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Everything posted by Primalsplit

  1. First, I restore Meridia's Beacon. Then recruited by her to be her champion. When I try to enter Kilkreath Ruins, my game crashes to desktop. I enabled papyrus logs but they just don't appear! I have spent hours already trying to get them to work! I hope this information will be sufficient.My Load Order:
  2. Something is causing my save files to crash, every time I try to save within those save games (my autosaves etc. are mostly ok). So I tried to enable papyrus logs in hopes to track the problem. I changed skyrim.ini: [Papyrus]fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0bEnableLogging=1bEnableTrace=1bLoadDebugInformation=1 but no logs appear after I crash. I want to see the issue because it seems that my savegame files are becoming corrupted lately. Note: Additionally; If someone has the time, I also would like some general troubleshooting help by somone. Maybe if someone could help me in Skype a bit; would be really really appreciated. I always take the time to search and read, but sometimes I might still run into problems. Send me a PM if you want to help.
  3. In response to post #24748294. #24748909, #24748959, #24749014, #24749054, #24749074, #24749089, #24749114, #24749169, #24749269, #24749289, #24749409, #24749439, #24749529, #24749564, #24749574, #24749674, #24749709, #24749814, #24749884, #24749889, #24749954, #24750114, #24750204, #24750249, #24750254, #24750279, #24750544, #24750564, #24750709, #24750814, #24750904, #24751449, #24751489, #24751899, #24751974, #24752079, #24752334, #24752454, #24753799, #24754219, #24754259, #24754609, #24754739, #24754979, #24755419, #24755704, #24755774, #24755999, #24756039, #24756394, #24756489, #24756599, #24756669, #24756944, #24757404, #24757709, #24757794, #24757819, #24757959 are all replies on the same post. I think mannygt has the right of it here. More people should endorse mods. I admit I wasn't paying much attention with my endorsements (mainly because of the 45 minutes limit). I download a mod, test/play it and then I either be done with testing it within 10 minutes or I just play it for 1-2 hours, sometimes for 3 hours and more. I just forgot endorsing it. I hope this will be a good lesson to all of us. We as a community should look after each other more. Personally speaking, lesson learned. I advice everyone to be more sensitive towards this subject.
  4. In response to post #24670454. #24670809, #24673139 are all replies on the same post. Why did you remove every game in your store? I'm all for not buying games via steam and similar stuff, but how do they profit from your already bought games?
  5. In response to post #24608569. #24608834, #24610264 are all replies on the same post. There is one thing that is stopping them. Me! You! Customers! We can just stop buying useless s#*!, if they decide to sell us useless s#*!.
  6. In response to post #24594599. #24595064, #24597874, #24598129, #24598509, #24600934, #24601064, #24604279, #24605234, #24605519, #24605574, #24605679, #24606499, #24607304, #24607644, #24609789, #24609999 are all replies on the same post. Well, I already stopped adblock working on this site when nexus asked nicely for it much earlier. I think, I will just keep supporting them. It is the only site I have disabled adblock.
  7. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/25.jpg I have no idea if this suits me or not. I wasn't expecting something like this at all :D
  8. Some of the breton armors would look like forsworn armors :P
  9. A wide range of golems probably. It should be the modmaker's decision. What I have in mind is a customizable homemade golem to suit the player's needs. Fire, Frost, Lightning, Flesh types for instance, and basically whichever else the modmaker sees fit.
  10. Oh I thought it was a well known concept for fantasy. Well, basically like: Or like our old friend flesh atronach But it doesn't necessarily has to be like those. Dwemer automatons are really really close, but they are just not the same as golems. Because dwemer automatons refer to the fact that they are made by dwemer. Whereas a golem is an automaton made by mages... well in general fantasy at least. So the idea is, it would be a nice idea to craft your own golem in your personal labaratory as a mage character. That's what I have in mind. By the way, found this on nexus :tongue: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/192000/?
  11. I didn't like followers before too. Because of three reasons basicly. First, the game is so easy sometimes that having an extra hand felt like plainly cheating. Second, the AI sometimes acts weird. Third, those followers were plain boring. With mods however, the game can be made a lot more harder and more interesting companions can be found. AI will always act weird I guess, but disabling followers to trigger traps and sneak with you are possible via mods. After all those obstacles are non existant, followers actually add up to the game. They give a lot more party feeling. Plus their comments on certain times etc. sometimes crack me up :D Interesting NPCs mod also have a bunch of follower NPCs. Most of them are quite interesting :)
  12. Actually that was one of the crossbow mods I installed and this patch could help with the damage scaling. Edit: Thanks a lot, it really did. Annnd thanks for your help, I figured out what was the problem. I had another mod that added perks to the marksmanship tree, which denied me acess to real skyre perks; including ballistics. I did not even know it existed, because I was using another mod that added perks to archery tree and despite not having ballistics, I could craft crossbows. Many thanks to you for telling me. Sometimes the small details like this are the most important ones :D Im shot: Never use another perk mod and skyre, even if the mod author says 2 mods work well together. Because they don't. Lesson learned. Regarding immersive armors, I might be experiencing a similar problem. Some of the armors are probably missing in the crafting menu. But I don't really know the full list of armors and I didn't really mind before as there are always plenty. Which armors are missing for you? Just tell me and I'll try to look for them if they appear in my game or not. Maybe we are experiencing the same bug and can find a solution easier together.
  13. There was a golem mod, but I think it's developer stopped working on it and removed it from nexus mods. So someone else make something similar to it? anyone? :D What I mean is, of course a mod that lets you craft golems. Specifically as mages.
  14. First of all, this is my first thred in nexusforums so I apologize in advance if this topic is in the wrong board or so. I am on a mod installing streak these days. Yesterday, I installed some crossbow mods and tested them in game. Their stats were low compared to other skyre equipment but they were working all right and were craftable. This morning, I installed another couple of mods and when I wanted to test them inside the game, I noticed that I can not find any crossbows in the forge menu at all, both including vanilla and modded ones; and even one handed crossbows (they are actually staffs). I can find them in places where I am supposed to find them, for instance fort dawnguard. But I can not seem to be crafting anything that has a name of "crossbow" in it. I can craft bolts for instance. So instead of uninstalling each mode seperately to find out which one is causing the problem, is there a quicker way to find the source of problem via any programs? And if possible, a way to fix it? Edit: Does switching from SKSE 1.6.16 to 1.7.0 have an effect such as this? I just installed the new version this morning.
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