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Posts posted by hoofhearted4

  1. again thank you to everyone one these forums for your unprecedented help in helping me build my PC. as of right now, it will be two more weeks until i can order everything (have the money, just dont wanna empty my bank account) but this should be my final product listing for my PC, if anything, ill find a better deal and save money, but nothing should change between now and then. the one thing i will order now will be my Ram to save $15 lol. so without further ado, here is my build you guys basically put together for me!






































    Subtotal: $1214.09

    Warranties: $109.03

    S&H: $0.00


    TOTAL: $1324.82


    i am very satisfied with the final price. i was expecting $1400-$1500 before warranties and whatnot, but getting less then that even with warranties is absolutely great. i could easily put more money into it to get to those totals, but really, there is no need.


    again thanks for your help everyone. any final critiques are welcome, opinions, comments, etc. :)


    EDITED: no longer getting the third party cooler. (also, i already bought the RAM)

  2. yea my rig is for casual gaming. i play games like Starcraft 2, fallout NV, dragon age origons and da2, diablo, C&C. i might get into fps down the road but not yet, i have a ps3 as well and thats my main console. no video editing.


    as for over clocking, idk. as i said im not a hardcore pc gamer. the turbo boost asaik should cover any of my needs for a faster cpu. but at only $15 more ima get the K just for the hell of it., im still saving like $75 overall.


    so the i5-2500k it is



    what about the PSUs?

  3. ok i think this will be my last comparison. this is just my first time building a computer and i really wanna get the best for my money to avoid future problems and to go as far as i can without major upgrades. so as it says, there are two CPUs im comparing and two PSUs. please give me your opinions. thanks!


    i7-2600 Sandy Bridge:



    i5-2500 Sandy Bridge:



    on a note about these. they seem to be very similar. i do notices some differences like the L3 cache and the overall speed, and the i7 supports hyperthreading, basically, is the extra $90 even worth it. what is hyperthreading? is it good? and again is it worth it to spend the extra money on it? also, each of these have a K version (i7-2600k, i5-2500k) they are like $20 more expensive, but i see no difference. whats up with that?..now for the PSUs








    as for these, they are both 600W ones, which is what i think i need. the corsair is technically $10 more expensive but after rebate it essentially becomes $10 cheaper. just want your opinions on these. idk anything about PSUs, so are these good ones? can i get better for the same price? im guessing either of these will work itll just depend on if i want the rebate or not. but still opinions would be great!



    once again thanks for all your help. ones i get results with these, ill post my final build for critiques!

  4. can u install an OS to a flash drive? like use it as the SSD it is?


    what happens if it falls out?


    just wondering, cause i heard installing ur OS to an SSD makes for faster boot times and everything, and since an OS is only a few gigs, an 8gb flash would be plenty, and mad cheap.


    so ya would this work? if so how would i go about it?

  5. ok guys, everything is set, but i was just pointed out one thing, my tower does not have a PSU!


    now id really like to keep my tower as i like it, but i need a PSU.


    i was recommended a 600W one. if you guys can point me out a good cheap one thatd be great. im hoping no more then $50 if not cheaper, but idk if thats realistic or not.


    any opinions help guys thanks!


    its really between these two:






    i picked those two cause they have pretty solid reviews. i prefer the first once cause its $40 cheaper, but idk how PSUs work with cases or if its compatible or not.


    your help is and has been much appreciated everyone

  6. hmm i was gunna switch out my i7 in my current build with the AMD listed, i like the price drop, but then id have to switch out boards and ram and stuff, and the price difference isnt that much of a difference where i wanna go through the hassle at this time.


    i7-2600k it is.



    unless there are any other intel CPUs that still put out near performance but cheaper.


    opinions are welcome (my build is a few threads under this)

  7. so these two CPUs seem awfully close in capabilities (to me anyways, im just learning computers so idrk) but why is the intel one soo much more expensive. what makes it worth getting over AMD?



    AMD Phenom II



    Intel i7-2600k Sandy Bridge


  8. for the price its not too bad. ive seen this computer series reviews on a couple of gaming websites, and its not too bad, though they review the higher priced ones, usually having better upgrades. as Fonger said, its not really "high-end" and you wont really finda high-end one untill you get into the higher price ranges really.


    as for building it, for that price range, your better off just buying a whole PC as building it, even though it will be better, will cost more. im building one right now thats just under $1400, after warranties and S&H.

  9. so i piced out another keyboard. there is the g510 like i had said:




    and the microsoft sidewinder x4:




    or this, the g110:




    i had found the g15 for like $70 but again it was out of stock. other then that the cheapest i found was like $150 if it wasnt used. :/

  10. still $100, i mean for a keyboard thats quite a bit. idk we will see.


    but for the rest of the build, does it look pretty good??


    thanks for your help, especially you Erik


    EDIT: i was looking at the G510, $110. the G15 is $150. if i do get one, cause they look like good cool keyboard, ill be going with the G510, since its cheaper...

  11. this one:




    or this one:




    so along with the case you mentioned, which i like, these are a couple i found based on price and looks. opinions?:





    im a sucker for the red lights lol.


    and lastly, what about the monitor. any good? any opinions?


    you guys are simply amazing (or just Erik005 lol) youve been such a great help. thanks for being soo patient with all my questions and more or less building my PC!

  12. its actually cheaper then i thought, that list above with the monitor is only 1184.89 and thats extended warranties and S&H.


    unfortunately the scythe mugen 2 is out of stock on newegg, so it looks like ill be going with the cooler master hyper tx3.


    so is the monitor good? would be a waste to have a good computer and the monitor not be any good lol.


    also for the case, since im thinking about getting a different one, what would you guys recommend? like whose a good brand name, anything about the case i should look for?


    also i decided to switch motherboards to the p67. been readin a lot of reviews of things, and almost everyone is using a p67 chipset, i figure the voice of the majority cant be wrong. i was thinking this one, a bit more money, but im still lower then planned




    also i noticed it can hold up to 32gb of ram, and right now ive got 8. would it be worth it to maybe go up to 16gb? or does it matter?

  13. i do think this is a relatively cheap computer, considering if i wanted top of the line i could be looking at a few grand at least.


    and good, no need to worry about the sound card then.


    also, what about this GPU:




    its a tad more expensive and thats really as high as i wanna go lol, if that, but the reviews are good so ya, but do i need to go that good since i dont plan on overclocking it or doing anything extra with it? since i dont plan on doing anything extra, would my other GPU be just fine?


    and any opinions on a good (possibly cheap lol) cooler for the CPU?


    also i monitor i quickly picked it mostly for a price esitmate, but is it any good?




    im guessing thr HDD and Case are good since no one commented on those? what do you look for in a case? cause id like to look at different ones to maybe get a cooler looking one lol, but idk what to look for in a case :P


    thanks everyone!

  14. so with the input you guys have provided so far here is the build so far:























    a couple of notes. the monitor is out of stock, so any opinions on a new monitor of the same value or less would be great. also a question from the beginning, how does the sound card fit into all this. do i need one? idc about sound quality so ya. also input on a good/decent keyboard/mouse would be nice as well, as well as speakers, though as i said idc about sound quality really and id have headphone plugged in most of the time, or have it come through a headset.


    thanks again guys, your really helping. i think the build so far is still under $1400, and thats including S&H and extended warranties and stuff. (think its around $1280 without it.)

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