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Everything posted by NCRForever

  1. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. My opinion: "It was worth every bit that I paid for it."
  2. I'm actually liking the game. Just wished there were game settings to set the game in Novice - Expert mode. I also own Dead Island and in my opinion, they are nothing alike. Other then the fact that there are "Zombies". Both are good games. But, I am still waiting on Season 2 of Telltale's WD game.
  3. Literally. Well, literally in-game. I'm at the point where you enter the town to find Merle and I have no MREs/Go Juice and just a knife. I have a ton of pistol ammo, but no pistol. I have a shotgun, but no ammo. I can't even get out of the first part of that area. I may have to re-start the game. Because I'm dead otherwise.
  4. Also, what about the mod that has goats that scream like humans? Is that still up or has it been taken down? Just wondering.
  5. I am working on my mod Independent Thieves Armor - WIP- and I am thinking of adding it to the chest at Shearpoint. Any ideas of which container I need in the CK? Thanx for any help.
  6. I am not posting this in order to bash mods or modders. In fact, I am not posting it to bash anything. These are just my thoughts. In general, mods are the best thing to have happened to gaming. However, it has also killed the experience of a Vanilla game in all aspects. At least for me it has. I have been running mods since Morrowind. I enjoyed MW without mods when I first got it. But then a friend of mine told me that some people had started making mods for it. I was intrigued to say the least. I grabbed my first mods: "Never Say Nerevar" and "Balmora Expanded" (which became Balmora Expansion later I think) and never looked back. When I bought Obliivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas and Skyrim, I never once ran them Vanilla. Still haven't. Why? Simple. Modders are always releasing something good for these games and other games that I don't even play. So why run a Vanilla game, when there are mods? So, anyone else feel this way? Or do you play the games Vanilla first then add mods for new run-throughs?
  7. Was hoping someone would consider making some new choices for the ending. Deleting the data or giving it to Thomas Hildern are just not enough. There is even a dialogue option for telling Keely that your friend works for an organization that could make it safe. So maybe a modder could build on that. The choices should include options to take the data to the Followers or the BoS. Since it is one of the options when doing Veronica's "I could make you care" quest. If you choose the BoS, you could goto the bunker and see Senior Scribe Schuler and after finding out how the Head Scribe Taggart is always taking credit for all her hard work, you could offer her the data. If you choose the Followers, then just take the data to April Martimer and give it to her. It just makes sense to me to have other options.
  8. Was trying to look for a mod, but the search function isn't working. I also tried scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicked on Advanced Search. The page loads, but it doesn't work. The search function works fine on the Skyrim Nexus.
  9. Thank you very much Rezubi. Guess it's back to the GECK. Been enjoying the vacation from the GECK. Thanx again.
  10. Ok, so in Skyrim I know we can use the following commands to add NPCs as a follower: Setrelationshiprank 14 3 addtofaction 5c84d 3 Are there any commands we can use in New Vegas to do the same? I did try the above, but it didn't work. Skyrim has spoiled me.
  11. Looking for the mod that mad General Falx Carius's armor playable. Could someone link me please? Thanx.
  12. Good to see you back.
  13. I deleted that save and started a new run. First thing I notice is when the game starts, then theif is not in the wagon with us. Am thinking I need to do a reinstall. Something isn't right.
  14. Been having a few issues with NPCs on this new run through. First it was with Hadvar. When we got to Riverwood, Hadvar just randomly started sprinting through Riverwood. Then stopped and sprinted back towards Helgen. Then turned around and sprinted towards Riverwood. I tried resetAI, disable, enable and recycleactor, which of course sent him back to Helgen. Now he is in Alvor's house. Never once speaking to Alvor. Upon speaking to Alvor, he asked how I knew Hadvar. Anyways, I told hom and asked for items. Which he gives. Then tells me to inform the Jarl. However, Alvor never stops using the grindstone. He is there all day, all night. I have tried all the console commands I used on Hadvar: resetAI, disable, enable and recycleactor. recycleactor puts Alvor back in his house, but a few seconds later, no matter what time it is in game, he comes back out and uses the grindstone. Not sure what else to do, except restart a new run. Any other ideas would be awesome.
  15. I for one was let down with Dragonborn. My thoughts are that it centered more for Mages then anything else. I for one and I'm sure many others do not play a Mage. Not that there's anything wrong with a mage. Being a Warrior/Theif, I sort of felt left out. Anyways, if there are anymore DLCs, then I would hope at least the "Redguard" DLC will be for Warriors. Redguards are Warriors mainly, so one would hope.
  16. Colette Marence will not give me the quest. Is there a console command I could use to get it started?
  17. I think it's a bit silly that they didn't add Severin Manor as one of the homes to adopt children. It's the only place I own and am hoping someone will add it to the script to allow adoption. Thanx!
  18. I left Skaal village heading West and just followed the road. First I met a Reaver and killed his sorry butt, then further along the road I saw a figure which turned out to be Torkild. :P
  19. I've gotten to the point now where I don't want armor per se. I want to wear normal clothing and just attach armor pieces to it. Not sure if this has been made yet or not, but am wondering if someone could make it or if there is already a mod point me to it. Thanx.
  20. I could have sworn there was a mod that made all armor craftable and upgradeable. But I cannot find it. Any help would be great. Thanx!
  21. Looks like this is forming up to actually be a project over at that other site.
  22. Nivea, I tried that. But either I remembered wrong and there isn't a replacer or it has been removed.
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