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Everything posted by leirynot

  1. "Worried about what? Afraid of elevators?" Noah asked Vael jokingly, he wanted to know what Vael meant, but was trying not to press the issue too much.
  2. The elavator reached engineering deck and the door opened, Noah snapped out of his trance, he noticed Vael looking at him, although he couldn't see Vael's face, Noah had the sense he was concerned about something. "Something wrong Vael?"
  3. Noah joined them in the elevator, not saying anything, he just stared blankly at the wall, something was distracting him, making it hard to think, not just the headache, he couldn't figure out what it was.
  4. Glad it's still open for other people to join, I think we could use a few more participants.
  5. Except that some of them do.
  6. I have seen a few LoL weapons made (Garen's sword and Lord Mordekaiser's Mace) I really hope that more people can make weapons and armor from LoL (especially Leona and Yi's weapons and armor.)
  7. I remember a mod like this in Oblivion, it was really fun, you could trap anything with the pokeballs, seriously, I had a pet Mehrunes Dagon. I am unsure how they could make this in Skyrim, however.
  8. Probably something that adds telekinetic combat spells (probably similar to biotic abilities in mass effect), one where you cast it and the npc floats randomly, unable to do anything, but can still be knocked around, one that would have the npc float around, following your cursor, one that would throw the enemy (like unrelenting force), one that would pull the enemy (basically reverse of unrelenting force), one that would make a "singularity", if npc's get too close it picks them up and they fly around it uncontrollably, one that will create a shockwave, throwing enemies away from the point where the spell hits, and one that makes a shockwave around the player, throwing enemies back.
  9. I've found an interesting mod, PJ's spell compendium, if you could contact the author about coding for the telekinesis spell, I think it may help with the scripts for pull/lift if you need any ideas on how to do it, here is the trailer for the mod
  10. Noah stepped out of the shuttle and felt a brief moment of dizziness, he put his hand against the shuttle to steady himself. As the moment passed, he shook his head and continued, the dizziness was gone, but was replaced by a headache. ((OOC: To all the guest readers of this RP (I know there are at least 4) feel free to make an account and join in, make your character sheet in this thread, then join in at any time. Also, here are some tips for RPing))
  11. (OOC: Umm, Shadow, do you think you could control the armory officer, have him start the tour? Because it seems like no one knows how to keep it going with this unless someone takes over the armory officer) (BIC) Domenic found a small ice cave and hid in it, he knew that the Cerberus sensors would pick him up soon, but he needed to rest for a moment. He opened his omni-tool scanner to monitor the Hammerheads' positions, it was about twenty minutes before he saw them began to close in on his position. It was time to get moving, he climbed out of the cave, activated the mass effect field generator and ignited his jetpack to fly up the hill nearby.
  12. Has anyone else noticed that there are a lot of guest readers? I have seen up to 6 guests at once reading the RP, think we should offer to let them join if they want?
  13. "I don't have anything to take care of, do you Vael? Hari?" Noah said quickly, showing his impatiens to get going and help Domenic.
  14. okay, just wanted to know, hopefully the author will post some updates on how it's going every now and then.
  15. "Doz Atab, an ice planet in orbit of Urla Rast in Shrike Abyssal, there's a Cerberus frigate in the vicinity of the planet, we'll have to take it out, and I suggest we move quickly, I'm not sure how long he can last between Cerberus and the cold." Noah thought he could hold out long enough for them to rescue him, but he was unsure of what they had sent planet-side to find him. Domenic had started gliding when, a few seconds later, he saw another Hammerhead come out of the frigate, he continued going downhill, accelerating to over 100 KPH, he had to put as much distance between them and himself as possible, going straight would be the best option until they could see him, then it would be time to take evasive maneuvers, "You better get here soon Noah, I think Cerberus is finally sick of me," Domenic muttered under his breath.
  16. How do I change my member title?
    1. 62firelight


      I think you need 500 posts first and then you go to your Profile Information. I'm not sure, perhaps someone with 500 posts could tell you how.
    2. leirynot


      ah, well then, I'm almost 2/5 of the way there, lol.
  17. Since the Asari have the same basic facial structure as humans, could you possibly just make it so that skin color is forced to be blue? This would solve the face animation issue I would think, but not sure, it would still leave the clipping issue with the ears and the head tentacle things. (I am not much of a modder, I can make the basic dungeon or NPC, but have no experience with meshes, textures, animations, or scripting/coding.)
  18. Noah sent a message to Domenic using his omni-tool, then began waiting for a response. Domenic was hiding as the Cerberus trooper walked past, he came out of his hiding place, extending the knife on his left wrist. He grabbed the trooper and quickly stabbed him in the throat before he could make a sound, then eased him slowly to the ground. He moved on, entering the room containing the reactor core. The workers only caught a glimpse of him before they were shot. Domenic walked to the core and set up the explosives, putting the timer on 5 minutes, it should be enough time for him to sneak out. He locked in the timers, the countdown appeared in the corner of his vision, suddenly, alarms began ringing, one of the corpses had been found. "s***," Domenic thought, this was not going to be easy, he wasn't expecting any bodies to be found this quickly, he began running down the corridors towards the exit. He turned the corner to see a Cerberus trooper, who he quickly stabbed and kept running, he knew he hadn't killed the soldier, and that his location would now be known, but that didn't matter, he was bound to encounter resistance sooner or later, he just had to get out. The next corridor was blocked by several Cerberus troopers, Domenic dove behind a stack of crates as they shot at him. The timer was now at 3 minutes, he heard more Cerberus forces coming up behind him. In a drastic move, he dove from behind cover and threw a frag grenade, his shields blocking a few bullet hits. The grenade detonated, killing the troopers, he kept running as more Cerberus forces began shooting at him from behind, as he rounded the next corner, he dropped a proximity mine, "That ought to stop them." He was near the exit when a phantom appeared and slashed at him with her sword, he extend the blades on his forearms, slashing at her as he spun to dodge her sword, the one on his left arm making contact, as he finished the spin, he stabbed her with the right blade, retracted them and kept running, the timer reading 1 minute. He reached the door and hacked the system, as it opened, he was greeted by an Atlas mech. He took one step forward, activated his gliding apparatus and dropped a concussion grenade. It detonated and he rode the shockwave into the air over the Atlas, he twisted in the air and threw a sticky grenade, which attached itself to the back of the Atlas and detonated a moment later, destroying it. Using his momentum, Domenic glided away from the base as it detonated. He contacted his ship VI to have it pick him up, and received Noah's message. Domenic was typing a response to the message while he waited for his ship, it flew over, then he saw that it was not alone, a small Cerberus frigate was pursuing it, "NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!" the frigate fired on his vessel, damaging it and causing it to crash. He quickly revised the message, praying that the transmitter in his ship hadn't been destroyed, he stated his coordinates and said to that he needed assistance immediately, he looked to see a Hammerhead being dropped from the frigate, he used his biotics to quickly accelerate as he glided away from the Hammerhead. "You better get here soon, Noah." Noah received Domenic's message, "Shadow, if we want Domenic's help, we have to go to Doz Atab immediately, it's in the Urla Rast System in Shrike Abyssal, Domenic is in danger, his ship was shot down by a Cerberus frigate, I don't know how long he can last. (OOC: Sorry for the wall of text, also, when you say the Vancouver is a Normandy class frigate, is it the size of the SR1 or the SR2?)
  19. Thanks, as I said, his armor is inspired by the armor in Tribes Ascend, as for its appearance, well it is similar to this.
  20. Noah looked to Shadow, "I just remembered, I met this guy a while back, he's ex Cerberus, been fighting them a few years, name's Domenic Wynter, he may to help us out, if you want me to contact him."
  21. I feel like making a new, very different character. I've based some of his abilities off of the Tribes games, as they are cool and seem entirely probable in the ME universe. Character Name:Domenic Wynter Character Race:Human Character Class: Scout (basically an infiltrator, but with a shotgun instead of sniper rifle) Gender: Male Age: 30 Height:5 feet 10 inches Weight: 163 pounds (74 kilograms) Eyes: Green Hair(if aplicable): Light brown Weapons: M-358 Talon (with silencer), ML-77 Missile Launcher, M-25 Hornet (with silencer), M-22 Eviscerator, shortsword, omni-blade, wristguard mounted knives Armour/Clothing: Nothing special for clothing (common casual wear), his armor is unique however, it is equipped a special mass effect field generator to decrease his mass substantially, along with a jet-pack on the back and smaller jets on his feet, allowing him to fly short distances and glide along the ground at speeds over 100 KPH. Powers / abilities: Tech overload, damping, AI hacking, incinerate, neural shock, cryo blast, combat drone, energy drain, and proximity mine, concussive, frag, incendiary, and sticky grenades, also very weak biotic pull and throw Weapon mods: All of his weapons have been fully upgraded (full heavy weapon ammo, smg damage and shield piercing, ect.) Skills: Domenic is extremely gifted with technological skills, making him an incredible with decryption and electronics, he is also skilled in first aid, and an expert when dealing with explosives, he is a very weak biotic, so he rarely uses his biotic abilities in offense, instead using them to help accelerate when gliding. History/Background: Domenic Wynter has a... colorful past to say the least. He was an orphan, raised on the streets, he eventually led his own gang to power. At the age of 7 he acquired an omni-tool, he quickly figured out how to use it, within three years he had begun siphoning credits from several banks. At the age of 12, he formed his own small gang, it rose in number and influence quickly due to its funding. He was noticed by Cerberus, due to his incredible potential, they recruited him when he was only 16, during that time, it was discovered he had some biotic potential, however due to his astounding grasp of technology and low potential with biotics, he only underwent minor training and was not experimented on. He later was assigned to work on the Cerberus' Pathfinder project, which, its purpose to design a way to make Cerberus foot soldiers highly mobile in battle, this took the form of the armor he now wears. Dominic learned of Cerberus' brutal methods near the completion of the project, and decided he had had enough of Cerberus. He hacked the Cerberus Network and deleted all traces of Pathfinder except for one copy he saved on his omni-tool and transferred a large amount of credits to his own account. Dominic then stole the armor and destroyed the base. He later bought his own small ship, which he has heavily modified and has spent his time fighting Cerberus alone. He has also done a few mercenary jobs, as most of his credits were spent on his ship.
  22. Well, we better hope Teltis and Noah never engage in melee combat with eachother, the results could be explosive, seeing as how eezo is activated by electricity...
  23. I'm good to go, the only things that I've taken with me anywhere are my weapons and my clothes, I'll just take some spare uniforms. Wherever we go, I'm ready.
  24. Garrus Vakarian f***ed with Aria, he was disappointed. (sorry I enjoy Garrus Vakarian facts)
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