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Status Updates posted by NinjaGoddessAyra

  1. Hey, it's been a while and I haven't heard from you lately. Just wanted to drop by and say I miss you. I noticed you had a birthday that went by, so happy belated birthday! Hope you're doing alright ^^
  2. Okay, if there is anyone out there that still reads these updates, I'd like to ask if there is anyone who might know someone who knows someone who can compose music well. I would greatly appreciate it if I could talk to a music composer, and see if he/she wants a job possibly composing a few pieces for Morrowind. There is no deadline, there is no rush, and it's more of a "work on the piece whenever you can" sort of thing. Absolutely no rush. But yes, if there is a music compos...
    1. NinjaGoddessAyra


      And now I wait.


      *NinjaGoddess begins twiddling her thumbs*

    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      And now I wait.


      *NinjaGoddess begins twiddling her thumbs*

  3. Good morning, Naomi! ...or at least I think it's morning, not sure lol. Well, either way, here's hoping you're having a great day :D
  4. Good morning, Naomi! ...or at least I think it's morning, not sure lol. Well, either way, here's hoping you're having a great day :D
  5. Wow, I've been getting a lot of positive feedback on my Morrowind character/avatar. Glad everyone seems to like her ^^
    1. NexusRanger


      With those glowing eyes of hers, I'd be too scared to say otherwise! o.0 xD
  6. hey sorry for the long awaited reply, I'm doing great. And yeah, this is my character ^^ She's like...my pride and joy, I absolutely love her. So how have you been? I haven't heard from you in awhile :)
  7. Oh hello :) Sorry for the inevitable double-post. It's going to do that no matter what :/ Stupid site >.<
  8. Oh hello :) Sorry for the inevitable double-post. It's going to do that no matter what :/ Stupid site >.<
  9. I'm doing great! It's nice hearing from you ^^ Sorry yet again about this inevitable double-post, I really don't know why they keep happening, it's so annoying >.< Anyways, yeah, sorry I didn't get back to you earlier, I've just been immensely busy lol.
  10. I'm doing great! It's nice hearing from you ^^ Sorry yet again about this inevitable double-post, I really don't know why they keep happening, it's so annoying >.< Anyways, yeah, sorry I didn't get back to you earlier, I've just been immensely busy lol.
  11. Hey it's been a while, and I know I haven't been on that much. (I have two jobs now and am working an average of 70 hours a week.) But I just figured I'd say hello again ^^ Also, sorry again for yet another double post, I don't know why it does that >>
  12. Hey it's been a while, and I know I haven't been on that much. (I have two jobs now and am working an average of 70 hours a week.) But I just figured I'd say hello again ^^ Also, sorry again for yet another double post, I don't know why it does that >>
  13. Maybe you're right, I just reaaaaally wish they'd fix this issue with me double-posting on people's profiles. like this comment, I'll click post, and it'll get posted twice, so annoying -_-
  14. Maybe you're right, I just reaaaaally wish they'd fix this issue with me double-posting on people's profiles. like this comment, I'll click post, and it'll get posted twice, so annoying -_-
  15. Yeah, it's weird, you should be on my friend's list, but this site screwed up my account, so no matter who I add, it never shows them get added, technically a LOT of people have sent me a request, and I've approved them all, but it only shows four people. I don't know why =/
  16. Yeah, it's weird, you should be on my friend's list, but this site screwed up my account, so no matter who I add, it never shows them get added, technically a LOT of people have sent me a request, and I've approved them all, but it only shows four people. I don't know why =/
  17. Oh wow, it's great to hear from you. Sorry for all the double posts, but the nexus does that to my account for some reason >.< Anyways, I'm going great, and I love hearing from you, I missed you a lot and was wondering where you've been. Well, I hope to hear from you soon ^^
  18. Oh wow, it's great to hear from you. Sorry for all the double posts, but the nexus does that to my account for some reason >.< Anyways, I'm going great, and I love hearing from you, I missed you a lot and was wondering where you've been. Well, I hope to hear from you soon ^^
  19. *Sigh* It's back to the drawing board again...God I hate trying to come up with new ideas -_-
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      Yes it would, but I'd need some help. How would you like to be my publicity manager? xD
    3. naomis8329


      New ideas for what pray tell :D
    4. NexusRanger


      Wait... Ayra's running for office? But didn't everyone already vote? :ohdear:
  20. Hope everything continues to go well for you. I'm amazed at some of the amazing stuff you've been able to come out with. Keep it up ^^
  21. Hope everything continues to go well for you. I'm amazed at some of the amazing stuff you've been able to come out with. Keep it up ^^
  22. Well I just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be around for a good month or so. The harddrive on my computer finally went out and I had to send it back to get a new one. Seeing as how I'm on the NorthEast end of the U.S. and the place that I'm shipping it too is in California, yeah, it'll be a while. But I'll be back, I swear :)
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