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Everything posted by NCRForever

  1. Thanks for the help! NOT! Found the fix anyways. Just in case others are having the same issue, here's the fix: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15215/?
  2. I posted this in the main forums, but, after a lot of lookee loos, no replies. According to the CK, I'm missing a texture, but in my opinion, which isn't worth much, I'm thinking it's a missing meshes. I have reinstalled FO4 so many times now and nothing fixes it. Anyway, CK says I'm missing DarkGray.dds. I have extracted all the textures using bae and I cannot find that file. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. http://i66.tinypic.com/rk4xp4.jpg
  3. Every time I try to fix my issue with CK, the DC guard helmets gives the following error: TEXTURES: TEXTURE ERROR : Unable to load file 'Data\Textures\DarkGray.dds' Come on people. Help me with this. Please.
  4. So, I have posted about this before and no matter what I try, I cannot fix it. Would it be possible, if someone could extract the meshes from their own ba2 archive and upload them for me please? I don't even know if that will help me. But, I have reinstalled so many times, that it's my only chance. Thanks in advance.
  5. Try deleting the Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Custom.ini and the Fallout4Prefs.ini. Launch the game from Steam. It will setup up the game again.
  6. Apparently, everyone is as much in the dark as I am on this. Well, I have almost 1400 hours in game, might just be time to stop playing.
  7. THIS is how their helmets are now..... F.Y.I I don't have any mods that changes the DC guards. http://i66.tinypic.com/rk4xp4.jpg
  8. So, I noticed that the DC guards no longer have full helmets. They now look like American football helmets from the 1920s. So, I'm not sure if that's a missing texture thing going on or what. I've also noticed that after running my game for a few hours, I start getting other strange texture glitches. People with no heads or hands. So, I will verify my install and over 500mb needs to be redownloaded. This happens every few hours. But, the DC guard helmets remain the same. This has been going on for almost a week now. I have reinstalled the game 4 times, but nothing seems to help.
  9. I haven't crafted any grenades. That place is whacked. As soon as I found a canister, I hauled butt out of there.
  10. Gizmo Trash(In homage to the cute dead wastelander girl in NV) Tank Big Bertha(In homage to the 12 gauge ballistic bean bag round that hit me in the center of my chest when I was 18) My mind is drawing blanks now. lol
  11. So, I decided to finally wrap up some side quests and Fred Allen sent me to fight through Gunners to get him a canister of hallucinogen and the quest recognized me picking it up , but, didn't give me the return arrow to take it to him. I go back to him anyways and there's no option to give it to him. Any help would be awesome. Please note that I am running a mod to disable the console in game.
  12. Cool names: Fahrenheit - Fahrenheit Slab - Slab Bridget - Bridget Barnes - Barnes Bullet - Bullet Just my two cents. lol
  13. I'm at the point where I need the see "Father" to go get the rogue synth.
  14. Ummm.... I'm past that. I had to do that quest to get to course chip. I then got it decoded, built the platform, went to the Institute, grabbed the serum and am trying to give him the serum.
  15. I've completed all on that quest stage, except giving him the serum.
  16. So, I have the serum in my inventory. The Misc. quest tells me to take it to him. I take it to him, but when I click on him, all he says is: "Don't you have work to be doing?" Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Wow. That is awesome. Would love to see an Institute white version. But, maybe you tried that and it didn't look good?
  18. The BOS hood should go under the PA helmet, but it doesn't. I mean, it's listed as "underarmor". It isn't mean to go under any other helmet that I know of.
  19. So, I opened the CK to take a look and it's scripted and tiered, but not upgradeable? I tried adding it in and now I see it at the workbench with a listing of Misc, but, no choices available. Going to dig deeper on this one.
  20. I already fixed the issue. I had console disabled. But I removed the mod that disables it and fixed it. Yes, it had the fusion core in it. I had Nick use it while we ran together. But as I said in a reply above, problem is fixed. Just wished I didn't have to cheat to fix it.
  21. Is it not upgradeable? I have it in my inventory, but I cannot see it at the armor workbench.
  22. Ok, I've been watching this for awhile now and you got me at painting creature carapaces..... You are so getting my endorsement AND vote. Keeping my eye on you. :P
  23. So, I have been wondering why did Bethesda make underarmor for the head, if we can't wear it under our PA helmets? Not to mention the fact that armor we walk around in, can be worn inside of our PAs, even though the underarmor is made for that purpose.. Technically, the underarmor has ports, tubes and gadgets that HELP us to interact with the PA. I just wish someone would make a mod where we can wear our head underarmor UNDER our PA helmets and fix it where it blocks other armor from being worn inside. I know I am more than likely going to get ridiculed or attacked over this. Everyone has their own opinion. But, think about immersion. Tons of you talk about how other mods break immersion. You call yourselves immersion purists. Ok, well, what I am talking about IS very immersive. The underarmor(bodysuit) is made to interact with the PA. Look at it closely. All those hookups on it. If the PA can't interact with the ports on the suit, the suit isn't going to power up. Anyway, just my 2cents. Let the hating begin. lol
  24. I already had it installed. http://i.imgur.com/j7eUO1k.jpg
  25. Tried that. He got back in. We left. I told him to exit. It was still marked as owned. I had to set ownership back.
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