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Everything posted by TheReverendTholomewPlague

  1. Ban darkedge for calling me Revenant once :P
  2. Hmmm...could just be my experience with them :P
  3. Granted but your boss kills everybody but you, in a fit of rage, due to your overpowering awesomeness he became jealous. I wish I had a wish
  4. I mean for burning out circuits, physical damage and such
  5. Granted, it's a taco for chickens I wish Minecraft would give me more gold ore
  6. Ban somerandomsheepthathops just because I can
  7. I win simply because I'm awesome. (I joke, can you imagine if I was like that)
  8. I grant your imaginary wish of pain and suffering at boot camp. I wish DoW 2 had kept the original's RTS system.
  9. Well, considering that they are using some DX11 features and a nearly new engine, yes
  10. It's kinda true jim. Many console gamers (not all) are casual gamers seeking instant gratification from games. Hence, easier and simpler games. Granted, some console gamers either can't afford PC hardware, don't have the patience that PC gaming requires or simply prefer consoles.
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