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Posts posted by NinjaGoddessAyra

  1. Hlaalu city of Andothren, Narsis District, approximately 50 years ago...


    Ayra was awoken by a sudden crash. She got up quickly and headed for her door, trying to hear what it was. She could hear screaming coming from outside, and what sounded like rioting. She was unsure of what to do, but she suddenly heard her father's voice loud and clear: "Mirisa, take Ayra and get out of here, they're after me, I'll hold them off, just take her and run."


    More crashing, more fighting. Ayra didn't think, she didn't know what she was doing, all she knew was that she had to get to her father's side. She ran as fast as she could, she reached the doorway leading outside, and her innocent sapphire eyes opened wide in surprise; there, fighting three men, was her father, fighting to protect his family. He seemed to be winning too, and Ayra wanted to rush out, she wanted to tell those men to go away, to leave them alone, she didn't understand why they'd want to go over after her father, he never did anything wrong.


    Hiko was parrying and countering, he was unusually skilled for a simple country Redguard man, and certainly knew how to use a sword. It seemed they were all evenly matched, none of them could get the best of him; but he couldn't get in a decent blow trying to fight all three.


    And just as Ayra started to run out of the doorway, she was grabbed from behind. It was her mother, Mirisa, who was teling her to keep quiet. She could feel her mother's heartbeat beating against her chest, trying to get out, she was terrified. She put her finger up to her lips, and looked intently at Ayra, motioning for her to stay silent.


    And suddenly, one of the men seemed to have gotten the better of Hiko; he had his sword raised, blocking one blow, with his eyes in horror, there was nothign he could do to block the incoming thrust from the second man.


    Hiko fell to his knees, a blade protruding through his back, his mouth suddenly full of blood, he began coughing it up as he looked up at his attacker. He saw a grin of triumph underneath the man's hood, and knew that was it. The final swing came down, severing his head from his limp body, and both fell with a sharp thud onto the cobble ground.


    "Daddy!" Ayra screamed, tears falling down her face. She struggled as hard as she could to get free of her mother's grip. She had to do something. "Daddy, DADDY!" she continued to cry.


    The men stood there and laughed mirthlessly. One of the men kicked Hiko's sword out of his lifeless hand and it spiraled away towards where Ayra and Mirisa were standing.


    "Sorry," one of the men said with a smug grin "but it looks like this is the end of the line for you."


    The three men slowly started to walk over to where the two were standing. Mirisa let go of Ayra.


    "Run Ayra, get out of here! Hurry!"


    Mirisa pushed Ayra aside and drew out her own sword. She did her best to fight them off, but she wasn't any match against the three of them at once.


    Ayra watched in horror, her eyes wide with shock, as her mother tried hopelessly to fend them off, all the while continueing to get up again and again after being cut repeatedly. After what felt like several minutes, of hte men ruthless toying with her, she finally dropped to her knees.


    "Please," she said, her eyes full of tears, her face and clothes covered in her own blood, "please I beg you, please spare the child. Let her go...please..." she continue to plead.


    Ayra sat there and watched as one of the men turned their blade on her mother, and thrust the tip right through her heart. She fell to ground, tears still glistening her now lifeless cheeks.


    Without thinking, Ayra picked up her father's sword that was now lying at her feet. She gripped it tightly in both hands, as hard as she could. She was breathing heavily, panting and nearly out of the breath, frozen with fear. She couldn't move, all she could do was stand there, continuing to pant, and hoping her heart wouldn't pop out of her chest. The three men were slowly making their way toward her.


    "Well, I must say, I'm feeling rather generous today, so I guess will end this in one blow for you," he said, with thathorrible grin on his face.


    Ayra closed her eyes, she was ready to die, she knew there was nothing she could do. Atleast she'd see her mother and father again, she thought through tears now leaking down her tattooed cheeks. She sat there and waited, still trying to keep her breathing steady, but it was no use, and waited for the final moment...but it never came.


    She opened her eyes slowly and saw a huge figure towering over the three men. He wielded a Nordic Battle axe, and instantly cleaved one of the three men in two. The other two turned to face him, no longer smiling, but gritting their teeth in anger.


    "I see," he said slowly, "So when its three on one against a child, it's funny and okay, but when you guys are the ones who're about to die, it's no longer funny..."


    "Who do you think you are?" one of the remaining two men said, "Stay out of business that doesn't concern you, you braindead barbarian."


    "I'm the last thing you'll ever see." He said matter-of-factly.


    And in two broad strokes, wielding the axe like it was made of straw, the other two men fell instantly, they never had a chance. He looked at the Dunmer child, and he noticed the strange facial markings on her face...and those eyes...they were unusual. He got down on one knee, attempting to lower the difference in height, but still failing miserably.


    "You're not hurt are you?" He asked kindly.


    Ayra said nothing. She couldn't think right now, she was now in the midst of five bodies piled up around her, and she was still gripping her father's sword in her hand, completely unaware that she still had it. She just stood there....unable to take it all in.


    "I'm sorry, I wasn't able to get here in time to save your family." He said, still kneeling on one knee. "Would you like to come with me? I don't know where I'm going, but you're more than welcome to come along."


    Ayra sat there, still unblinking, still motionless. But she finally looked up at the giant, and slowly shook her head, no.


    "Well, thats too bad," he said, "I'll be in the area, if you ever change your mind." And with that, he put his battle axe back on his back and strode away.


    Ayra had no sense of time anymore, she was unaware how many minutes, perhaps hours had elapsed, she couldn't think, she just sat there, unable to accept what she had seen. Before she knew it, the sun was starting to creep up, it's bright glow no longer peaceful and welcoming, but now illuminating the bodies that lie before her, the blood that had been spilt. She finally came to when she heard a voice calling to her. As she finally looked up, she saw a man standing before her, though she couldn't see his face, he was wearing a cloak and was hidden behind a dark hood.


    "Well well," he said, "I'll be damned, in all my years, I've never once seen anything quite like this. A child among corpses." His eyes quickly fixed on her facial markings, and evidently, this man could read Daedric, for his next words were "and death written on your face no less....very interesting..." he continued to observe her for a moment, before finally saying "Why don't you come with me, I can make all of your dreams a reality" he said with a slight grin.


    Ayra and Ulfgar, somewhere north of Almalexia


    Ayra was lost in thought, before being awoken back to reality by Ulfgar's loud voice "Well look, we're already at the sea. I don't suppose you know how to water walk, do you?"


    Ayra nodded her head, cast a waterwalking spell, and continued on her journey, now walking upon the surface of the water.


    "I should have known," the nord chuckled to himself. "Well, lucky for me, I happen to have a few scrolls here. I never could be bothered with mages and their ilk, let alone these kinds of magics."


    And with that, both of them were off, continuing onwards, ever closer to Molag Mar.

  2. Hlaalu city of Andothren, Narsis District, approximately 50 years ago...


    The sun was just coming up, and the sky was lit with the bright orange glow of it's soothing aura. Ayra was just starting to wake up, she rubbed her eyes together as she tried to get used to the light. Suddenly her face lit up; she remembered what today was. Her father was going to teach her how to use a sword. Excitement coursed through her; she loved spending time with her father, he was one of the few people that didn't cringe at the sight of her, or judge her on her unusual appearance.


    Ayra quickly got dressed and bolted down the narrow dark hallway to her parents room. "Daddy daddy, wake up!" she said, both ofher small arms pushing her father.


    Her father, Hiko Hikari, slowly started to rise from his bed. "What's the matter, little one?" He asked, smiling down at her.


    "You said you'd show me how to fight today!" She said excitedly.


    "That I did, that I did," her father muttered, finally getting out of bed. He looked at her one more time, said he'll be along shortly, and then proceeded to get dressed after she ran out.


    It was fairly obvious to anyone who had seen this family that Hiko Hikari was by no means Ayra's true father; he was a Redguard, living with his wife. They had never been able to have kids before, despite how hard they tried, and just when it seemed all hope was lost, they found Ayra, no more than a few months old, wrapped up in blankets, outside their doorstep, late one winter night. They took her in, and raised her like one of their own. He loved her, to him it didn't matter what she looked like, that she was a different race, of different blood, none of that mattered. To him, to both of them rather; she was their daughter, and they could not have been more proud or happier about it.


    When Hiko finished getting dressed, he kissed his sleeping wife, Mirisa on the cheek, and proceeded to head out side. Ayra was already there, waiting for him, jumping up and down on the balls of her feet, unable to contain herself.


    "Daddy, when do we start??" she asked, in that adorable squeaky voice of hers.


    "We'll start right now, little one," he replied. He then handed her a wooden sword and started to show her how to properly hold one. "Now you want to take your left hand, and put it towards the bottom like this," he was saying.


    Ayra was getting so excited her hands were shaking. After a few minutes, she got the hang of it, and copied her father, imitating a defensive posture, with her legs spread out, and the sword extended with the tip outward, the handle at waist height..


    "Very good," Hiko smiled. He proceeded to teach her how to swing, and the importance of balance, speed, skill, and step. several times she lost her balance, and nearly fell over, but it never mattered to the little Dunmer child; she never gave up, she continued to swing away, wanting nothing more than to be like her father, the man she admired very much.


    After a few hours of non stop practice, Mirisa called them in for lunch. Ayra reluctantly put down the sword and went inside.


    The day continued on in a peaceful daze. The city people going on about their own business, not a care in the world on this beautiful afternoon. When dusk finally arrived, Ayra was put to bed.


    "Daddy, can we please train s'more tomorrow?" she asked sleepily. Her tender blue eyes were having a hard time staying open, but she would try her hardest not to fall asleep.


    "We'll see, Ayra. Daddy has very important stuff that he has to get done too." He replied with a smile lining his worn face.


    "Well, let me help you, Daddy. I want to...yawn help you..." She said groggily.


    "Good night, Ayra." He kissed her on the forehead, and left the room.

  3. Wait, where is that from?? Is there more to it? Or is that it?


    NinjaGoddessAyra the internet is a great place to investigate yourself. If you do the research yourself you will find Romney voted agaist the lilly ledbetter fair pay act.

    Yes, just did my own research, and I can't find him actually voting against it. I found the same site you did. I also found other sites saying the same thing. Well alright then, it's a shame there isn't a "None of the above" option in the polls.

  4. Did you even watch the second debate? Or rather, did you even listen to his answer? He simply gave a perfectly acceptable answer, and the media took that one little phrase of a sentence and blew it way out of context. I'm a woman, and I'm going to vote for Romney.


    The question that he was asked was dealing with pay equity for women. Romney didn't even answer her question.


    Sure Romney might have hired a lot of women in his cabnet but how does that even answer the question of pay equality for women? I honestly don't think Romney supports equal pay for women or he would have endorced the lilly ledbetter fair pay act. By totally dodging the question saying he had "whole binders full of women" shows how he views women to me. We are just nothing but objects in a binder to him.


    Honestly being a woman being hired by a company wouldnt you be upset if you got hired doing the same thing another person got hired for doing but being paid less because you are a woman? the lilly ledbetter fair pay act would allow you to sue the company. without that all you could do is just quit.


    Also i believe the republican party wants to get rid of the lilly ledbetter fair pay act... It's on their agenda with getting rid of planned parenthood and the support of the blunt act.


    Core republican beliefs and policies have always been so sexest throughout history it is just supprising to me how there are still so many female republicans.


    Romney has damaged his reputation? Have you seen Obama? How about when it came to answering the question about gas prices. What did he say? Something along the lines of "Oil has been in higher production now than in decades," or something to that effect. Why is my gas over $4 a gallon? Why did he deny the keystone pipeline? Why did he stop drilling at the gulf?


    The point is, you can go ahead and say all you want about oil, but the fact is, I'm paying double than what I was before this man got elected. Meanwhile, he's saying it's because the economy was on a collapse before, and thats why it was so cheap. Are you serious? How is the economy any better? I still pay so much more for my groceries now, food has gone way up, milk, dairy etc. and he believes that the economy is doing better....which is why gas prices are higher....huh, okay.


    No president in history can control the price of oil and a lot of things that are shipped around the country are based on the current oil prices. All they can do is regulate and make restrictions. If you been outside of the country at all recently you would be glad to see we are only paying at most $5 a gallon when other countries are charging almost equivalent of 10USD a gallon.


    As for the rest of what you said it's just your opinion and i don't think anyone is going to flame you for it.

    I need to rephrase my last statement, about Romney's answer. When I said he gave a perfectly acceptable answer, I simply meant that the answer he gave wasn't derrogatory towards women, in the sense that the "binders full of women" comment was completely blown out of context. Romney was just explaining what he did while he was governor of Massachusetts, and unfortunately didn't exactly use the best terminology to describe how he went about hiring women. On the other hand, I suppose "ended up with a huge booklet full of very qualified, very able-bodied women" would have been more appropriate. Personally, I think it was just a minor thing that was blown way out of proportion.


    However, you're right, I would not work at a place where I end up doing the same job as other men and end up getting paid less, it just wouldn't happen with me. But the Lilly Ledbetter act was put forth to prevent that, and unless you can give me a quote or a video clip or something, that shows that Romney is or was in direct opposition to that, then I've no reason to believe he's ever opposed that act.


    I'd also like to add though, that Romney was not my first choice for president, and I'm not voting for him because of his like or dislike of women, I'm voting for him because he really seems to have a much better take on the economy and what needs to be done to fix it and turn it around, rather than Obama, who as I said in my previous post; is still saying the same things he was four years ago, and look where that's gotten us.


    Finally, as far as gas prices go, you're absolutely right; you can't directly control the prices of gas or electricity and whatnot. But you can make it better just by allowing us to use our own resources that we have. Under Obama, an entire fifth of all this nation's coal plants have been shutdown, and he's aiming for more, well that makes our electricity rates "skyrocket" (as he is quoted on video as saying.) Also, drilling is important, if we could drill for our own oil, could you imagine how much cheaper gas would be, not having to buy it from overseas? We were supposed to do that with the keystone pipeline, that would run from alaska through canada and to the U.S.A. but this president vetoed that idea. We can't drill offshore in the gulf for oil, because the president cut the amount of oil permits in half, so now we have only half the oil we could be getting coming out of the gulf. So yes, you can't influence the price of oil directly, but you can certainly have it lowered by quite a bit, just by doing a few simple things. Using our resources is key, and shutting down our coal plants and cutting oil permits in half is NOT the way to go about lowering prices.

  5. One thing i find funny is how badly the romney Ryan ticket has insulted women from equal pay to blaming gun control to single mothers.


    Every time the romney campaign comes out with a new political ad to try to mislead the people how Romeny feels about certain issues the Obama campaign just comes out with another ad that totally contridicts the new ad they just released using video clips of Romeny saying exactly how he feels about an issue making the original ads the romney campaign spent millions of dollars on worthless. lol


    Romney has politcally damaged himself more than any other republican canidate in history. I am just suprised the republican party just didn't decided to drop him early instead of keeping such a shady and sketchy figure to represent their entire party. This doesnt just effect how people view Romney but its how America will view the Republican party for years to come.


    They made a huge mistake staying with Romney and they have no one to blame but their own party for being so unpopular amongst the people of america.


    Edit: the reason why Women of america hate romney so much right now is because of the question asked about Equal pay for women at the 2nd debate he completely dodged answering his possition and explaining how he had "whole binders full of women" that he claimed he went out of his way to get. The fact was the binder he was talking about was given to him before he was put in office. He never went out of his way to get these "women" to work in his cabnet. Despite this is actually nice he hired a lot of women in his cabnet didn't actually address his standing or even answer if he believed women had the right for equal pay in the work place.


    The 2nd debate has damaged how women in america feel about Romney. Even a few Republican friends of mine who are female told me they decided to vote for Obama this year because they didn't want Romney to be in office.

    Did you even watch the second debate? Or rather, did you even listen to his answer? He simply gave a perfectly acceptable answer, and the media took that one little phrase of a sentence and blew it way out of context. I'm a woman, and I'm going to vote for Romney.


    Romney has damaged his reputation? Have you seen Obama? How about when it came to answering the question about gas prices. What did he say? Something along the lines of "Oil has been in higher production now than in decades," or something to that effect. Why is my gas over $4 a gallon? Why did he deny the keystone pipeline? Why did he stop drilling at the gulf?


    The point is, you can go ahead and say all you want about oil, but the fact is, I'm paying double than what I was before this man got elected. Meanwhile, he's saying it's because the economy was on a collapse before, and thats why it was so cheap. Are you serious? How is the economy any better? I still pay so much more for my groceries now, food has gone way up, milk, dairy etc. and he believes that the economy is doing better....which is why gas prices are higher....huh, okay.


    Next lets talk about video clips, disproving what the other politician says. Obama is on camera saying how "Under my plan...electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket." He's also been there saying on video that he'll bankrupt the coal industries. I'm sorry, but some of us can barely afford the rates as it is, now you want to go ahead and just stop using our remaining rescources altogether? Great, lets spend even more more money because as far as he's concerned, they must go up. Look, I understand fully that we need more clean energy, and I'm all for solar and wind and whatnot, but not using our current available resources in the meantime is just plain stupid, it's crushing the middle class people.


    You want to talk economy, how many jobs has this president lost? How bad is the unemployment rate? I thought he'd cut the deficit in half, but somehow we've gone to sixteen trillion dollars in debt, and our national credit rating has just gotten downgraded twice. Meanwhile, we're just printing more and more money, and the value of our dollar is going down. I mean, our dollar is about the same value as Canada's, thats crazy. And don't even get me started on his wonderful healthcare plan or his foreign policy.


    So you've got a president that made things so much worse, and he's still spewing the same crap he was back in '08, and we've had the last four years to see how well his plan has worked. Bottomline is, in these last four years, everything has gone up in price, whether it's food from the grocery store, my electric bill, or gas at the pump. Unemployment has stayed the same, and he's promising the same exact thing he was last election, so why would you vote for someone that has made things worse than they already were? He can say his plan all he wants, he can go on about how good things are, but the numbers just don't add up.


    As far as Romney goes; he seems to have a much better take on what to do as far as oil goes, he's been a successful business man and really seems to know how to get the economy running again. He may turn out to be another bad president, and that'll be my mistake for voting for him, but I'm certainly not putting up with Obama for another four years, not when he's already messed up so many things.


    p.s. I know I'm going to get flamed for this and so be it, but let this post be referenced for the near future: I predict that not only will Romney win the election, but he's going to win it by a huge margin. I don't think it'll be close at all.


    If i'm wrong, this post will be a permanent reminder of how much of an idiot I am, but if it's right, well lets just say I'm keeping the page number for future reference.

  6. Ayra, City of Almalexia


    Ayra turned around and saw a Nord walking over towards her from one of the nearby streets. She recognized the man instantly; standing at a height of 7'4, carrying a nordic battle axe on his back the size of a normal person's torso, and that elegant stride he always had, there could be no mistaking who he was, and for the first time in years, Ayra actually let out a real genuine smile, she was truly happy to see him.


    As he continued to walk up to where she was, Ayra noticed all the people occupying the busy streets of Almalexia suddenly split apart, creating a huge path for this giant of a man, as though the people were a sea splitting apart; he had an overwhelmingly strong presence.


    As he finally stopped in front of Ayra, he looked her up and down, taking into account how much she's grown since he last saw her, so many years ago...


    "How...how did you know..." she struggled to form the words properly.


    "Know that it was you? Simple," he said with a grin, "you can drink as many potions as you'd like, but you can't pull a wool over my eyes, just the way you walk is a dead giveaway to me."


    Ayra slowly walked over to one of the nearby water fountains and looked at her reflection in the water. She saw a crimson eyed, tattooless, beautiful Dunmer woman staring back at her. She ran her hand slowly across her face, and then stared up into the face of this giant Nord. she was like a little kid, trying to grasp a simple concept, such as 1 and 1 was 2, or something to that effect. She was utterly surprised that he had been able to see through her disguise; no one had ever been able to do that before.


    "Ulfgar..." she said slowly, "we need to go to Molag Mar, would you...will you...?" her voice seemed to trail off.


    "Accompany you?" he asked, starting to laugh, "I didn't come out all the way to other side of this damned province just to go sight seeing. Of course, if you've got something you have to do, I already told you to call on me if you ever needed me."


    Ayra felt happy to hear this. She hadn't felt this particular feeling or emotion in many years.


    "Still though..." Ulfgar began, "I've been hearing strange things about a new Imperial Fort just north of Ald Ruhn, I figure if you've called me because of those recent events, then we should probably head there first, and see whats going on."


    Ayra shook her head. How could she explain? She didn't know how to, all she knew was that Molag Mar was the place she needed to be, and she needed to get there as soon as she could. Ayra took a deep breath and began, "I...I can't explain it, but I...we need to go to Molag Mar, thats where we need to be..." she managed to say with great effort.


    "Molag Mar eh?" The Nord begain, "Well, alright, seems pointless to try and dissuade you, once you make up your mind, thats it, there's just no changing it. Alright, Molag Mar it is. We're going to have a long walk ahead of us," he finished.


    And with that, the two of them made their way north.

  7. OOC I'm purposely making my next few posts less detailed, so that they're not so long and they're made faster. Sorry for the previous posts everyone >.<


    Ayra, Hlaalu City of Kragenmoor


    Ayra left the Inn and looked around her. There was a lot of hustle and bustle all about, merchants lining the street and all sorts of people going about their day to day routines. It was a beautiful day out, and Ayra had to take a moment for her eyes to get used to the sunlight. She decided she needed to get some new gear, so she headed towards one of the local smiths.


    As she walked in, she noticed a variety of different weapons and armor ranging from all sorts of materials. Looking around, she decided to check out the weapons on the counter, and ignoring the smith, she walked right up and started to really look closely at all of them.


    "Can I help you?" the Orc smith asked.


    Ayra ignored him and started to pick up some of the blades, inspecting them closely, and trying to determine which ones she liked.


    "Ah, I see you like ebony," he said, attempting to gain her attention.


    Ayra made the slightest of nods, and picked up a few ebony throwing stars and daedric dagger.


    "I hope you have the coin to pay for all-" the smith began.


    Ayra had put down a bag of gold on the counter and proceeded to walk out without saying a word. As she got to the door, she heard him say "Whoa hey, there's a bit much here, don't you want your change?" he asked, not trying to hide his surprised tone.


    Ayra didn't look back, and just walked out of the door. She thought about the quickest way to get to Molag Mar from here, and realized her best bet was to head towards the local Mages Guild and be teleported to Almalexia. From there, Molag Mar was only a couple day's journey north. She also had someone she had to meet in the city of Almalexia, so she decided to hurry up and head out.


    When she entered the mages guild, she barely looked twice around her, simply went straight to the Guild Guide.


    "I...I need to go to Almalexia," she said. It was as though she was struggling with the words, like she couldn't get them to come out.


    "Certainly," the Guild Guide replied with a smile. "That'll be 25 septims."


    Ayra wordlessly handed over the necessary coin and felt short spinning sensation as she was warped away to Almalexia. When she opened her eyes, she looked around, she was in a completely different area. The building was enourmous, and so many mages were walking the halls. As she looked around, taking in all her surroundings, she spotted a narrow corrider off to the side, where she knew the exit to be. She immidiately set off at a brisk pace walking down the corrider, and as she did so, the torches on either side lighting the corrider lit up as she strode past. It was quite an impressive site.


    She stepped out of the Mages Guild and took a breath of fresh air. She barely had enough time to take in her breathtaking surroundings when she heard a familiar voice call out from a street nearby.


    "Well well, if it isn't my favorite elf," she heard the familiar voice call out to her.

  8. Ayra, The Blazing Cliffracer, Old Ebonheart


    "Wait a moment!" Marcus called back. "How on Nirn do you plan on getting past all those guards? You're good I'm sure, but you're going to need help."


    Ayra merely glanced back at him for a second or two, and then continued walking away. She didn't understand why she was supposed to meet with him, why she had to hear about guard duties and schedules. No, the only thing that mattered was that her target needed to die, and now that she knew where he was, she didn't care about planning or anything. She liked working alone, and was never one to 'rendezvous' with other agents and talk useless strategy.


    She exited The Blazing Cliffracer and proceeded to walk down the cobbled street towards the castle. When she could see the gate in the distance, she decided to jump as high as she could, and landed on a nearby rooftop. From here, she had a better view of the ground below, and proceeded to jump from roof top to roof top, making her way to the castle. It was the middle of the night, and she was really good with stealth, she was confident no one would notice a lone Dunmer jumping from high above.


    Ayra reached the edge of the castle, and managed to scale the wall and grab onto a nearby ledge, making it to the ledge atop the Castle gate. She looked around, there were archers posted on every tower, but visibility was rather poor tonight, with a fog rolling in. She peered up at the tower where her target was undoubtedly sleeping, and silently made her way over to it, staying in the shadows and easily avoiding the castle archers. At last, she found a doorway at the base of the tower, and slowly opened it. As she expected, it was nothing more than a spiral staircase glowing faintly under the torches hanging over the walls. She made her way up the stair case until she reached the landing. When she got there, she saw two Imperial Elite guards standing on either side of a single door way, and another four more pacing around the violet rug that was placed on the landing floor.


    Instictively, Ayra made note of her surroundings to see what she could use. There were only a few iron torch brackets around, and that meant poor visibility on their part. That, combined with the violet rug to help mask her already virtually soundless footsteps, she was not at all worried that she could make her way over to the Duke's door and get the job done.


    But then she thought for a moment; that man, the one who gave her the contract, he had said to "make an example" of this target. She knew right then and there that these guards weren't supposed to live either. "Well," she thought to herself, better get to work.


    With that she simply stepped out onto the landing, not even trying to mask her presence, her weapon still in it's scabbard around her belt.


    The guards pacing around stopped immidiately, pulled out their Imperial broad swords, and automatically readied themselves for combat. The others all started to do the same, pulling out their swords one by one, she watched as one of them yelled at her "Who are you!? What are you doing here!?"


    Ayra said nothing, she merely took a step forward.


    One of the guards who had been pacing the violet rug only seconds before began to charge, but stopped before he had a chance to go anywhere by what looked like the leader of the patrol, who had put an arm out, giving the signal to stop. He was wearing ebony armor, with the mark of the Imperial Dragon embroidered on his chest. "Stand back," he said to the one who was about to charge. He drew his own sword, both hands firmly grasping it, and stood for a moment beneath the torch light, before shouting "Die!" as he charged at the Dunmer woman with the daedric wakizashi.


    Ayra never said a word, she never even looked at the man, she just stared at the lone door ahead of her and waited for the man to get close to her. The guard leader slashed downwards at her, Ayra pulled up her daedric wakizashi, still in her scabbard, and blocked the slash with the handle guard of her sword. The man had just enough time for his eyes to widen with surprise at such a remarkable feat, before she viciously took the base of her sheath and stabbed it into his left eye, he screamed with pain before she took the handle of her blade and drew it out of the scabbard, cutting the man in half instantly. Another guard started to draw his weapon but - to late, Ayra thrusted the tip of her wakizashi right through the bottom of the soldier's head before he even had a chance to move, the blade covered in crimson blood protruding from the top of his skull, Ayra pulled her handle back and sliced through the rest of the mans head and started towards the other four guards, all of whom had now formed a small defensive line between her and the door.


    She never looked at the men, she just kept her eyes on that door the whole time, all the while wearing a glazed expression over her face, not seeming to really be there, as though she wasn't even aware of what she was currently doing.


    The four guards charged at her all at once. Ayra was ready however, and dodged beneath a broad swing and brought her sword through the throat of the soldier on the furthest right. Without delay, she ripped it out of the mans throats with a horizontal slash that cut the next guards throat with amazingly accurate precision, and then side stepped as one man came running towards her with a charging thrust. She easily avoided him and, taking advantage of his back being turned, thrust the tip of her sword through his back, before quickly turning around to face the other guard, who was already coming down with another vertical strike towards her. Ayra quickly sidestepped that strike, and ignoring the last man's shock and fear, before he could lift his blade back up to block or counter, she quickly stabbed the last man in the throat. She ripped out the sword, and watched as the man's lump form fell to the floor with a soft flump.


    Ayra slashed her sword into the air once, which seemed inturn to have a lot of blood slide off, and surveyed her surroundings. The once brilliant colored carpet, was now no longer violet, but a black shade of crimson from all the blood. Various parts of the walls were now soaked in blood, and six bodies lay around her, all of which wore a face full of shock, their weapons now strewn all abut. She then quickly walked through the door.


    She found her target, he was terrified. He was cowering against a wall, trying to get to his feet, staring up at the Dunmer woman with the daedric wakizashi in her right hand. He looked into those deep sapphire blue eyes of unfathomable darkness, and that was the last thing he ever saw.


    Ayra, City of Kragenmoor, a local Inn


    Ayra awoke with a start, her eyes wide, her heart beating fast, her breathing rather heavy. She briefly looked around, and saw that she was still in a bed. "A dream of the past," she thought. "I haven't had one of those in so long, not after so many years," she thought to herself. She cupped her palm to her forehead and shut her eyes again, she had tried to recall the dream. "How many years was it since I had assassinated that man? Why am I suddenly having dreams about the past now?" she briefly wondered.


    She got up, and tried to remember why she was here in the first place. She had been in Cyrodiil, wandering around aimlessly she remembered. She had heard of the troubles now plaguing Morrowind. She was on her way to Molag Mar, where she couldn't quite explain why she had to go there, just that she needed to suddenly be there. She had stopped for a rest at the boarder city of Kragenmoor, just east of the Cyrodiil boarder, on Morrowind's mainland.


    "Okay," she thought as she got up and began to get dressed, "time to continue moving." And with that, she left the Inn and resumed her long trek to Molag Mar.

  9. Ayra, Old Mournhold, Manor District


    Ayra stood in the middle of a small circular stone room, lit by iron torches hanging around the walls, awaiting her new contract. She had been summoned by one of the heads of the Brotherhood itself and supposed she'd better not keep them waiting. She didn't know how long she'd been standing there, in the dimly lit room, before the one who summoned her finally entered. From what she could tell, he looked like a rather young Imperial, with a round nose and thin lips, though she couldn't be sure, as he was wearing a black cloak and had his hood up, so the rest of his face was not visible. The faint firelight coming from the torches also didn't help her see any better who the man was, though she didn't much care. She stood rooted to the spot, and kept her deep blue eyes on the man that had just entered the room. She waited for him to speak first.


    "Ah Ayra, we meet at last..." he said rather plesantly. "Or should I call you, Angel of Death?" He asked, and Ayra could see a rather sly grin spread upon those thin lips of his.


    Ayra didn't say anything. She noted briefly his Nibanese accent and assumed he was an Imperial but otherwise, she simply kept her eyes glued to this man and waited patiently for him to explain why he was here.


    "Your reputation precedes you, Angel of Death. I've heard nothing but great things about you and I see that for once, the rumors actually are true for a change. I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen you with my own eyes. A Dunmer with deep blue eyes, instead of the usual crimson, and...." His eyes traveled to her face with the Daedric writing. "Yes... 'death' written on your face. Most unusual..." He began pacing back and forth, apparently thinking hard.


    Again, Ayra said nothing, but simply waited, her expression unreadable, she merely looked at the man pacing back and forth, waiting for him to get on with it.


    "Lets get down to business, shall we?" He said finally. "This is a big contract, comes from the Dres High Council itself. Apparently, someone insulted one of their members, and they want compensation for it. This is where you come in." He stopped pacing and turned to look at her once more. "Normally, we wouldn't care who we gave this contract too, as it doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary, but the target happens to be the Duke of Deshaan himself." He paused for a moment, apparently letting his words sink in.


    Ayra stood rooted to the spot, taking it all in. This meant nothing to her; all she knew was that someone needed to die, she didn't care who or why, all she cared about was how.


    The man continued "this will be a very difficult assignment - impossible for most members, and that is why I called upon you; we'll need our very best to make sure this succeeds. The duke in question has anticipated a retaliation from House Dres, and has moved locations and is now currently residing within the walls of Old Ebonheart fortress. Your job is to remind him that no one can hide from the Night Mother, and dispatch his soul to Sithis himself. We want you to make an example out of him, there is a huge reward for this one, and it's all yours if you can pull it off. Make your way to Old Ebonheart, once there look for the bar called 'The Blazing Cliffracer'. Your contact will meet you there and give you all the details you need to know."


    Ayra merely nodded, showing her acknowledgement of what she had to do and that she understood fully. She bowed to the man wordlessly and left the room.


    "Walk always with Sithis, dear sister." He called out after her.


    Ayra kept silent, and never stopped walking. She heard the whoosh of a magic spell and knew the hooded man had teleported away. She knew what she had to do and set out for Old Ebonheart.


    Ayra, The Blazing Cliffracer, Old Ebonheart District


    Ayra sat at a table far removed from the rest of the busy pub. She didn't really care for noise much, and the bar was rather crowded. She looked around, taking in her surroundings while she waited for her contact. The bartender was a Redguard woman who seemed to be rather enjoying herself, talking to the drunken men all sitting at the counter clearly having a good time. Ayra noticed that this was an unusually large bar, now that she really took it all in. Over thirty small wooden tables, each one enough to seat roughly four to five people, lined themselves all around the wooden floor. From where she was, the bartender and her crowd took no notice of her at all, and most of the other tables were full of groups of people, Imperials mostly, but she also saw a table full of Drunken Nords, still wearing their legion armor, clearly just having got off duty, all of whom were evidently having a wonderful time. As she continued to observe, she noticed a group of rowdy looking Imperials playing with a pair of dice, gambling away, unhindered, drinking away a day's worth of hardwork. Ayra didn't care for these kinds of enviroments much, she never understood the common folk, how they could smile or laugh, she was far removed from those emotions, having never felt anything quite close to those feelings in over 50 years.


    As she sat, she noticed a bald, pale blue-eyed imperial wearing rather expensive looking clothing making his way over to her, weaving in between the tables.


    "Is this seat taken?" he politely asked.


    Ayra gave a slight shake of her head, and that was enough for the Imperial, who pulled out the seat and sat next to her.


    Ayra recognized the man almost immidiately; He looked to be in his mid thirties or early forties, but all it took was one look from his eyes to know that this man had seen a lot of combat and bloodshed, his eyes were that of a very experianced warrior, as evident as the scar running down the right side of his face and neck. Marcus Portius was his name, and she had worked with him plenty of times before, he was an exceptionally good spy, from what she was able to gather anyways. As she looked at him, she noticed he seemed a little on edge, his eyes darting here and there, clearly trying to make sure they weren't overheard. Ayra thought this a bit unnecessary, as they were quite removed, and everyone else was so absorbed in their own drinking that no one looked twice at them. She also noted that this was not usually like him, as everytime she had worked with him in the past, he seemed cool and detached.


    "This one won't be easy," he said, his forehead clearly wrinkled with worry as he spoke. "You've got all the bigwigs here, from the Imperial Governor to the Lord Marshal himself. Security is really tight, I've been watching for the past week and a half now. The duke in question is staying at the eastern most tower, but it's guarded 24/7, and damn near impossible to get in," He put his head in his hands and began to think deeply. "I don't see how anyone is going to be able to pull this off without alerting the guards. There must be atleast seven or eight of them patrolling at all times," he breathed heavily. "If they sense even the slightest disturbance, they'll alert that entire part of the castle and it'll be utterly impossible to get to him after that," he said.


    He finally took his head out of his hands and looked over at Ayra, noticing her facial expression did not change, she did not look at him at all throughout the entire conversation, just kept those magnificent blue eyes glued to the wall ahead of her, almost as though she wasn't paying attention. She finally looked at him and spoke for the first time in days, it was little more than a whipser, as though she wasn't used to talking and had long since abandoned speech, "I think I'll be going now," she said, and with that she stood up, and started to walk away.

  10. Welcome, NinjaGoddess! :D Great char sheet!

    Thanks for the warm welcome, I really appreciate it. ^^


    I'm going to continue to finish reading this RP, and then make my first post. I have never RPed before, so please keep that in mind, and I apologize for my ignorance.


    Now, Darkedge has asked mme to post my character's screenshot here, so I hope I described her well enough, here is my pride and joy, Ayra the Goddess of ninja xD


  11. I get what you all are saying, however, Bethesda won't remake Morrowind. But all is not lost! As was originally posted in this thread, openmw will eventually have it to where you can dual wield, there is a physics system, MGE will be obselete, and it'll still be the Morrowind you know and love, just under a new engine. All the quests will be there, all the mods you know and love will be compatible etc.


    The only two downsides I can think of is 1. It'll be years before it's at that phase and 2. There is really no way to give voice to the characters


    Though honestly I kind of consider 2. to be an upside, but thats just my opinion.

  12. Personally I didn't really like Skyrim all that much. I do acknowledge that Bethesda did an incredible job with the graphics and whatnot, but I don't know, it just felt lacking to me.


    It just looks like to me as if they just completely ruined all their current lore making it. I mean, to have the empire basically already in pieces and whatnot, and then adding the Thalmor into the picture, I don't know, I just didn't like it. Not to mention the faction quests, which I completely hated, though I guess I'm not alone in that department.


    I also didn't like Oblivion very much for that matter either, but that could be because the province itself was NOT the way it was described. Cyrodiil was supposed be a vast jungle and whatnot, not look like a medieval version of Europe. I thought the character models they used looked horrible, and overall I just didn't like the general feel of it.


    That all being said, if I had to guess where TES VI would take place, my money is on Hammerfell. They seem to have a lot of lore already for that place, and it's been talked about quite a lot. Personally I would like to see the Summerset Isles, it's the province I've always wanted to visit the most, but that'll never happen. (my luck)


    Oh well, I suppose the Province Cyrodiil mod and Skyrim Home of the Nords mod both look promising enough. I guess I'll just wait for those to be done and help out however I can in the meantime. Well, thats my $.02 on the matter.

  13. If it's not attached to anything then the script itself isn't running, and if you want it to be a global, you need to have a startscript in there, to specify that it doesn't need to be attached to anything.


    Your best bet would be to make sure you have a startscript and stopscript in the script itself, that'll basically let the game know that it's a global and is constantly running.

  14. Yes, I'm running Windows 7 64 Bit. I find my installation folder by going through the C drive folder then Program Files(x86)/Bethesda Softworks/Morrowind.

    Okay theres your problem right there. Windows Vista and 7 can't really run TES games that well because of all the UAC and therefore tend to give a lot of errors.


    If you uninstall Morrowind and then reinstall it in a custom directory such as C:\Morrowind it should stop giving you those errors.


    Try that and see if it helps.

  15. Where exactly is the installation folder of morrowind on your pc? if your running vista or 7 then you have to install it outside the program files or the game usually doesnt work. if you already did this let me know and ill try and help you troubleshoot further
  16. Doesn't really matter who makes it imo, I still feel it's not a very great idea. But who knows, I'm hoping I'm wrong and it turns out to be something outstanding
  17. Thanks for the input. Unfortunately, I am playing Morroblivion (same quests, etc) and as such have no way of getting these mods.


    Hmm....well I'm sorry, I really can't help you there, you really should specify that when you post. Also, you may want to try posting in the Oblivion forums instead.

  18. I voted Highly probable, not because I hope it happens but simply because I think it's going to. IGN and GI and a lot of others seem to think so as well. So I'm guessing whoever the anonymous source is that "leaked" this information has to be somewhat credible....right?

    Although that being said, Eurogamer only a few months before Skyrim was announced strongly believed that TES V was going to be a direct sequal to Oblivion just because one of their editors happened to sit by one of the developers of Bethesda on a plane ride who apparently was talking about how the game would indeed be a direct sequal of Oblivion (yeah right) so I don't know. I guess it could be a swing or a miss.


    As far as MMOs go, I don't really think it matters who makes it, BGS or ZOS, either way I think it really is a bad idea, I mean, the entirety of TES games has always been about a single hero coming along in times of crisis and turmoil and ends up saving the land. I don't understand how an MMO would fit into the lore of TES, it just doesn't make any sense to me.


    Personally I think it'll be a really bad MMO that just happens to get a lot of (initial) attention simply because of the TES name and thats it. But yeah **shrugs** thats just my opinion.

  19. Two questions. One: Can I join both the Imperial Cult and the Temple?


    Two: I'm trying to decide between Hlaalu and Redoran, possibly Telvanni. What are the major differences between one they stand for, and the reward I get (stronghold, etc?)


    My character is Imperial. I'm thinking that I want to join Redoran, however that seems out of character (I want to be more Empire-affiliated, just I've already done the Hlaalu quests up to the stronghold). Telvanni seems pretty cool, but they're also enemies of the Mage's Guild, and also are fond of slavery (my char is supposed to be honourable in a way, even though he's starting out as a Morag Tong agent).

    Hello Tank, to answer your first question; yes you can join both the Temple and the Imperial cult. While both factions may not like each other that much, the quests for both factions do not conflict in any way with each other. There is also no negative impact on joining both, if anything people from both factions will just like you that much more.


    As far as what great house to join, I guess it all depends on what you stand for and what type of character you're playing through. House Hlaalu is all about "business" and making money, regardless of how they get it. There really isn't that much honor within House Hlaalu, but they do support the empire, so I guess thats a plus for you. House Redoran on the other hand is all about honor and being fair etc. but none of them are really big fans of the Empire. So I guess it's a flip of the coin for you depending on how you look at it.


    House Telvanni is a totally different story. They may be ruthless and do anything to get what they want. Stealing and killing is perfectly acceptable for settling Telvanni disputes and no there really is no love for the Empire within House Telvanni, nor is there much honor at all within that house.


    On the other hand though, House Telvanni I find is more about individuality than it is about the house as a whole. For the most part they just want to be left alone to their studies and don't really care much about the outside world at all or their fellow house members. They are more about isolation than anything else.


    Regardless of which house you decide to join, you can always ask for a brief explanation of each house's princibles and what they stand for etc. before making a commitment to any one of them. Also, this link right here http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=179 is a downloadable mod that lets you join all three great houses at once if you want to do all the quests and don't want to have to choose.


    That all being said though, I always go with House Telvanni whenever I do a playthrough, simply because they have three great mods that REALLY expand House Telvanni. I don't know of any mod that expans any of the other great houses, there could be some, if so though I don't know of them.


    http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=5997&view=Mods.Detail <-- this is a mod that vastly expands the inside of the Telvanni Stronghold Tel Uvirith (or Uvirith's Grave) and adds many new NPCs, quests, and interesting dialogue. A must have for any Telvanni player.


    http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=3650 <-- this mod is almost the same thing as the above link, except that it does not change the inside of your stronghold at all, instead it gives you even more quests to do which will bulk up the outside of your stronghold making Uvirith a worthy home for a Telvanni archmagister.


    And finally http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=4449 <-- this mod adds a LOT of new quests that you can do once you become the Archmagister of house Telvanni. It basically lets you expand House Telvanni and let you control everything, you can decide whether or not you want to crush the mages guild, help or destroy the twin lamps etc. and ultimately make House Telvanni the best of the three great houses. It's really amazing and adds several hours of gameplay with tons of new quests and an interesting and unique story line.


    The three mods I just listed are all perfectly compatible with each other and do not interfere with each other in any way. However, should you decide to download the mod that I first posted (allowing you to join all three great houses) it will almost definitly not be compatible with the last three. But the choice is up to you. I apologize for the long winded explanation but I really hope this helps. Good luck :)

  20. I am trying to start modding Morrowind and I have no experience in modding at all. The first assignment I would like to practice is to create a race with body parts that are chopped off from a creature. I already learnt how to create custom race with given body parts but I am wondering how to break down the creature's model plus texture into body parts.


    Thanks in advance.

    Well trying to create a custom race is not an easy first assignment at all, but if you say you already have it down then kudos to you, you're a fast learner. Anyways, as far as modding tutorials go, I would recommend http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/?p=modding_data/tutorials as an overview of a lot of different tutorials that go over the various areas and expertise of modding starting at the basics.


    As far as race creation goes, I'm pretty sure that this tutorial http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/?p=modding_data/tuts/fusi/race_models is the one you'd want, I believe it goes over what you're trying to learn, but I could be wrong so just bare with me here.


    While this next link has nothing to do with race creation, it is an amazing tutorial for beginners that is aimed for complete newbies and gradually works the way up the ladder. http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/?p=modding_data/tuts/dsong/first_room (it's what helped me get started with modding back when i was just starting out.)


    I really hope this helps. :)

  21. Wow please completely disregard that last post, I'm an idiot >.<


    I only realized why the whole thing wasn't working after I went to reread the post.


    Anyhow, it works the way it's supposed to now. Again, please disregard previous post.

  22. Okay so I guess I'll go ahead and say right off the bat that I have absolutely no programming experiance at all period. Morrowind was/is the first "language" I decided I really want to learn.


    That being said, I went and took a look at Morrowind Scripting for Dummies, and it is an excellent well-written guide. After reading the first part of it and doing the first tutorial (the riddle chest) I decided to see if I could pull off the same script (the riddle chest) on my own using the knowledge I had just learned.


    Well I decided to write my own erm....test script...? I guess you could call it that, basically seeing if I could pull of a basic version of the riddle chest on my own. I succeeded at making my own "riddle text script" so to speak only it does not do what I want it to do at all. After making a couple very minor changes, I compared it to the one in the Scripting for Dummies guide and it was all almost identical (save for the few message differences with mine.) so I have no idea why it does not do what I want it to.


    Here is what I have for my version of the script:


    begin aaa_riddle_test_script


    short controlvar

    short buttton


    if (onactivate == 1)

    if (controlvar == 0)

    MessageBox "simple riddle with five answers", "choice one", "choice two", "choice three", "choice four", "choice five"

    set controlvar to 1

    elseif (controlvar > 1)





    if (controlvar == 1)

    set button to getbuttonpressed

    If (button == -1)


    elseif (button == 2)

    MessageBox "The answer is correct"


    set controlvar to 2


    messagebox "The answer is wrong"

    set controlvar to -1


    elseif (controlvar == 2)


    set controlvar to 3





    I thought that looked okay and after I was done, I even compared it to the one in the guide, yet it does not work at all like how I wanted it too.


    What I wanted it to do was if the player activates the chest, the menu pops up with the message and the five choices, if you pick choice 3, the chest would tell you "The answer is correct" and would open and you would have access to it from then on, if you chose any other choice, you would get a message saying "The answer is wrong" and the player would not be able to activate it after that.


    What ends up happening is when I go to test it (I use the console command placeatpc etc.) the chest will give me the riddle message with the five choices like it was supposed to, and then once you click any choice at all, the message disappears altogether. Then when you go ahead and try to activate the chest again, nothing happens. However, if you type in the same console command (placeatpc etc.) and you try activating a copy of the same chest, it acts like any normal chest on activation, no message or anything at all.


    I'm at my wits end here, I understand that this message was a little long and I understand that I'm a bit late in the game trying to learn the Morrowind scripting language, but I was wondering if anyone who was decent at scripting could please tell me what I'm doing wrong. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

  23. You know, one of my favorite RPGs of all time would have to be Final Fantasy Mystic Quest for the SNES. I wonder if anyone's ever heard of that game. I could spend hours as a time playing that as a little kid. Has to be one of my favorite growing up.


    That being said, I really like Final Fantasy 7 but my favorite would have to be 8, I also really like 9 and 10 as well, considering they were all really good games and had an amazing story.


    Enough of Final Fantasy, I also really liked Chrono Trigger, I thought that game was amazing too. Hmm....rest is too much to talk about so I'll make a list :)


    Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Final Fantasy 7,8,9,10 and Mystic Quest

    Baldurs Gate

    Legend of Dragoon (overlooked but imho definitly a classic)

    Breath of Fire 2 and 3.


    There are a few others but I'll leave it at that for now. And thats only RPGs for me lol.

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