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Status Updates posted by NinjaGoddessAyra

  1. pfft, i'm a ninja goddess xD

    They're coming along just fine :p but thanks for asking though :p

  2. Why run?? I'd never hurt y-- wait what KIND of candy did you bring me? :p
  3. Why run?? I'd never hurt y-- wait what KIND of candy did you bring me? :p
  4. And I say rawr back :p
  5. And I say rawr back :p
  6. Wow there's a lot of arrogant s***bags on here damn. -_-
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. zombieslayer002


      oi.....oi, Oi! NinjagoddessAyra. Hey woman!.......where've you been? XD lol ;D
    3. zombieslayer002


      oi.....oi, Oi! NinjagoddessAyra. Hey woman!.......where've you been? XD lol ;D
    4. LeviTheMetalGuy


  7. Can anyone else see my friends list? Because for some reason I can only ever see 3 friends on my list. I wish I knew why thats happening -_-
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      It's been like that for as long as I can remember. And I have a lot more than 3. I'd say like 12ish or so if I had to guess.
    3. TreborMarg


      Oh hey, I keep losing friends off my list too, I think you may want to try going around to their profiles and re-friending them. I think it's just some forum glitch that happens sometimes, good luck :D
    4. LeviTheMetalGuy


      im on of her friends but i only see 3 of them
  8. Anyone need an additional female voice for one of their mods? Let me know, I actually wouldn't mind trying out =)
    1. LeviTheMetalGuy


      well, i could call somebody, but if i actually get started on this remake im doing for someone you could voice a female necromancer
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      Well let me know when and I'll try out for it. I'm pretty good :)
    3. LeviTheMetalGuy


      well i have the world space done for the mod im redoing, but i have yet to take a crack at moving everything from the open city to the closed.

      but let me get ahold of this team i sorta know and see what they say

  9. Well seeing as how my friends basically yelled at me for "missing out on a huge chunk of your childhood" I've decided to watch DBZ, simply to shut them up. It's surprisingly not as bad as I thought it would be. Well it should give me something to do for awhile. So if I seem AFKish on here.....you know why :)
    1. LeviTheMetalGuy


      i recommend FLCL if you havent seen it (it ROCKS), and even though its a giant mech anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion if you havent seen that, ohh and shamless plug for The Big O, you will enjoy it in 5 episodes or less
  10. Hey thats no problem, I myself am actually getting a rosetta stone for the japanese language so I understand. And yes, I also love Japan and it's anime, so don't worry about typing Japanese, so long as you don't use the actual kanji. I still can't interpret japanese kanji yet lol.
  11. I'm doing fine today, thanks for asking :)

    Dono yō nidesu ka? (How are you) in japanese. I also speak a little bit of it :)

    So how have you been, it's great to hear from you again ^^

  12. Okay I'm taking a break from modding till Skyrim comes out. In the meantime what am I doing: Catching them all!!! (thats pokemon btw)
  13. <------I need to change this pic...eventually lol
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      Hmm...I don't know, I just don't think it's a good pic of me. But yeah I'll leave it there for now until I can find my camera lol.
    3. Thephedora


      I weill say this, A, it's a pretty girl in a non-perverted picture, B, it is not a bouncing sheep, and, C, She has a hat. This picture is epically win.
    4. NinjaGoddessAyra


      I got that hat last year for my birthday. Glad to see somebody likes it =)
  14. It's 8:00 am on a saturday, why am I even up? -_-
    1. Gamingsage5


      Meh it happens. Usually I'll wake up, go to my computer and ponder whether or not I should go back to sleep...then I'll get some food and its sage bliss for me. :3
    2. Misakichun


      lol , ur current pic is nice :) but it's your choice really u can change the pic and let it be for a while and then u can change back it to whatever pic u want :)

      i always do this .

      have fun :D

  15. Hmm...at this rate I might as well just be a "voice for hire" lol. Or something to that effect =)
  16. Rofl I just got reminded of the time I spent in OSUT at Fort Leonardwood. My Drill Sgts. would always say to us: Hey it could have been worse, he could've called you a liberal.
  17. Guess I'm just returning the comment. Hello to you too :)
  18. and a happy Valentines Day to you too :)

    Hope you're doing well

  19. Heyyy you finally decided to log on for once. Where the hell have you been?? I reallly missed you lol. I don't see you anymore :'(
  20. Making models for Summerset Isles =)
    1. vvk78


      Sounds groovy. Share with us once you have it ready. We'll be waiting!
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra
  21. Oh alright, just let me know when you need me then. I've got a few things I need to do anyways so it works out :p
  22. Hey when did you want me to do those lines for you? I don't mind waiting but my free time is rather limited lately.
  23. I just got back from a LOOOONG drill session this weekend. I've had no sleep, can't keep my eyes open, and am going to bed. Goodnight all =)
    1. vvk78


      It might be too late to say "Good nite", but maybe it is not too late to say "Sweet dreams!"
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      A lil late bu tthank you =)
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