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Posts posted by NinjaGoddessAyra

  1. I tried Morrowind again a while back as I hadn't played it in a long time. The last time I played it was on a 4:3 display. This time I have a 16:9 and all the NPCs and creatures looked awful. It was like they'd all been stretched horizontally. It was so bad I just deleted the game again.


    Is there a mod that fixes this? Does MGE do it? I have an ATI 5750 vid card and run Windows 7 - 64bit.


    Hmm....I've never had this problem so I'm not entirely sure. If I were you I would try to install MGE, and there you can choose your screen resolution.


    While you can do this with the game launcher yourself, you're really only able to choose between a handful of resolutions. Try installing MGE, match your screen res with it, and see if that works. Otherwise I don't really know what to tell you. There is probably an easy fix to this that someone may know of, if so, I'm not aware =/

  2. So all I can do is let it die out? How the hell can I get someone to make the mod? I mean, you never know. There are always people joining this site and some might even have modding experience, and I'm absolutely sure they're not willing to scan through seventy pages.


    So tell me, in what way can I get attention to new modders without the "bump" tactic or re-posting?


    Well for starters, you could learn to mod and do it yourself. It's fun to learn and there are many rescources and tutorials out there that are nice and user friendly and you can work your way up to 3d modeling.


    Or, instead of just saying "bump" to get the thread back to the top, you could just as easily of posted another armor request or idea in your thread, and you would have had your thread back at the top without having to break site rules.

  3. I can understand the Nexus's policies when it comes to banning authors and thier reasons why and appreciate the effort the moderators put into keeping trolls and flamers from our sites. However even though I feel I have been here a relatively short time I have still seen many great modders come and go, getting banned for a variety of reasons but mostly just becuase they made a mistake.

    Mentioning no names I know of one author (who requested to be banned at the time) who had been in a life threatening accident days before which is bound to put a person in an unusual frame of mind. Another author was putting up with posts upon the release of thier mod that were annoying me and I had no part in the mods creation. Basically one other author made three posts in a very short space of time that equated to 'this mod conflcts with mine, I'm not gonna use it' which would be enough to annoy anyone. I cannot justify the banned authors response but to say that they were angry and due to locked threads cannot even go back and edit thier statements once they have calmed down.

    This is something I'm glad I have been able to do many times as I often wake up grumpy after reading some bad criticizm and go slightly too far on a rant which then has to be edited (especially since humor and sarcasm do not translate too well into text alone). Also being angry can totally transform a person's personality, so all common sense and self-preservation can go straight out the window, even if it only lasts for a minute or two.

    Both of these authors have been involved in the Nexus community probably for much longer than myself and have been resposible for some of the site's most popular mods, though I can think of others banned in similar circumstances too.


    One proposal is that once an author achieves a certain number of downloads or endorsements they are afforded a few more privaledges (for being a benefit to the community), such as the ability to fully moderate thier own comments pages or an extra life on the three strike system (or just no instant-bans, one warning at least). Another option would be to gradient the ban period based on AP Scores which reflect a members overall presence within the Nexus. If someone has been around for ages and has a high AP then they only face a ban of three months or a year max. Repeated offenders can still be treated in a zero tolerance manner.

    Also preferably there could be some way of re-instating said individual if they do get banned, perhaps with a poll. Once people have seen the effects of a ban they are much more likely to have learned a lesson, even if that is just to moderate thier own comments.

    I totally disagree with this post. I don't see how being a popular modder could infact give you special privileges simply because they "gave more to the community." A lot of the mod authors you indirectly mentioned went as far as they did BECAUSE they had the whole "I'm a popular modder, I can get away with this and that."


    Fact of the matter is, they are not above regular members here. They get the same punishments and warnings that everyone else does. If they lose their self control thats their problem, they should have thought twice.

  4. There was a topic about this at some point I think, no idea where it went...


    Not going to post any opinions yet.


    1. Do you think man contributes to it?


    2. Do you think it is a serious threat?


    3. Do you think the media correctly reports on it? (Does the media make it seem like a big threat or a small threat?)


    4. Why do you think people act like its not a issue, and what is your reason behind it? Why do you think people act like it is a issue, and what is your reason behind it?


    1. I guess


    2. Not at all


    3. No the media does not correctly report on it considering there were supposedly emails of scientists going back and forth going on about how the theories aren't working and the supposable "proofs" that they had were natural occurences.


    4. I think the reason there is such a mixed response is because there are so many different reports on it from the media and everything else. Some people say that if we cut down our energy we can help prevent global warming, however on the other hand, people say that we'd have to completely stop using energy entirely before we notice a difference.


    I personally think outside of the box and form my own opinion. The way I see it, they changed the name from Global Warming to Climate Change because it wasn't warming up the way they were saying it so they changed the whole approach to Climate Change. I don't know about you, but the region that i'm from had a REALLY long and cold winter this year.

    Finally, the biggest reason why I personaly don't think it much a threat is because 10 to 15 years ago, everyone was worried about global cooling though not many people know about that.

  5. Well the whole reason this issue even came up in the first place is because he refused to show it to anyone. That and no one could find the hospital or the doctor's names of where he was claimed to be born etc. It's about time he finally released it. Honestly he could have ended all of this months ago if he just showed it then.
  6. I got up to level 240 but again as I said before that was stupid on my part. I did it on my 360 version so I couldn't use console commands to fix anything. For example, when playing the Shivering Isles, when you do that quest as the "Inquisitor" and you go around torturing people, when you finally find the traitor and she's in the cage or whatever; if and when she gets the lightning blast shot at her as a killing blow, she umm.....doesn't die. So the game won't go on and everyone will just be standing there, and you have to have to kill her yourself via a spell. But then you get a bounty and everyone attacks you for killing the 'condemned' person.


    Thats just one of the many reasons why I will never level up that high again, if it was the pc version I suppose I could have went into the console and killed off the npc but like I said, with the 360 version I don't have that luxury.

  7. I myself try to stick with the same character but like everyone else I too constantly change my mod list and start new files with new characters each time I install a few new mods to my list. The highest I've ever leveled up was to level 240 on Oblivion using my 360 version. That however was me trying to see how high I could possibly go, on the other hand however I usually stick close to level 25 or so, seeing as how if you level up too high the enemies get too strong.


    That all being said I'm sure I'm the only one dumb enough to take the time to level up to 240. This is not worth it for so many reasons, I really only did it so I could have a sense of accomplishment.

  8. Hmmm.....one of my craziest would have to be when I walked into Jensine's shop in the Market District and walked out. Next thing I know everything is the same but the ground is covered in an interesting color combination of orange and green. I found it interesting because it was very pleasing to the eyes and looked pretty good, but I obviously reset not long after because I didn't want anything to happen to my game.
  9. Sephiroth from FFVII by a clear mile, the best bad guy out there for one of the best RPG's of all time!

    He'd have to be one of my favorite male characters. Along with Cid from (FF7), Vincent (FF7), John-117 the Master Chief from the Halo games, Kazuya Mishima.


    I have a lot of favorite male characters but those five just about sum up my absolute favorites.

  10. I was disappointed when I found out that it was going to be set in Skyrim. I'm not terribly fond of the "frozen north" in Cyrodiil. Or the frozen east, or any frozen parts. The landscape is just too bleak and unappetizing for my taste. "Boring" would be a good word. In Oblivion we had a wide variety of landscapes as we wandered about, and, for me, that was all part of the eye-candy that helped the immersion. I don't like winter and snow, anyway (in Real Life), so a constant diet of this is going to be very unappealing.


    On the flip side, from what I've heard about changes in game-play, I like where Bethesda seems to be going. They've apparently actually paid attention to the ways that the modding community has reworked Oblivion.


    I had been hoping, although not really expecting, a re-vamp of Morrowind + Oblivion, using a better game engine and a more adult and lore-friendly approach. I doubt that's ever going to happen, which is sad, really. I'm not going to get on the ES5 bandwagon. I think I'll stick with Oblivion, even with its faults, until someone in the modding community undertakes a total conversion project for it like Nehrim. I should be so lucky as to live so long. I suppose I'll be migrating to Fallout when I get tired of playing Oblivion.

    Honestly I couldn't agree more with everything you just said. I myself was disappointed with the new location of Skyrim too, though I suppose we all knew that it would be Skyrim since they copyrighted the name a couple years ago. I'm not a big fan of the snowy landscapes either, though from some of the screenshots I've seen, a lot of it will have an autumn feel to it, which I suppose is alright. So long as it isn't entirely snow.

    That all being said, I was really hoping they'd do the Summerset Isle, but I guess when it comes down to it, that'll never happen -_-

  11. "What's the background color palette for the entire game, Jim? Oh that's an easy one, sir. Blue and gray, with some gray and blue mixed in." It just kept piling on and got really old, really quick. Get my drift? ;p

    As a matter of fact yes I do. The Bloodmoon expansion for Morrowind was really great in my opinion but I got so sick and tired of the snow and the repetitiveness that I actually missed Vvardenfell quite a lot.


    As far as graphics go, I'm not concerned, I bought a computer that was only $1600 and I'm almost positive it can play anything that Skyrim throws at it no problem.


    On another note, I hope that the creation kit will be all that it's cracked up to be. Because it sounds like a really great tool with a lot of potential, assuming you can do many things that CS could not, which I'm pretty sure will be the case.


    All in all, I'm looking forward to Skyrim quite a bit. I think it'll be a very neat and fun experiance and I pray it won't be a huge letdown.

  12. Something like this may already exist but there needs to be a mod that recognizes all the custom races you have added and put random NPC's throughout oblivion. Whats the point of having 30+ races and your the only one that looks like the one you pick? I could easily just use cs to add npc's of my new races but that would take to long and if i added a new race i would have to do it again. We need something that recognizes all the races and puts random npc's with just a rumor topic and generic voice. IF A MOD LIKE THIS EXSISTS PLEASE TELL ME.

    I don't know of any mod like that existing, it might it might not. But I myself am working on voicing A LOT of dialogue in the game to make a sort of voice mod for a custom race. Right now I have it to where if you wanted to add say...a cute elf in the mages guilld to the Imperial City, she'd have all the dialogue lines she'd need already made. She'll talk about rumors, the entire persuasion mini game, if you shop and buy her stuff, w/e, she'll have the lines. Unfortunately there's a lot of dialgoue lines to do and I don't expect to be done before Skyrim, at which point no one would care anymore anyways.


    That aside, when I'm finally done voicing her, I want to put Cute Elves around Cyrodiil and sort of have a mod where they blend in like all the other races. Though like I said, this won't be done before Skyrim. So I'll probably just redo the whole thing once Skyrim comes out :pinch:

  13. One of the biggest problems we have is that we're ignoring history. We're ignoring what our forefathers stood for, why they were all for small government. We're ignoring Europe's history and whats happening over there.


    I think one of the biggest problems we have is that some of the nutjobs that run this country believe that capitalism is the biggest issue here, that it's bad and ruining the country. You couldn't BE any more wrong than that. I mean, I suppose next they'll want to get rid of the free market too.


    So while I suppose a lot of it is corporate businesses, a lot can also be attributed to a lot of people running this country.

  14. Hmm...well I was really disappointed when I heard that Skyrim would be where the new TES game would take place. Though I suppose I already knew that it would be Skyrim a few years ago just like everyone did when Bethesda copyrighted the name back in 08 or 09 or w/e.


    Thats not to say I'm not looking forward to Skyrim, I've already preordered a copy and I'm as anxious as anyone to play it.


    But yeah, you can do so much with the creation kit, so I think I'll wait until that comes out before gathering a team to create the Summerset Isles. I'm looking forward to making models for the city of Alinor anyways and I've got a few ideas for some of the towers I want to use too. I suppose I'll start making models until Skyrim comes out, that should atleast give me something to do. Then I'll see about gathering a team for the Summerset Isles.

    Hey if you're going to do the Summerset Isles, you can count me in =) Though I guess there's nothing for me to do until Skyrim comes out since you of all people know I do NOT model lol. But yeah, we'll have to get together sometime and work on it, plan it out etc.

    Hey you're actually on!!! Where have you been!? I haven't seen you in a while D=


    But yeah that aside, just message me and I'll tell you what we should do. I have some ideas but since you're the lore expert I'd like to hear what you have to say. Oh and we have a year to come up with a decent storyline, so we'll need to work that out too.


    And start coming on more often >.<

  15. Hmm...well I was really disappointed when I heard that Skyrim would be where the new TES game would take place. Though I suppose I already knew that it would be Skyrim a few years ago just like everyone did when Bethesda copyrighted the name back in 08 or 09 or w/e.


    Thats not to say I'm not looking forward to Skyrim, I've already preordered a copy and I'm as anxious as anyone to play it.


    But yeah, you can do so much with the creation kit, so I think I'll wait until that comes out before gathering a team to create the Summerset Isles. I'm looking forward to making models for the city of Alinor anyways and I've got a few ideas for some of the towers I want to use too. I suppose I'll start making models until Skyrim comes out, that should atleast give me something to do. Then I'll see about gathering a team for the Summerset Isles.

  16. Okay this may be a stupid question, but I feel like I need to ask it anyways: Is there a mod, whether a WIP or not, that is designed specifically to add on the Summerset Isle?


    I ask this because that is by far my favorite province to read about, and yet despite the fact that it has great potential, I haven't seen a single mod or heard of anyone trying to make the Summerset Isle.


    If I'm wrong and there's a team out there, could someone please point in the right direction as to who they are, or if not I suppose I'll wait till Skyrim comes out and start a team myself (who knows.)


    That being said, I imagine a question like this has been asked numerous times by now so I apologize for any repetitiveness and hope you can answer it just one more time.

  17. Well I see I truly am in the minority here. I voted other on both options. My favorite mythological creature is the Phoenix, and i'm surprised no one has mentioned it yet. Somewhat disappointing. >.<


    To me the Phoenix represents beauty and elegance, burning with passion and the renewal of life.


    Am I the only one who feels this way??

  18. lmao yes I knew that about Sora/Haseo, just like Yata is the wiseman and Zelkova is rumored to be either Helba or her daughter/son lol. I myself had a strong urge to play them, but I lost the damn games, so I had to go to gamestop to buy new ones. Then as I'm about to play it, my ps3 crashes and I had to send it in for a new one, (it was coverred by waranty so no biggy to me) and then I find out THAT ps3 is only backwards compatible with ps1 games not 2, so i had ot trade THAT one in for one that could play both ps1 and ps2 games. Honestly, the stuff I go through just to play the .hack games again. It's really nice to meet a fellow .hacker =)
  19. Actually you know what? that wasn't even relevant to the topic, seeing as it's about how your character got in the cell and I went on about my own character from my fanfic. I hope a moderator can delete that. I shouldn't have posted it on this thread =/
  20. Hmm well...my character (Ayra) isn't even the person who starts off in the sewers. I made her specifically for a fanfic that I'm writing. While the Champion of Cyrodiil is imprisoned at the beginning of the game, the whole reason is because "he killed someone he shouldn't have. Someone of extreme importance." Now he finds the emperor himself in his cell, and eventually finds freedom. He now has a second chance, and while he's fighting the daedra of Oblivion, traversing from city to city from one end of Cyrodiil to the other, he feels as though he's being watched, and eventually finds an ex Dark Brotherhood assassin, a beautiful dunmer woman with a striking appearance. She certainly knew how to stand out from a crowd, she had a tattoo of the Daedric symbol S on the right of her face right below her right eye, and perhaps even more unusual about her appearance is her blue white eyes. While all Dunmer have Red eyes, she does not, for whatever reason, unknown to the reader, she has blue eyes.
  21. It kept me wanting more until they made .Hack//Link. Then it got cheesy. I'm fine with the series using new age anime graphics and all, but now the child protagonist thing just went goofy.


    I'll still play it if they release it in the US.

    I know what you mean, I wasn't fond of that series either. To be honest, I wasn't really fond of aibuster either, though it did shed some light on a lot of things.


    I think it's great though how you can learn so many things, and yet still be in the dark. For example, I just found out a month ago that Haseo is actually Sora from .hack//sign, and that there is specualtion that Zelkova could the son of Helba herself. I myself love Helba, she's my favorite character on that series.


    Oh but here I go rambling on endlessly, I suppose i'll end it here lol.

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