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Everything posted by Galacticat42

  1. I'm just saying that if you care to contribute to anything, contact me either through the thread or by PM but I'm not opening slots until the SCK is released. Again, I just want to reiterate that a team for this project is not mandatory as I'm capable, but would be nice to scoot it along quickly.
  2. This sounds like a very nice mod here. I've had a couple ideas of my own and after seeing your thread, gave me the courage to post it on my own thread. If all is well hopefully our two mods can intertwine nicely especially with the wyrm corruption. My mod is called Dragonborn: The Fallen Greybeards.
  3. Prologue Development Progress ETA: August 2013 Follower(Qoruvaak): 70% Quests: 0% Dialogue: 5% Follower Custom Clothing: 20% Dungeons: 0% Dragons: 4% Plot line: 100% ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Mod Plan Outline: Rough Draft The Dragonborn Legacy will be a mod dedicated to giving the Dragonborn role more life and drama and even new shouts. It will be content heavy and have multiple genre types depending on your play-style. If you want a horror, thriller, adventure, fantasy, sci-fi (with help from Dwemer tech), or just an outright brawl to the end, the way you carry out and finish each quest will shape the outcome of the story. As you progress through the country of Skyrim and become known across the lands as 'Dragonborn', the forces of evil are enthralled to take action. You will meet the Fallen Greybeards that have receded under the mountain until Alduin's return. Now that Alduin has returned, they will stop at nothing to see to it that all shall be made right by the world eater. The questline will have two ways to start. The first way will be to meet the representative NPC of a faction that is somehow intertwined with the dealings of the fallen Greybeards, if not through asking too many questions, then by getting ambushed after staying in a populated place for too long while using your shouts. The other way to start it is when you finally get to climb to the top of the Throat of the World - you will be given quite the surprise. This mod will add a number of new followers, spells, shouts, cities, dungeons, quests and overall adventures. Scenarios include but are not limited to the deep-sea, volcanic caverns, other Oblivion Planes, snowy mountain tops (as if there aren't enough of these), and more. I hope to also add more races, including the return of a few from Oblivion and its expansions. In this mod the dragonborn will be tested by his will, strength, intelligence, integrity, endurance and mentality and will be pushed to his limits as his very soul is tried for. The fallen Greybeards will make sure that the prophecies of the Dovahkiin will not happen in this realm if not postpone it indefinitely; one must come to expect the unexpected. The player's actions will dictate the outcome of this mod and thus the outcome of the game. The player can ignore his responsibilities as dragonborn, he can be deprived of his thu'um, he can raise an army of dragons or even become the new World Eater himself. Whatever the outcome may be, remember that each choice one makes will have grave consequences. Chapters The list below is what we plan on adding so far and is more or less set in stone. This list will grow. + means that there are more but are not set in stone. Shouts: Art of Dovah level abilities: Dovah Perk Tree: Team members:
  4. Talent: Texturing, Skinning, Modeling Skill Level: high Talent: Cell creation Skill Level: medium/learning Talent: Animation Skill Level: high and still learning new techniques Talent: Scripting Skill Level: medium Talent: Writing/Storytelling Skill Level: high Talent: Voice Acting Skill Level: none/low, but willing to learn and put in voices. Talent: Rigging Skill Level: High I am starting on my own project called Dragonborn: The Fallen Greybeards.
  5. I have a worse computer than you and I'm fine running it on high settings - lowest FPS for me is 3 but that's only when there's 4+ spellcasters or 10+ attacking mobs or there's a virus scan in the background all else I have between 30fps and 60fps; here's what you do. 1. Download LAA 2. Download ENBSeries Performance Patch 3. Install them both 4. Upon starting the launcher press Options instead of Play 5. Press High 6. Turn Antialiasing off 7. Turn Anisotropic Filtering off 8. Press Advanced 9. Turn up anything that you want to the max under the Detail tab 10. Make sure that FXAA is off and Shadow is medium or low - that's the biggest performance hit. 11. Under the View Distance Tab you can turn anything up to the max that you want. 12. Make sure that Distant Object Detail is on either medium or low - I have it on low. 13. Press close, okay, and play 14. Have fun! :cool: EDIT: Oh yea, and I run the resolution at the full 1280x800 Also, I have a 16' screen on my laptop and my computer rating
  6. @ccjuju All Bethesda games treat each modifier button differently. Although I'm not 100% sure about this being applicable to offhand weapons, you could try the other SHIFT, ALT and/or CTRL.
  7. @Miriandandes Could you perhaps put up a youtube video with a wide variety of voice samples that you can do? Although I'm thinking of picking up TES modding (I've modded other games before) it won't be a while till anything is rock-solid after the CS is released and even then I'm sure other modders would love to hear samples of your work so they know what they're working with.
  8. I love the archery changes in Skyrim from Oblivion - much better handling, immersion and damage in my opinion. About the arrow situation, I find that the high-quality arrows are scarce, but that doesn't stop me. If I ever need arrows I just raid a barrow and get iron arrows from bandits, Falmer arrows from the Falmer, steel arrows from the Stormcloaks or glass/ebony/dwarven arrows from dungeons. I'm currently at level 21 with over 500 arrows from those six arrow types. My character uses a giant Ebony Battleaxe for melee and archery for ranged - that's it.
  9. I'm not sure how far into the main quest you are, but that's not exactly true so to spare you the spoilers, I've put the spoilers in spoilers.
  10. Well my Skyrim game is actually rather stable. No random CTDs, no random falling mammoths, no lazy dragons, etc. @ Malikin I know who you're talking about. I actually killed that guy the second time he said that to me AFTER I became Thane. The guards looked the other way. :devil:
  11. Oh man, I remember the first Bandit Chief I came across... There I was; toe to toe with the nastiest Blood Dragon ye' ever saw. Magic curling from his nostrils and mouth, the local wildlife ravaged and torn asunder. The dragon swooped down and tried to hit me, but I knocked it clear out of tha sky with my force shout! BAM! The beast crashed into the hillside. I valiantly ran up to the lizard and climbed up on his head before he could get up. Thrashing about I held on until he threw me upward, letting me sail down onto the dragon's head, Ebony Battleaxe first, cracking into his skull. This was dragon number eight. Nearby I saw a cave and felt like bringing the swift hand of justice to the bandit vagabonds that dared shunned paying taxes. After dozens of rooms of tax collecting, I came across the Bandit Chief who did not seem to be happy about this imperial legion soldier collecting their taxes. As I was ready to relieve him of his debt, the chief took out his walking stick to fight back. I laughed heartily in his face, wondering what possibly he could do to an imperial soldier clad in heavy Dwarven armor wielding an Ebony Battleaxe. But woe is me, for the moment the chief laid that stick on my breastplate, a supernatural force came unto me and obliterated my armor and my body. After time warping back before trying to collect the Chief's taxes, I boldly hid in a shadow and plucked away his booty with my Ebony Bow until his debt was paid. 'Curious.' I thought as I began making my journey out of the cave, 'If the Chief is so powerful, then why not become like me and slay the dragons? Surely the cities would pardon his taxes for saving their citizens.'
  12. My first character, I've leveled up to twenty and found out after so many levels of using a two handed weapon, I am no longer able to dual wield anything - not even spells. I recall before getting the Fists of Steel perk from the Heavy Armor constellation, I was able to dual wield things. Now that I want my character to become more of a spellsword, he would be required to drop his two-hander for a one-hand weapon and a spell when the time calls for it, but he can't dual wield! One large suspicion I have toward the perk Fists of Steel is that whenever I do use a one-handed weapon or spell (which can only be equipped in the left hand for some reason which I suspect is part of the problem), the right hand can't do anything but punch. If anyone could reproduce this glitch and/or help fix it, you could save poor Brujon's fate as a spellsword instead of just a brute. About the scenario of getting the perk itself, I was wielding the Ebony Battleaxe, wearing full, heavy Dwarven armor. I'm not quite sure what magic effects were active at the time, and unfortunately I no longer have the save as it was overwritten before I noticed the glitch.
  13. That's not right - never had that problem in my game. Perhaps if you restore your game to a save before you even met Delphine that might resolve the issue.
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