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About RobotVampyre

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  1. Yet another Halo idiot It's not as good as we think it is, people! Try playing some new games every once in a while!
  2. What does the cyberman and the auton say? Or were they dead before? Also, great reference.
  3. What is the secret language of policemen? Pig Latin What time is it when an elephant sits on yr fence? Time to get a new fence Which side of the chicken has the most feathers? The outside If Train A leaves station A at 7:06 PM going 85 km/ph and Train B leaves Station B at 7:45 PM going the opposite direction of Train A at 79 km/ph , and the stations are 300 km apart, at what time will the two trains collide? ...Who the hell cares? And also, what kind of question is that: when the two trains COLLIDE? So messed up.
  4. I thot nothings couldn't speak? I know someone is going to be disturbed by my signature. RV FTW!
  5. Funny, this is my first post and the last post of this
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