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Everything posted by Dicecaster

  1. Granted: because of a magical buff, you always get a full night's sleep, and never sleep in again! You also have to confine yourself to the exact same routine every day, so that you get this perfect sleeping schedule. I wish all PC games would play on Linux.
  2. I know that by now all hopes and dreams for Skyrim won't actually have a chance to become part of the game, but here's one last thought. See, I downloaded Daggerfall a couple of days ago and started playing. Now with Oblivion, Arena, and (presumably) Morrowind, your local map was strictly two-dimensional. But, when you're in an interior in Daggerfall, you can switch between a top-down and a 3d view, which is (in my personal opinion) freakin' awesome. Granted, it was a little hard to navigate (it was made, like, ten years ago, give it a break), but it was fun to play around with at the very least. Anyhow, if they could manage to do this with Skyrim, that would definitely buy some points in their favor from me. If you feel like playing it (and don't have it yet), here's where I downloaded it: DaggerfallSetup. The page is in French, however, so if you don't have something like Google Translate you can't read it, but the link's still good.
  3. Okay, I see your point, but for anyone who wishes to add to this topic: this topic is about what people's opinions might be if it were already out there. That is, it has a perfectly balanced system, and nothing is skewed by personal bias; please do NOT discuss how difficult it would be to develop such a system. Thank you.
  4. Maybe you don't know what Runescape is. By and large, anyone over the age of 14 has pretty much come to a consensus that it's a game they do not like, and don't particularly care for the sorts that play it. The main reason why anyone would spend the time doing any project like this would be simply to make one game look so much better than the other. Even though that might be true in this case, in general terms it doesn't matter what all the developers think, but rather what the project head/lead designer thinks. For something like this, where there isn't any clear formula to negotiate between the rather large differences between games, the only way to do anything is to invent something that kinda fits. The problem is that in the process of inventing some bias is added even if it isn't intentional. Even if you have multiple people doing the coding, calling the shots, and each one has their own beliefs, the net bias will undoubtedly be skewed in one way or another. In order to even begin working on something like this, all people involved would need to be thoroughly familiar with both sources, and through that familiarization they will undoubtedly feel the need to highlight those aspects they liked over others. I would like to continue a debate about this, I originally created this topic to see what people might think of it if it were to become a reality. I disagree with you for several reasons, but it's not at all important, so let's just drop the discussion. Thank you for you input, though.
  5. If it ever were to happen, you're right, it would take lots of work and years of development. However, this means that it would take a fairly large team to accomplish, and if they were right in their heads they would know not to favor one game or another, because that would decrease its popularity severely. Besides, what are the chances that every developer would be willing to tip the odds in favor of a game, let alone the same game?
  6. Wow, I had no clue. I probably should have known that someone already did this. Thanks for the info.
  7. I'm sorry, I didn't make my point very well. It's not a new game that allows the best of both games to be combined, it's merely a platform for WoW players/characters to battle Runescape players/characters. It's a lot more of an arena than an MMORPG. My bad.
  8. Nah, I'm pretty sure they're script effects. Figures. Well, thanks for your guys' input.
  9. Before I took a look at all the Oblivion mods, I would have agreed with you, but if they can make something like DarkUId DarN, I think making a bunch of spell icons, while time-consuming, is certainly possible.
  10. Midas Magic is a fantastic mod, no doubt about it. I was just thinking this: the only thing that could possibly make it better is custom icons. Why should Summon Melon Atronach look like Astral Mark/Recall? Midas Magic is great just the way it is, but this would make it even better, no?
  11. Okay, so the two most opposed online games ever are World of Warcraft and Runescape. There are frequent debates (many of which get very heated, I'm sure) about which is the better game. So, here's my idea: you create a platform that allows WoW players to import and play their characters against Runescape players who do the same. Of course, graphics, balance, and so on would be quite a challenge, but if it were possible, is this not a great idea?
  12. Dicecaster


    Okay, here's the MediaFile link.
  13. Dicecaster


    I have made a small computer game with an application called Game Maker (link in signature), called Zix (download link also in signature). If you don't mind, please download and play the game, and tell me what you think. The music is a little loud, so you might want your volume to be low when you first start it.
  14. nonsense you just have to post a comment that gets this topic locked then the last poster wins Good point. Someone have fun getting banned... you don't have to be banned to lock at topic proof http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/285322-previous-complications-subject-to-un-nato/ it just helps Yeah, I guess you're right. Side note: I hate it when people do that: stop the trouble before it happens when you don't know there'll actually be any trouble. They weren't necessarily going to flame it out, don't assume stuff. Rant successful. Terminate.
  15. You forgot Tetris, Starcraft, Neverwinter, and a few others. Diablo is possibly the last harrah for cooperative multiplayer games(excluding MMOs). You can't include Tetris, it's not an RPG (I don't think Starcraft fits either). Neverwinter still counts (although I thought it wasn't up in the Diablo leagues).
  16. nonsense you just have to post a comment that gets this topic locked then the last poster wins Good point. Someone have fun getting banned...
  17. I read up on the subject a few months ago, and I looked on the Lionhead Studios website, forums, etc. and pretty much all of them said "Fable III is definitely not going to be released for PC". This is why I was surprised when I looked it up just a few minutes ago, and found this Amazon page: Here's the link: Fable III: PC Amazon. Now, this could be wrong, it could just be some guy trying to rip people off (I don't know much about Amazon security), but if it's legitimate, I am very pleased (I don't have an Xbox 360, but I have Fable: TLC on my PC and I played it to death). Edit: I didn't realize how small the picture was. It says: "This item will be released on March 30, 2011".
  18. Okay, here's a step-by-step explanation (I'm using "Tarot Card Collecatbles" as an example): 1. Click the mod link (so it brings you to its page). 2. When you see the tabs, click the "Files" tab. 3. Click the file you want (usually it's the first one; this is especially true with mods that have older versions). 4. It should download normally then. If you're not logged in, it won't let you download mods bigger than 2MB in size, and if you try, it'll give you a message like this: I hope this helps you. Sorry about the poor picture quality; I'm using the Snipping Tool that comes with Windows, and I don't think it's made for quality.
  19. Hey, so, how do we know who the last poster is? I mean, as long as this topic is in the forums no one wins. Ever.
  20. You can add them manually by dragging the games executable into the game window. Ah, I didn't know that. Still, it lacks the ability to add descriptions and fill in missing information yourself (though it does download cover art for most games off the net), so this batch script does still do some things the explorer doesn't. If people want, I could try and make something to do the job, with a GUI etc. Shouldn't take too long to make, it seems like a simple enough project. @martinthemage: Visual Basic would also be a good language to do it in, though I'm not a fan of it myself. VB, C#, and Java are all extremely similar; once you've learned one (not hard), you've pretty much learned all three. C# and VB.NET even use the same IDE. See, when I started this topic I didn't at all expect these sorts of replies (though it's far from being a bad thing). Thank you (and everyone else) for posting all this useful information. Hey, if any of you happens to know, is there a website somewhere designed for people to post there batch scripts (for other people to copy and paste), and if so, where? If you just want plain text to C&V then you could just use Pastebin.com. Alright, thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
  21. You can add them manually by dragging the games executable into the game window. Ah, I didn't know that. Still, it lacks the ability to add descriptions and fill in missing information yourself (though it does download cover art for most games off the net), so this batch script does still do some things the explorer doesn't. If people want, I could try and make something to do the job, with a GUI etc. Shouldn't take too long to make, it seems like a simple enough project. @martinthemage: Visual Basic would also be a good language to do it in, though I'm not a fan of it myself. VB, C#, and Java are all extremely similar; once you've learned one (not hard), you've pretty much learned all three. C# and VB.NET even use the same IDE. See, when I started this topic I didn't at all expect these sorts of replies (though it's far from being a bad thing). Thank you (and everyone else) for posting all this useful information. Hey, if any of you happens to know, is there a website somewhere designed for people to post there batch scripts (for other people to copy and paste), and if so, where?
  22. I would agree with you, but I don't know C#, Java, or any other equivalents. MS-DOS batch is simple, and I already have a good knowledge of how to use it. Plus, this way Windows users who don't feel comfortable downloading anything can just copy and paste the script as-is. However, if I really wanted to add functionality I might consider it, so thank you for the tip. I have Windows Vista, and what it has is a "Games" Windows Explorer window. With this script, you can add detailed descriptions, and even the "Genre" part is useful because not all games come with that information.
  23. Alright, thanks. I really meant it just for personal use, but if you find a good icon, thanks a lot. Actually, if you happen to know anywhere where I can "publish" programs I make (batch or other), please let me know.
  24. Scratch that, it allows all attachment files. It just doesn't allow attachments for signatures. Here's my .exe: Extract it. See the blue icon? P.S. How'd you make yours into an application?
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