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Posts posted by zc123

  1. There are already several mods that enable you to create and place vertibirds that can be used for fast travel.


    http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12135/? has a usable version for each of the factions _(only difference is how the pilot is dressed)_ and even has a version with AI vertibirds that will follow you around while outside shooting at stuff.


    It also has a version that can be created at settlements which then takes off and perpetually flies circles around said settlement shooting at stuff.


    Also none of these virtibirds are the cheapo vanilla ones that blow up when you sneeze in their general direction.

  2. So am I alone in wanting to see allot of mods for the lever action ?


    As an active hunter and sports shooter in real life I have been hoping they would get lever action and pump action weapons in game since launch.


    As for the mods that would be nice to see.



    1: Chamber the weapon for different calibers, like 38, 44 etc...

    2: A shotgun conversion

    3: A change to the leveled lists so that it drops at lower lvls as the 38 or 44 version and can be upgraded once you have the proper perks.




    Now if only they would get around to having the pump action weapons.


    What's 'Skyrim 2'? Is that coming before 'Fallout 3 2'?


    OMG NOOOOOO!!!! Not Skyrim 2.....I shall correct this ..... The Elder Scrolls V-2!!!! Yay sarcasm!!! It's so fun being facetious with naming conventions isn't it?dot dot dot


    As for the actual post, I got nothing because I don't really care about pc vs console as I use both I'm gaming platform ambidextrious. I at first thought it was something to be interested in until I saw the PC master race BS pop up "consolitis" ugh.





    Say what you want about the attitude of the PC master Race people but they are right about the advantages of the PC vs consoles..... At least with the current crop of them.


    If consoles were to become modular and easy to update like PC and gain access to the many tools the PC has however (Something that may not be that far off) that will go away.




    As for the whole argument about the engine. Bethesda mainly uses it at this point despite all the flaws because that is what all their people are trained on.


    There are other engines at this point that would be easy and cheap (Relatively) or free to use that are better in a great many ways, but switching to them would likely mean that they would need to train all of their programmers on them which could take a good sized chunk of time depending on the engine & also mean they would not be working on any other project which in turn means allot of reserve $ being used for training instead of creating new stuff.

  4. Main thing that bothers me about fallout 4 is


    1: The lack of real choices (other then what faction to join there really arent any)


    2: The reduction of RPG elements


    3: The dumbing down of the communication between the player and NPC's

  5. Given how many guns are in circulation in the real US ATM that are known (the real number is likely much higher) & the fact that most north eastern states have a 95% non compliance rate with their "assault" weapons laws (which more then 1/4 of all guns qualify as) the fact that there are so many regular guns around makes sense in game.



    I mean as long as your giving most of those guns even the most basic care it's not like they would just vanish.



    All that being said the thing that would become hard to find is modern ammo which would likely dry up rather quick forcing people to start reloading with sub-par alternatives which would either be harder on said guns & or less then optimal for performance.

  6. I had to remove PleasantUI, update Full Dialogue Interface, and change KeyNuker so it doesn't use invisible tags. Now it's working for me. The UI is now ugly as hell though :tongue:

    Did the same and now it finally works.


    Really hope those mods get updated soon.

  7. For me it's not so much that they don't look realistic.


    Growing up my dad was a gunsmith and FFL licensed dealer, whom often had me help on projects.


    The realism problem is


    1: they are far to accurate (You need equipment to rifle barrels, such equipment would be time consuming to make & without rifled barrels guns would be terribly inaccurate)


    2: One would expect such crudely made guns to often jam, misfire etc... (I know from experience)



    Also given the amount of guns in private ownership even in the north east (they may have all kinds of laws but most states on the east cost have a 95% non compliance rate) you would not expect there to be a need for so many pipe weapons.


    As the Op said, you would expect after a couple hundred years to mostly find guns in poor condition or still hidden away.

  8. Not sure if it could be legally done.


    If the dragons were just a fan created mod that would be fine, but since they were created by Bethesda for a previous game I'm pretty sure it is something they would sue you for if you shared it.


    That being said there is a ton of the files for dragons still in the game files, A talented moder may be able to recreate dragons using that and new files they make themselves.

  9. Cant be done legally


    Bethesda & the makers of fallout New Vegas both have legal stuff blocking it from being done.



    All that being said with the creation kit being out now you could learn to do it yourself and just keep the mods yourself. (heck even without creation kit it isn't all that hard to do from what I have read)


    Just don't expect anyone to do it for you and share the mod because doing so would result in big fines & possibly jail time.

  10. I was always pro paid mods, in a fair and transparent way, but I'd really have an issue with paid mods only on consoles. Either paid options for both or for neither, everything else just brings bad blood either way.



    Though mod makers should have some grasp of the actual potential for making money.


    Lower priced mods will likely see much much much more downloads then the high priced stuff.


    They should also consider that yes while they may have put allot of effort into making the mod it could be much better for them & the community as a whole not to go insane with how much they price it at.

    As I said above a lower price means many many more people will consider downloading it and if you combine the console-computer player base your looking at tens of millions (20+) of players.


    So in all likelyhood a well made mod priced even at 50 cents of which you get half could net you tens of thousands if not even a hundred thousand dollars if not possibly more

  11. I could swear I've seen "alternate start" mods already that let you play those other races.


    I have seen a few as well


    Frankly though I would love to see a mod once the geck is out that alows you to transform between human and super mutant like you could in Skyrim as a werewolf.


    Then I could role play and yell Hulk Smash!

  12. Several weapons I'd like to see brought into F4 that existed in previous games


    357 revolver/police pistol

    Service rifle variants

    Lever action rifles (various calibers)

    9mm sub machine gun ("grease guns" are pretty easy to make in real life and would make sense)

    nail gun

    Pump shotguns

    Laser RCW

    Tesla cannon


    Would also be great if they would do away with the receivers that don't make any realistic sense (ones that add penetration etc) then add in ammo types.

  13. New vegas also had allot of the ideas that were going to be in Van Buren incorporated into the story and setting.


    This is because a decent number of the people who work at Obsidian used to work at black isle and kept hold of the notes they had.

  14. Would be nice to see perks, skills & traits separated similar to how they were in previous games.


    For instance your skill with something determines how easy it is to use, how accurate it is & allows the use of special actions with it.


    Perks would be game changers like + damage all around or with certain weapons, not being locked out of computers etc...


    Traits would be limited on creation and be huge game changers with a positive and negative like wild wasteland, four eyes etc..


    Hope the survival mode brings back weapon & item repair.


    That made things so much harder in new Vegas survival mode.

    It has to better than find a matching weapon and apply fixes.


    Let hope it more like PA, or need kits.


    Ya kits would be my choice, for both armor and weapons.


    I mean with all the scrap out there it wouldn't be to hard to find some grease, cloth, scrap metal etc...

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