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Posts posted by hoofhearted4

  1. sorry one more post/question.


    the RAM i already bought will work with this motherboard right? it says designed for intel boards, but from what ive read thats mostly a marketing gimmick, just making sure.








    im almost positive im all set. the RAM is 1333 and the board supports 1333 so ya.


    thanks guys

  2. honestly man your making a horrible mistake. your gaming computer as you call it, is WAY over priced. you can custom build one for half that easy and have it be twice as good in near every department. im currently building one. i had put $1400 into it but do to some recent unforeseen events (got into an accident) i had to cut prices and am now looking at around $1000 to build it (if i can) and it still a damn good PC. (look in the software//hardware thread, youll find like 438924 recent threads by me about it)


    as for having it come to you in one piece, bro just build it yourself. honestly. ive never built a PC before, and ill be putting mine together by myself.


    this video was recommended to me on this site. i watched it and i honestly feel quite confident in building a PC now (helps that i planned on getting the same case he used):



    and i bet you can find a case off Newegg.com that youll think is just as badass, it just might not have motorized parts and crap.


    in the end. dont waste money on any prebuilt system whether it be bestbuy, alienware, dell or what have you. build it yourself and youll save a chunk of money and end up with a system thats just as good if not better. the other thing thats good about building it yourself, is that youll know how to put it together, making it easier for you to upgrade if/when the time comes.


    with a $3000 spending cap, on newegg, you can easily swamp that alienware PC.

  3. got mine for $5 off Steam during the christmas sales. only reason i bought it was cause it was soo damn cheap. i cant really get into it though, barely put a couple hours into it, but then my laptop died on me, and the one im on now cannot handle games that well. i wont try again until i build my PC, but i still got other games before the Witcher. i still gotta try to push into DA2 and FONV...neither of which ive been able to get sucked into like i did their predecessors.
  4. yea, on most items you can add a 1 (or 2) year warranty. i noticed it adds about $100 to my total, so im asking is it really worth it. and if so is it worth it to get it on everything. right now, these are the items that i can select a 1 year warranty on:


    Monitor: $14.99

    Board: $14.99

    PCI Wireless: $5.99

    Keyboard: $9.99

    HDD: $9.99

    DVD: $5.99

    Card: $16.99

    CPU: $14.99

    TOTAL: $103.91


    is it worth it. do i need the one year of coverage. i cant really figure out what extra it covers if anything.....but if i dont need it, thats $100 i could save or upgrade parts with...

  5. found this mobo. cheap and AM3+




    since its not a combo, i found this combo instead:



    final price with these changes is $990.55 with $50 in rebates. still not too bad i have to say


    ...added this to connect my PC to my monitor :P




    ending price now at $996.54 lol.


    i have another HDMI cable but its being used to connect my PS3 to my LCD tv so ya. i couldnt resist having one for my PC

  6. yea that wouldnt be bad, but there are no combo deals. (just brings me straight to cart when i buy it) so in the end it ends up being a s*** ton more expensive.


    what are some other good boards?


    here is one i found. dunno if its good:




    if i can get a cheaper better one though i deff want it. this board unfortunately doesnt have a combo with any CPUs so id have to redo my combos around to find the best deals. if i can get another board/CPU combo that would be ideal. like if you guys could look at all the boards that that CPU combos with and pick out a good one, that would be great. hopefully no more then like $250, but ill consider all options. since im buying cheap, the ability to upgrade is deff something i need to have available. and with thee AMD bulldozer coming out hopefully soon, i might be upgrading to that down the road. lol i would really like for it to come out before i buy my PC!

  7. so this will prolly be my last thread about my PC lol. i think if dwindled down the list as far as its gunna go. i think ive dropped like $300 or so from my original list, and if im able to build a PC by the end of the summer, itll prolly be this list. thanks to everyone who helped out in my countless threads. so without further ado, he is the final listing of my PC (i hope):























    the final price as of today (subject to change by the time im finally able to get it) is $979.97. ($859.89 + $98.91 warranties + $21.17 S&H) with $70 in rebates as well as some free Shogun game and something to do with Star Trek...woop de doo lol. I learned that combo deals kick ass lol


    anyways thanks again to everyone for putting up with me and helping me. its not quite as good as the original build i (we) had made, but i am still quite happy with it and hope i get to build it by summers end.


    in the end, life lesson...keep your eyes on the road.

  8. just thought of another possible way to knock of like $20 or so. how much W does by PSU need to provide? how do i know how much i need? the one i have is 650W. if i only need 600W or something, i could save a little more money.


    but ya how do i know what i should use, or how much i need. whats the average?


    thinking about going with this Case/PSU combo over the HDD/PSU combo. save like $20. keep in under $1000. ($988)




    what do u guys think?

  9. saved a chunk of money by getting a diff monitor. i realized i didnt need a 24" monitor. lol thats quite big. so i got the smallest HDMI monitor, a 21.5 inch. still plenty big, and has HDMI:




    thinking about getting this with the saved money:



    but thats whether or not you guys think the extra boost in processing power is really worth it, if not then i will go with the cheaper one presented to me by hector. i could even go in between his 955 and my 970 and get the deal with the 965 which is $15 cheaper then mine ($20 more then his) just another option.


    so changing out the monitor and adding in the better AMD, the price is still only $1023.98 with $80 in rebates. if i go with the cheaper CPU and case price goes down around $100 so thats a nice option as well.



    changed my HDD combo deal. it was a good chunk cheaper to get the 1tb seagate 7200rpm with PSU. a 2tb woulda been cool, but ill never even use 1tb lol. so this is the new HDD/PSU combo deal:




    now at $998.98 with $70 in rebates. could still save like one hundred with the cheaper CPU combo and the cheaper case. we will see. im quite happy with this cheap list right now. ive saved like $300+ so far.


    any more ideas?

  10. lol thats very similar to my first build (look up final build in this section...hell youve prolly posted in it). its amazing how much you can save when you buy a cheaper tower lol


    and going with that list, plus a monitor, keyboard, pci adapter, S&H and warranties, the price comes up to $1087.40 but with $70 in rebate. which beats out my other list which came up to $1295.31 with $60 in rebate. so thats still a good chunk saved. thank you very much :)


    and the second best GPU i can get would be that 6850?


    also one more question. is the processor really all that important for games like would i even notice the different between that processor and the AMD phenom II x6 1100t? (which is AMDs best processor right now) just wondering :)


    as of right now i think this will be my build. it all depends on how much i can get a car for. but ya:


























    this list comes up to $1039.98 still with $70 in rebates as well as a couple of free games. also a $15 newegg gift card, but that deal runs out shortly.


    the combos really save me a lot. and like i said, depending on how much i get a car for will change what i can and cant get, but i think even if my car is like $1200 or so, i should still be able to afford this build here, but im aiming for a $800 car!


    but ya if i can cut anything anywhere lmk (as you might have noticed i like my case lol, ill save the $50 if i need to, but i figure in the end, if i NEED to save $50 then im prolly cutting it too close anyways. saving a couple hundred dollars is nice though) but maybe if i can save like $50on a monitor, then i might consider saving the $50 on the case, or something. i tried looking for another backlit keyboard, but they were all basically the same price give or take $10.


    and in case i didnt say this already, thanks. i really appreciate yours and everyone elses help on this and any other thread i made!

  11. ok so even though i prolly wont be building a PC this summer, i still got a question. this is the HDD i was gunna get:




    this one seems better:



    am i missing something? excluding price and the 1tb difference, is there anything else? i noticed the second one doesnt list its RPMs, where as the first one is 7200. also they are both bare drive...but what does that mean?


    thanks for teaching me :P

  12. i needed to go to vista when i was going up though.


    it shouldnt format everything should it? if im just "upgrading" the OS. no its not on a separate HDD.


    is it possible to install XP on a new partition, then transfer everything from W7 to the XP partition then delete W7


    or if i back everything up on an external HDD, install XP new (like a format install) and then put everything from the XHDD back into the PC does that put like desktop stuff back on the desktop like it was before or would i have to go and find that stuff again in the documents and what not?

  13. just wanna see how cheap i can get a PC that can still handle the games i play. here is a list of games i play. the PC you guys build for me needs to be as cheap as possible but still handle these games easily. not talking max settings, but at least normal settings no prob maybe a setting higher or something.


    StarCraft 2

    Fallout NV

    Dragon Age (both)




    (other) RPGs

    (other) RTSs

    (other) MMOs

    BFBC2 (dont play it currently on PC but might in the future)


    these are the games i play on PC or plan on playing on PC. if you guys can recommend a build that can handle these games easily, and cheap, then thatd b great. as i said, im just curious as to how cheap i can go and still get a computer to fit my games. of course if possible id like to do the original build you guys helped me with as that build will be able to play games on higher settings and games in the future no problem but ya i might have to settle for less if i rly wanna build it this summer.


    thanks again. sorry to keep bothering you with build questions and stuff. just so bummed i cant build the other one im trying to find a way to build something!!! lol



    i should also mention i already have RAM, so no need to include that, but just so you know what i have and that the motherboard and whatnot will work with it, here it is:



  14. agreed with Commander ^^


    i have a Droid Eris. all my friends who have and iPhone only have one cause their parents pay for it. i pay for my phone myself and went witht he droid, but they all want one instead of the iphone. also Verizon is 10x better then AT&T. (on that note, if you wanna get the new PSP Vita, its only going to run off of AT&T so just saying lol)


    i cannot really provide any info or data on what is the best smartphone and/or why. ive heard from many iphone users that droid is better. heard from many a geek that droid is better. i like my droid personally (though i wouldnt go as far as to say the Eris is the best, ive had my issues with it) but ya droid is the way to go imo

  15. so i have a question. as ive said i might be able to build the PC at the end of the summer or i might have to wait until next summer, but in either case the new AMD bulldozer should be out (set for Q2 of this year and thats right around now i think) so by the time im ready to build my PC i might switch to that if it lives up to its hype.


    my question is, is what do i need for a motherboard? i know it has to be AM3 right? i just dont know what makes a good motherboard and what doesnt? so what would be a good one to use?


    also would this RAM work with the chosen motherboard (the one you choose). i think it would, but ya cause ive read that just because it says its built for intel boards doesnt really mean anything, that it works with both. i already bought the RAM so id like to be able to use it.



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