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Everything posted by leirynot

  1. "What the Hell?" Noah said as he heard the transmission, he tried to hack the terminal in hopes of making boosting the signal strength, but it had ended just as suddenly as it had started. He ran outside the bar and heard the Avina terminal stating that the Citadel was under attack, he ran back to Shadow. "The Citadel is under attack, I think it's Cerberus, which docking bay is the Vancouver in? I'm going to suit up and meet you there."
  2. Poor Noah, attacks always start when he's not ready to fight... :wallbash:
  3. "Most of the usual freelance merc stuff, collecting the occasional bounties, I actually helped to capture Jack, the one that worked with Shepard, if it weren't for me she wouldn't have been imprisoned on Purgatory,did various jobs for varios people from Omega to Illium, I mostly was working in the Terminus Systems, even had a few run-ins with Cerberus, those were fun. Made sure not to harm civilians or do anything too illegal though. How about you? I know how you got into the N7 program and were put in charge of the Normandy project, how have those been going?" OOC: Not sure if you can, but ShadowGrebacier and 62firelight, would it be possible for you to post a little earlier, I know firelight you posts at like 4PM in New Zealand, not sure about Shadow, but for me on the East Coast of the U.S., it's midnight, so try to post a bit earlier if you can, as it will make it easier for me to respond, thanks :thumbsup:
  4. Noah looks at Shadow and asks, "Any idea what that was about?"
  5. Sounds cool, glad that you're adding Thane to the RP, I think he is probably one of the cooler characters in Mass Effect.
  6. "Sorry," Noah said, putting the glove back on, "and yes, I was a soldier, but after the Geth following Sovereign did this to me, the Alliance psychiatrists concluded that I wouldn't be of sound mind, so I was honorably discharged, I started working as a freelance mercenary. I came back here to try to join up with the Alliance again to fight the Reapers, but they wouldn't take me because, as I said earlier, they were afraid the Reapers would have less difficulty taking control over me, but I think they would have done so by now if they could."
  7. "Well, by implants I mean the cybernetics normally in husks, I was on Eden Prime, got knocked unconscious, then the Geth impaled me on a dragon's tooth, something happened and it lowered before I was completely converted. The doctors don't dare remove them because they can't figure out which ones are keeping me alive, and don't know what would happen if they removed some of them. So I'm stuck with implants that make me look like a cybernetic freak" He removed his right glove, exposing his hand, which had spots that glowed with the same color as his right eye. Electricity began to spark between his fingers. "But, they do have their advantages, I'm stronger than pretty much any other human, my biotic abilities are also superior, I can also send out electrical pulses like husks can.
  8. But wasn't Thane expected to die of his disease about one year after the events of ME2? Guess it is possible that he managed to get some treatment for it or find a cure...
  9. "And you would be correct, thanks to the implants, I don't get drunk, a shame really, but, if you ever need a designated driver, I'm your man," Noah said, as he filled a pint glass with whiskey.
  10. "I'm not so sure they are that desperate to take me back, I already contacted tried to re-enlist, but they said that they were afraid the Reapers would be able to easily take control of me because of the implants. My opinion, if they could take control easily, they would have by now. Thanks for the offer, I hope you can convince them I'm worth the risk, fighting as a freelancer just isn't the same, it always feels like your "allies" are ready to shoot you in the back without a second thought." Noah then grabbed the bottle of whiskey he had bought earlier and used his omni-tool to sterilize the opening. "I was going to drink all this myself, but I guess I can share it, at least one of us can get drunk." He turned to Vael, "Can I get you anything? Doesn't seem right to share my drinks with Shadow and not get you anything, Turian brandy maybe?"
  11. Noah shook his hand, "At least they've been good for you, getting inducted into the N7 program, overseeing the Normandy project and getting command of the Vancouver, although, not under the best of circumstances for that. Damn, I wish the Alliance would take me back..." He turned to Vael, "Nice to meet you Vael," Noah said, extending his hand to the Quarian.
  12. Noah looked to see who was entering the club, several years as a bounty hunter and freelance mercenary, along with several attempts on his life, and several attempts made by Cerberus to capture him had made him wary, he always made sure he could see who was coming in and out of whatever area he was in. He saw a Quarian and an Alliance soldier walk in, the Alliance soldier looked familiar. He remembered the face from the biotic school he went to, as well as the two Extranet articles about the Normandy project and the Reaper attack on Earth. He stood up and began walking towards the two. "Look who we've got here, Shadow Graham, right? Remember me?"
  13. Noah Ward sits at the bar in Purgatory and asks for the strongest thing they have that won't kill humans. The bartender begins to pour into the glass, but Noah stops him and slides his credit chit across to the bartender. "I'll take the bottle" The bartender gives him the bottle and charges his credit chit as Noah takes a long draught from the bottle, draining a quarter of it, then puts it down, giving no reaction whatsoever to the taste of the large amount of liquor he just drank.
  14. Thanks for the suggestions, this is the first RP i have been in and it's nice to see when people don't abandon the newbies :biggrin:
  15. If I read your Bio right, though, you said he rejoined the Alliance when they were desperate for recruits once the reapers hit. Which wouldn't put him over by Omega unless his superiors wanted him there. Edit: Correction, your old Bio. Yeah, I decided to change it a bit considering I haven't actually joined the RP storyline yet, and it would help to get into it, because not much is happening with the Alliance Navy right now, and I don't want to add another side story that is fairly unrelated to what is going on with everyone else. Edit: posting tomorrow hopefully, as I am going to bed soon...
  16. Yes, but after being honorably discharged, my character began to work as a freelance mercenary, and I was hoping to write in some animosity with Cerberus, the battle of Omega will provide a very good scenario in which to do this.
  17. Well then, I hope the battle for Omega starts soon, I plan on entering the RP during the battle, if it is going to be a while, I may have to find an alternate event in which I can join.
  18. Thanks. Edit: For people late in actually joining (myself included) could someone who has been active in it (most likely mythicdawnmaster, as she is the OP) post a brief summary every once in a while, so that people who haven't actually joined can get into the story more easily, (i.e. not have to read the, currently, 64 pages?)
  19. Ehhhhh, I was not aware it started, could you post a link to the actual RP? As I do not see 62 pages on this thread, I don't think this is it. In other news, I have been promoted to Captain Obvious for that last sentence...
  20. That was a really good bio. Since my bio was kind of short (basic background info), I intended on writing a small story on Noah Ward, just got around to it. (to save space, I put it under a spoiler). Also, this music is good to listen to while reading the story. WARNING, CLICKING THIS BUTTON WILL CREATE A WALL OF TEXT:
  21. Yeah, should have been a bit more specific, here are a few more, did he kill the Rachni on Noveria? Did he save or destroy the Ferros colony, and save or execute Shiala? Did he destroy the Geth heretics or convert them? And most important of all, is Conrad Verner still alive (if he is, he may not be for long :devil:)?
  22. Ok, forgot to ask earlier, but I have a few questions. 1. When does this take place in terms of the ME series, (I am sort of assuming between 2 and 3), and what were Shepard's choices in the matters that affected the games that have passed (mainly renegade vs paragon endings, and if it is after ME3, what color explosions did he/she choose?)
  23. Pardon my grammar, I does not care for being grammatically correct :tongue: Character Name: Noah Ward Character Race: Human (partially converted to a husk) Character Class: Vanguard (Destroyer) Gender: Male Age: 27 Height: 5' 11" Weight: 190 lbs Eyes: One hazel eye, the other glows blue due to husk cybernetics Hair(if aplicable): Brown Weapons: M-300 Claymore, M-12 Locust, M-5 Phalanx, M-920 Cain Armour/Clothing: Predator H armour, standard pants, shoes, ect. but will wear a long sleeved, hooded sweatshirt and gloves when out in public, he wears the hood so it covers the right side of his face, as the implants are visible on that side of his face and on his right arm and hand. Powers/abilities: Biotic charge, pull, warp, throw, shockwave, singularity, warp ammo, nova, and slam (edit: forgot to put this in, but he can also do the same electrical shockwave thing that husks can) Weapon mods: Full shotgun damage, ammo, and shield piercing upgrades, same upgrades for SMG, full heavy pistol damage, armor piercing, and critical upgrades, and full heavy weapon ammo upgrades. Skills: Decryption and Electronics History/Background: Joined with the alliance, was eventually stationed on a colony near the Persius Veil. After his colony was attacked by the Geth following Sovereign, he was impaled on a Dragon's Tooth while still alive. During the fighting, the Dragon's Tooth he was impaled on was damaged and it lowered before he was converted, he is kept alive by the husk cybernetics implanted in him, these cybernetics also greatly increased his physical strength and biotic abilities. Due to what happened, Alliance psychologists deemed him unfit for duty, thinking he might not be of stable mind, and he was honorably discharged. He began to work as a freelance mercenary, he is hoping to rejoin the Alliance to fight against the Reapers, but so far has been unable to get to a recruiting station.
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