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About Karmamuscle

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    Fallout 4
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    Skyrim, World of Warcraft, Dragon Age: Origin, Mass Effect 1

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  1. Hey, I'm trying to extend the usability of my Minutemen General's Uniform by adding Railroad Ballistic Weave and Armor lining. ("ap_armor_Lining "Misc" [KYWD:00022821]" in FO4Edit) In a perfect world I'd like to use both Asbestos and Dense linings, but alas, if I add two keywords they both get the same lining. Obviously, since it's the same [KYWD:00022821]. Is there anyway I can get around this? I tried changing the Fortify Charisma enchant that's already on the uniform, but either of those are available. - Karmamuscle
  2. Thank you for the reply Pepperman35 Will have a go at that thread, hopefully I'll be able to figure it out. :smile: Jenncave edits the settlements way more than what I want. But thank you for the suggestion. Figured as much with the fireplace. No clue what that fireplace has to do with Brotherhood of Steel ArcJet quest line. :D Seems like a mistake or something. Update: Loaded UFO4P in CK while doing my edits, it removed the quest on the fireplace, guess it was a bug.
  3. Hi, first time tinkering and fiddling in the Creation Kit. Just doing edits to the settlements I manually build, removing unwanted bushes, meshes, etc. Ran in to some things; After removing the foundations of the scrappable houses in Sanctuary I still run into an invisible barrier in those areas. Can't find anything to click in the CK. There's a fireplace that has something attached to it from BoS101ArcJet, get this popup when trying to delete it: https://i.imgur.com/TVZVp64.png - Is it safe to joink it out of there?Questions regarding Precombines and Previs. A: Is there a best practice when doing precombines and previs? Currently I do precombines in each cell i've made edits in.Then I go to the center cell of each cell cluster and do previs and precombine previs.I only do Current Cell and not Loaded CellsB: I use the wonderful FPS savior "Previs Repair Pack." Am I ok with just loading my edits after PRP or do I need to create a patch? I've looked in xEdit and those Worldspace edits look complicated. :smile: - Karmamuscle
  4. Hi, noticed something today with Cold Blood stacks and the Quickhack Contagion. Contagion wiped a group of 4 Tygers in 8 seconds, but I only got one stack of Cold Blood (Atleast that is what UI buff frame tells me). I do have Cold Blood at 3/3. So does Quickhacks not generate stacks of Cold Blood? That would make it pointless as a Netrunner. -Karmamuscle
  5. I would love a mod that changed the three rarity perks to being accessible on certain player levels instead of the Technical Ability level. Something like "Rare" on level 10, "Epic" on level 20, and "Legendary" on level 35 or 40. The reason is, I just started a new playthrough. The plan is an athletic, cold-blooded, guns blazing and throwing grenades everywhere type character. That is 20 in Body, Reflexes, and Cool. Leaving me with 8 attribute points. With "Epic" rarity at Technical Ability level 12. An advantage to this approach, instead of just cheating on enough attribute points, is that all the other perks will still remain unavailable. Tried looking into Redscript, but that is just far beyond my capabilities. Even joined the modding Discord briefly to see if there were any beginner tutorials.
  6. Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to change DATA - Weight to what it is in the default .esms? Without having to do it manually one item at the time. I have one file that contains every change I've ever made to the game, which in hindsight was really really stupid. It has keyword changes, prefixes/suffixes to support sorting, game settings, AI changes, and weight changes. Recently started playing Survival, and Survival without weight is just boring. Any advice is appreciated. :smile:
  7. I dig it. Only minor issue I have so far is the track file popup. :) Feels so unnecessary to me, popups are something used for things that matter imo. :)
  8. Thank you for the reply, had no clue I needed a mod to fix the Ultra Wide UI. :) Got it running 60 fps on my 1070, with a dip into the high 40s in central Boston. Disabled SSAO and NVHBAO, and dialed down the numbers by a third in the [TerrainManager] and [Grass] settings. Disabled two mods I had for more trees and grass, they seem to demand a lot from shadows and light settings. Tried disabled TAA, but I can't play with that, saw jagged edges everywhere. :smile: If anyone stumbles upon this thread looking for similar answers, here's my Fallout4Prefs.ini https://pastebin.com/wxTGC9J1 -KarmaMuscle
  9. Hi, I got a new monitor with 21:9 ratio at 3440x1440 and I'm running into a problem with FPS and adjustment of the settings. With my old 1080p monitor I just used the FO4 launcher, turned everything to Ultra, disabled Lens Flare and Motion Blur, don't like either. However, if I do this with the new monitor, my FPS tank to an average of 20 with the best being 29. Here's the odd part, if I fire up nVIDIA Experience, go to custom settings, crank it to maximum quality and press Apply, I get 50-60 FPS, with some dips to 40 at certain areas. As long as I don't do anything else, it will stay like this. Now, as mention above, I'm not a fan of Lens Flare or Motion Blur. But if I open the launcher, go into settings and disable those, then the game will be back to the ~20 FPS. I'm hoping someone has some insight into this. :smile: -Karmamuscle
  10. I have no clue what I've done different this time compared to the other playthroughs where I never experienced these problems. I've removed all mods that add or edit anything regarding the workshop and settlements, will start over on a new save game and hopefully it works as it used to.
  11. Hi, thank you for the suggestions Urtho. Tried all of them, but it didn't work. I found out it started happening at other settlements, without the chair. So I assume something is up with the combinations of mods I use. I'be given up trying to resolve it, spent maybe 5 hours today, trying all kinds of weird s#*!, with zero results. I was looking forward to playing a settlement focused game, but not worth it, if I'm not actually getting to play.
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