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About somerandomsheepthathops

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  1. https://help.nexusmods.com/article/100-how-to-report-bad-or-inappropriate-ads While it doesn't mention this particular problem (unless I overlooked something?), I believe advertisements with sound like this do still fall under "bad ads". Try following the steps here to reproduce the issue and send a report to staff. 'Side from that, you can probably also post a screenshot here and someone will come around to provide assistance.
  2. Is this what you're looking for, by any chance?
  3. You have two options in this instance. You can contact the moderator/administrator in question directly and discuss the matters at hand via PM. Or if you feel it necessary, you can PM a community manager or administrator. Though I believe attempting to come to a resolution with the forum moderator in question directly would be more prudent before escalating matters. You can also follow the instructions Here.
  4. I'm sorry, before I attempt to offer suggestions, I have to ask: "violate mod"? Please do not tell me that means what I think it means.
  5. At least partially, it ties into matters regarding vote manipulation and bypassing strikes or restrictions applied to an account. If you are given formal warnings for your behavior, the people running the show don't want you to simply be able to create another account to bypass that and the restrictions put in place. Same deal for if you are banned from accessing files from certain modders. Matters of vote manipulation are part of it too. Someone with multiple accounts can download and endorse their own work in an attempt to boost its rating and visibility, putting other people's work at a disadvantage. Plus it's easier to handle matters when everyone has just one account. No giving formal warnings to eighteen different accounts tied to the same person because he broke the rules on one of the accounts. (This is pure speculation on my part. Some of it coming from seeing examples of people doing what I mentioned in the banned accounts section over the years.)
  6. I implore you to contact one of the moderators or administrators regarding this issue. Creating another account and making this public will not end well. All banned members are logged here. If you don't see your old account name, contact support and inquire about what happened. It could very well be a software glitch or an error that was made.
  7. What mods are you running? Do any have master file requirements you do not have? That was a guaranteed crash to desktop immediately for other Bethesda titles. If you have not already, take your mods off and introduce them slowly, the newest ones first if the game worked fine before you added something recently. That way you can isolate what mods may be causing your problems. Is your game up to date? If you told Steam to not update it, or do not update your game for any reason, you should do so and see what that does. Try verifying the files. If anything is corrupt or damaged, Steam will automatically redownload the borked files.
  8. This is a site issue mate. Your best bet will be to fire off a support email, or create a posting in the Site Feedback section. I can't offer much help aside from the (more than likely) obvious, but have you tried using a different browser or different device? It could be a browser related issue. Try a different browser (If you have one), private browsing/guest mode (Chrome), or turn off any extensions you may have like noscript that you may think is the culprit. If you have cookies set to be wiped automatically, or outright disabled, re-enable them and go from there.
  9. For future reference, you'll want NMM Support or NMM Discussion. Both of those places can give more help. Unfortunately I canned NMM for Vortex months ago, so my memory is hazy; but if I recall right, you can find your NMM directory in either your Program Files folder, or in Appdata/Roaming under your username. There, you should find your mods contained as Zip files. Copy and paste those to another hard-drive for backup.
  10. I'm not sure how this could occur, but look under your Data folder in your Fallout 4 directory, then delete the mods there manually. That should get rid of them.
  11. I'd recommend taking this to the Vortex Support Forum. If there are no issues downloading through other means, something is up with Vortex, rather than Skyrim. Plus, that section's pretty active. Just to be sure, check your settings, downloads, and make sure the option that says "Handle [Download Button] with Vortex" is enabled. Seeing something about fixing it on Chrome(?), if you use Chrome, close it out, and click that in Vortex.
  12. Not finding anything in the NVSE Commands, or the Gamebyro Command list from the wiki; but, if you are open to the usage of mods, there is the Sack of Holding. It does what you're looking for, when you use it (AID item), it'll open up a portable container that can store anything, with zero weight costs from the stowed gear.
  13. Go under the Mods tab and hit the uninstall button on the right-hand side of your mods. Removing the mod alone will delete its files but keep the archive. Removing the archive takes all of it out, zip file and all, meaning you can't reinstall it until you download it again.
  14. That, and if the thread in question is a particularly old one, don't necro it. Start a new thread for your question.
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