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Posts posted by NinjaGoddessAyra

  1. Hey do any of you guys need any help with voice acting or texturing? I don't mind voice acting and I'm good at making it sound as though it's professionally done. I'm not too too great with textures or UV Mapping but if you guys need anything professionally colored, like a map or something, I can do that just fine too. Any help you guys need just let me know and I'll see what I can do :D
  2. From what I've seen of COBL, I don't like it either. It's really not that great and certainly not what its cracked out to be.


    I understand the documentation could be a bit better explained but I was able to install it just fine. As far as being a modder's rescourse goes, it is really good, it has all sorts of items I can use and whatnot, but theres a lot of which I don't like either.


    If I want to use some plugins with it or activate an esp with it, it says I need to merge with the bashed patch, I don't know how to do any of that (and I know I probably didn't even get the term right, someone can correct me I'm sure.) I'm okay with Wrye Bash, I understand how to use the snapshot and duplicate feature, as well as the esmify and espify commands, but as far as merging goes I've never been good with that.


    I also don't like how the only thing I've seen it actually do was in the Frostcrag Reborn esp, where there was shelves of alchemy potions and ingrediants and you could store them or take them out. I mean, it looks nice, seeing alll the bottles stacked neatly on shelves, but I think its dumb how you can go and active a shelf and it gives you a whole list of options you could do. Store ingrediants, take ingrediants, etc. But everything it allows me to do I could easily do by just storing items in an ordinary chest, so as far as I'm concerned, it just looks neat, but thats really all it does.


    If I'm wrong or I'm missing something, please correct me, as I've only started using COBL the other day anyhow, so there could be a lot of things I've missed.

  3. Yeah, the series was confusing to me when I first saw it. I found out about the games a good number of years later and picked up on the series. The games solve some questions and raise more, which are solved by the other various bits of media. For anyone looking to get into the series, you need a PS2 or a way to get a few of the manga (which I haven't gotten around to buying). If you get the games, get them in order: Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, and Quarantine. You import your saves from on game to the next, so your character from the first disk (Infection) will eventually be used to beat the game in the last (Quarantine). The character isn't customizable in any way other than equipment, but the series creates characters for you to grow on, which I'm fine with. The games are pretty rare in the US, so you may have a hard time finding them elsewhere.

    Thats the signature of .hack though. The series always keeps you guessing and always in the dark, and the moment you pick up a new manga from the series or buy a new game for it, it'll have some answers but will bring about even more questions than you already had. Thats why I think it's a great game, it keeps you guessing and constantly wanting more.

  4. Unfortunately, as much as I would now like to provide a bright, shining answer, I must come up short. I have run out of answers for today. But I am still thinking on it.


    Ooh Ooh up here Canada youhoo bright and shiny answer.72% public option ,28% private insurance (Dental and electives ,hey if you want a nice smile or bigger boobs pay for them yourself) .Only 9.9 - 10.1 % of our GDP in cost vs 15.6 - 16.7 of your GDP in costs , depending who you listen to.Despite what Insurance lobbyists and the like would have you believe there are no Death Panels in Canada ,all decisions are made locally as in my Doctor has the final power and if I don't like what he says I can go get another Doctors opinion.We don't have rationing its done on a need basis ,in fact if you look at the rate of denied claims in the US insurance industry its you who have rationing ,which is what Bben is describing (google it you will be stunned).Health costs are the number one reason for bankruptcy in the US ,not here in Canada and who shows up when you go bankrupt ,insurers ,bankers and their lawyers.Wow talk about earning a buck on the flip side.As for quality of care the last meta study I looked at had Canada leading in 11 categories ,the US in 7 ,and we were tied in 4.In fact our systems are so close in nature that prior to us switching a Canadian could be in the States and use his Canadian health insurer in an American hospital and an American could do the same in a Canadian hospital ,after 1971 it all changed.


    The whole health care thing isn't something new in the US ,it was FDR who first proposed it but the caveat was first WW 2 had to be won and after you would get health care ,same thing here in Canada ,but after the war FDR was dead and the health insurers said oh no don't worry we can deliver ,well here in Canada we waited 25 years for them to deliver and finally we said enough is enough ,your not delivering ,meanwhile you in the US have been waiting for 65 years and you still haven't gotten what they promised ,so really how much longer are you going to wait ,20 , 40 ,60 years ,when do you say enough is enough.That's the only real difference between Canada and the US we stopped waiting.


    As for the Constitutionality of the current bill ,I don't even think it matters (though I lean toward it being unconstitutional) still I voted undecided because likely it will be a lot of political noise and thunder that will signify nothing ,because that is exactly where the health insurers want it ,leaves them free to keep on keeping on and making oodles of money.

    I've been going to Canada every summer since I was a little girl, and my family would spend the summers on a cabin by a lake. We met a family that lived nearby there, one of which was an older man named George. He was a great guy and well liked by everybody.

    Well he had a cancerous tumor the size of a tennis ball coming out of his shoulder, he went to the hospital, and was put on an 8 month waiting list. Sad thing is, there was a good chance he could have lived if he had gotten treated on time, but instead he never lived the eight months.

    My point is, if thats what universal health care is like, then I sure don't want it as a law passed in my country, considering what I've seen it do to Canada's.

  5. OK, so I finally managed to get the graphics I want! Basically I installed MBP, HGEC, and the High Rez, and what did it for me was adjusting the settings of the High Rez install tool. Checking the "imperial texture" seemed to help out a lot.


    @LFact I already have MPB, here's my load order.


    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm

    Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp






    Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp



    Telekinetic Mastery.esp


    Hentai Mania.esp



    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp

    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp

    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules.esp

    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Disable BandBlindMask.esp

    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Sheogorath Eye.esp

    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Saram Hair.esp

    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Pr-ttyCure Hair.esp

    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Nec Mystic High Elf Remake.esp

    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed HS-Hair.esp

    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Cute Elves.esp

    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Corean Hair.esp

    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Babe Hair.esp

    Beautiful People 2ch-Ed AGS Hair.esp


    Although I succeeded, another problem has presented itself. On the High Rez I chose oiled 2 for my long eared elf and for pretty much all the races. The problem is that for all the races, the only things are are oiled are the feet and the hands; like when I am wearing the prison clothes you start out with, the hands are all shiny while the arms are dull like it originally was. Basically it's half High Rez and half vanilla body. However, when I take off my clothes, the entire body is High Rez like it should be. Anybody have any idea?

    A very impressive list. If you don't mind my asking, could you tell me where to download those Beautiful People 2ch-Ed mods?

  6. Or another solution could simply be that they aren't really more technologically advanced than us and that they too don't have the ability to travel or have interstellar communications. That would mean they have never visited us and don't even know OF us. While this is very unlikely, it is a possiblity. Figured I'd throw it out there :P
  7. Well back to my problem at hand, I think I solved it, though in a pretty unorthodox way, but atleast my games work.


    I did all the steps in bben's guide and cleaned out the registry, defragged my laptop, and reinstalled it, and it still gave me the same error. But I noticed within the Oblivion folder that it has the Oblivion Launcher and the Oblivion executable (obviously). If I click on the launcher, it gives me the error that I described earlier. But on the other hand, if I click on the executable, it launches the game right there, without bringing up the date files or uninstall screen. I then installed OBSE and tested to see if when installed, it would launch the game the way its supposed to, and it did. So I made a shortcut of the Oblivion Launcher and put it on my desktop and did the same thing for OBSE. Now if I bring up the launcher on my desktop, it won't start when I click the start button because it gives me the same error, but I can still check and uncheck the data files using it. Then if I want to launch the game, I just click the OBSE launcher and it works.


    So yeah, a little unorthodox, but it works nonetheless. So far there have been no issues, but I'll post again if there are any more issues.

  8. Where are you installing Oblivion too? Is it C:\Oblivion or are you using the default location in the program files? Because if you're using the default location on Vista or 7 then the game generally won't work. If you haven't already, try installing the game to C:\Oblivion and see if that helps.
  9. Okay I had to uninstall Oblivion, and I can't seem to reinstall it. I'll put the disc in and it'll read it just fine, but when I click to install program, nothing happens. If I go into the folders of the program and click setup, it'll install Oblivion just fine, but when I click start game, it'll say "The Oblivion Launcher could not find the Oblivion game executable. Please reinstall Oblivion." Not only that, whenever I go ahead and try to uninstall the program, it'll say "The Oblivion launcher could not find the uninstall program." So at this point I really don't know what to do >.<


    If it helps, I'm using a Dell laptop with windows 7.


    p.s. It's doing the exact same thing whenever I try to reinstall Morrowind.


    Did your computer ever run Oblivion? Many laptops don't have adequate video hardware for Oblivion.


    If you don't know what you have you can run a Dxdiag report from the start menu. This will tell you some details about your hardware. Especially Processor type and speed and the Graphics processor used. Get this info and post back here, in your thread.

    Yeah I've run Oblivion and Morrowind on my laptop just fine with no issues for the past month now. I bought my laptop specifically for Oblivion. It ran fine with all the mods I chose to use for it.


    As far as hardware goes, my processor is an Intell Core i7-950 3.06 GHz 8M Intell Smart Cache LGA1366, I'm using an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 1.2GB 16X PCIe Video Card and 12GB DDR3/1600MHz Triple Channel Memory Module for RAM.


    I can't get much more specific than that lol. Anyways, I've been playing both Morrowind and Oblivion on it just fine so I don't think hardware is the issue, since this wouldn't be the first time I've tried reinstalling it. The only hardware issue I can think of is I heard Oblivion works better on a single core processor, and mine is a quadcore, but again, its worked fine for the last month now so I know thats not it.


    Thanks bben, I'm gonna try using the link you gave, and I'll let you know how I do following the instructions for it.

  10. Okay I had to uninstall Oblivion, and I can't seem to reinstall it. I'll put the disc in and it'll read it just fine, but when I click to install program, nothing happens. If I go into the folders of the program and click setup, it'll install Oblivion just fine, but when I click start game, it'll say "The Oblivion Launcher could not find the Oblivion game executable. Please reinstall Oblivion." Not only that, whenever I go ahead and try to uninstall the program, it'll say "The Oblivion launcher could not find the uninstall program." So at this point I really don't know what to do >.<


    If it helps, I'm using a Dell laptop with windows 7.


    p.s. It's doing the exact same thing whenever I try to reinstall Morrowind.

  11. I'll definitly still go back to Oblivion. Personally, I'm constantly switching the CDs in my laptop from Oblivion to Morrowind all the time, I play them both equally, because I feel they're both really great games.


    I just started to learn how to mod with Oblivion and I'm decent at it, so I can't wait to try my skills at Skyrim, but I think I'm going to wait until the GOTY edition of Skyrim comes out. The originals always have a lot of bugs in them and I figure I'll just wait another year anyways, seeing as how I'm still working on a few things for Oblivion.

  12. I've been watching .Hack since pretty much near the beginning. I follow the storyline as much as I can, though it is very confusing at times. I think thats why I love it so much.


    Come to think of it, I just got done replaying the three G.U. games over again about two months ago. It was one of the first games in a LONG time that kept me hooked and I couldn't stop playing it.


    I've tried to get people to watch the anime or play the video game, but I always tell them "don't bother trying to figure out the storyline, you'll only get lost."


    Their artwork is simply amazing, as well as the anime(s) and the soundtracks, assuming you don't mind listening to japanese lyrics.


    So yes, it's nice to meet a fellow .Hacker :)

  13. I thought a lot of people knew about the wikileaks articles that disclosed information about US troops killing over 6,000 innocents. My point is that just because soldiers are trained with guns doesn't mean they will use them right. Everyone with a gun might not use it right. Gun control won't always work due to this.


    Killing innocents you say?


    When they are fighting an enemy that will actively disguise themselves as civilians and mingle in with the crowd after setting up IED's, or sniping at camps and patrols and abandoning their sniper rifles and pretending to be an innocent local when they are about to get caught, or how about when they hide out in schools and Mosques and hospitals, knowing that the Allied forces aren't allowed to fire on such structures, Or how about when they stitch bombs into dogs and send them off towards patrols.


    They are fighting an enemy that is USING the civilian population to hide behind. If you are insisting that the US forces are just mowing down innocent people for laughs then you are incredibly uneducated and naive about this war.

    I agree 100% with Sykes. I hate it when we risk our lives over seas for people who claim that all we're doing is killing innocents over there. They have no idea the Hell that we go through over there, and what we have to do, being away from our families for over a year at a time is not fun. Not to mention I wish more people knew about the ridiculous Rules of Engagement that we have to follow which is really causing the most causualties on our side. It really irritates me how ignorant some people can be.


    Okay, had to get that off my chest, now back to the topic at hand: The right to bear arms is my right, and I'm not prepared to give that up. I have my permit to carry a side arm with me, and I do it for protection. I don't exactly live in a friendly neighborhood and while I do not want to use it, I'd like to know that I have protection should the need arise.


    The whole thing about how crime rates go up and whatnot isn't going to be solved by taking away the second amendment. I'm sick of hearing about all these petty arguments from politicians wanting to ban the use of firearms simply to prevent violence. Honestly, imo it's like the whole bs argument against violent videogames. Many people say that violent video games lead to violence but theres never been any proof to that. I think the whole issue is absolutely ridiculous if you ask me -_-

  14. Hmm to be honest, I've never actually talked to her at all. Though I've always really admired and appreciated her work =/


    Well, for what it's worth, I think i'll message her telling her that I appreciate her mods and think she's done a great job.

    You know, I feel the same way, I think I might do that too.


    Although then again I imagine she's getting a ton of messages that are saying more or less the same thing, so I think I'll save her the spam =)

  15. In a rapidly developing and contradictory field such as physics only the very arrogant, confident or pedantic can remain certain in everything, I want to encounter the alien and the exotic and am prepared to think outside the box but my love of history, humanity and rationality will not accept without significant evidence the intereference in our development by non human intelligences.


    To misquote some guy or another "Amaze me"!!!!!!!

    Well I see where you're coming from, I'm a lover of history myself, and I'm not trying to say that we did have help in ancient times. I'm just saying it's a huge possibility. Though I suppose thats the whole point of this topic, nothing is certain at all. There are no conclusive facts at all and theres also the other big possibility to consider as well: No aliens have visited us at all.

    On another note, I think it would be neat to travel in space from planet to planet, though thats just fantasy right now and I don't want to get off topic.

  16. The same laws of physics extend all over the universe (this "universe"). the understanding and ability to design devices to manipulate those laws might be superior but nothing else.


    Said aliens would have access to pretty much the same elements of the periodic table as do we but they would if capable of interstellar travel probably have an ability to manipulate them in a manner more sophisticated than we do today - also as we will have if we do not reduce ourselves to a post tech barbarism.


    Maybe a 'miracle' energy source is available such as quantum foam but the energy output necessary to achieve each percentage toward lightspeed grows outrageously. My understanding of physics says that close to luminal velocity for space vehicles is impossible, hence evolving societies within any space vehicle. I would be happy to be proven wrong but whenever I read anything or talk to anyone involved in physics I receive the same answer: C+ impossible.

    I understand what you're saying, but the thing is, we don't know what kind of planet they'd come from (assuming they even exist) but for all we know they could have an entirely different table of elements. In other words, more minerals and materials that just don't exist where we are and therefore have not discovered them ourselves. And as far as space travel being impossible, well it'd be impossible for US with OUR technology as it is now but clearly not for them if they do interstellar travel.


    Now I don't know much about any of the teleportation that WizardofAtlantis was talking about, but what I do know is that scientists know about wormholes and how maybe one day (VERY far from now) we could use them to travel through space. The same laws of physics are applied, and you're right, you can't break the laws of physics, but if they're that technologically advanced, then it is indeed very possible they made device(s) to manipulate them as you stated.


    I agree with Atlantis however, you're thinking inside the box, like rocketships, but theres a lot more possibilities than that.

  17. If there are aliens who travel between systems in organic form rather than downloading personalities into robotic ships and letting them do their thing. Then even if they were travelling in a large mobile asteroid with all it's minerals and a good supply of gasses then bearing in mind the low level of (relative) speed attainable they would be living in a culture of comparative resource scarcity. What types of governance would such a lifestyle induce, communism, anarchism, tribalism or semi monastic? They surely would not be the aliens who hate commies & p*** petrol so beloved of golden age SF.


    These alien would certainly not be interested in our mineral wealth as it would not be worth the effort of lugging it out of our gravity well. The only reason the aliens would have for interaction with our ancestors or ourselves would be gratification be it intellectual or vanity.


    Just as our societies change envision the changes in a limited population over the (minimum) centuries travel period. The noble space travelling culture which started would be something very different and quite possibly ugly by the time it got to it's first, second or third destination.

    Assuming they even exist, that would mean they have space travel and their laws of physics would go far beyond ours. So how they travel between planets or anything is not something we could imagine and as far as their minerals and gas goes, they'd probably have minerals and rescources we've never seen before that have greater potential than ours. As far as why they're here, it doesn't have to be for our mineral sources or w/e, who knows what they could have been here for.



    This is a topic to discuss the idea of merging all governments into a single government.


    I will make my first post short and expand on it later.


    I think if the government system was a really good one (Regulated Capitalism or Socialist Capitalistic or Semi Anarchy) I think a one world government would be much better then multiple ones.




    Let me give my reasons


    1. It will merge culture and other things, bad cultural practices would be wiped out over time (Like sacrifices EXT).


    2. It will make it so countries will not have trade problems.


    3. It will wipe out war, unless started by civilians.


    4. It will make the government have a obligation over ever place in the world, which would lead to bad areas of the world being modernized/fixed.




    I have more reasons, ill also post the things that could go bad.


    1. If the government becomes corrupt, it will be easier to control the masses.


    2. Possibility of destroying old culture, that could be a bad thing or a good thing. Most people would look at it as a bad thing.


    Not to sure, would like to see what everyone else thinks.



    EDIT: Typo in title, can a mod change "Word" To "World" for me?

    A one world government sounds great in theory, but its something that should NEVER happen.


    Because of all the different currencies of the world, having a one world government would not solve trade problems, but make them worse. If you made it to where there was only one world currency as well, then that would only make corruption sky rocket like you would not believe.


    Having one world government would be like having the UN in charge of everything, which was a huge failure to begin with.

  19. There's no need for proof of visits to prove that they visited...does that make sense?! For example, only recently (2005) did someone discover the first ever chimpanzee fossil. think about that and then think of a few spaceships coming here with their tech and "leaving their mark".


    Then there's this interesting tale of an Army lieutenant colonel who by his own admission took part in the post-Roswell, back-engineering alien technology for decades. His name is Philip J. Corso and his book, The Day After Roswell, is one great ride. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/yes.gif Scared my mom so much (a lifelong military man has a certain reputation and weight when he writes of things in his memoirs) that she put the thing down and couldn't finish it.

    From the sounds of it, I'd much like to get my hands on that book--but thats beside the point.


    I'd like to believe that aliens exist because look at all the past civiliaztions. The Egyptian pyramids, to be made all those thousands of years ago, you'd think they would have had to had some outside of help of some kind. The Aztecs are another example, Stone Henge, the Mesopotamians, the list goes on.

    Not only that, but again, as many have mentioned, the universe is so vast that we can scarcely imagine just how big it actually is, and therefore, there is just no way we could possibly be the only ones out there. For example, there are posters that you may find in science labs and other places, its a picture of our galaxy, The Milky Way, and it looks like a giant white vortex covering a black poster. Our solar system, (located in The Milky Way mind you) is about the size of a pencil dot on that poster, and again, thats just our solar system alone. Not only that, but there are 100s or 1000s of galaxies out there, and The Milky Way is one of the smaller ones. So yeah, theres no way we could be the only ones out there.


    One other thing I'd like to point out, many of you guys may want to try googling this, it was on the news about a month or two ago if you don't believe me, but scientists just discovered a new planet in our solar system, it is very similar to Earth, it has oceans on it and has roughly the same temperature as Earth. Yahoo had a huge article on it fairly recently too. So anyways, theres a really good chance that if there isn't life on that planet, whether bacterial or not, there will be someday.


    So yes while I can't say I've ever seen any UFO sightings myself or suddenly had a time lapse where two hours or so had just past by out of nowhere :P I still believe that yes there is life out there somewhere. Whether or not they have visited in the past few millenia or not....who knows lol.

  20. I'd just like to say that I myself prefer playing as a female character. My character is like an extension of myself and I usually dress her in a robe and hood, though that has nothing to do with me hating to look at her, I just imagine my character being a stealthy assassin who doesn't show her face all that often. I do however have the apachii goddess store and hero store running and yes, i'll dress up my characters in sexy outfits. If i'm playing as my female character, I like to use some sexy armor from the goddess store for the final match in the arena.


    I also have a few male characters and its not often that I play as them, but when I do, I may indeed use one of Slof's mods, I really admire her work and I don't see whats wrong with dressing MY character to MY tastes. If that offends people or I'm considered a sexist or lesbian or whatever because of that, then I'm sorry, but I won't conform to their standards.


    On another note, I'd like to say that I agree that society today, if a woman shows her sexual side, she's a flirt or a prostitute etc. but I think another big factor has to do with t.v. shows too. For example, many sitcoms glamorize sex but show it as the men craving for it and the female just arent that interested and/or don't get anything out of it, which could be attributed to many people finding it "offensive" if and when (God forbid) a woman embraces their sexual side, whether online, in RL, or simply by using clothing/armor mods merely for the sake of looking, THATS IT. imo, it simply comes down to a lot of people getting offended due to ignorance.


    I hope all this made sense, I'm half asleep as I type this, so any errors or whatnot, I apologize now in advance :)

  21. Well you could always try the God Rays mod I suppose. Though I don't know where you could find a download link for it. There are a lot of videos demonstrating the mod and you could always look it up and see if it's worth your time. Either way, if you decide you want to use it and somehow find a link to download the said mod, you'll need Oblivion Graphics Extender v2, which can be found everywhere, just google it if you have to. Whether or not it'll cause conflicts with your current mods I can't answer that.


    Also, I've never tried the Oblivion Graphics Extender, but the Morrowind Graphics Extender didn't work well (for me) on Windows 7 or Vista, but worked fine on an xp machine. I don't know if the Oblivion Graphics Extender will be the same way or not.


    On a final note; you should make sure you have a top notch computer with atleast 4 gigs of RAM if you want to run the mod. Apparently the mod uses a lot of memory and isn't for slow machines.


    Good luck and hope that helps =)

  22. You know, after seeing that guide for myself, I think you should try putting that as FAQ format and submitting it to gamefaqs or neoseeker, none of them have a 200+ guide and I've read a few threads of people asking for it. I think you and I are among the very few who bothered to level that high and know how to do it. Seriously, atleast think about sending one in :)

    An FAQ? Umm no way lol. I have pretty much no more free time anymore, and I don't know how to write in FAQ format lol. Come to think of it, the only FAQ I ever did was of Yoshi's Island for the SNES YEARS ago, so yeah, no more FAQs for me :)

    Nevertheless, I *do* appreciate the positive feedback though :P

  23. Okay sorry about the long wait. It's a been a long and stressful week and this is the first time I've been able to actually take the time to sit down and post. Anyways, I have the guide, I made some modifications to it, since it didn't make much sense when I read it myself. I had after all originally made it for myself so I basically redid the whole thing. That all being said, I'll send it to Voivode, and if there is anyone else that wishes to know the method of gaining ridiculously high levels, then just message me and I'll send it to you.
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