? What is the purpose of life, or does it have a purpose? Could the questions of morality versus convenience be scientifically weighed? Seeing the universe through just the prism of science is a very tunnel vision view of existence. I think that the OP had more in mind when he posed the question of Duality of Truth, than provable equations. Science is the study of life, the universe, and everything (I'm not being sarcastic), so what I meant was that all truth is a part of nature. Now, according to the rules of the debates forum, I can't talk about religion (which is what your post is screaming for), but suffice to say I do believe all (or most) truth can be scientifically discovered, given time, and that I believe that the universe has natural laws about morality. And, what to you mean by convenience? And what's OP?
  13. Well, it seems like it's The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, but I own the game and know enough about it to know that the equipment in that picture is definitely not part of the original game. What's likely is that it's part of a mod. As for different versions, I don't know anything about that (they might have released versions in different languages). Hope that helped.
  14. Your right. I always thought of myself as the "if he said it, he meant it" kind of guy. I guess popular culture is rubbing off on me.
  15. Pretty much anything can be proven with science; the reason things are in flux is either because we don't have enough information to make an accurate logical decision, or people are too stubborn to accept the logical decision (probably the latter). Just because we can't yet find that truth doesn't mean it's not there.
  16. You're right, they have a style. However, that doesn't mean they can't implement new ideas and keep with that style. As bben46 stated, they're pretty far into the game development already, so it doesn't really matter. They just see good ideas in other games that could make this new one better. It doesn't matter if it would suck ('cause I agree with you on the VATS thing), but it's no different than if someone had a completely original idea and publicly pondered how it could add to Skyrim.
  17. "The Truth Itself", assumes that the core truth ,the only truth and the incontrovertible truth are concepts that be discerned by all or some if they just have enough facts? The assumption that there is a 'Universal Truth' is an assumption of concept rather than that of fact. Outside of hard mathematics there is no such thing as the sole and only truth. All sentient beings by their very nature have a subjective view of the world and therefore the same fact when discerned by all or some will be as varied as the number of observers. All realities no matter how coexistent are still different according to the perspective of who is observing them. Universal truth example: if you're on Earth, and you don't have proper propulsion against the force of gravity, you will fall. Mathematics, physics, etc. are part of the universal truth of which I was writing. Now, those are the only things we've been able to observe, but that doesn't mean that there aren't more natural laws/truth outside of what we've already unraveled. All sentient beings will have a different, subjective view of the same fact, but that doesn't spawn different versions of that fact. If you ask someone what color a creme-colored linen sheet is, some will say "white", others will say "off-white", yet still others will say "creme". None of those change the fact that the sheet is still creme.
  18. I'm not entirely sure I see what you're trying to say (maybe I'm not a morning person), but since our decision won't really affect Bethesda's, I agree, let's just hope for something that makes everyone happy. One thing: what I meant by your Blade going up more slowly is that it will "level-up" more slowly the higher it is. If you used Blade and Blunt, neither would be as high at any one point in the game as it would have been if you went with one or the other, so they would both go up more quickly (but, as I said, the whole point's moot).
  19. Dicecaster


    The reason I think the majority of charity is bad is because the money is used for other things, and if someone profits off suffering I am sure they can find news ways for things to suffer... Oh, I'm sorry. See, I assumed that we were talking about charities that have honest, good intentions to help whoever they help as much as possible, using their personal income from it only so they can do it as full time jobs. Obviously, that wasn't implied. Sorry. Read my posts over again then. A single person isn't going to profit off it, the entire corporation will. Corporations can be more corrupt then any government. If you give money to these people you don't know where it goes. Your not giving it to a single person or a small group. Okay, read the post you just replied to. I'm talking about organizations that are honest about where they're putting the money. I'm not writing about the "charities" that really just take the money for their own use and don't use it to aid whatever they represent. There are actually charities who help people with the money you give them (because they don't have enough money to do it themselves). On a side note, I would love to argue about just how corrupt governments can be (ours included), but that would be for another topic (and I don't want this one to be locked because it turned into a flame war).
  20. Okay, like RJ the Shadow said, I think I'm going to stop replying to this topic. Nobody will submit to the other side, no matter the truth or fallacy in the other's logic, if they are unwilling to change their own views. Now, replying to marharth: if you make it so that someone who won't or can't buy the game can pirate it, then almost everyone who can and will buy it will also pirate it. The company can't limit it to either party. So, they wouldn't be gaining anything, because they'd practically be giving it away. Therefore, it wouldn't be in the company's favor anyway. I'll still watch this topic, have fun.
  21. Dicecaster


    The reason I think the majority of charity is bad is because the money is used for other things, and if someone profits off suffering I am sure they can find news ways for things to suffer... Oh, I'm sorry. See, I assumed that we were talking about charities that have honest, good intentions to help whoever they help as much as possible, using their personal income from it only so they can do it as full time jobs. Obviously, that wasn't implied. Sorry.
  22. If it is about how evil/immoral piracy is (and yes, I believe you're correct in that regard), then it doesn't matter whether or not there are laws for it. Immorality and amorality extend beyond the extent of human laws, because laws aren't the defining factor for right and wrong. I mean, just because there's a law passed that says "anyone who doesn't have meatloaf for dinner every other Wednesday will be hanged", that certainly doesn't make it right.
  23. Well, two things. First, we have to remember that the whole point in RPG's is that they're apart from the real world. If you're skilled/epic enough, you can become essentially immortal to just about everything. Naturally, this occurs only after a lot of perseverance, but it's still possible. Second, sometimes you have to sacrifice reality for freedom. Take this Oblivion example: you have a character who takes both Blade and Blunt as major skills. He has two options: either constantly switch between swords/knives and club/axes, which would slow down the progress of both skills, or use one of the skills primarily, like Blade, which would not only halt your Blunt increase, but your Blade would increase more and more slowly, both of which would decrease your level increase rate. Either way, it's hampering. So, for maximum stat progression, one would have to refrain from choosing two skills which would conflict with each other, which limits the player (and, if you'll notice, many of the standard classes are built this way). The player shouldn't sacrifice to get the kind of character they want.
  24. I don't think that it's a simple yes/no question, but I put no. I strongly believe that people as a mass become stupid (regardless of how intelligent they are as individuals) almost all the time. Therefore, no is the closest I can come to my opinion.
  25. Oh, Coke, easy. Pepsi is pretty much carbonated artificial flavoring.
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