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  1. Not sure if it'll help but try clearing out all the files in this cache directory, they'll be recreated on next game load Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\modded If that doesn't help then I'd guess an outdated mod, check which ones haven't been updated since the patch and try disabling them. Finally, this is a really good resource: https://wiki.redmodding.org/cyberpunk-2077-modding/for-mod-users/user-guide-troubleshooting You may need to bisect your modlist to find the problem one
  2. I found this wiki incredibly useful: https://wiki.redmodding.org/cyberpunk-2077-modding I've got the game on GOG. I don't think that really matters.
  3. I'm not sure what's happening there. I'd guess one of your .asi mods is causing the crash. I just booted up the game with the Script Hook I linked and no CTD for me, running with ~40 .asi mods
  4. Does it happen without mods? With just three mods and a mod loader I would have thought, assuming it works without mods, you could just add them back in one by one until you find the culprit.
  5. This wiki is the best reference I've found (as a mod user rather than a mod maker): https://wiki.redmodding.org/cyberpunk-2077-modding For discussion it seems this Discord is the place to go: https://discord.gg/Epkq79kd96
  6. Yeah, I know you fixed it. That's why I said "in the future"
  7. If you haven't already seen the LML conflict checker - https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/5180 - it may help in the future for problems like this. You could have a look at what's conflicting with a LML mod like Nitro. I really like it.
  8. Try replacing version.dll with Online Content Unlocker or Online Content Unlocker Lite. Also make sure dinput8.dll is from an up-to-date Script Hook, or use Ultimate ASI Loader (x64) https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/5304 https://github.com/ThirteenAG/Ultimate-ASI-Loader/releases
  9. I just got sick of tweaking the thing and wanted to play the game. 4090 should be enough, yes. lol
  10. I've got a RTX 3080, 10GB, but I've dropped Textures to Medium. I was getting a CTD as I was running out of VRAM. Use something like MSI Afterburner to see if something similar's happening to you. I dunno about the Not So Good Draw Distance:Ultra Plus compatibility I'm afraid. I used to use Ultra Plus but stopped.
  11. Well, progress... I guess?! I'm afraid I'm not sure what's going on there. It's so weird it's just one of the cache files and not all of them. The game's not installed in Documents is it? Maybe attempts to write to those cache files are interpreted as potential ransomware by your AV
  12. Those all look like well used mods, I'm 99% sure I've got them all enabled. I just booted up the game fine. I'm using the GOG version I've found this helpful in the past: https://wiki.redmodding.org/cyberpunk-2077-modding/for-mod-users/user-guide-troubleshooting One thing that's helped me out in the past is deleting all cache files here: [Install path]\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\modded They're recreating next time the game loads. But that's been a help when I've actually been using mods for a bit. Does the problem happen when you're not running mods too? Maybe Manage > Verify Files would help.
  13. I used this some time ago, I'm not right now as I'm in the early game and this adds a pretty easy way to get money: https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/1073
  14. I for one would be interested in knowing what mods you've removed from your load order based on your testing.
  15. Completely guessing from the name I think it's a virtual file system. I'd guess when the .asi is running it will replace existing game assets with modded ones, as it's a virtual file system the original game files aren't overwritten but modded ones are used when the game is running.
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