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Everything posted by LethalThreat

  1. Alright thanks for the info I will do that, makes since now never thought of overheating - my computer isn't even a gaming computer on top of being old :D. I kind of figured it was just dying in the end, but just wanted to make sure before I shell out money for a new comupter. :P
  2. Recently Skyrim (or maybe something else) has been making my computer reboot every now and then, usually random. Well, I'll start from the beginning - all this began when I entered the Nexus chat room. I was chatting, trying to help someone in chat then my computer randomly rebooted. Prior to that my computer has never rebooted or had any issues. When I got the screen back up all looked well, it made me do a repair and after wait about 20 minutes it came up as nothing is wrong. So I just figured it was a hiccup, my computer isn't high tech and is outdated considering today's standards. I decided to go play some Skyrim, all worked well until I rebooted about 30 minutes later. I tried again to play Skyrim, this time I was able to play for the rest of the night. The next day I start my day off with some modding, so I go into the CK and after about an hour or so I reboot. After getting back on I tried the CK again and all went well the rest of the session. When I began playing Skyrim again it started off good then I had random reboots every now-and-then. Yesterday I thought, okay - I'll switch my ENB maybe that's what is wrong, but it wasn't, I still faced random reboots. So I then toned down some of the unessential mods, the story is yet to be continued. Oh yeah, and one more thing. I reboot more when I look away from the computer screen/Skyrim or the CK. For example: I play Skyrim for an hour or so not issues at all, a little later I reboot but by then it is expected. I play Skyrim for only about 10 minutes or so and look away for a mere minute I reboot. I think my Skyrim is possessed. Not only when I play Skyrim or the CK I reboot, also when I go into Nexus chat I reboot. Only Nexus chat. So I've stayed away from there considering that's where the rebooting started. So I don't know if maybe my computer is just dying out and it just so happens to reboot only during Skyrim, CK, and Nexus chat.. or a different issue. My driver needed an update so I updated, but didn't help. My Rig: GPU: GeForce GT 640 CPU: IntelĀ® Core2 Duo CPU E7400 @2.80GHz Memory: 4.00GB Resolution: 1920x1080, 60Hz OS: Win 7 Premum This was just taken from the NVIDIA GeForce Experience thing, if you need specific info let me know and I will try to find it. My computer is old and I can hardly play any games dated past 2012 (lol.) But usually Skyrim, F3, and FNV I am able to play very well with ENBs and high texture packs. Also, I've been facing really bad FPS drops lately in Skyrim, I am lucky to clock 10FPS inside and out. It was never this bad before and I had many more mods, textures, and a powerful ENB - all which have been removed now. Maybe my computer is mad because Skyrim doesn't look good anymore so it shuts itself down on me? xD If anyone can help thanks, LT
  3. Great, I look forward to seeing your plans for 2015! I'd really like to see the site pages actually take up the whole (or most) screen rather than having half of the page just being background :P. Also hope to see some more faster respond times for the Skyrim Nexus, loading is usually pretty slow for me. Not a huge deal for me, but it would be welcome. The Nexus has had some bumps early in the road but I'm glad on where it is at now, I still remember the early baby Nexus. Good old days :D LT
  4. Ah thank you for the info and comment! Glad to know that (never did Thieves Guild quest,) I question why the sewer is so freakin' long when the opening is right next to the estate. I will definitely keep that opening, have the estates entrance about early middle of the sewer and the very end lead to the city/ratway.. or something like that. :) Thanks, Steve
  5. Thank you for your comment and suggestion. :) I like that idea of crafting honey-made mead. Perhaps the ability to create some of the vanilla mead and a new unique GGE related mead. You also gave me the idea to create a abandoned meadery nearby that the player can rebuild and turn it into his/her own business which will also increase income and another location to create the mead. The mead will probably be craft-able over the campfire and in the meadery, for the crafting in the meadery the player will be granted a few more bottles (around 5 or so) rather than the campfires single bottle Honey farm? Not too sure what you mean. The estate has five bee apiary right now, which home the bees and create honeycombs. The honeycombs will be used to create honey, which can then be used in creating the mead. Hmm perhaps add some workers to farm the apiaries and to work the meadery to add to the income of honey and mead to be used or sold.. Which would then need a small town.. Hmm. xD I will definitely start looking into that though thanks for the idea :) Thanks again, Steve
  6. Goldenglow Estate by LethalThreat Disappointed by the lack of Goldenglow Estate mods? Me too. This following post is merely just some information on my upcoming mod. What is this mod? Goldenglow Estate (name is subject to change) is simply a refurnishing of the vanilla Goldenglow Estate near Riften and turns it into a player home. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is included in this mod? NOTE: Everything you read may change! The mod is still highly a WIP. DLCs - Hearthfire will be required. NPCs (WIP) - I created guards to replace the vanilla mercenaries protecting Goldenglow, they will have their own scheduals and they also have their own bunkhouse. Each NPC is unique and lore-friendly, I mention this so you know I'm not making over-the-top drop-dead-gorgeous females or anime styled males. This is still a WIP so expect changes. Move in with family (WIP) - This is still a highly WIP, perhaps it may never come due to issues but this is my plan in hopes it works. In short, Goldenglow Estate will replace Honeyside. Don't get mad yet - I will upload an optional standalone file for GGE. So, with the replacement of Honeyside you can freely ask your spouce and children to move in, no need for other mods GGE will act like a vanilla home. I HOPE, but if issue do start to arise GGE will be standalone and you will need to download a mod like "My Home is Your Home." Interiors (All are WIP) - So far most rooms are done, I only have yet to clutter up the halls and a few small rooms. All cells still remain you have the first floor, second floor, basement and sewers. First floor, GoldenglowEstate001 - Entryway, living room, kitchen, dining room, library, steward/housecarl room, entry to basement and some storage rooms. Second floor, GoldenglowEstate002 - Your bedroom, child's bedroom (two beds,) display area, war room and a plain cluttered room, oh and a storage room. Basement, GoldenglowEstate003- It's a basement, you have storage and your crafting stations. Sewer, GoldenglowEstate004 - Will not be touched, will still be very sewer like but it will lead into the city for quick access. I believe the original GGE sewer lead to the Ratway? This may change, not sure. I will add a few guards in the sewer also or in the basement to protect from any unwanted visitors. It will definitely lead somewhere into Riften. Guardhouse, GoldenglowEstate005 - A complete new interior, it is simply a guardhouse for the guards nothing special. Guard commander has a medium size room, guards have smaller sized rooms. None are too detailed but it is still worth a look around. Exterior - Exterior is being reworked a little not a whole lot, just a little more clutter. Added the guard's bunkhouse, the dock was cluttered a little more, a "shrine" to the Dragonborn is added outside the walls of GGE - the offering box will respawn. Testing area, GoldenglowEstateTestCenter/GoldenglowEstateTestCenterNPC - The test center holds a special exclusive view of an upcoming mod by me! These testing areas are just places I create stuff and test, self-explanatory. I won't explain what the special exclusive thing is you'll have to see for yourself! There is a book that explains the mod in the test center though. All rooms/locations will be further explained with pictures. Cell names change. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extras. Just some extra things that will be included in GGE. Weekly income - You are the proud owner of Goldenglow Estate, the main honey supplier for Black-Briar Meadery! Weekly income will probably be around 1000 gold coins. I kind of hope to get it so it varies with some weeks being good, others bad. MAYBE even have you the player go out and find people who would like to buy honey to increase your income, such as Honningbrew Meadery. A back story - There will be a back story for GGE, well kind of. It won't be anything great but just a little something. Exclusive view of an upcoming mod - As mentioned before, the GoldenglowEstateTestCenter gives you an exclusive view of an upcoming mod by me. This little section will just elaborate on what you need to do to see it. To access this area you will have to use console commands, here is what you will need to type: coc GoldenglowEstateTestCenter. Upon arrival through your magical travels you will spawn near a book, pick that up and read it for all of the information. Although, I recommend just going into the Creation Kit and loading up the cell and reading the book. The book will be easier to read and you will be able to get a better view of everything. Allegiance - You will have a choice to choose between Imperial or Stormcloak banners to be used throughout the house. Port - The vanilla GGE port will have a merchant and a boat for quick travel to Riften. Might even add travel options to various settlements down the river. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Possible future additions. Share your suggestions and I just may make it! The following are things that may or may not be included in the mod. Unique Mead - A unique mead to create related to GGE. I will need someone to create a texture for this though. GGE Meadery - Where you can create various meads, including GGE's mead. This will be a whole new building it won't be within the estate walls but it will be close nearby. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issues. This section will include all known issues and possible current issues. If you can think of anything that may conflict let me know, also please let me know of any possible patches that will be needed. Thieves Guild Quest - As you all know, or well maybe not. One of the main quests for the Thieves Guild takes place within Goldenglow Estate, so yes, the T.G. quest will most likely be broken for the mission. I will look into finding alternative ways to deal with this. When the time comes and no alternatives have been found I will give instructions on how to bypass the mission (you aren't missing a whole lot, don't worry.) Since I don't like the Thieves Guild this is a low-priority, but I will look into it! I have a few ideas for it, such as moving the owner and all quest essentials to a new house. Also, the estate's interior (my mod) has new duplicated cells so the original estate's cells remain so you can probably just console command into and out of it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Goldenglow Estate? Why I chose to take on Goldenglow Estate is because there isn't any mods that actually do anything with Goldenglow Estate, which I found a huge disappointment. The first time I laid eyes on the estate I said, "I hope that's the thane's house! I'm in love!" only to find out after many quests for Riften that you get Honeyside - the smallest house in the city, in my opinion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimated release date. I am shooting for sometime late January. Don't hold your breath on that, many things are starting to pop up which will probably delay the release. My creativity level just hit empty and many things still need to be done, right now I'm just placing object in random places if at all. I may also be going on vacation for a few months. With all this adding up release date can vary from January to March or later. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I WANT YOU! To give me some decent suggestions - Leave me some comments or send me a message on your thoughts on this project. Leaving nice comments helps boost my moral, even if it is just a simple "great idea!" If you wish to help contact me via message and let me know what you're bringing to the table. I may deny it just because there's nothing I really need help on (yet.) Cool header text - If anyone wants to create a cool logo/header text to be used in the description feel free, that would be great! Just send me a message with your idea or preferably a rough sketch. Remember to keep it honey related! Ideas: Honey colored text with the first letter 'G' or the last letter 'e' dripping honey. Beehive hanging from one of the letters, or somewhere. Perhaps small honey colored hexagons within the letters. Interesting name for the mod - Help me pick a name for the mod. Goldenglow Estate. Goldenglow Estate Redone. Goldenglow Estate Overhaul. I'm thinking just "Goldenglow Estate" is enough, especially if someone creates an epic header text. Perhaps the overhaul, redone, rebirth - whatever - in a small text under Goldenglow Estate. "GGE" will stay the same though regardless. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates. Port section was added under "What is included in this mod?" Added new section - Possible future updates. Added new section - Issues. ---------- Last update 12/29/2014 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIctures. First batch of pictures: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/485497/?
  7. Anyone care to share their knowledge on how to create a static collection set? Similar to that of GECK's SCOL. There has to be a way to do it because I see modder's creating mods and modder resources with a collection of static items into one static object. I have tried out many different things, and have search the web and Nexus but have found nothing.
  8. I have an idea for a new mod, addition of new ships. Sailing ships that we would see as in the Age of Sail, such as Brigs, Frigates, Man-of-Wars, etc. Not much else to say, I think it would be lore-friendly if you look past addition of cannons (if any.) These ships would be more prominent on the Empire's side but there would be pirates and Stormcloak ships that have been stolen from the Empire, most likely distinguished by flag. I'd be nice just to see some static ships in ports or far out to sea probably fishing, guarding or something. Maybe even a player home that you can travel between ports. The Imperial ships would have fresh paint, kind of gilded, similar to the looks of a British Empire ship. Pirates would be dirtier, as would the Stormcloaks maybe with a Stormcloaky paint or Nordic symbols. Perhaps some more shipwrecks far out to sea. I would do this myself but have no idea on how to do it :P Just an idea. Been playing AC:IV Black Flag btw, so that's why I thought of this. xD If anyone takes up this let me know, I do have modding experience and can do the interiors and exteriors of the ships. I just need someone to make meshes and textures, or whatever.
  9. Yeah, I've been looking at other mods and such but still don't understand how they work. Thanks though.
  10. Hey guys, I'm creating a new Lucky 38 suite mod (yes, yet another one) but this one is unlike the others. So what I need help on is what I believe to be scripts. If you can help please send me a link to a guide or post a reply. Changing radio station. Changing the radio station within the cell via terminal, I know someone can help me because this is quite popular. To further describe what I want to do - I want to change the radio station via a terminal which then makes the speakers around the house change to that station. I understand how to place it in the world but am not sure how to get them to disappear and chance to the selected station via terminal. Turn lights on and off. This I KNOW someone can help with because it is in most house mods, I just don't know how to do it and haven't found any helpful "tutorials". Companions to be dismissed in L38 suite, but able to enter other cells. I think this is impossible without breaking the companions due to AI changes, but if there is a way I will take some tips. Adding suite upgrades. You know - like purchasing a new room to unlock, adding new or removing stuff via terminal. Weapon displaying. Just looking to display vanilla weapons via terminal or button. Thanks in advance, - "LethalThreat"
  11. First, i feel the need to point out that Valenwood alone is larger than Germany. With scaling to take into account, you could take a true-scale of the Imperial City, and make it bigger than Skyrim... Also... from Kirkbride, on the Thalmor... Take from that what you will... Okay, sorry then for my mistake.
  12. There is no right or wrong answer to this, both sides are equally good and bad. For me I always side with the Empire in the Civil War (if I do it), for a few reasons. First the Empire is the only thing keeping the Thalmor at bay. If Skyrim gains independence they are not part of the White-Gold Concordat, so the Dominion has every right to invade Skyrim which would most likely be right after the war when everyone, the Stormcloaks and Empire alike, are weak. Yes, the Nords defeated the Snow Elves nearly making them extinct but that doesn't mean they can do the same for the Thalmor. Remember, the Dominion was able to bring the entire Empire to its knees and the Empire included Skyrim itself. If you read Ulfric's dossier in the Thalmor Embassy you can see that Ulfric is an asset to the Thalmor and he was pretty much on their side until he became uncooperative. It is also mentioned that the Thalmor may carefully aid the Stormcloaks. In the end though, the Thalmor do not want either side to win they just want to keep the Civil War a flame to further weaken the Empire. This is why I side with the Empire, to keep the Empire united to allow it to rebuild its strength. If you side with the Empire Legate Rikke and General Tullius mention 'another war with the Thalmor may soon be coming'. The Stormcloaks also mention this, but I think a united Empire would be more successful at taking down the Thalmor rather than Skyrim itself. The Empire isn't perfect nor is the Stormcloaks. The Empire: banned Talos due to a treaty and enforces it; those sided with the Empire are kind of assholes, the rich ones are stuck up and in the Empire's pocket. Also if we look at the Hadvar and Ralof decision in the beginning, Hadvar's uncle(?) Alvor asks Hadvar if he is "drunk" and does not believe him, while Ralof's sister Gerdur believes him and is comforting toward the player and Ralof. The Stormcloaks: racist to everyone except the Nords; have their own little "ghetto" slums for the Dark Elves in their city; but they are loyal to one another. Tullius/Elisif and Ulfric. Tullius/Elisif: Tullis, he may seem to be a bit of a prick (he was about to let you be executed!) but he eventually comes around notices it was a "mistake". He may seem rude about the Nords and their traditions, but he comes to respect them. Honestly I think Rikke is a savior for the Nords, if it wasn't for her Tullius may not have cared about the Nords and what happens to them and their traditions. Elisif seems true to the Nords, even though she upholds the Empire's law on Talos. She asks the player to take Torygg's war horn to a shrine of Talos, also the court wizard mentions that Torygg was a true Nord and would have fought against the Thalmor for Talos (or something like that). Ulfric: This is more of an opinion, but I feel as if Ulfric is power hungry and not loyal to what he claims. First he basically makes a deal with the Thalmor allowing him to escape, and although they are not in direct contact they are still somewhat "allies". He kills the High King of Skyrim, sure it may have been true to Nordic tradition but did he really need to kill the High King? Why not just send him into submission? That is the main hint in his quest for power I believe. He also allows Nords to insult other races and allows a ghetto slum for the Dark Elves within his city, which I think is wrong. Also, all his followers seem to be either brainwashed or ultra-Nordic nationalists. Overall, both sides aren't perfect. The game has a very poor Civil War storyline - hell within a few missions your one of the top officers just because you cleaned out a couple forts. After that a few Jarls are replaces, a shrine of Talos is added or not added back in Solitude, and Imperial or Stormcloak soldiers patrol the towns, thus concluding the Civil War. So in the end I guess it just depends on how you feel about those three things lol.
  13. Hello, as of a few days ago (maybe longer) my 'Run Havok Sim' will not work in the Creation Kit. The 'Run Havok Sim' option under World is grayed out being unable to click it and the Alt+H also will not work. I've loaded different mods and just the Skyrim.esm alone but it still persists. I am not too sure what happened or why, just all of a sudden it refuses to work. Thanks
  14. I hope that in the next Elder Scrolls we can take the fight to the Dominion, with that being said it would probably take place in the Summerset Isles, Valenwood, and/or Elsweyr. All of them combined look like they would be a bit larger than what Skyrim's map was. So I'd feel that that would make a good game. If not I hope for a Elder Scrolls game that goes beyond Tamriel to Atmora and the other continents on Nirn, can't remember the names. But first Fallout IV needs to come :)
  15. Hello, I have a few questions regarding creating a custom home in the Creation Kit. First: How do you get your spouse and kids to move in with you? I know there is mods to do this but I don't want to use them with my house I'd rather ask them like you would for vanilla/Hearthfire houses. Second: Is it possible for the spouse and kids to wander inside the house and into a major city? Inside the house will have a few cells so I was looking for them to wander between the cells, wander around the house outside, and maybe head to a major city every now and then. Third: Lastly, how about visitors? Is there a way to have random followers or NPCs that you have became friends with pop in every now and then I know that some of these require changes to AI packages and hidden quests so if anyone could offer guidance on how to do this that would be great or if you can direct me toward a helpful guide. Thanks in advance, LethalThreat PS - Sorry about the highlight, I didn't feel like rewriting it from Steam xP
  16. Thanks for the increase in security, I always had a minor concern downloading things from here. Now that concern is no longer, for the most part. ;P
  17. In response to post #16467319. #16468479, #16472064, #16472239, #16474589, #16484429, #16484479, #16485009, #16501439 are all replies on the same post. Yes, I'm sure a national hacker group that has the ability to hack government sites would attack a gaming community.. lol
  18. Hello, I was making a mod and had just a few questions/problems about NPCs as ghosts. - I know how to make NPCs ghosts, but when they're in-game they take absolutely no damage, and I want them to. Can they take damage as ghosts? Because I know in other dungeons you can kill ghosts, but mine won't. I imagine there's a script or something I'm missing. - How can I make them appear at a certain time? I want them to appear a little delayed as the character walks into the room, the room is in the back, and I don't want the ghosts there until the character reaches that point. Thank you.
  19. Hello, Recently I've had an issue with my personal mod not working. I can't enter the game with it active and I'm not able to edit it in the Creation Kit, I made a lot of progress on it and I don't want to loose it. How exactly can I fix it? This happened to me before, but I forgot how I resolved it. Need more information on the mod(?) - Master files; LevelersTower, Dawnguard, Update, and AsharaMerchantNPC - The crashing began to happen after the adding of AsaharaMerchantNPC.esm (which was on mistake) I'm not sure if my mod is conflicting with his/hers? But I wouldn't know why. - I added quite a few other items from various other mods, but had no issues. This was not going to be a public mod, just one of my own, I enjoy modding. Thank you. S.L.
  20. The Kingdom of Thoevia by LethalThreat It's a mod I'm working on, I still have a lot to do but I want to see how many people would be interested in it. Changes in form I. Square miles of the province changed from 50,346 sq. mi. to 14 sq. mi. why the difference? After research I found that Skyrim's sq. mi. is about 15. Just trying to keep it lore friendly. II. I made it so the province is split in seven holds, I have not added this into a section yet since I haven't made up any names. Each hold has a different task for the government (ex. trade, mining..) The holds still follow Thoevian rules, the land was just split into six sections (not including the main hold) and high officials are the overseer of the hold's day-to-day operations. This will be explained further once I make a section. III. I want to changed the dates, it seems un-lore that an empire can reach a golden age, a dark age and restoration age all within a little over 250 years. I feel like it needs to be changed to maybe around a 500 year empire? Not sure I may keep it at 250. Timeline (I put it in the spoiler box so it didn't take up the whole page.) **Expect Changes! Near the end years I may add more or fix something, if I do it will be noted in the Changes section. This basically contains the whole story of Thoevia, I'm really not to sure how to sum it up even more. Thoevian Statistics 3E 990 (First official town statistics) Population: 500 Enlisted Soldiers: 500 Government: N/a Controls: 2 sq. mi. Holds: N/a 4E 90 (Golden Age) Population: 6,000,000 Enlisted Soldiers: 3,000,000 Government: Republic Controls: 14 sq. mi. Holds: Seven 4E 175 (End of the Dark Ages) Population: 3,750,000 Enlisted Soldiers: 1,200,000 Government: Republic Controls: 14 sq. mi. Holds: Seven 4E 201 (Present) Population: 4,000,000 Enlisted Soldiers: 1,500,000 Government: Republic Controls: 14 sq. mi. Holds: Seven The Mod What I want to do/currently working on is create Thoevia. Before I made the timeline the story was that the Kingdom had the same fate as Winterhold with the "Great Collapse." And all that was left of the Kingdom was the castle, the rest of the Kingdom was in the sea now. But that changed during the timeline, I like the current story better. But now with the Kingdom still intact it's going to be difficult to make because I'm not sure how to create world spaces. Without any conflicts and if everything turns out how I want it to (but I doubt it) this is what will be included: - The whole kingdom, this would include; - Towns (houses, taverns.. Npcs living there, soldiers patrolling the town.) - The main city (holds the castle and senate, many npc and soldiers.) - Clutter, as in trees, rocks, mountains, all that. - See soldiers from the five holds roaming around and helping rebuild the Kingdom along side citizens and soldiers. - The player will most likely be included some how, whether it be by helping rebuild the city, take out and remaining members of the Omaem Rebellion in Skyrim or purchasing property. I will most likely need help on things, since I'm not good at scripts, new textures, meshes ect. if you're interested let me know. The Mod Backup IF the mod proves to be to difficult I may make a short story about the Kingdom of Thoevia because I like this story but I don't know if I'll be able to make it in a mod. The short story will include the Dragonborn, if I choose to write a short story with Dragonborn involved I may have it so you'll have to read the story to understand the mod. If I do that the mod will start where the story left off (get what I'm trying to get to?) It'd be easier for me since I won't have to do all that quest and script crap in the mod. (Actually this maybe what I choose to do.) Other Notes - Thoevia is obsessed with arts, astronomy and science. - They aren't to religious but they still follow the divines, Talos included. - The Kingdom is also known as; The Thoevian Empire or The Golden Kingdom. - The capital of the Thoevian province is Geraoloix (A combination of Gerard, Bartholomew, and Beatrix. Gerard because he founded Thoevia, Bartholomew because he was Gerard's son, and Beatrix because she is considered the greatest ruler of Thoevia.) F.A.Q. None yet. But I will answer some questions some may have on their mind. This isn't lore friendly! Another province in Tamriel? HOW!? - You're right it may not be 100% lore, but the story is that the province of Thoevia was never discovered prior to the Tho'evic tribe finding it. So no one knew about it, and the maps aren't updated to the new province. Honestly, I'm not to worried about the lore but I will keep it as lore friendly as I can. Currently what do you think you will do? Make a short story then the mod? Or just make it into a whole mod? - Most likely a short story then the mod. How I'll write the story though? I'm not sure yet. If I will start it from the beginning of finding the province (will be much longer) or have the story in Dragonborn's time. Supporting the mod If you would be interested in reading the stories and playing the mod. I made a poll for either yes or no because I thought it'd be easier for you and me. If you vote yes, thank you. Also, if you would like to help or have any comments please let me know, either through message or comments. If you vote no, please respectfully tell me why, either through message or comments. Voting is important, it will help me stay interested with this mod!
  21. Thanks, I tried it out but it still crashes. :confused:
  22. I'm not to sure how :/ sorry I'm not to smart with files ect.
  23. Recently my Creation Kit refuses to start and I'm not sure why it worked before but all of a sudden it doesn't want to load. It crashes as soon as it loads, I uninstalled and re-installed to see if maybe I accidentally deleted something but I guess not since it still crashes. Skyrim works fine though. Any ideas on what I would be missing that would cause this? Thanks, any help is appreciated I prefer modding other than playing :tongue: EDIT: This also started to happen after I got Dawnguard. Is there an issue between Dawnguard and Creation Kit?
  24. Yup, tried all that and I use headphones and it still is like that and it only happens in Skyrim other games work normally. Maybe my character is deaf lol
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