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Status Updates posted by NinjaGoddessAyra

  1. Well CK came out, started to work diligently with it, and then the MGSO 2.0 came out for Morrowind, and I find myself playing that. I started modding that game again, and I think I might just join the Tamriel Rebuilt team, I don't know though, haven't decided. Lets hope they accept me first :)
  2. Well I discovered something new to occupy myself until the CK comes out. I found Triple Triad Online, and for those of you that have ever played Final Fantasy VIII you'll know what I'm talking about. Can't wait till CK comes out.
  3. I used to play Skyrim, then I took bored being God to the ego.
    1. Brittn


      hehe it did become very tiresome after awhile....cant wait till the ck tho :3


    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      Oh you know it. When the CK comes out, I'm gonna be in modding heaven xD I have a ton of ideas I already plan on working on :)
    3. NinjaGoddessAyra


      Oh you know it. When the CK comes out, I'm gonna be in modding heaven xD I have a ton of ideas I already plan on working on :)
  4. New picture up, Got rid of the old one, felt it was to blurry >.<
    1. Brittn


      Ninja!! ** tackle hugs ** Where the hell have you been young lady!? :O
    2. zombieslayer002
    3. zombieslayer002
  5. Heyy how's it going!? It's really been awhile, don't think I've seen you on since DA II came out. Just seeing how things are, send me a message when you get the chance :)
  6. Heyy how's it going!? It's really been awhile, don't think I've seen you on since DA II came out. Just seeing how things are, send me a message when you get the chance :)
  7. Okay so Skyrim is out and I'm really happy I got it, but umm....is it just me, or are all the faces horribly ugly in the game? Granted I only really looked at the faces through the chargen but damn they were hideous. Hopefully a mod will come out soon that fixes that, if not then oh well >.<
    1. XxPockieNinjaxX


      >_> It's not just you the faces are ugly, lets pray the mod comes out soon XD
    2. iansaltman


      *Spends hours on face*


      *Wears helmet the rest of the game*

    3. naomis8329


      nah, I though my graphics card was on its way out at first. My monitor is dying so put it down to that however have since realise that yep, they are ugly lol xxx
  8. Just landed myself a job at Gamestop. I'm surprised they hired me to be honest, but hey I'm not complaining :) nowI actually ENJOY going to work xD So excited.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zombieslayer002
    3. darkedge42392


      Nice! Send me a free game! :D Hahaha.
    4. Brittn


      yay! :D -its late but ohs well :P -
  9. Kunichiwa!! haven't heard from you in a while, How have you been? Are you still doing okay?
  10. Kunichiwa!! haven't heard from you in a while, How have you been? Are you still doing okay?
  11. Well yet another update, I have a new profile pic up (no tie OR hat :p) but yes, to my previous post, my offer still stands, Iif you want to see my fanfic, PM me and I'll show you my ideas, and hopefully someone can tell me if its good or not before I release it, I don't know, we'll see. :)
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Brittn


      yeah...you just burned them.....we KNOW!
    3. zombieslayer002


      and again since you are helping me out i wouldn't mind looking at your idea :)
    4. zombieslayer002


      and again since you are helping me out i wouldn't mind looking at your idea :)
  12. Well I don't know who will get this or if there is anyone that bothers to read my profile updates so umm....I guess this is a "distress signal" if you will. I'm writing a fanfic and I actually need help putting it together before I start writing. I was wondering if there was anyone out there willing to send me a pm and see if they're interested in what I have so far for ideas. Any help would be appreciated thanks. P.S. You MUST have experiance with both Oblivion AND Morrow...
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      Well I have a really good idea for a fanfic, I just want a second opinion on everything. I just hope someone is up to helping me out :)
    3. zombieslayer002


      seeing as you are helping me out, i can take a look at what you got so far :) i have both those games :P :)
    4. zombieslayer002


      seeing as you are helping me out, i can take a look at what you got so far :) i have both those games :P :)
  13. rofl, everyone loves the tie xD
  14. rofl, everyone loves the tie xD
  15. For those of you that have been patiently waiting for it, that last mod with the Telvani town and whatnot is finally done and you can download it from my account on fileai.
    1. NinjaGoddessAyra


      NinjaGoddessAyra: Models/textures and NPC creation, lines, voices and quests.

      DeathRaze: Landscaping, Interior&Exterior cells, NPC voices.

      TousouMuroken: Scripting, Quests, NPC creation, additional models and textures.

    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      NinjaGoddessAyra: Models/textures and NPC creation, lines, voices and quests.

      DeathRaze: Landscaping, Interior&Exterior cells, NPC voices.

      TousouMuroken: Scripting, Quests, NPC creation, additional models and textures.

  16. Well I had to, everyone (mainly Grimm) was begging me to put that pic back as my display xD
  17. Well I had to, everyone (mainly Grimm) was begging me to put that pic back as my display xD
  18. Man there is nothing worse than working for a stupid ******** who doesn't give a damn about your hard work nor have the slightest clue to the effort that goes into doing it. Thanks for wasting my time, REALLY appreciate it -_-
    1. Flintlockecole


      I just ignore those people. Hell I'd spit on em if I could.
    2. zombieslayer002
    3. zombieslayer002
  19. Glad I could be of help. Good thing esuna worked, cause I was just about out of remedies :p
  20. Glad I could be of help. Good thing esuna worked, cause I was just about out of remedies :p
  21. Well just figured I'd change my photo since I hate having the same one for long periods of time. Once again I appreciate all the emails and pms that everyone gives me, I promise I'll be a regular here again early august. Anyways just wanted to wish those of you that visit my profile a happy fourth of july even if it is a little early :) p.s. for those of you that have been bugging me, I HAVE started modeling again (a little bit) I'll let you know when I'm finished with my proj...
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      For those that don't know, I'm on the left, my best friend is on the right :)
    3. Flintlockecole


      Welcome back then I guess is a way of putting it.
    4. Rational314


      Needs more tie :p
  22. *pops in* Hey Britt, I missed you a lot too. How have you been?? Thanks for the comment by the way, hope we see each other soon :)
  23. *pops in* Hey Britt, I missed you a lot too. How have you been?? Thanks for the comment by the way, hope we see each other soon :)
  24. Over the past few weeks I've gotten numerous emails/PMs asking me where I've been all this time. I'm sorry I haven't been on for a while, but I have several issues that have been going on in my life and I won't be on all that much till the end of july early august, at which point I'll be back on all the time. I haven't forgotten any of you :)
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