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Everything posted by Jeesmies

  1. I have to disagree with that since psycho... is a hell of a drug.
  2. In what way is it working? Even if all actions are accounted for, it's not used in anything. Maybe a random raider shoots you in the head instead of misses becuse you stole that sweet roll 2 hours ago?? :D
  3. Yeah no doubt. All of these games sort of down play the exiting of the vault. It was one thing for previous games where you were born in the vault and didn't know what life before the war was like, but in FO4 I feel like the lone survivor would have a mental breakdown as soon as they got to the top of that lift. When you think about real life and how people must feel when a bad tornado or hurricane rips through their town, imagine how you'd feel if the entire world was like that. The only real sign of shock is the voiced dialog that says something like "giant roaches, what's going on here" or whatever they say. If I woke up and found everyone I knew was dead, and I find some roaches that are the size of small dogs, and then I exit out into a destroyed world, and then go back to my old neighborhood and find that it's in ruins...PLUS my wife/husband were just murdered right in front of me, AND my son is missing....I mean damn. Is there any more legit reason for a person to curl up in the fetal position and cry? That's only a matter of how quickly a person's mind accepts new things. Ok that's true, but realistically do you think you'd just stroll out of the vault and go off jogging through the woods? The military background might help but I dunno. That's a lot for anyone to process all at once. I think most people would still be in shock just from watching their spouse get shot in the face. It would be a lot to handle but I'd be so full of rage after seeing my wife murdered and son stolen, that I'd just run off into the freshly cleansed world for vengeance... with my 10mm pistol! :D And instantly get trashed by the highly adapted flora and fauna, as well as the random radiation pockets.. What do you mean trashed? I didn't notice any trashing by flora and fauna. You don't have to change the rules of this just for me :cool:
  4. Yeah no doubt. All of these games sort of down play the exiting of the vault. It was one thing for previous games where you were born in the vault and didn't know what life before the war was like, but in FO4 I feel like the lone survivor would have a mental breakdown as soon as they got to the top of that lift. When you think about real life and how people must feel when a bad tornado or hurricane rips through their town, imagine how you'd feel if the entire world was like that. The only real sign of shock is the voiced dialog that says something like "giant roaches, what's going on here" or whatever they say. If I woke up and found everyone I knew was dead, and I find some roaches that are the size of small dogs, and then I exit out into a destroyed world, and then go back to my old neighborhood and find that it's in ruins...PLUS my wife/husband were just murdered right in front of me, AND my son is missing....I mean damn. Is there any more legit reason for a person to curl up in the fetal position and cry? That's only a matter of how quickly a person's mind accepts new things. Ok that's true, but realistically do you think you'd just stroll out of the vault and go off jogging through the woods? The military background might help but I dunno. That's a lot for anyone to process all at once. I think most people would still be in shock just from watching their spouse get shot in the face. It would be alot to handle but I'd be so full of rage after seeing my wife murdered and son stolen, that I'd just run off into the freshly cleansed world for vengeance... with my 10mm pistol! :D
  5. I made a female Alucard costume if it counts D:
  6. Maybe karma is working in there but they didn't tell anyone about it :D
  7. Yeah no doubt. All of these games sort of down play the exiting of the vault. It was one thing for previous games where you were born in the vault and didn't know what life before the war was like, but in FO4 I feel like the lone survivor would have a mental breakdown as soon as they got to the top of that lift. When you think about real life and how people must feel when a bad tornado or hurricane rips through their town, imagine how you'd feel if the entire world was like that. The only real sign of shock is the voiced dialog that says something like "giant roaches, what's going on here" or whatever they say. If I woke up and found everyone I knew was dead, and I find some roaches that are the size of small dogs, and then I exit out into a destroyed world, and then go back to my old neighborhood and find that it's in ruins...PLUS my wife/husband were just murdered right in front of me, AND my son is missing....I mean damn. Is there any more legit reason for a person to curl up in the fetal position and cry? That's only a matter of how quickly a person's mind accepts new things.
  8. Let the horny boys use what they want, there's still plenty other armor to choose from :D
  9. I just use bit more stimpaks when going full melee, not much different than shooting. Of course strength and big league help.
  10. Btw if someone with power sees this can you please delete my posts? I don't think they belong here since I have already wiped them clean of the message, thanks.
  11. For a start you pretty much need just GIMP and some plugin for it if I remember right, then just drag and drop the texture file in there and start making art.
  12. I'm pretty sure there's so many ferals in this one because they're more satisfying to fight than normal ghouls.
  13. I dunno about souls, man. I like to think that Alfather Odin wouldn't discriminate on the basis of such details as gender, race, or being a frikken robot. On the day we stand our ground against, well, pretty much Hel's Angels :wink: on the plain of Vigrid in Ragnarök, I figure would the gods really rather have one less warrior just because he was a courser? :tongue: Without a soul you'll have nothing to cross the rainbow bridge to valhalla, your mortal body won't follow you there and let's see a pile of metal and plastics try. And are you sure these "Hel's Angels" are not the synths themselves?
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