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Everything posted by PsYchotic666Joker

  1. Yes, Skyrim fully supports multi-monitor gaming in eyefinity or Nvidia surround ( or 3d vision surround ) i plan on doing this for my next rig down the road, triple monitor gaming has been tossed around my head quite a bit, currently using one 24" lcd monitor ( 1920x1080 ) may get 2 more or take the plunge and go for 2560x1600 ( 30" monitor ) hard choice.
  2. All last night it was bad, so yes it has become more populated once again, has happened a few times already lol.
  3. I'v not been keeping up on the pages, but i would like to know if this is finally being worked on now? I know that the vampire and werewolf overhauls are being worked on now, so all 3 of these are going to be awesome when they're finally able to be downloaded!
  4. I have no idea the count but when i get bored or somebody mouths off to me i save my game and go on a mass city killing spree, then after i had my fun i reload the save so that everybody is alive again lol Am i the only one that does this? or is it better ( role play wise ) to live with it..dead bodies and all.
  5. Yea but i wish it was the old way, they do not even seem like beasts to me anymore, their voice is not beast like...and the legs are too human oh well :/
  6. I wouldn't know, iv never played one in Skyrim yet, but as for the armor bonus i don't think you would get it if you wear all but the helmet cause you need to wear every piece... As for me saying don't wear boots, that's just me being in love with Morrowind and that's how i would plan on playing when i get around to making A beast race in Skyrim lol.
  7. http://youtu.be/QFHrmgjg4tg I thought this was pretty awesome, but i hope he gave her the Amulet of Mara, instead of a ring!
  8. Don't wear helmets or boots. problem solved :)
  9. I for one do not plan on using the workshop, i hate it, looked around and everything i see there is here and it's stupid i think.
  10. Every time you load Skyrim it goes back to normal, so you have to type it in again....you left that part out lol.
  11. What's wrong with the music? it's a good song from one of the good era's of music...guess you can tell who listens to Justin Bieber lol.
  12. Yea i agree too, the games never really 'come alive' till mods come out like a storm on the horizon. I myself have tons of mods and i had a char up to level 43 but i quit as i got too bored and it was way too easy on master, iv not played the game in over a month as iv been on other games. maybe i should return soonish
  13. Can you test it outside with the HD mod vs beth 'dlc' hd texture please
  14. Going to see which Hi res pack is better, doubt beth would have done a better job than the 2k HD mod and others out there that i use though... i wish they would have gave up dx11 support instead :/
  15. What we need is the old way to create classes and crap, not this jack of all trades thing Skyrim has, i miss the old way :/
  16. I'm guessing after the first DLC is released the editor will come out, tired of all the lies, they have never kept their word on anything about this game so far...
  17. Tfc 1 to freeze time during say action shots
  18. Lets hope there's another Open Cities mod, just like Oblivion, Morrowind had the right idea :)
  19. Editor dx11 full support more armor slots ( like morrowind ) darker nights and caves hardcore mode ( can't wait for overhaul mods! ) and for me personally, 2 more monitors and 2 evga gtx 580 3gb's in SLI <3 ^will make it more sexy
  20. well sorry i called you a liar lol, as for the main quest, iv not even really done anything to it, have not planned on doing it any time soon xD
  21. ^the dragon spawn every 3 minutes at higher levels is a lie, i made it all the way up to 67 and play on master 100% of the time, never fast travel, and i hardly ever ran into any dragons, some but not very much
  22. I already do this and tons of other things, good to see other people don't fast travel or are starting to lol
  23. Sadly yes...ever since Oblivion they took away an awesome feature and immersive part, much like they're doing with skills now >.< It really does not matter one bit what type of character you are, over time you will become a jack of all trades, and can join ALL factions with nothing wrong or interfering no skill requirements or anything to get promoted, no interacting with other factions to bring them down which would make sure you can't join them or progress in them due to what you did before etc short version...nope they ruined it. P.S. I literally just woke up -.-
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