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Everything posted by robotized

  1. I know I'm going in the opposite direction, just wanted to mention about removing the skinning again. So doing it in NifSkope, you have to disable "Skinned" flag from two places: BSTriShape/BSSubIndexTriShape -> Vertex Desc -> right click and Vertex Flags BSLightingShaderProperty/BSEffectShaderProperty -> Shader Flags 1 If both are not removed, you may get crashes when you put the nif in the game.
  2. I've only removed skinning a few times with NifSkope, never added one. For copying of bone weights I use Outfit Studio. In OS right click on original mesh and set it as reference, the name becomes green. Then right click on new mesh and copy bone weights, use default settings. There are move, scale and rotate options in the right click menu, if you have to adjust the position of the new mesh to somewhat fit the original one. Set reference on original mesh again, so the name's not green anymore, or perhaps delete the mesh if you don't need it. Export as a nif file.
  3. I had a hunch that the timer mattered, but didn't know. Thanks.
  4. Really weird "requirement" for the grenade arc. Anyway, glad I could help.
  5. I've seen it before. Check the Projectile. Usually this happens if the Timer of the explosion is set to 0. Even if not using Alt. Trigger, set the timer to something > 0, for example 2.5 like the frag grenades.
  6. Tested it, doesn't work, at least for constant effect on self. I think this is rather something left from Skyrim. Considering the limitations, maybe it is a bit complicated. I can think of some usage for this. Like for example if you want to attach light to NPC, like the lantern on the pack brahmin. Or if you have glow effect on apparel, you can add light for illumination to represent that glow, with the right radius and color for the light.
  7. You are welcome. The world model is the GO(ground object). It's what you see, when you drop the item, maybe that's why. Similarly if you are missing an Armor Addon, you can get locked at the Armor Workbench, when you try to upgrade.
  8. Although I'm disappointed the Light archetype doesn't work with spotlights and in 1st person, I'm thinking it's a good idea to post this info as modder resource/tutorial with screenshots and stuff. I mean, it could still be useful for certain situations/applications. If I find the time that is. And another small Update from experimentation: As far as I can tell, flickering lights don't work. But animated nifs as art objects do, so long as they are triggered. For the Immolation magic effect, in the nif the animation is moving the node around, which sort of imitates flicker of the fire. You can attach the light only once. You can create a lot of NiPointLight nodes, but the light gets attached to only one of them, perhaps the first one. So if you want to use the same light more than once on the same character, you'll need several magic effects with the "light" archetype.
  9. All experiments are done with override of the Army Helmet, with added Enchantment. I tried NamedNode&Camera for the extra data. This attaches the light to the camera in 3rd person only, behind the player. I tried putting the same art object in a visual effect and played it with script from the same magic effect. Even if I enable flags in the visual effect, it's not working. The light is attached only to the art object selected as Hit Effect Art in the magic effect. The light is attached to NiPointLight or similar effect node, though NiPointLight seems to be the only properly working. I think it's possible to attach the light to a regular NiNode, but you can't do any translation or rotation, while you can do it for NiPointLight. I don't think BSTriShape with BSLightningShaderProperty / BSEffectShaderProperty will make any difference for the light. Where is this 1st person body mesh? Does it have any bones like HEAD or Head_Skin? Edit: Actually, never mind. Since the spotlight type of light is not working, there is no reason to search for a way to attach it in 1st person(if possible at all, I'm guessing it's not). Also, another Update from my experiments: Beside omnidirectional lights, NiPointLight(or rather archetype "Light") works with Shadow Hemisphere. Edit: I'm not sure if the light is supposed to look like it does. I mean, it just looks like full sphere, but one half is a bit darker. I think it should be only hemisphere, light on one side, nothing on the other. But I haven't got experience with lights before, that's why I said I'm not sure about that. Any translation and rotation to the light is done by editing the NiPointLight. Problem is that the NiPointLight node is not moving in the nif, only in the game you can see the result.
  10. Update - What I've learned so far about attaching the light with constant magic effect to self. Not what I hoped for, but I will experiment more later. The magnitude of the magic effect doesn't matter. The only important flag for the magic effect is "FX Persist". The light doesn't work in 1st person. BSX flags in the nif are important. There are some hidden ones, you can't select from the menu, you have to type manually 2048. You can attach the light to a bone with NiStringExtraData. The only effect node successfully working so far is NiPointLight. NiPointLight is working mostly with omnidirectional lights. Using spotlight type of light with NiPointLight has mixed results. If I attach it to Head_Skin bone, there is no light, only lens flare if available. If I attach it to HEAD bone, the spotlight is displayed as omnidirectional in the game. NiSpotLight refuses to work. NiDirectionalLight works, but it's weird.
  11. It's enough to get me started. Thank you kindly . I'm hoping to get this method working and potentially use it for headlamps/flashlights. Well, if not for the character, then at least for NPCs(if the lights don't work/can't be attached in 1st person). I'm pretty sure, beside a light attachment node, the nif of the art object can include a glow mesh. This way you can edit the glow mesh however you like, create your own light and choose it separately, without worrying about IDs for the Addon Nodes.
  12. Do you have Male World Model and Preview Transform? If not, add something from the game at least.
  13. From what I understand, you can select a Light from Assoc. Item 1 and Art Object as Hit Effect Art. This art object will be the source of the light. I did a quick test with enchantment on a helmet and couldn't get any light to show. Does it work in Fallout 4? Has anyone tested this and do you know what node is required inside the nif of the art object?
  14. While working on adding rotating light to the protectron head actuated(construction) head armor, I noticed there's no animation for the head itself. I'm talking about this one: The only time the antennas and lights work is when I choose Mr.Handy thruster for the legs. For other legs, the animation isn't working. I noticed this problem with protectrons from the base game, not all though. At the small storage with safe and a sentry bot ambush, near the train tracks close to Egret Tours Marina, there are two pods with construction protectrons. Their lights aren't rotating, nothing's moving from the head underneath the armor. What's interesting is, if I deactivate the units, wait for them to go back to the pods, then activate them again and all the animations start working. I visited Robotics Pioneer Park to check the protectrons there. Everything seemed fine with them regarding the animations of the head. Has someone else experienced this problem, or is it in my game only?
  15. I gotta stop checking forums before bed . Is the invisibility applied through magic effect? If so, you can add the condition check: Subject.HasMagicEffectKeyword(DisableInvisibilityKeyord)=0 Then for the magic effect of the potion you add this same keyword. For the duration of the potion effect, this keyword will be added to the character, the condition for the invisibility effect will trigger and the effect will be interrupted. I don't know what should be the Archetype of the magic effect for the potion though, since you only need to apply the keyword, not damage/recover anything.
  16. How's the distance of the light? Is it ok or should I lower the radius as suggested by Qrsr? Currently it's set to 512. Also, since I'm doing overrides anyway, I can override the Constructible Objetcs to add descriptive text to the TVs. Like this one: "Television has a receiver tuned to Diamond City Radio. Supply with power first, then activate."
  17. I made a few more attempts. Again no Actor Value or Keyword regarding power requirement has any influence on the radio function. I'll stick to what I proposed earlier. I'll try to tweak the light a little bit more if I can. I agree it should light up a completely dark room, but it shouldn't be a lot stronger than other sources like ceiling lights for example. As for the happiness bonus, maybe I'll go with 2 or even less, so it doesn't feel like a cheat.
  18. If I understand correctly, you are saying I shouldn't add the actor values and leave it as it is. Also the question stands - To what frequency should the radios be tuned to? Diamond City Radio, Classic Radio or Radio Freedom? I don't want to create new constructible objects and flood the menu with television sets. Well, unless you want the three stations available. And another question - Should the prewar tv sets from the DLC play radio as well?
  19. There are constructible objects, like the Weight Bench from one of the DLCs, that gives bonus to happiness. It's not an Activator like the TV and radio, it's a Furniture. In constrast to TV and Radio, the Weight Bench has two actor values added: "WorkshopResoucreObject", with the amount of 1 "WorkshopRatingBonusHappiness", with the amount of 2 If I add these to the activator of the television, I get the smiley face just below the component requirements in the workshop menu. So if the TV already has such bonus without adding the actor values, it is well hidden behind the scenes. Adding the actor values is easy enough and it wouldn't hurt adding more happiness, right? IsARadio flag is what enables/disables the radio function. And it seems that this is not influenced wether it has power or not. If the radios is turned on by default, you'll hear it even before constructing the television set, you'll hear it while the tv is unpowered. That's why I propose a compromise, to start both tv and radio function turned off. Then avoid interacting with the tv until you supply it with power. I don't know if there is a better solution, sorry.
  20. I've been testing this for a couple of hours at least and it's doable, but it has an issue. The radio function works regardless if the TV is powered or not. I tried with some keywords without success. The best solution so far is to start both radio and tv turned off and to avoid interacting with the TV set if it's not powered. About the light - all I can do is increase radius and FOV, which makes it close to what you want. Edit: Does the TV give happiness? Because there is no smiley face when you select it in the workshop menu. If it doesn't, I think I can make it give a bonus to happiness. Edit2: Which radio station should the tv sets be tuned to? Classical, Diamond City or Radio Freedom?
  21. I don't know why buffout warns about CBP. CBP doesn't require a custom skeleton. Just recently I did a quick test of the physics, everything works with vanilla skeleton. From CBP mod page: Before posting, I installed CBP again and CHW system, to test them together. Physics and holstered weapons seemed to work fine, without any issues. I don't know anything about HHS, I haven't used the mod.
  22. I'm not sure exactly what's used for scaling, try with height setting: Race->Body Data->Height Or, if you don't want to change the height of the whole race: Actor->Traits->Height As for issues, maybe it will have effect on interactions with characters and environment/objects regarding the animations, but I don't really know.
  23. I tried it and it works. I get <1rad/s in the Glowing Sea, like with the hazmat suit. Check again if you got the right enchantment and damage resistance(for radiation there are two - exposure and ingestion). I find these kind of overrides very easy to do with FO4Edit. Copy as override the helmeted armor in a new plugin. Then select the override and the hazmat suit and compare them(hold CTRL while selecting the second form and then right click and choose to compare from the menu). When the forms appear side by side in the right window, use the mouse to "drag" the enchantment and damage resistance from one form to the other.
  24. Open the diffuse map, use rectangular select, select the area with brows and delete. Save with BC3/DXT5 compression, enable option to generate mipmaps. That's it. I don't think it's required to edit normal and specular maps even, since the diffuse is fully transparent.
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