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Everything posted by robotized

  1. It's not the animation. What program did you use to edit the nif? If you used Outfit Studio instead of NifSkope, that could be the problem. I did a quick test, created a plugin and edited nif files, everything worked fine for me. Sorry I can't test yours, I don't have the DLCs. I don't know about the goo. I have some doubts about this ImpactDataSet inside the Object Modification. Maybe remove the property and then test it.
  2. I think all the material setting are inside the nif file. There are at least 3 tri morphs for the body. The grey texture is somehow colored with a palette texture, and there is another palette texture for a flashing effect. I can't understand much about these settings. Better take a look at the nif.
  3. I also didn't know that at first, it's useful. Most of the damaging magic effects in the game are just reducing health. Whats important in these magic effects are the keywords(used in determining who is immune and for various conditions) and the resist value(type of resistance to counter the effect). What you describe is a Hit Shader, but this one I think it's really for the poison damage of the Bloatfly and other creatures. The shader is not tied to any type of damage, so it can be re-used for different purposes. That was quick. Glad to hear the issue is resolved. You are welcome.
  4. Feral ghoul unarmed attacks(except for the glowing ones, they have their own race and unarmed attacks) do poison damage alongside the radiation damage. This is what I can conclude by looking at the Fallout4.esm. Check Weapon category, the form is called UnarmedFeralGhoul "Unarmed Feral Ghoul" [WEAP:000C2C2C]. Hold Ctrl and click on the Object Effect dtRadiationEnchFeralGhoul "Radiation Damage" [ENCH:000DB3B2]. This will open the Enchantment and will show you what magic effects it contains. One of the effects is crPoisonEffect "Damage Type Poison" [MGEF:001FE6A2]. Hold Ctrl again and click on that to open the magic effect. For this effect to work, there are two conditions: Target.HasKeyword(crInfected [KYWD:00115A92]) = 1.000000 AND Subject.HasPerk(ImmuneToPoison [PERK:000A2776]) = 0.000000 AND If I understand this correctly, only NPCs that have the keyword crInfected [KYWD:00115A92] should do the poison damage. From the feral ghouls, these are: encFeralGhoul05 "Withered Feral Ghoul" [NPC_:0007ED08] encFeralGhoul05AmbushLegendary "Legendary Withered Feral Ghoul" [NPC_:002499DF] encFeralGhoul05Legendary "Legendary Withered Feral Ghoul" [NPC_:00165564] encFeralGhoul06 "Gangrenous Feral Ghoul" [NPC_:0011669E] encFeralGhoul06AmbushLegendary "Legendary Gangrenous Feral Ghoul" [NPC_:002499E0] encFeralGhoul06Legendary "Legendary Gangrenous Feral Ghoul" [NPC_:00165565] Maybe you have a mod which overrides one or more of the forms mentioned above - weapon, enchantment, magic effect. Or maybe a mod edits most of the feral ghouls' NPC forms and adds the keyword to ones that don't have it. The Non-Player Character records usually start with enc.
  5. I don't know if FO4Edit detects it and if it matters at all, whether the script is loose file or inside the other mod's BA2. If it's inside BA2, you may try to extract it as loose file and then try Clean Masters command on your plugin. But I'm thinking most likely the script information contains forms/records from the mod you are copying. If it's possible to recreate these forms for your own mod, replace the ones being used from the other mod, then try to clean the masters. Btw, what is SMM?
  6. I have two guesses. Number one is under Quest Data, to set "Event" to NONE and enable "Run Once" option. Number two is to remove all entries under Quest Stages and Quest Aliases, perhaps in combination with the changes from the first suggestion.
  7. If you need 1:1 copy, without editing variables in the script, it may be possible. I haven't done this, It's just my theory. Use Ctrl to select both quests, right click and from drop down menu choose "Compare Selected". Then drag the VMAD-Virtual Machine Adapter from one quest to the other. It's going to copy the information, but you've got to test it in the game, to see if it works. Edit: What I wrote is in situations you can copy the script part from another quest. I think it's even possible to replace forms in the script. Adding scripts, not so sure, also may be possible, but looks like it will be difficult and with a lot of room for error. I don't recommend it.
  8. Magic Effects in Enchantments for armor work only if Casting Type is "Constant Effect" and Delivery Type is "Self". Damaging magic effect will hurt the one wearing the armor. If you want to do damage to enemies with an armor, I'm guessing Archetype "Cloak" is the only option. Then inside the magic effect you associate a damaging Spell with the cloaking ability. I tried increasing the area value, but couldn't see any difference while testing ingame. Or maybe I did something wrong. Anyway, I'm not working on this for now. Magic Effects in Enchantments for weapons can have Casting Type "Fire and Forget" and Delivery Type "Touch". But in order for the magic effect to work, the weapon's damage must be > 0. One more piece of information. I did a wearable item for a request, a ring that damages the player with radiation. First I tried the Enchantment with damaging magic effect. It worked, but the radiation couldn't be countered in any way. Then I used the magic effect to add a Perk to the one wearing the item. On other hand I used the perk to add a Spell with damaging magic effect. The radiation damage was then countered with the proper resistance.
  9. Also take a look at the Tesla Coils for PA Torso. The magic effect used has archetype Cloak. I have experimented with same method to apply elemental damage to enemies that come near you. Sadly, one thing that I couldn't manage, was to increase the area of effect. I believe a condition can be applied for the magic effect, to be active only for npcs that are non hostile to the player.
  10. I think it's the GhoulishPerkManager [QUST:001D33DA] quest, but I I'm not sure what/how to edit.
  11. I think most of the time people are having issues with cbbe and bodyslide, it's either because the mods/tools are not properly installed or because they haven't watched the video tutorial by Gopher.
  12. BC7 won't work for face texture. Use BC3/DXT5 compression for the diffuse map.
  13. There must have been some sort of conflict( with texture resolution), that's what I think. But it doesn't matter. The important thing is that the problem is gone now. I understand what you mean. BA2 are supposed to have better performance. And yes, you can keep better track of what has a priority or not, through the plugins' load order.
  14. Anarchist's Cook Book vol.2 has acid grenades. I also have not tried these myself. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32665
  15. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/2826650?tab=user+files Check out the Type 3DCGH preset.
  16. I was checking out some files by Zorkaz. I saw that he has a tutorial on snap points. Maybe you know of it, but just in case, I'll post it: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39305?tab=description
  17. I don't have experience with workshop items. I tried making dialogue quest once, following Kinggath's tutorials, but wasn't much successful. Experimentation helps. And you can compare to vanilla or items from other mods, to see how they did it (in CK and NifSkope).
  18. I recently shared a link to one of Kinggath's tutorials in another topic. Looks like he has some more for NifSkope. Basics and snap points:
  19. I have my doubts about the Rusty Face Fix and Real HD Face Texture. And if you also have the HD DLC, things might get messy. But take this with a grain of salt. Try without one of the mods, then try without the other, and finally try without both. Black face usually means that you have installed face textures(probably as loose files), that are different resolution than vanilla ones(inside ba2 archive). Face textures, as many others in the game, consist of: diffuse, normal and specular maps. Even if one of these texture files is different resolution, you will get the black face. Also keep in mind that loose files have a priority over BA2 archives. Check if you have installed face texture as loose files, without a plugin.
  20. I've never encountered this problem. An alternative method of applying materials is with NifSkope. This video may help, if you decide to try the program: It's long, NifSkope part starts at 26:38.
  21. On the video it looks like its just regular bashing. The punch is actually the bash animation. I don't know if this is close to what you are looking for: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46617
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