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Posts posted by lubronbrons

  1. quote : " but it looks as the first a part that the menu is repeated. "

    A : that is intentional since you not use paging aren't you ?

    if you use paging function the whole code is different and a little bit much more difficult

    repeated action on show MessageBox is no problem

    you'll see it yourself if you try that


    EDIT : maximum menu in one page is 10 menu

    so you can do it like this

    MessageBoxEX "Hello World !|zero|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine"

    if you do this, it may become something unsightly

    MessageBoxEX "Hello World !|zero|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten|eleven|twelve" ;---> this is not recommended, menu more than 10 in one message box
  2. well...

    I suggest you try my script first. and there is two version of it, my first script is for one-time-event and the second is for infinite loop menu chooser (must choose Exit to quit the infinite loop cycle)

    if you still insist with your first script it will not work

    here's my thought


    1. there's no need to set this again and again if you know that this value already 1

    Set Working to 1 ;ensure the script continues as it''s doing something

    2. you need to get value with syntax 'GetButtonPressed'

    so don't bury that syntax too deep like just you did

    it's better that syntax must be run first after validation like this

    if showMenu
    	MessageBoxEX "Hello World !|zero|one|two|three|four|five|Exit Menu" ;---> notice the different I add new 7th 'Exit Menu'
    	Let choice := GetButtonPressed ;always try to get button press, user input
  3. hey

    I thought you are going to use this for one time event

    well now I know you want persistant menu

    so the code should be like this

    scn ezzeMenuScript
    Short showMenu
    Short choice
    Begin onActivate
    	Let showMenu := 1
    	;Add anything that needs to be re-initialized
    	MessageBoxEX "Hello World !|zero|one|two|three|four|five|Exit Menu" ;---> notice the different I add new 7th 'Exit Menu'
    Begin GameMode
    	if showMenu
    		Let choice := GetButtonPressed ;always try to get button press, user input
    		if choice != -1 ;watch the user decision, and do some action if any menu button get pressed
    			if choice == 6
    				MessageEX "bye bye"
    				Let showMenu := 0 ;exit infinite loop, stop the menu checker after user choose 'Exit Menu'
    				if choice == 0
    					MessageEX "choice %g" choice
    				elseif choice == 1
    					MessageEX "choice %g" choice
    				elseif choice == 2
    					MessageEX "choice %g" choice
    				elseif choice == 3
    					MessageEX "choice %g" choice
    				elseif choice == 4
    					MessageEX "choice %g" choice
    				elseif choice == 5
    					MessageEX "choice %g" choice
    				MessageBoxEX "Hello World !|zero|one|two|three|four|five|Exit Menu" ;---> notice the different I add new 7th 'Exit Menu'
  4. make sure your spell is like this




    and here's the script for your ninja charcoal bomb


    scn castCarchoal
    Begin ScriptEffectStart
    	if Player.GetItemCount Charcoal == 0 || GetDead || GetKnockedState || GetUnconscious || GetSleeping
    		Dispel spellCharcoal ;cancel the order because pc insufficient charcoal or the npc is down
    		return ;stop this script from running further
    	;pay 1 charcoal in pc inventory
    	Player.RemoveItem Charcoal 1
    	;this is something like ninja cloud bomb to escape right ?
    	;dramatic effect some gray cloud maybe, you should create by yourself this gray cloud bomb effect
    	Player.PlayMagicShaderVisuals cloudCharcoalEffect 7 ;---> change this seconds to match your preferred cloud effect duration
    Begin ScriptEffectUpdate
    	;enemies affected by charcoal is blind temporary and make pc always undetected because foe eyes covered with charcoal
    	if GetDetectionLevel PlayerRef
    		SetDetectionState PlayerRef 0
  5. hi Zd


    L is here to help ( I am pretty super ultra bored --- right now I'm resizing all of my texture for better performance with nifty tools called Ordenador )

    scn aogOSDoorCrypt
    Short showMenu
    Short choice
    Begin onActivate
    	Let showMenu := 1
    	;Add anything that needs := be re-initialized
    	MessageBoxEX "Hello World !|zero|one|two|three|four|five"
    Begin GameMode
    	if showMenu
    		Let choice := GetButtonPressed ;always try to get button press, user input
    		if choice != -1 ;watch the user decision, and do some action if any menu button get pressed
    			Let showMenu := 0 ;stop the menu checker after user choosed
    			if choice == 0
    				MessageEX "choice %g" choice
    			elseif choice == 1
    				MessageEX "choice %g" choice
    			elseif choice == 2
    				MessageEX "choice %g" choice
    			elseif choice == 3
    				MessageEX "choice %g" choice
    			elseif choice == 4
    				MessageEX "choice %g" choice
    			elseif choice == 5
    				MessageEX "choice %g" choice
  6. GOOD NEWS !!!

    I've solved your Marihuana plus OR ctd issue Betty :D

    remember to fix your other script before start this (see my previous post above)

    here's the step

    go open your Marihuana ESP then go to script called ' aaMrPSmokeMJScript '

    and replace all of that script with the revised version (in the spoiler button)

    NOTE that, the Origin of error is come from BAD animation file, and that file is XSKillAnim.kf see error log below

    2016/07/28 14:43:04  [0051BA26] [WARNING]   AnimGroup unable to find sequence 'KillAnim' in model 'Meshes\Characters\_Male\IdleAnims\XSPipeMod\XSKillAnim.kf'.

    it seems because OR is present, it can detect any bad animation file and ctd if found

    that's why


    Revised script aaMrPSmokeMJScript



    scn aaMrPSmokeMJScript
    float fQuestDelayTime
    short XSSmokingStage
    float XSTimer
    short XSDelaySwitch
    float XSDelay
    long XSPOVKey
    long XSPOVAltKey
    long XSActKey
    long XSActAltKey
    ;Smoking is a global variable used := detect if the pipe is being smoked. (Type: short)
    ;MJAnimationDuration is a global variable that stores the number of seconds := play the Animation Loop. (Type: float)
    ;short doOnce
    begin gamemode
    	;if doOnce == 0
    	;	Let doOnce := 1
    	;	con_TGM
    	;	ToggleDebugText2
    	Let fQuestDelayTime := 0.001
    	if XSSmokingStage == 0
    		Let XSTimer := 20
    		Let XSPOVKey := GetControl 14
    		Let XSPOVAltKey := GetAltControl 14
    		Let XSActKey := GetControl 5
    		Let XSActAltKey := GetAltControl 5
    		if IsThirdPerson == 0
    			TapKey XSPOVKey
    		DisableKey XSPOVKey
    		DisableKey XSPOVAltKey
    		DisableKey XSActKey
    		DisableKey XSActAltKey
    		Let XSSmokingStage := 1
    	elseif XSSmokingStage == 1
    		if IsThirdPerson == 1
    			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g" XSSmokingStage
    			if Player.GetFactionRank XSSmokingFaction < 0
    				Player.SetFactionRank XSSmokingFaction, 0
    			Let XSDelay := GetFPS
    			Let XSDelaySwitch := 1
    			Let XSSmokingStage := 2
    			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
    	elseif XSSmokingStage == 2
    		if XSDelaySwitch == 0
    			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g" XSSmokingStage
    			EnableKey XSPOVKey
    			EnableKey XSPOVAltKey
    			Let XSSmokingStage := 3
    			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
    	elseif XSSmokingStage == 3
    		if IsThirdPerson == 1
    			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g" XSSmokingStage
    			if Player.IsSneaking == 1
    				Let XSTimer := 0
    			elseif Player.IsSwimming == 1
    				Let XSTimer := 0
    			Let XSTimer := ( XSTimer - GetSecondsPassed )
    			if XSTimer < 0
    				DisableKey XSPOVKey
    				DisableKey XSPOVAltKey
    				Let XSSmokingStage := 4
    			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
    		elseif IsThirdPerson == 0
    			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g" XSSmokingStage
    			TapKey XSPOVKey
    			DisableKey XSPOVKey
    			DisableKey XSPOVAltKey
    			Let XSDelay := GetFPS
    			Let XSDelaySwitch := 1
    			Let XSSmokingStage := 2
    			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
    	elseif XSSmokingStage == 4
    		;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g" XSSmokingStage
    		if Player.GetFactionRank XSSmokingFaction < 1
    			Player.SetFactionRank XSSmokingFaction, 1
    		Player.PlayGroup Idle, 1
    		Let XSDelay := GetFPS
    		Let XSDelaySwitch := 1
    		Let XSSmokingStage := 5
    		;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
    	elseif XSSmokingStage == 5
    		if XSDelaySwitch == 0
    			;Player.PlayGroup Idle,1
    			if Player.GetFactionRank XSSmokingFaction >= 0
    				Player.SetFactionRank XSSmokingFaction, -1
    			;Player.PlayGroup Idle,1
    			Let XSDelay := GetFPS
    			Let XSDelaySwitch := 1
    			Let XSSmokingStage := 6
    			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
    	elseif XSSmokingStage == 6
    		if XSDelaySwitch == 0
    			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g" XSSmokingStage
    			;Player.PlayGroup Idle,1
    			Let XSSmokingStage := 10
    			;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
    	elseif XSSmokingStage == 10
    		;PrintToConsole "smoking stage %g delay %g switch %g" XSSmokingStage XSDelay XSDelaySwitch
    		MrPSpellCaster.MoveTo PlayerRef
    		MrPSpellCaster.Cast MrPBigBudEffect PlayerRef
    		MrPSpellCaster.MoveTo CookMuffinHome
    		colorskyRef.MoveTo PlayerRef
    		;recover idle
    		Player.PlayGroup Idle 1
    		;switch pov to show dazzling effect
    		TapKey XSPOVKey
    		;reset state
    		EnableKey XSPOVKey
    		EnableKey XSPOVAltKey
    		EnableKey XSActKey
    		EnableKey XSActAltKey
    		Let Smoking := 0
    		Let XSSmokingStage := 0
    		StopQuest aaMrPSmokeMJ
    	if XSDelaySwitch == 1
    		Let XSDelay :=  ( XSDelay - 1 )
    		if XSDelay < 0
    			Let XSDelaySwitch := 0





    OK ! I managed to enter the game without crashing

    it's because of the settings .... if I use 'your' OR settings I always got crash at first loading screen

    now is all working I can play OR with this setting



    WindowedMode             = 0
    FoV                      = 75.0
    WaterReflectionMapSize   = 512
    WaterManagement          = 1
    FarPlaneDistance         = 283840.0
    ScreenshotPath           = \Screenshots
    ScreenshotType           = 1
    CustomEffects            = 0
    FrameRate                = 0
    SaveSettings             = 0
    CombatMode               = 0
    CameraMode               = 0
    EquipmentMode            = 0
    SleepingMode             = 0
    GrassMode                = 1
    Average                  = 30
    Gap                      = 3
    Delay                    = 10
    FadeStep                 = 0.5
    FadeMinObjects           = 10
    FadeMinActors            = 15
    GridStep                 = 2
    GridMin                  = 5
    HUDReticle               = 2
    ChasingFirst             = 0
    ChasingThird             = 0
    OffsetX                  = 0.0
    OffsetY                  = 15.0
    OffsetZ                  = 4.0
    NearDistanceFirst        = 2.0
    NearDistanceThird        = 10.0
    DialogFirst              = 1
    DialogThird              = 2
    DialogOffsetX            = 50.0
    DialogOffsetY            = -10.0
    DialogOffsetZ            = 10.0
    Rest                     = 0
    RestMessage              = You must be in a bed to rest.
    EnableWater              = 0
    EnableGrass              = 0
    EnablePrecipitations     = 0
    EnableHDR                = 0
    EnablePOM                = 0
    EnableSkin               = 0
    EnableTerrain            = 0
    EnableBlood              = 0
    EnableShadows            = 0
    EnableUnderwater         = 0
    EnableWaterLens          = 0
    EnableGodRays            = 1
    EnableDepthOfField       = 0
    EnableAmbientOcclusion   = 0
    EnableColoring           = 0
    EnableCinema             = 0
    EnableBloom              = 0
    EnableSnowAccumulation   = 0
    EnableBloodLens          = 0
    EnableMotionBlur         = 0
    EnableLowHF              = 0
    EnableWetWorld           = 0
    EnableSharpening         = 0
    EnableSMAA               = 0
    CompileShaders           = 0
    CompileEffects           = 0
    ShadersFolder            = 0
    TraceShaders             = 0
    TraceVanillaShaders      = 0
    TraceCulling             = 0





    I did as you told me to produce the crash ,,,,

    it is absolute ctd

    now it is my turn to look for the source of the crash

    I'll let you know if I found anything Betty :smile:

  8. in Marihuana mod there is script that generate error just because that script is not compiled

    2016/07/28 13:28:33 [004FC335] [WARNING] Script '' in file 'MrPwner's Marihuana Mod.esp' has not been compiled.
    2016/07/28 13:28:33 [004FC335] [WARNING] Script 'aaBigBudScript2' in file 'MrPwner's Marihuana Mod.esp' has not been compiled.

    SOLUTION : open Marihuana ESP then go to aaBigBudScript2 line 30,

    change 'player.removeitem MrPwbigBud 1' -----> 'player.removeitem MrPBigBud 1'

  9. Betty

    I am gonna testing Marihana plus OR right now

    but when I am preparing

    I found strange thing

    did you happen not use latest OR when testing Marihuana ?

    I noticed in latest OR INI file ... compared with yours

    in your OR INI this setting is missing

    GrassMode                = 1
    CompileEffects           = 0
    TraceVanillaShaders      = 0
  10. GOOD NEWS AoG v 43.00 can PREVENT Savegame bloat ISSUE !!!

    - W h a t ' s N e w -

    - NEW! Dynamic Object Purger : AoG can TOTALLY declare your savegame is FREE from BLOAT !!! I've created the code from scratch, I could say this is the next generation of the great Clean Up mod. Info about bloat >>> (see Official bug here). BIG Thanks to : Tiawar, Forli, Llde
    - AoG Torch : pc light on torch wrong validation bug fixed, Drop Lit Torch issue bug fixed

  11. GOOD NEWS AoG v 43.00 can PREVENT Savegame bloat ISSUE !!!

    - W h a t ' s N e w -

    - NEW! Dynamic Object Purger : AoG can TOTALLY declare your savegame is FREE from BLOAT !!! I've created the code from scratch, I could say this is the next generation of the great Clean Up mod. Info about bloat >>> (see Official bug here). BIG Thanks to : Tiawar, Forli, Llde
    - AoG Torch : pc light on torch wrong validation bug fixed, Drop Lit Torch issue bug fixed

  12. another safe keeping :smile: OLD archive


    Hi, Lubronbrons!


    I saw your update to the AoG file asking for quest ideas. I had a few!


    1. You know how in the Dark Brotherhood quest Next of Kin Perennia Draconis mistakes your character for a gift service courier (Because I guess in Cyrodiil post office employees have to carry two handed swords for safety, so a gift courier breaking into her house, armed to the teeth makes sense)? "You're here to pick up my gift list! Using your gift service was the smartest thing I've ever done. My children are spread across Cyrodiil, and it's so hard to shop for them all! So, here's the list of all my precious little ones" I don't think anyone has ever added a real gift service quest line to the game. Maybe it'd be possible (for someone smarter than me :tongue:) to add a location somewhere that hires the player to pick up gift lists from random people, buy those gifts and deliver them to other random people. Random people might be weird, though, because maybe Raminus Polus would ask you to send his good buddy City-Swimmer a new pair of shoes... so maybe it would be better to have a list of certain pairs that make sense cycle through randomly with random gift requests? Like Varon Vamori might ask you to pick up a random gift for Ardaline, since the Mages Guild is getting tired of him visiting personally. Or Countess Narina Carvain asks you to deliver a random gift to her daughter in Leyawiin since she can't ever be bothered to go visit her in Leyawiin instead. If you have a list of set gift pairs like this that cycles randomly, the logic could be that they really liked the results of the gift service so they potentially use it again. Maybe call it "Greed Gift," which kind of sounds funny! :smile:


    2. Maybe you could add farmers around the farms of Cyrodiil (or just inside the cities, somewhere) who would like the player to help them bring their produce to another city or the market district of the Imperial City. The roads can't be safe for farmers, plus all that traveling would waste their time they could be using to watch corn grow instead. But nobody wants to pay a lot for wines, cheeses and tomatoes in Skingrad, so if only the poor Skingrad farmers could find someone to carry their stuff to Cheydinhal where that stuff sells for a better price instead. Or maybe the farmer is feeling adventurous and would like to delivery the stuff himself, but wants the player to come along as a bodyguard. In your questline, however, the farmer doesn't just follow the player like a companion. Instead he asks the player if he/she is ready and starts walking towards the destination himself. The player has to follow along and can talk to the farmer to recommend he stop to wait so that the player can clear those bandits up ahead or to ask the farmer to give it a rest for the night so they can camp by the side of the road. Maybe call it "Greed Delivery" or "Greed Escort"


    3. We all know Umbacano likes Ayleid artifacts so much that he'll pay adventurers to track down those statues, but is he the only one who likes old stuff? Maybe you can setup a quest system where your own NPCs ask the player to recover legendary artifacts that are randomly added to Ayleid or Imperial Fort ruins. The quest giver might only have a general idea where such-and-such fancy artifact might be located, so they player would have to explore different ruins to finally find the item added to the random spawn point you set up. You could even get creative and have hidden Akiviri artifacts, stuff from the time of Reman Cyrodiil, etc since everyone's mod has Ayleid ones. One downside I see to this quest idea is, "Hey, I wonder why I never noticed this nice Akiviri Dai-Katana sitting here the last time I looted this dungeon three days ago! Maybe one of the bandits who was elsewhere during my slaughter of his kin decided he was bored of it and put it back..." If you think you might be able to make this all work, though, maybe you can call it "Greed Archaeology"


    4, One of the very few things I like about Skyrim (and I mean the game, I have nothing against the province... though dunmer I may usually be! :tongue:) is the tavern bards. Wouldn't it be nice if there were randomly-spawning bards that sometimes appear in city taverns who will 'sing' about legendary heroes and villains (Pelinal Whitestrike, the Wolf Queen, Galerion and Mannimarco) or even 'sing' about your accomplishments based on quests completed? You wouldn't necessarily have to add voice acting, unless you're a talented scripter who is an even more talented singer! :D It could just be text-based poetry (I'd offer to write them if you want some help on it!) and maybe, maaaybe a short chord of lute music plays just to give a little atmosphere. Maybe the player could even donate generously to the bards to waste some of that gold we all tend to hoard and Role-Play sponsoring musicians. I think someone else made a mod like this, but theirs wasn't very good (in my opinion) because it just gave you the option to boost faction rank and fame/infamy. No real songs to read and I'd be interested to write actual songs to help you out. You could call it "Greed Bards"


    5. Speaking of taverns, how about if NPCs (useless vanilla Oblivion ones who aren't involved in quests or your own random ones) in taverns added to the tavern experience? They could offer gambling games (like guess which cup I hid the coin under, then randomly decide the answer to get a prize otherwise lose some money), drinking contests (based on constitution score and random chance to win?) or someone to flirt with. Or maybe one of them notices you look very nice in that skimpy HGEC armor and wants to come up to you and firt! You could call it "Greed Pub" because "Greed Bars" would get confused with the one above.


    Thanks for everything!


    Best regards,




    Thank you for the fast reply and the mod recommendations!



    In regards to your question about NPC relationships, I've read UESP.net articles a lot. They detail NPCs schedules and their AI packages. One page lists all the NPCs who travel around Cyrodiil: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Traveling_People


    That list was a good starting point for identifying which NPCs live in different cities and infrequently visit each other. These kind of guys would certainly want to send stuff to their friends that they only get to see once a month or so! There was also supposed to be a Black Horse Courier questline that would have the PC delivering letters between people, but it wasn't put into the final game and only some evidence of it remains.


    Based on that list, I went through and made a list of who is likely friends with who and (what city they live in):


    • Alessia Ottus (IC) was supposed to be involved in a quest to send Hafid Hollowleg (Bruma) a letter.
    • Ancus Afranius (IC) visits Count Andel Indarys (Cheydinhal) once a month.
    • Roderic Pierrane (IC) says he is just friends with Irene Metrick (IC), but each Sundas he sleeps over at Irene Metrick's house.
    • Elragail (IC) visits Countess Millona Umbranox (Anvil) once a month.
    • Dul gro-Shug (IC) vists Agnete the Pickled (Skingrad) once a month.
    • Geem Jasaiin (IC) visits Teekeeus (Chorrol) once a month.
    • Hassiri (IC) visits Wilbur (Anvil) three times a month.
    • Dovyn Aren (IC) and Herminia Cinna (IC) spend time together in Cheydinhal once a month.
    • Marinus Catiotus (IC) says he and Ida Vlinorman (IC) are associates.
    • Jean-Pierre Lemonds (Bravil) visits Daenlin (Bravil) once a week.
    • Pennus Mallius (IC) was supposed to send letters to Bogrum gro-Galash (Bravil).
    • Praxedes Afranius (IC) is friends with Armand Christophe (IC).
    • Quill-Weave (Anvil) is friends with Casta Scribonia (Chorrol).
    • Ra'Jhan (IC) was supposed to send letters to Dervera Romalen (Cheydinhal).
    • Ra'jiradh (IC) visits Witseidutsei (Leyawiin) three times a month.
    • Renee Geonette (IC) visits Mirabelle Monet (Anvil) often.
    • Salomon Geonette (IC) was supposed to send letters to Olav (Bruma).
    • Stantus Varrid (IC) was supposed to send letters to Mariana Ancharia (Cheydinhal).
    • Thamriel (IC) was supposed to send letters to Maenlorn (Anvil).
    • Ulen Athram (IC) is friends with Soris Arenim (IC).
    • Urjabhi (IC) visits Hafid Hollowleg (Bruma) three times a month.
    • Wumeek (IC) is friends with Weebam-Na (Chyedinhal).


    It's a surprisingly large list! There are also many more NPCs from that list who visit taverns in other cities once a month or so, but do not visit a particular NPC. I would think it would be still lore-friendly to pretend some other NPC in that town (who might even visit that tavern a lot) could be a visiting NPCs friend for the purpose of a gift service questline. And then maybe there are Thieves Guild members who want to send a 'gift' (in other words, some stolen item) to a fence in another city under and pretends to hire out the gift service to send a present.


    BUT I have no idea how that all could possibly be created in a mod. :sad: I tried for about 30 minutes one day myself, but gave up. I was poking around Kagrenir's Death Quest's similar style quests to see how theirs was done, the random quests thing, but my eyes crossed reading all the scripts...


    Oh, wells....


    Best regards,



  13. lol

    Contra :devil: don't spice up things here - I don't even bring 'that' topic here. actually when you enter that site there is pop up as warning,

    that site is legal and have many good Oblivion mods too

    it's still in tolerable scale

    and I am just trying being helpful here

    answering the problem

    let's hope this thing solved fast


    In response to post #40710540. #40711055, #40711480, #40774015, #40774225 are all replies on the same post.




    escaspain wrote: Hello, just wondering if you still plan to maybe add in the future dynamic quests for NPCs and if you have made any progress related to this feature :smile:
    lubronbrons wrote: I am still working on it,

    hmm... btw I don't know to who you're talking to,

    but because when you said 'Dynamic quest' and it's on my agenda I responded lol

    I've started the thread here


    Maskar wrote: @lubronbrons

    It was probably aimed at me, considering this is the MOO page.



    Yeah, it's still planned to be added, but have been distracted by some other stuff.

    lubronbrons wrote: lol ahh yeah I am sorry, its just my modding passion make my hand move by itself before my mind reach a reasonable thinking pardon me :D




    I want your mimic mesh and texture (it have sound too ?). I want to use it for personal needs

    can you point it out the path here pleaseee

    Thx b4 :smile:

    you should get award or something of this endless hard work of full-fledge Great mod !! haha


    btw, if you ever address me again in some way please just make it short with only ' L '

    so you don't have to write that long username lubronbrons, in this good community I just decide a week ago I prefer being called L by native here

    Maskar wrote: Can't really miss it tbh. It's in the moo/mimics folder (both for meshes and textures).


    I just copy/paste names so it's no problem really.



    Ok thank you, I am really keeping an eye at that feature. Anyway congrats for such an amazing work as always.




    I have just taken a look at you thread and I saw you are looking for some ideas for repeatable quests. Let me share some ones I posted here a while ago, hope you find something of your interest:




    Missing Pet: A little cat or dog is out there somewhere in the wilderness, no quest markers, just some vague information (that the player must ask around) about one or few possible locations that the pet might be. The pet could have an activator where it is added to the player?s inventory when activated and must be retrieved to the owner for reward.


    Missing Person: Same as missing pet, but the player could find the NPC dead or not. If its dead, player must take a proof from his dead body and brings it to the requester. If it is alive, player should escort him to his city (if NPC die in the escort travel the quest will terminate with no reward).


    Escort Mission: The player becomes the protector of one NPC that wants to travel to a random location (another city, village, dungeon, etc). The NPC becomes a follower until they reach that location, so player has the freedom to choose which way to go.


    Trade Caravan: same as escort mission, but the player must join a trade caravan composed of a few NPCs that have their travel route previously established (not going to become followers of the player), so the player should actually become the follower and protect them in the travel. For each NPC of the caravan dead, the reward drops down.


    Misc. Items Request: A big mix of simple requests for misc items, ingredients, books and common objects randomly enough to not being repetitive should keep players busy for those who want low responsibility quests.


    Help the local chapel: Player must get at the local chapel some pamphlets and delivery them around the city searching for NPCs interested first in taking a look at them, and secondly in signing them so they agree to make a regular donation to the local chapel. A little conversation mini game where the player should choose the correct question/answer to success could be fine at this point. Player should retrieve this signed pamphlets to the chapel for the reward.


    Searching for the guilty: There are a couple of new NPCs in town, and somebody in the town has lost something of value. The player should contact with the owner of the lost item and ask for information and also ask to other NPCs in town and even the suspects NPCs. At the end player should have enough information to speak to one of the suspect NPCs and say "You are the guilty!". If its right, player get the lost item from the guilty and get the reward for retrieve it to his owner, suspect and guilty NPCs disappear. If its wrong, player automatically fail the quest, the item is never found, there is no reward and the suspect NPCs disappear, including the thief. After some time another couple of NPCs appear in the city and the notice is again in the board.


    Controlling the Invasion: If there is a invasion near the town, player could accept the mission to keep the nearest zones of the town safe of the invasion creatures. If player accepts it there could be extra spawns for the current invasion. The reward could be an extra gold for a specific loot that the invasion creature drops, sold to the local guard for example, or just a specific gold amount for killing a specific amount of this creatures.


    I hope this not sound as stupid ideas.


    Also there is some code, resources and ideas you can take from this mods that already add some dynamic quests:


    Escort Mission


    Asset use permission

    You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me


    Random Tasks


    As author said in his last comment:

    "I finally reinstalled Oblivion and tried this out a bit, and found that it could use a lot of improvement (the quests have you collect way too much!. Unfortunately my modding days are over... I designed it so that it's easy(ish) to make new quests or change existing quests, so if someone wants to take this and do something with it, go for it. "





    Cursed Totem: A mythic dawn agent/necromancer/goblin chaman/etc has hidden a cursed totem very well somewhere in the town (it could be a little statue or any object that could represent it). It attracts daedra/undead/goblin creatures to the city (an invasion of that kind of creature could begin in areas near the town at this point) and actually some of this creatures could start to move closer to the town (using code from the mod listed below. Creatures should not enter the town to avoid game-breaking accidents like dead population in cities but close enough to give the feel of a soon invasion. The player must:


    1 - Search for the totem in the whole town, it could be hidden randomly in the city worldspace, city interiors, castle interiors, etc.


    2 - Search and kill the guilty mythic dawn agent/necromancer/goblin chaman because he has a book about how to properly destroy the cursed totem (ending this way the invasion).


    3 - Search for the items listed in book taken from the guilty to make the rite of the cursed totem destruction (they could be random misc. items mixed with specific loot of the current invasion creatures).


    When player have the cursed totem + the rite book + the random items listed in the book the totem could be activated to be destroyed and to complete the quest (ending the curse over the town and the invasion too). So at the end this quest has a little bit of all: investigation, killing and searching for items.


    To give the feel that creatures are moving closer to the town because of the curse this mod from David Brasher might help:



    Copy Status:

    Public Domain with proper attribution and courtesy notification. Abiding by that, feel

    free to modify this, share this, or use it in whole or in part in another mod.





    As another idea for dynamic quests, it could be nice to add daily (or near daily) quests in the IC Notice Board about special fight events at the IC Arena. These fights could use a duplication of the fight pit of the arena and teleport the player when accepted to avoid conflicts if necessary, fighting against creatures and NPCs from MOO and using also vanilla creature lists (so creatures and NPCs from third-party mods could be fought at the Arena). The option of team fights at the Arena could be a nice addition too, and also if the player could choose too not to fight but to bet his money in these combats as entertainment. As a quick example:



    Only today!

    Dear citizens of the Imperial City, we are proud to offer you the bloody Arena fights at a new level. For today we have a complete group of terrifying monster from the cold Skyrim: DRAUGHTS!!

    We have already two brave combatants that will fight against these undead aberrations and we still looking for the third.

    Would you be the third glorious combatant we are looking for? Or maybe do you prefer to bet your money at this incredible combat?

    In any way, one thing is assured: Blood will be splattered!



    Another couple of ideas for Notice Boards Dynamic Quests:


    Rat Invasion: If accepted, it spawns a few passive very small rats hidden across the city worldspace, city interiors and castle interiors. The player must search for them and kill them (just 1HP, no combat). It would be nice if they spawn randomly in well hidden places, so this kind of quest could be considered as a little "easter-egg" hunt.


    Fair Economy: The economy of the town is starting to suffer because one of the sellers (shops, inns, etc) is selling a product cheaper than it should be. The player must investigate, search and compare prizes to find which product from which seller is. To progress to next queststage the player must buy that product (the proof that the cheaper product has been recognized) and bring it to local guard so they can take action and bring a little reward to player.


    Condemnation Document: If player is for example in Bruma could find a notice board that tells about a suspect leader of a group of bandits/marauders/conjurers/necromancers/mythic dawn members/regional bandit faction (i.e. Morrowind Bandits) arrested in Leyawiin. The local guard of Bruma have the proofs in one document about his guilty and needs somebody to carry the document to Leyawiin so the suspect can be condemned before the local guard set him free because of the lack of proofs. The problem is that the rest of grunts of the group are going to try to kill the player and destroy the document before he reach the city where the suspect is, watching the main roads and following the player until the quest is over.


    For this last idea, here is some content that at least could serve as inspiration:


    Player Hunters Fame and Infamy



    Player Hunters: Find/Kill AI


  15. Betty !!!!! :sad:


    I am so so so sooooo SORRY ! currently I am working on big project ... a huge one

    the project is about Immersive Interior + All Natural mod compilation

    well ... after I publish it then I will be back to you I promise :smile:


    also.... you still have not read my PM kind of make me a little sad :sad: coz I am the type person that not comfortable much with being ignored frequently

    but last time you mention about busy life --- real life. I think that's reasonable answers so I will try to accept it more logically rather than my emotion

  16. but I feel alone :sad:

    thx Mastah you respond to my post, means there's still life here


    this is a long journey,

    I must ask permission one by one to each author :pinch:

    and compile this whole thing by myself ....

  17. moder city ... urban life ... architecture, clutter, interior, exterior

    oh my.... this project is so BIG


    this is some list that I found would be useful in city project


    all this Links from user Chev70
    ===== Architecture
    - Japan House Modresource PAck by Pandur http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/14210/?
    - Japanese House updated by Arbiter http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/15863/?
    - Japaneses house in coast south of IC (the mod is buggy) http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/24546/?
    - Manor Bedroom Set by Xiamara http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/15357/?
    ===== Interior
    - Sofa and Chair Set 1 by Xiamara http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/8621/?
    - LilaMues Better LowerClass Furniture by LilaMue LMBetterLowerFurniture.7z ---> http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/41199
    - Beautiful plant LilaMuesMarshmellowPlants.7z
    - bed pillow SnusmumrikensPillowsResource.7z
    ===== Exterior
    - Market place Arielles Weye Dorf http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/41903/?
    ===== Clutter
    - clutter with bronze texture LilaMuesCopperDishes.7z
    - coulourful candle LilaMuesCandles.7z
    - Koris' Paper Lanterns by Curio Beach http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45914/?
    - Soups -SoupHouse and Cooking- by TeR http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/38362/?
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