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Everything posted by Dicecaster

  1. What do you do when it turns out the person you shot was innocent? it's not uncommon for innocent people to be jailed only to be released years later. Digging them up and saying sorry won't help them much. On the subject of rape, having the same punishment for that as murder is a very bad idea, why encourage a rapist to also murder his victim? after all there is no incentive to leave the only witness alive if the punishment is the same as killing them. I agree about the first part; people can be reimbursed (not the word I'm looking for, but you get the point) if they were found innocent after all. However, if a guy is willing to go to such heights as rape (and considering the very heavy consequences associated with such a crime), he will very likely murder his victim just as readily no matter what the punishment was.
  2. Here's a thought: how about we get rid of public school? In a government-controlled school: 1. They're going to be fed exactly what the government wants them to think, so if there's any government corruption (which there definitely is, to some degree) these kids aren't going to know about it or be taught to investigate it. 2. The children will typically be thought of as numbers and statistics. They're not going to get a personalized education, they'll be forced to fit into whatever cookie cutter the schools are using at the time. Even if specific teachers try to counteract this, they can only do so much when they have to look after 30 kids at once. 3. Schools can't teach religion, so here's what they teach instead: evolution. I'm sorry, what? "Well, we can't teach them about God or Buddha or anything, because that might be offensive to their religion or philosophy. Oh, I know: we'll teach evolution, which nearly all religions disagree with." With respect, what drugs are you smoking today, pal? 4. They don't get necessary time with their parents. Unless the parents take great pains, these kids will most likely become completely different from their parents (and never in a good way). Plus, all the stuff they don't teach in grade schools (like, y'know, morals) will be learned from their school peers (who know just as little as they do). These are the major problems that come to my mind at the moment, but the problematic minutiae are innumerable. With private schools the parents have a choice about exactly what their kids learn (it's still not ideal, but it's way better than public school), and with homeschooling almost all the problems with both vanish. While such is certainly not the case, the general idea about America is that it's a free country. Forcing parents to send their kids to school is a direct contradiction of such rights to freedom.
  3. Outlawry. That's the way it worked at one point, and it's as good as it's gonna get. Here's how it works: each law has a penalty for breaking it; a fine (ridiculously high; Bill Gates would suffer), a jail sentence (and jails were very miserable), or a choice of both (I'm not certain on the punishments, but the point is that they were heavy). You would either accept the punishment, or refuse it. If you refused it, the judge would say "Alright, you choose not to obey the law, and therefore are exempt of its protection". His description is posted somewhere in the city, and now it's perfectly legal to: kill him, capture him as a slave, toss him in an arena and watch him fight to the death with a pack of lions for your own amusement, rape him, whatever. It's just, it's scary as hell, and it solves the tax problem. @marharth I can see why you would think of the "rehab society" idea, but there's one giant flaw: there's no reason to restrain yourself from breaking the law. Worst-case scenario, you have to spend years in some happy-land where they try to "make you better". Now, I could be wrong, but I don't think that's going to scare many people away from crime.
  4. Granted. However, the guy who gives it to you reads it literally as "A-D-A-M-A-N-T-I-U-M", which is an obscure kind of brittle paper. I wish people would quit confusing rouge (which is a kind of cosmetic) with rogue.
  5. Granted, but now that people can hear your voice, they don't like you anymore. I wish I knew how to use a hex editor.
  6. Granted, but it's a really early version, and is riddled with bugs. I wish this wish couldn't be corrupted.
  7. Granted, but it's raw. I wish people would cool it with animations.
  8. Originally, there were three characters: Mario (the hero), Princess Peach (the damsel in distress), and Donkey Kong (the antagonist). Even such major characters as Bowser and Luigi didn't exist. Now, as far as I know, the only other time that they've fought was in Mario vs. Donkey Kong, for the Game Boy. So, my question is: as arch-enemies, why don't they fight anymore?
  9. Replying to the topic in general: Of course a parent needs to teach her children morals/ethics. Ultimately, every person is going to have a mindset of what is right and what is wrong, no matter what. If they don't learn it from their parents, they're going to learn from their peers, from the media, or through some other medium. Assuming the parent(s) want the best for their children, they should most definitely teach them what they think is best, right?
  10. Granted, but whoever you throw it at retaliates with a Holy Hand Grenade (of Antioch, to be precise). I wish I could get my Worms: Armageddon game to work online.
  11. Granted, but that wish can't be granted. I wish I could build a website for free.
  12. Granted, but you can't find any drawing equipment thereafter. I wish I could live without sleep.
  13. Granted, but it's very popular, so all the hackers in the world have learned how to work around it, making it a worse anti-virus program. I wish I could browse Rapidshare files.
  14. Also ban brokenergy for not telling me what his cause is (by the looks of your title, it's something about anti-sheepness).
  15. Ban paganwannbe for using so many sheep in his signature.
  16. *Nameless intruder (me) lights a small candle, and proceeds to melt the remaining snow. Regrets not springing for that blowtorch.*
  17. Granted, but the sudden burst of knowledge puts you into a one-week-long coma, and it's not anything you will ever use in real life. I wish that the 5th D&D game will be at least as good as 3.5, and definitely better than 4th.
  18. Granted, but at least one of them wipes out all your saves, and any new characters can't ascend above level 2. I wish I could actually get my Wii connected to my Windows ICS (Internet Connection Sharing).
  19. Granted, and it actually comes true. Unfortunately, so does the next guy's corruption. I wish Halo 2 (for Windows Vista) had a *!@%~ language filter.
  20. Granted, but it's so sharp that you get a gigantic cut just by brushing the blade. I wish I had a 500 pedabyte hard drive.
  21. Granted, but all the scientists in the world point various death rays at you and "ask" for it so they can study it. I wish that all TV shows that I wouldn't like would be invisible while I'm browsing Netflix.
  22. Here, this might be what you're looking for (if not, what controller are you using exactly?): Possible Help Thread.
  23. My character, Kryhn, was a student at the Arcane University for 10 years. Everything had been going alright, but when that Immolation spell took place...oh, those people....save them, Tursha!..oh, the horror! That's why I have to do all those quests to get back into the AU. There's a boat mod? Would you be so kind as to give me a link?
  24. I'm sorry, I haven't read what everyone's said, if someone said this already, forgive me: Here's my theory: The US economy collapses, and since we can't pay our debts off, China technically "owns" us. We still have all our nuclear weapons and stuff, so we go on all-out assault against China. All our respective allies have to get involved, causing WW3.
  25. All right, that's it: where do you people get these sheep icons for your profiles? It's some sort of freaky trend! Pardon me for breaking the mood, I had to ask.
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