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About Galacticat42

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  1. Awesome character reels! Going to be a long while until I'm ready for any voice acting, but you certainly fit several characters I have in mind.
  2. God yes. Loved the fact that auto-sheathe was removed in Witcher 2, so I was wondering why they thought it would be a good idea to bring it back in 3. 'Twas absolutely annoying when he kept putting his sword away in the first game.
  3. I think it would be neat if there were usable armor stands in the game in a personal room at Kaer Morhen or at a house if he ever gets to buy one from a DLC, expansion or mod.
  4. Well I only get there through the forums.nexusmods.com which is (was?) the main page that I have my bookmark on and that sends me to the 'old' subdomain. So, should I update the bookmark if there's a new main page? 'Cuz the forums nexusmods page still works for me. EDIT: Oh, I see what's going on. Apparently the xcom nexusmods link broke from that forums main page. All the links for all the different games still say <game>.nexusmods.com but then bring me to nexusmods.com/<game>/ EXCEPT for the xcom link which goes to xcom.nexusmods.com.
  5. So last week I went to go look through the Xcom mods over on xcom.nexusmods.com aaaaand I get this page instead: I thought that maybe it was just down temporarily and would be up in a few days. It's been a week and it's still like that. Is it just me? If so, how can I fix it? If XCom Nexusmods has been hacked or is down, how long might it be until it's working again? I've tried googling this problem, and it seems that no-where on the nexus is this talked about.
  6. @Amineri Thanks for the reply, I suppose I forgot how Firaxis likes to mess with representative scales (Civ 3, 4, 5 anyone?). Anyway, after I got the laser cannon, I noticed that it hits a lot more - I suppose I'll have to spend thousands on those things. @zeppelin1717 I already use that as part of my first Long War game.
  7. Hey all, been using the Long War mod now for about a week, and I just can't help but wonder what monkeys could possibly get past pilot training to miss these giant-arsed ships. These things would literally be bigger than buildings, effectively making the statement 'unable to hit the broad side of a barn' a sadly true sentiment. So, I was combing through the config files to see if I could change the aim of interceptors without changing the aim of everything else (i.e. not changing Cinematic's config variable). With failure to see any said variable, I was hoping someone here could point me in the right direction if anything like what I described exists.
  8. Google brought me here. I say the thread stays alive for now. And yea I'm having like 40kbps downloads with NMM right now when usually I have the full 1mbps. Hopefully it goes away soon - I'm updating mods to get back into Skyrim from a long break.
  9. f*#@itall. I've been wrestling with the forum for the past hour to edit the OP. For some reason it keeps changing my post into BB code. I'll flag down a moderator or something in the morning.
  10. Summer holiday. I'm already gathering the resources I've already created and am going to comb through them to see what still applies. Now that Zinnorokkrah's finished quite a bit of research on Tamriel lore and that Bethesda's announced it won't make anymore DLC, I'm not going to be as hesitant in making a product that could be collateral damage to an official update. In addition to this, I was going to see if Mujuro would release his SMARTCast module, but he hasn't been active on the Nexus for a month and hasn't touched his mod for even longer. So a smarter follower won't be a part of the picture until something comes along. Which reminds me... I gotta update the OP; some of the info there is either obsolete or found out to be impossible without extraneous incompatibilities.
  11. Went to check for an update today when I noticed the mod was hidden by the author. A real pity he's disappeared.
  12. Honestly, I've been scraping together anyone that was willing and able, but that proved to be a bit of a mistake seeing that people tend to forget these things if they're not really committed to it which would in turn leave the mod hanging on the people that would sign up, but don't bother to check in.
  13. I'd check out all the source files and CK coloring properties of the Dawnguard lava then take that recipe for lava and make my own.
  14. This is perfect! Thanks a LOT for this tutorial. I've been meaning to find a way to merge .esp's together for my mod without going through too many steps. (Esmify with Wrye Bash, then over to the CK ini for version control then CK for version control merging, then espify with Wrye... Too messy).
  15. I have a theory. You guys having trouble with SBW need to download the Dragonborn compatible SKSE version. If SBW is having trouble opening Skyrim, then don't have it open Skyrim - just have it open SKSE and SKSE can then open Skyrim. This way your game should open without trouble with a borderless windowed mode.
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