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About zombierelic

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  1. Yes and no. On one hand, as others have mentioned, using certain combos of spells will make you completely invisible, one hit multiple enemies in a wide range, add insane stats and on the other you can be one hit by a decent bow. I'd say it relies on: Cleverness, preparedness, and a little bit of luck. I rather like that, as, at least for me this is the very essences of the magic users I read about in fantasy novels and so do love playing as. True it can be more challenging but at least to me its better than being a Daedric armored, duel wielding, immune to magic tank.
  2. As near as I can tell doing the quest only changes a sentence or two. When you first meet him in DB he'll mention something about your character being a champion of his or something like that.
  3. Really? I always thought of them more as Rome but I guess if you really wanted to you can draw parallels to pretty much any nation at any time period.
  4. Using the following Mods in this Load order, I experienced no bugs with the small exception of with FNIS which was easily fixed by removing three files, but it seems that was fixed with the new update. Spoilered due to length.
  5. As odd as it might sound have you tried getting the 3rd texture pack? And at least to me your load order looks a little odd are you using BOSS to sort load order? SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators. I don't use it and can't claim to know much about it, but from what I saw of what it does it might cause a few problems, but IDK. Also as I mentioned before I've heard the Unofficial patch's cause problems and if it is them you might very well need a clean install/save or wait they until update and fix any problems they may be causing.
  6. Banned. Because 42, not life.
  7. You wouldn't like me when I'm bored. (Three hours later) These events are never to be spoken of again and I deeply regret them heh-heh-hahahaha. NC, USA.
  8. Knows a deep seated truth of society or is plaining to inflict madness on his subjects.
  9. I recall reading some where that the main demographic of pokemon was 23+. But hey, as long as its fun who cares last I checked "fun" didn't have a age limit.
  10. ...Rofl. A toast to the master race. The way I see it its a 50/50 chance it'll be the ps4 or some useless junk (I recall some other big company did that a bit ago.). However, I don't believe it'll be the ps3 as from what I've heard they were in a stand off with microsoft, not to mention there current state of decline.
  11. Well, you stated pretty much everything I was going to say lol. But yeah, any game which has a ending that can ruin not only itself but two other previous games with no issues truly takes the cake for me. I quiet literally could have wrote a better ending in thirty minutes while falling asleep.
  12. It isn't, to my knowledge you have to finish the quest where your called to the greybeard's. And no, it really would not make sense as it revolves around the theme of dragonborn/dragons. However you might be able to justify it if you're characters was a Dunmer returning to his homeland or a Deadric seeker. But as I said before unless a mod is released or maybe starting the quest/forcing cultist to spawn with the console you can't get the quest to go there anyways.
  13. Have you experienced this at all? Yes. And I can conform it does go away after having completed the main quest.
  14. I am curious as to what mods you're using. I literally had no problems except three errant animations files, but some of my friends mentioned various problems with certain mods, mostly unofficial update (which I can in no way confirm as I don't use it.) if you supply a list I could probably give you a idea of some of the things causing problems from what I've heard. Also Dragonborn gets boring after lvl 50 or so. You'd be better off doing it with a lower level character anyways.
  15. Well for me the only thing I had to do was remove three animation files, other than that no problems but at least from what I hear (and in no way can confirm.) a lot of the problems came from the unofficial patch's which I wait until the final official update to install anyways.
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