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Status Updates posted by tokyobiohazard

  1. I haven't updated my status since 2016. Hello gamers.
  2. I forgot how this status thing worked for like a year.
    1. AurianaValoria1
    2. Deleted54170User


      Oh no! There's a status thingy?! Where?! I want to see it at work before I get too old, too senile,m and can't remember why I am writing th... o.O Too late!
  3. #selfie
    1. Deleted54170User


      Poem a Day #137 caught my eye.
  4. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alkser
    3. weijiesen














      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


      yay for emote faces

    4. lllJACKlll


      is it bad that I see pedobear..?
  5. So now I'm bored. Super bored.
  6. Going to meet my boyfriend in person this weekend. I'm really excited. :D
    1. Flipout6


      *Insert one of my trademark witty comments here.*

      *Insert Innuendoception/Inside joke here*


  7. Well, seems it's time for a new update or something. *drums fingers against desk* Um... I have grape soda?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Naktis
    3. Ithildin
    4. mythicdawnmaster


      grape soda? No vodka at all?

      Well... gotta make do with what we've got XD

  8. *cough* Tindle's lame *cough*
  9. Gorgeous new profile pic :3
  10. You aren't really a bouncing sheep on fire. I have been deceived.
  11. http://youtu.be/rEkp4eEokVQ The enigma that is tokyobleach in action and wearing a frilly shirt.
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. BaldurAnthology


      Romans used to wear socks and sandals, although, their sandals went to almost their knees with leather straps and stuff, but still. Socks and Sandals! With a Plaid suit, (Like a used car salesman) and a Bow Tie! with a Lime Green Shirt, and... umm... A FLORESANT PINK TOP HAT! Fashion death :D
    3. GrueMaster


      Very nice dress, Tokyo. My mother is a seamstress in her spare time, and that dress looks like one that she once worked on. Looks very good on you.


    4. tokyobiohazard


      S: Oh, thanks. I don't usually dress like that, either. I wear mostly black tees with some kind of logo or character on the front.
  12. I enjoy your photo.
  13. So. My internet is cut off. Posting from cell.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BaldurAnthology


      *jumps up and down, causes earthquake in Japan (make fun of my own weight)* SOrry Japan! But I 5th the statement of hope you come back soon!
    3. Flipout6


      I just SIXTH the statement. I am totally awesome like that. (Joking, I'm not THAT arrogant.)


      Still, yeah, I do hope you get the internet back soon. Till then, talking via skype will have to do.


    4. Flipout6


      I just SIXTH the statement. I am totally awesome like that. (Joking, I'm not THAT arrogant.)


      Still, yeah, I do hope you get the internet back soon. Till then, talking via skype will have to do.


  14. Grue!!! :D *fakegingerhug with grinch hat*
  15. Oh, I knew I'd heard your name somewhere before! My curiosity made me check over here, lol... My memory's been pretty lame lately.
  16. My hair grows quickly, so I have to get my hair trimmed often, that's all xD Thanks, btw
  17. Thank you! :D *gives kudos*
  18. Seriously? O.o Er, I suppose the first one. Gotta start from the beginning. I'll count it as a birthday present xD
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