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Everything posted by HurrlingMercator

  1. In response to post #55275293. You can still do this by using "Refine search" -> "Search parameters". That being said, I'm not a fan of these options being hidden away at first glance; much preferred it on the right side, seems less efficient also, i.e. requires more clicks. I guess I'll get used to it eventually.
  2. Another Plusnet user here, also having problems with the Nexus and Imgur. Glad to know I'm not going mad.
  3. Nice to see them at least release something. Hopefully we'll see a full-on Redkit 2 one day. Also, I must say it's pretty cool that CDPR have basically designated the Nexus as their official home for mods. :D
  4. Do you have nothing better to do than spread your pessimistic, contradictory and inane thoughts? Wait, don't answer that, it'd just be a waste of space like your other posts.
  5. Quite a surprise. I do have to agree with feeling slightly sorry for Bethesda, and even more so for the modders who were given the opportunity, some of whom came back from the real world for this. However, as you said, a lot of this could have been avoided if Bethesda had communicated with the modding community with a similar blog piece to the one they have published now. Lesson learned, I guess. On another note, as result of this Steam Workshop crash, I'll be making some donations to some of my favourite modders soon.
  6. Another well-thought-out, reasonable and clear blog. Now if only people would read it all and not act like a tabloid newspaper. :P
  7. Glad to see you back, sad to hear what happened to your mods, though. Also, while it may not be any of my business, it is very saddening some people view modding as useless, especially when it's far from the truth. Hell, if I hadn't started tinkering around with the Construction Kit for Oblivion way back when, I probably wouldn't have taken any further interest in computing, and as a result my career path may well have been very different today (and less enjoyable). Hopefully in the future you'll ignore any naysayers and just do what you want as a hobby.
  8. A pity, I never got around to downloading the latest version. I was also looking forward to the update of corn and signs. I do wish a reason was given for the sudden disappearance, though. Talent like KiCH's doesn't come around too often. Oh well. :-(
  9. If you require any more testers I'd certainly be willing to lend a hand.
  10. You can check mods you've endorsed through the Files tab, and then by selecting "Download history". Files with a green tick next to them are ones you've endorsed.
  11. Those look great! The firefly in particular is very unique. :thumbsup:
  12. Wow, that sounds awesome! Any chance of a sneak peak of some of those new creatures and variants? :o
  13. In response to post #10439709. #10439778 is also a reply to the same post. Oh noes, two days without NMM! Honestly, just download any files you want manually, and install them using the NMM in offline mode. You've heard of manually installing mods, right?
  14. Looking forward to the changes. Hope ya'll are coping well with making them.
  15. I'm curious, is it even possible to implement water reflections for Lake Mead? They seem to work for the Colorado River, up until Hoover Dam and any reflections seem to cease to exist afterwards, for that stretch of water. So, is there anyway to rectify this in the GECK, or not? I noticed that both the water near Cottonwood Cove and around Lake Mead seem to use the same water type, so I'm not entirely sure how to go about changing this, if it's even possible. Edit: Oh, and by reflections, I don't just mean the sky (which seems to work just fine), I'm talking about statics, actors, etc
  16. Oh yeahh. I shall prepare for the awesomeness that awaits.
  17. Site performance feels like it's up. Does that mean the horror is over?
  18. No this is just the wrong thread now so use this thread instead if you have problems. The mod not dead either, rjhelms is still fairly active in the other thread helping people where he can. Several updates to BBD have also been released, a recent one in April. Oddly enough he said pretty much the exact same thing in that thread too. I'm not entirely sure what his beef is.
  19. Seriously, there are already enough self-entitled brats on the Nexus who think they can boss modders around and tell them what to do in their free time, and it certainly doesn't need another one.
  20. Well damn. I guess I'll have to go outside and face the cold bleak world, instead of downloading awesome mods and tweaking my load order. :[ Edit: Whoops, nevermind about downloading! Though, the lack of seeing any new mods being uploaded will be saddening, along with being unable to comment.
  21. Didn't really have any concept at the time, just me playing around with the tile sets and a few scripts. Also, I stopped due to boredom and frustration over some issues I had with the GECK, and also the fact that I forgot to backup esp and assets of the project during a reinstallation of my OS. :/ Pretty much just lost motivation to redo it.
  22. I'm not sure how a zero gravity environment would be implemented, but the Cube Experimental mod for Fallout 3 did manage a similar effect to a certain extent. Otherwise here's a shameless plug of a mod I was working on (just to demonstrate that your idea is possible) but never finished: The sun/star and the space dome were leftovers from Zeta which I extracted from the New Vegas meshes.bsa and used.
  23. Definitely looking forward to some of the new features; I thoroughly enjoyed New Vegas Bounties on my last play through, and I'm eagerly awaiting for this for my next. :biggrin:
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