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Everything posted by Galacticat42

  1. I've been taking a bit of a break from Skyrim due to college courses, but I'll be getting back in when spring break rolls around the corner.
  2. Always thought this was a neat image, perhaps it could come in use to you. :thumbsup: http://unrealitymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/large-video-game-worlds2.jpg
  3. Lol! Only because of South Park's parody of the history channel was that REALLY funny. Back on topic: the time wound atop the Throat of the world is far back in time enough to have Dwemer in the game... But I do agree, a lost civilization is more fun than a living one.
  4. A few things that I'd like to pitch in. In Papyrus/Script Dragon you could always make a divisor for the health pool of any NPC and PC including named ones (so you could divide all health by 10 or something) OR you could set up a ratio that'll set a more dynamic health pool for all NPC's, which quite frankly would require half a day just to piece an algorithm together, but it'll be effective. Doing it this way can potentially cause any NPC mods to automatically be compatible with your mod - assuming your mod is later in the load order. @Albin0gh0st Doing that would be excessively difficult by both the modder and the user. Say you have the weapon speed perk, you'll need reflexes down to the millisecond. I suggest that you run a check on dual wield attacking if any mob within a 10 yard radius is also attacking. If this comes back true, then the strike will count as a parry instead of a strike. After the parry the check will be cleared and the next swing will run the check. Assuming the mob has a slower swing rate than the PC, there will be ample time to put in damage. However, since this way would be insanely OP, I suggest increasing stagger chance on blocking when dual wielding.
  5. Before you do anything with combat Mansh00ter, I believe you need to integrate werewolf/vampire feeding with your basic needs mod.
  6. I forget who, but someone uploaded a table of these needs mods to compare all four of them (three of which you have listed - the fourth being Hardcore Skyrim). I myself picked the Total Realism mod for a couple reasons. 1. TRO has a working system with planned expansion 2. TRO has immersive animations 3. TRO has drug FX 4. I helped Mansh00ter with some ideas for TRO 8) 5. Imps more complex needs was too complex. Sure it's trying to stay 'realistic' but there's a fine line between realism and too darn micromanaging. It's not like my character carries around a nutrients sheet for everything he/she eats. 6. Hardcore Skyrim has vampire and werewolf needs included, but lacks anims, FX and a few other aesthetics. 7. BHN is a bit too underwhelming for me (no offense to Andrewpk), but straight carryweight and health effects doesn't quite cut it where the other three affect stamina, magicka, hp, carry weight, all variants of regeneration AND leveled skills.
  7. Nice work guys - I'm gunna be dropping out of scripting this for a little bit while I tend to the rest of my mod. I've been completely ignoring everything but this.
  8. Quick update: I've been working on Snowcrag Depths since I'm trying to get this mod flowing quicker than it is currently. Jacoo's room turned out to be too small than what I described to him, so I'm adding his room as an extra and am working on the dungeon myself. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2647636/Snowcrag.jpg
  9. That's not a hover anim, it's just the havok engine trying to match her feet with the rock she's standing on.
  10. Well right now I'm working with a bunch of others trying to get player flight into the game. Last I heard from Jacoo, he's been working on getting the chapter 1 dungeon into the game so I'm just waiting on a progress update from him. Picked up a new member today zimett, and I'll get her on something too soon.
  11. Just got myself a 23", 1080p, HDMI capable, LED monitor so now it's gunna be all awesome playing now. Back on topic, I've been working on your modifications Jimhsu, so I'll be putting something out by monday. NOTE: I don't really like the max flight time limit you've put on there, I'm gunna make it a conditional argument.
  12. Looking at the vampire lord clip, the wings ONLY animated on idles which was a replacer. Right now in the animation section of modding we're currently trying to find a way to add in new animations since Skyrim doesn't allow new animations, just replacers. There are however, some prototype sex mods that are currently researching ways to add in new anims. The biggest possible way is to just have a dynamically changing pathing system to point to different animations for the same animation entry. As far as taking off and landing goes, we will need NEW animations since the default ones by Bethsoft are completely scripted and hardcoded thus the reason the animations cause people to CTD whenever they try to manually trigger it.
  13. @Poroone Could you post your latest script for flight please? I want to see how you did it in papyrus so I can try to steer closer to something plausible in C++. I'm just hitting brick walls here. That is unless you're still using the translate function...
  14. It's already been suggested a few times already and the answer usually comes out to be the same that in order to get flowing hair, each hairstyle would need its own skeleton to take advantage of the Havok physics engine. Otherwise it would be possible without a new skeleton if they were to use the old Gamebryo animation types which most would agree won't look good in the least bit.
  15. The best way to do this if you have no experience is to download Wrye Bash and use the Bashed Patch feature. What it does is disable a number of mods in your list and incorporates them automatically into its own esp, I used it back in Oblivion to reach over 325 mods and since the team made a release for Skyrim, it's a viable option to use it. As stated above you can also use TESSnip, but you have to be careful about what overwrites what when you put them together or you could as well just break the ESP.
  16. Yea, Papyrus isn't exactly a 5-star scripting language. I became mega-frustrated in trying to apply a fragment too and so just because I couldn't get ANY fragment to work, I just reached into my monitor and threw the file out the window. ;D Seriously though I couldn't stand it anymore and began working in Script Dragon. It runs much more reliably and has a more rounded syntax system as it uses the various variations of the C, C++ and #C languages.
  17. Phishing... And yea and it doesn't exactly sound completely legitimate, the message that is. A few things to note: Did the message have an external link? Did the message ask for any type of verification? Did the message have an attachment? Did the message take but a few extra milliseconds to open than usual? If yes to any of the above I'd be highly suspicious of phishing, keylogging, and/or spyware, viruses or trojans. If no to all of the questions then WTF is your internet provider doing going about and looking at your private data? That is unless you don't live in the USA at all.
  18. With the console command this would be easy enough to make in Script Dragon.
  19. First and foremost I agree with the 'just move along' idea since that is, afterall, what I do. If I don't like something then I don't even look. Now I can see making a new tag and a new tag filtering system for those mods that have a name that suggests one thing but is rather misleading as the images and the actual content is something else entirely. Again if it's offensive I merely back up and move on to the next thread that looks interesting. I do know however, that most people don't think the same and as proof this thread was made :wallbash: BUT not all has to end in heated discussions and arguments about something so trivial. I suggest that if a new tag system were to be implemented, it would have to be at the mod uploading page and not some tab in the background that most don't even see. From here you can set your tags or even type in keywords that describes your mod in one (1) word. The user(s) can then go to their settings and set shun tags or type in shun keywords. If a mod has the tag, it won't show. If any part of the typed keyword for a mod matches the shun keyword, it won't be shown. Then of course at the bottom of the subforum you could have an automated message saying how many entries were blocked in accordance to your settings and have a link to the unfiltered version of the list.
  20. Erm, I don't know what settings your computer monitor are on, but Odahviing is a red dragon. I'm not seeing any blue on him. As for Dwiinfenaak, I imagined him red as Odahviing but with traces of blue trim on his scales and also well-fed and muscular.
  21. Turns out I had to rewrite the code a lil while back since, as it turns out, the script forced me into the ground which caused a slingshot effect most know as the Giant's Club Launch. After correcting it, the Havok effects refused to kick back in which caused me to float there. So I had to ditch the setposition() function and look at ApplyHavokImpulse(). This seemed to be a good idea as its description for objects seemed perfect, but as it turns out the player character doesn't have a mass registered to the engine so ApplyHavokImpulse would be useless since the base mass factor of the character is defaulted to 0 with no obvious way to set it. So finally I'm currently looking into the SetMotionType() function which I think might have been implemented into the Script Dragon SDK incorrectly. Regularly in Papyrus the function would require a reference object and a sub-string to set for either Dynamic or Keyframed modes and oddly enough the Script Dragon version requires a uint and so I have NO idea what the numerical values for Dynamic/Keyframed modes are. /* THE DRAGONBORN LEGACY Script Dragon */ #include "common\skyscript.h" #include "common\obscript.h" #include "common\types.h" #include "common\enums.h" #include "common\plugin.h" #include <math.h> #define CONFIG_FILE "DragonbornLegacy.ini" #define SCR_NAME "DLMain" void flySim(BYTE *FlapKey, PlayerCharacter *ref, bool bAutoFly, int *iFlapCD) { float fPosX = ObjectReference::GetPositionX((TESObjectREFR *)ref); float fPosY = ObjectReference::GetPositionY((TESObjectREFR *)ref); float fPosZ = ObjectReference::GetPositionZ((TESObjectREFR *)ref); float fAngX = ObjectReference::GetAngleX((TESObjectREFR *)ref); //East - West? float fAngY = ObjectReference::GetAngleY((TESObjectREFR *)ref); //North - South? float fAngZ = ObjectReference::GetAngleZ((TESObjectREFR *)ref); //Up - Down float fDragonForm = 3; //0 = regular player race, 1 = first shout level, 2 = 2nd shout word, 3 = 3rd shout word float fThrust = 0; float fPeakThrustTime; if (fDragonForm > 1){ if (GetKeyPressed(*FlapKey)){ if (*iFlapCD == 0){ *iFlapCD = 1000; //1 second. PrintNote("Flap CD: %i.", *iFlapCD); } } if(*iFlapCD > 0){ fPeakThrustTime = *iFlapCD/2; //Times the amount of thrust given by the wings *iFlapCD -= 1; fThrust = 1000; fPosZ -= fThrust; ObjectReference::SetMotionType((TESObjectREFR *)ref, 0, false); }else{ } } } void main() { BYTE FlapKey = IniReadInt(CONFIG_FILE, "Flight", "FlapKey", 0); bool bAutoFly = IniReadInt(CONFIG_FILE, "Flight", "bAutoFlap", 0); PrintNote("[%s] started, press '%s' to use", SCR_NAME, GetKeyName(FlapKey).c_str()); int iFlapCD = 0; while (TRUE) { if (true){ CActor *player = Game::GetPlayer(); flySim(&FlapKey, (PlayerCharacter *)player, bAutoFly, &iFlapCD); } Wait(0); } } I'm still in the middle of rearranging the code so some of the syntax won't make sense. Also note that right now I'm just trying to work on a collision-friendly up/down button.
  22. Wow - just tested out my new additions to the code to test speeds... Upon pressing the space bar I was shot up into the stars. When I used the map, the camera had to look UP to see me which then I could tell I wasn't coming back down any time soon.
  23. I imagine Dwiinfenaak to be strong, bold and young as Ohdaviing yet kind-hearted as Paarthurnax. Don't worry about the concept drawing of Dragonrest - that's the concept artists' jobs, you just describe it as you feel it should be. I myself have a pretty close idea of the city just from your descriptions. When Chapter 1 is nearing completion I can draw up a concept of Dragonrest. In other news I've been setting up the variables for the flight sim in Script Dragon without error so I'd expect to have a working pre-alpha of the flight mechanics either by tomorrow or the day after that. Meanwhile I've picked up a side project to incorporate the Calibur Ivy armor for someone else who's offering to pay. Seeing as how I have no job other than going to college, I'm going to be finishing that armor model ASAP so I can buy myself a new power supply for my desktop. Although its bran new, my desktop's power supply is only at 200 watts - minimum for modern graphics cards is 300 watts.
  24. ~Player puking in the street~ Guard "I need you to ask you to stop that... puking. It's making people nervous." Player "Too bad, there's plenty more where that came from -- ~Bluuurgh~" By the Gods! If the dragons ever find out how to puke like the player, the tundra lowlands will be nothing but a pool of green bile.
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