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Nexus Mods Profile

About TheBaconOverlord

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    NMS VR, ARK and Fallout 4 VR
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 4 VR

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  1. It's absolutely horrible right now. I just moved to Florida and the speed on the website is so slow... it took 3 minutes to load ONE PAGE and that's on 1 Gbps download speed. It's happened before, but that was in Illinois and it cleared up eventually. It hasn't cleared up this time.
  2. I get this reliably every time I try to view my "save games" for Fallout 4 VR. It just says "exception" and refers me to this thread.
  3. I'm sure this gets asked quite a bit, but are you planning a VR version of F4SE yet? Big fan, by the way. Thanks.
  4. Yeah.. this actually WORKS! I just did the automatron DLC for the first time! So cool in VR!
  5. In response to post #62722856. #62730631, #62750281, #62781471 are all replies on the same post. I use that one. I meant the Extra Life Mod so you can skip the intro.
  6. In response to post #62722856. #62730631 is also a reply to the same post. It's the only subset... so, by default it's the highest. It was kind of a trick. But, yes I'm just bitter that I can't use it :(
  7. Too bad his mod doesn't work with Skyrim VR which is one of the largest subsets of people that still actively play this game right now.
  8. In response to post #60914602. #60914912, #60915742, #60916482, #60916597 are all replies on the same post. Arthmoor, actually he's right and it's a bit confusing. I've seen people get their mods removed due to Patreon links, but now they are allowed to remind people that they can donate to the larger "pot" of Patreon funds. I'm not sure which is right or why, but it's definitely a bit of a kick in the teeth for those modders that have been penalized for this in the past.
  9. In response to post #60913897. #60922977 is also a reply to the same post. Most modders generally appreciate donations and put those donors' requests on the forefront as a matter of courtesy anyway. The second one probably wouldn't happen, but they would be wrong if they felt that way. But, it was just a suggestion to help you guys get more donations. There has to be some form of incentive if you want more than $1 each.
  10. In response to post #60910862. It's not really about Patreon... it's about the modders getting recognized and getting an incentive to continue their great work for the community. Without this website I would have grown bored with these games a LONG time ago. And without a place for modders to put their work where it would be received and commented about, some of them wouldn't have continued either.
  11. Recommend some way to have a tag or some sort of badge that indicates how much of a donator someone is on Patreon. Maybe for the forum also? It might help get higher donations.
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