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Posts posted by lubronbrons

  1. I see, so it is intended from the starter :) Bethesda is Amazing !


    well good luck with your modding activity, tinkering this and there...

    it's fun really ! :D

    I would say a moderate difficulty, you must do that after combat. then check every item in NPC with syntax GetInvRefsForItem, then repair the items current health


    wooow that's dangerous you know !

    have you tried my mod called Fix Container Disappear bug ? (it's in my signature, you should turn the debugging ON and see how the bug in action)

    if the item really have durability that is not 100 and more than one in quantity, it will disappear from the view !


    quote : " Well, sucks to be you. " ---> :huh: uwah not nice not nice....

  2. oho another easter egg, so in Fort Nikel there's something hidden too



    about auto-harvest

    you'll get that ability when you activate the AoG, either by equipping AoG amulet (with no Greed Curse) or by Greed Curse activated --> with the greed curse activated you just only need to equip the amulet once to activate the AoG, without the need of equipping the amulet entire times

    make sure you turn ON what kind item would you like to harvest such as ingredient, plant, nirn root, or all of them

    when you're in the area with full of that objects, you'll automatically get all of that. without any annoying vanilla harvest sound, without any message like when you fail harvesting it

    its all just go to your inventory just like that


    ahh ... you mean the alternative, so detect item is like we normally cast detect life

    I've already done that in the past. the early release of AoG is use spell to detect item.

    but it's not that convenient to cast it everytime, instead I just make it permanent. and use Greed Setting to turn it ON / Off whenever I want it

    the code for detect item is complicated and streamlined by me so many times ... it is hard to convert it to spell at this moment...

    so I don't think I can make the spell version for detect item,



    I get it :smile:

    BUT I think that is still reasonable. imagine the guard don't know you and also he don't know the smuggler

    both of you unsheathed the weapon. and you near benirus manor ... as the cop, the guard should aware to both of you. This what I mean reasonable

    since weapon out and sneaking is always threatening in many ways

    I think, when the battle start the guards will be the righteous not the confused one so that's not gonna be a problem

    after the battle the weapon should be sheathed, this is the normal thing from guards perspective isn't it


    about repairing armor and stuff what do you suggest ?

    I think that is feasible, since NPCs is ultra dumb

    I just don't understand ... when NPC is naked they have plain expression, what a fool and heavenly nuts !

  3. wow ! This is new

    I am happy :) thank you zd


    1. about torch, AoG is the real deal I promise you. Here's the screenshoot when I provide report to Elbethien

    this surely will make you understand why and what >>> http://i.imgur.com/qe1KORf.jpg

    of all torch mod, only AoG that not cost fps. This is the final result (already implemented until now) >>> http://i.imgur.com/wrqLvQB.jpg

    and for blinking effect, this is caused by Oblivion built-in engine that evaluat NPC light surounding every 5 second. I believe after 1 or 2 blinking they will stop doing that and be normal


    2. Greed course ? :) what's that ?

    care to tell me more, please give some example for that


    3. Amulet for everyone, this is to fix Neck Seam problem. It's Oblivion pitfall that only the expert or some serious modder can fix seam problem

    the Greed Amulet only fix seam in neck part only

    here's the screenshoot that help you understand, this screenshoot is when I ask permit from author of Basic Wear mod >>> http://i.imgur.com/HkRbogx.jpg


    4. Greed Watcher

    please tell me the story of this, maybe I can make a patch for it


    This is a good feedback, I thank you for this

  4. @DaxMastah

    we could say, I play it safe. I release the standard HGEC so can fit for everybody (I hope)

    DMRA is an extreme one



    umm... yeah kinda :p the feedback from users is innovative, addictive and sometimes mindblowing

    this is how I got some great user to upgrade my own mod, by promoting it. The intention itself is for sharing, I hope you don't mind

  5. Yes I did,


    exactly one year ago I've started building this mod >>> AoG http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/46495


    that mod increase all of the actors sight radius into up to four fold from the original (max 9000 radius, original is 2k - 3k),


    I fix in dark area in combat too, now you'll always get more challenge from your enemy in dark area combat


    NPC will always try pick up nearby weapon and shield after you disarm them, this is best so far I think to keep the game challenging in all times


    use your light spell or torch wisely, I've made a code for new whole detection system


    also with the help of Greed Wrath feature sometimes I got surprising ambush outside of town


    all of this is realized because the help of Nexus community, them feedback is golden and precious to me, to help me maturing this project

  6. I don't understand, http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/43079/

    That mod is pretty much good enough to me

    he stated : " It's not feature complete yet (I was going to add hotkeys for dual wielding and off-hand poisoning), so I never got around to releasing it. "

    it's just minor feature

    so what do mean about continuing the project ? I think there's several mods that support dual wield other than this

    such as Oblivion Reloaded 4, Unnecessary Violence, Deadly Reflex, and maybe more....

  7. but this is not the real problems.


    the worst scenario is modding pitfall and Oblivion engine itself, such as :


    - mod that use string_var in Object Script that is not-persistent. the string_var will be accumulated and bloat your savegame for sure. That's what my teacher told me -> Forli (author of Vampire Revolution). I don't know how many mod that have this issue, but last time I found out that Fashion Anvil mod is using string_var wrongly. It is applied to non-persistent object script. This string_var issue can be in Function script too, it's very bad isn't it?


    - mod that use CloneForm too much.... this command syntax is dangerous if not used correctly since cloned object form can't be destroyed by simple Disable-Delete Reference. it will still persist in the entire savegame (even you deactive the mod, it may still persist !!! ) .... Best to avoid this kind of mod


    - mod that use syntax PlaceAtMe or Drop too much and forgot to clean up with Disable-Delete reference routine. This is big problem, since kuertee Clean Up can't delete item reference in interior that well. So mod that add a bunch of armors and weapons and everything else, THAT will become big-dump-garbage in long term use..... IF the author forgot to clean up with Disable-Delete Reference


    - mod that use syntax MoveTo on Player too much to move to another worldspace and leave many garbage in the last cell. You know, I've been researching this long. IF the command MoveTo is called on player and make player move to different worldspace ex. from Leyawiin Player teleported by MoveTo into Imperial City Market District (different worldspace), the object in last cell in Leyawiin will be inaccessible thus making the reference NOT DELETED properly just because out of reach (not loaded in memory). Oblivion engine can only load one worldspace at time not two or more, even you don't use mod like purge cell buffer. The last worldspace cell that we visit will NOT LOADED into our memory, until we come back to that place. This is the problem for us all modders. The object dropped in the world is Generic, usually start off with index FF (255). This Object CAN'T BE accessed anywhere except the player is within the same worldspace and same cell as the object (but if you already visit that cell in that worldspace the object can be accessed, yeah something like that)


    - and finally, THE FINAL BOSS of this garbage problem which is hardest to beat. So after all of my explanation did you get how to clean item reference properly ? The next problem is biggest of ALL, I've researched this in one week and found out something bad in Oblivion engine itself.... the item that dropped in AAA cell will still remain until that cell is Reset, then if the AAA cell got Reset. You know what, the item WILL NOT CLEANED UP in Oblivion auto reset Cell !!! even we use the Disable-Delete Reference routine in the Object script somehow the script that attached to that object is STOPPED WORKING !!! so the only way to access that INACCESSIBLE reference is by store it in array before the cell auto reset, the downside of storing it in array is .... imagine that how many object that you've encountered IN YOUR ENTIRE JOURNEY !!! That would be MASSIVE amount..... like I said, this is the biggest problem of all !!!

    The Oblivion default cell reset hour interval is defined in game setting called ' iHoursToRespawnCell ' as I remember the default is 72 hours = 3 days game time

    why I said this is the Big Boss problem ? Because the item that have been disabled by auto reset can't be accessed anymore, even you use GetFIrstRef syntax or whatever else (except the early array storing trick, before the object got auto cell reset) ... I've been researching this and just knowing this is definitely the sad fact and still not have any good solution... Storing it in array could be bad for long term use, but I think still better than have unwanted big-dump-garbage in our savegame. This, is the solution that I use so far since my mod is storing so little item that need to be cleaned


    so ... if you know how to open some ESP mod with TES 4 CSE, or TES 4 edit and analyze its script

    you'll know which mod is considered dangerous or not

    I have this knowledge because of my teacher, and I make sure every of my mod is avoid this issue

  8. very recommended,

    this is good enough to keep some unwanted stuff to be purged. The disable and delete reference works well especially in exterior. but not that effective in interior cell

    as for actor ... this mod NOT do it that well....

    the ideal methods to purge actor is : disable the actor, sent the actor to some interior cell let's just call it graveyard, then finally purge all actors with command ResetInterior

    kuertee Clean Up just manage to Disable the actor but not send them to graveyard.

    if the Player is back to the same cell again, then the cell reset timer will start over. Which means : the cell will NEVER do ResetInterior if the player frequently visit that cell again and again

    imagine if you kill the same actor in the same place. The result will be seen, like .... you'll never encounter anything more in that cell because NPCs NEVER got reset.


    summary : kuertee Clean Up is good enough to delete some item reference, and not that effective when it comes to actor purge especially in exterior. Worldspace that can be loaded is around 60.000 radius per area, if you enter that area again the cell reset timer will start from beginning

  9. Hi wroma, how're you doing ? :)


    I've been asking that question to a friend recently


    malonn, can you tell me about purge ?

    it that necessary, how the purge works is that for texture or memory or something else ?
    I am trying to learn


    malonn said :



    Purging just cleans the game's buffers of old data that is no longer needed. There are two types of purging available through modding. The main one is what vanilla Oblivion allows for. That is the game's buffers. You use PurgeCellBuffers (or just "PCB") to force the action via a script or the console. The other purging is a feature of the OBGEv3. It purges textures out of the VRAM. I forget the command to do this, and the OBGE wiki is down, so I can't look it up. It's in my "Purge Cell Buffers ++" mod. You can also clean texture memory with Oblivion Reloaded, though that is specific to that mod. You can't write your own script to utilize that function. You'll just have to run OR for that.

    In my testing, purging can prevent CTD's in a heavily modded game, but it can also cause crashes in some setups. I've found that with running as full FCOM load order, purging helps. But with just a Warcry New Dimension load order, purging hurts. I've been given CTD's and I've reduced CTD's with purging. It's just going to depend on your load order. You'd just have to try and see. A lot of people say purging causes CTD's. It can, but it is very much specific to load orders.


    hope it helps ;)

  10. am I playing Oblivion ?

    yeah ... maybe about 5 - 10 %

    the rest 90% is modding Oblivion. I just glad that I have some regulars that frequently check in my mods

    they are kind enough to give me feedback and report some bugs


    the questions is like this to me : Does anyone still modding Oblivion ?

    also the answer to this thread is : Definitely YESS

    Oblivion users is still dozen in here, either modder or user / player

  11. I am amazed by Hepsy's work especially on this >>> Basic Wears mod


    had anyone got anything similar mod like that ? Please, share :smile: anything will help


    the reason I ask this is, I want to create mod that add Modern city life :

    - every 6 hours all NPCs change clothes & pants (will retain the original stat such as enchant, armor rating, price, etc)

    you know... I always wondering, why all NPCs is so boring with the same clothes everyday ? where's the dynamic ?

    - all girls should wear high heels

    - when NPC is in his/her home. They should wear comfortable clothes, and woman may wear something like night gown in shift 1 & 4 (6pm - 6am)

    - all males wear panties, and all females wear bra + panties

    - replace all vanilla architecture with more modern building (Work in progress, I got help from senior user Elbethien but ..... currently it seems she is busy)

    - replace several clutters to match current modern society

    - it will be funny and intriguing to see all mages guild member related have this clothes >>> http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45711/?

    - I may need this too : gloves, hat, glasses, sunglasses


    the names for this mod is Neo Utopia Overhaul (unreleased, the name may change)

    so few resource I got after I searching around this past month .... so far I just manage to find : Basic Wear, Undies Underneath, Asian Conversion, Chinese porcelaine by Betty

    I choose the word ' Neo ' because I am trying to resurrect this old Oblivion yeah maybe something like that


    here's what I've accomplish for now .... This is the teaser :smile:



















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