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Everything posted by Mgamerz

  1. For future reference, based on my research on this, this has been moved into native code in the executable and is not configurable by the end user. There are some leftover pieces of data in the ini's but they don't do anything.
  2. healthregenpct is the amount of health (in percentage) that is regenerated per second. I have never tested this, but from what I know about how it works you might need to edit the const (not exactly sure where this is, maybe in testpatch files) to make it so there is only "1" step to the health. There is normally 10, I think, even though the UI is designed to show 5.
  3. They're working it out, a few things came up at the very last second that delayed it, should be soon hopefully.
  4. Every time i see vortex in one of these posts, I always wonder what it is because it is never once explained.
  5. Use mass effect 3 mod manager and do tools > Run autotoc on game. It will TOC both unpacked and packed dlc, which ME3Explorer doesn't do (only unpacked).
  6. You can also find these kind of conflicts using Mod Manager's conflict detector, in the Mod Management menu. There are a few cases where it won't catch it (mainly for very complex mods).
  7. I'm building a database of DLC mods so Mod Manager can identify and import mods with proper names and description. When user's import already installed mods, the option to send telemtetry to my server about this mod is an option. It has been very helpful the last few weeks building a much more robust database, and I have a fairly complete picture of DLC mods and information about them (http://me3tweaks.com/mods/known_dlc_mods). However there is one I am not sure where it is from: DLC_EXP_Delay. I have been import testing all the mods my telemetry shows and I saw this at one point, but I can no longer find it. The name of the mod the user input was "dream", which doesn't help much. It is not Better Dreams, Shorter Dreams, etc. If I remember, the point of this DLC folder was to delay something until either after the end of the game or until right before (maybe citadel party?) Does anyone know what mod this folder comes with?
  8. Consider creating a PCC Data Dump in Mass Effect 3 Mod Manager (tools > pcc data dumper) for your game and then searching the resulting files with something like GrepWin for something like the word "skip" or "skippable". This may be something that was patched or is part of the main SFXGame file that will allow you to do a global override.
  9. Do you have a ME3Log.txt file next to your EXE? You'll probably need to look at that. If you don't have one you'll need to install Heff's logger (if you use Mod Manager just install binkw32 and it'll install heff's logger).
  10. You would need to do some coalesced editing. I have some guides on modding (they're a bit dated but still mostly relevant). http://me3tweaks.com/guides I'd recommend with Mod Manager. Whenever the guide says to compile or decompile coalesced, just drag and drop the .bin or manifest .XML file onto the main Mod Manager window. Note, .bik files are the movie files. They aren't the cutscenes as you describe. What you would need is a global override to allow skipping (would likely be in sfxgame or testpatch dlc) or to edit out the skippable stuff in kismet (sequence editor), but that would be pretty labor intensive.
  11. Add all of the bik files to the skipable movies list in biogame. You can't skip some parts of dialogue cutscenes as they are load triggers and sections that have interrupts can't be skipped. Is is possible that a high level mod would make everything skipable but may cause issues.
  12. Please post issues with standard builds on the Nexus page, this thread is for testing beta builds only.
  13. I am unable to replicate that - in fact, when I redid the GUI transplanter, I actually tested with that mod as it previously had issues. I have posted a new build of 5.0.3 here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9bwvhTrA6pZemY3bHpkTTRVMUk/view?usp=sharing It contains additional logging info (and bugfixes) from the previous 5.0.3 build. It contains more useful logging info (for me anyways) for the compatibility generator. Can you please turn off "Log Mod Startup" also, it is adding a lot of not-useful info to the logs and they are getting pretty long :) Errors are always logged while mods are starting up even if that option is off.
  14. This is not really beta but I guess testing thread now. The scanner crashed on almost all of those files in that mod. I will have to look at why but I am going to guess there is some issue with that mod (mass horizons). I think I have used it once for a test.
  15. It should dump the correct folder as long as you drag and drop the files *while* they are installed into the game. It will detect BIOGAme/DLC and then put it into a subfolder of PCCDumps. Anyways, I have a beta of 5.0.3 if you want to test it. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9bwvhTrA6pZemY3bHpkTTRVMUk/view?usp=sharing Changelog: https://github.com/Mgamerz/me3modmanager/pull/51
  16. It should automatically dump it into the correct folder when doing a game dump. Manually dumped PCCs most times are dumped into the main folder. It attempts to detect the DLC foldername.
  17. Mod Manager 5 is now live on nexus and ME3Tweaks. Existing users will be updated over the next few days.
  18. That's a fairly decent point. I have reworked the location of some tools in RC3 so that platform specific (mainly x64 only) code is in the x64 directory. I will probably need to build some deployment tools (for myself) that will prepare a release with the correct files as it is not really possible to properly test 32-bit windows without hacking some fake stuff in. Posted RC3. Fixes a few bugs in drag and drop and pcc data dumping, fixes the about window a bit, moves 7z to proper folder I do not really think there is many more obvious bugs to fix, everything seems to be going smoothy now. I will possibly start soaking a final build to a limited set of users soon. Will have to write up a complete changelog, I've been slacking on updating it for the past few milestones...
  19. Added RC2. Fixes some bugs, thanks Shadohz. I am thinking I will ship MM5 with 64-bit tools. If you are a 32-bit user (which is probably pretty rare) you will need to be online in order to use Mod Manager - at least, for the first startup. I need to test what happens if you run the tool offline, I assume many things don't work (but that's not really a bug.) I know in older builds some files wouldn't be available and the program would not startup though.
  20. Is this on a fresh instance or an upgrade? I changed how some database stuff is done, I am not sure if it changed how it loads. But yes the game DB check should be before all mods are installed, good catch. Will fix tomorrow.
  21. Added RC1. Fixes bugs that Shadohz reported. You may want to clear out your data/tools folder if you are upgrading rather than doing it fresh.
  22. It looks like I broke starter kit when I updated the drag and drop interface. Starter Kit runs the same action as a compile all tlk drag and drop folder action. Good catch :)
  23. That compress error seems to have to do with my 64bit zlib in what should be a 32bit process. I should just make a 32-bit and 64-bit build and mod manager will download the appropriate version. 32 bit zlib does not work for me, but it should be running in 64bit...
  24. Yes I have fixed the compress bug in my current code. The start command is really dumb in Windows. I was thinking starter kit was really fast... I wonder if I broke something in it.
  25. Due to the way powers are optimized this is not really possible. You'd have to migrate tons of content and then relink it.
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