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Everything posted by leirynot

  1. Sorry, I probably seem a bit obsessed with LoL by saying this, but you could add Kayle and Morgana into this maybe, think that would be cool.
  2. Can't see the mod, this is all that pops up Referral Denied You don't have permission to access "http://postfiles5.naver.net/20110711_228/kdh14k_13103947566845q9id_PNG/oblivion_2011-07-11_23-28-30-231.png?" on this server. Reference #24.6cf4743f.1311473831.89c1fd
  3. I probably can't help much, but I do have a suggestion for armor and a weapon to add. (Kayle's armor and sword from League of Legends) http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/4832/freetoplayrpgpcfullvers.jpg Thought it would be appropriate considering she is an angel.
  4. NPC: I'm so happy to see you I could burst!!! Me: Let me help you with that... [casts combustive convulsion spell from deadly reflex] NPC to a horse: You move like a pregnant cow! Me: Looks to me like it moves like a horse... Lex talking about Gray Fox: He's just a thief, supposed to be the head of the thieves' guild ect. Me: Aren't you the one who is obsessed with catching him? Owyn: I heard a rumor your an idiot/ Me: You do realize your talking to the Grand Champion / Arch Mage / Master of the Fighter's Guild / Listener/ Champion of Cyrodiil / Master Ranger of the Kvatch Arena / max rank in every other faction in the game who is also a master of heavy armor, blade, marksman, every master skill with an intelligence of 100 who could easily kick the crap out of you? So if I'm an idiot, then what does that make you? NPC: How about mixing up some potions, you look like quite the alchemist Me: How about I test my new poisons on you? Or I could see how well my insanity potion works by drinking it and seeing how many people i can kill. (I made singed from LoL and was using him) NPC: You have the hands of an illusionist Me: But my illusion is only five, or do you mean those hands that I took from that illusionist after I killed him? Mankar Cammoran: You came for the amulet? Take it then! Me: Okay, right after I feed your soul to Umbra. [kill him in one hit] I'll take that amulet...
  5. After playing League of Legends for a while I wanted some of the armor/weapons of the champions in LoL, Stuff like: Mordekaiser's armor and mace Kayle's armor (minus the wings) and sword Garen'sarmor and sword (p.s. DEMACIAAAAA!) * Jarvan IV's armor Malzahar'srobes and knife Gangplank's cutlass * Ashe's bow and cloak * Jax's armor and lamppost Lux's armor and staff Yi's armor and sword Singed's shield (try saying that 5 times fast) Twisted Fate's suit Shen and Akali's ninja gear The three with * next to them are the ones I would like to have made 1st, if someone could make these it would be much appreciated!
  6. If you get Umbra the blood drinker mod, once you get 500 kills with umbra you can get 2 pretty awesome sets of armor (1 light, 1 heavy)
  7. You mean to tell me you actually sold stuff to Ra'Virr? I always killed him for his demon and devil stuff :devil:
  8. Skingrad by far. The medieval feel mentioned by Ub3r, the best vanilla house in the game, Glarthir, and, best of all THE COUNT IS A FLIPPIN' VAMPIRE!!!!!! How could you make it more awesome (other than having the count be like a ninja pirate that is also a vampire!) :P
  9. Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, Addoney's (or is it Addonay's, not good at spelling) elven and classical weaponry mods, supreme magicka, and Umbra the blood drinker.
  10. YAY i can get the armor now... The sword will be very hard to track down though, as the name bidenhänder, literally means "two-handed sword" so I don't think we will be able to find the sword :(
  11. Instead of going straight into Mankar's ruin thing, when his children talk to you outside, kill his son, take the mundane ring, then once you enter after his son respawns again take the mundane ring again, put them both on and you are immune to magicka. This should make both Mankar and Mannimarco very easy. Also, I'm not sure, but if you wait long enough his son might respawn and come outside if you do not enter Mankar's house.
  12. Oscuro's Oblivion Overhall and Deadly Reflex both add a lot of realism. OOO does many things which I won't go into detail with explaining and Deadly Reflex improves combat by adding shield bashes, kicks, critical hits, decapitation, impaling people when they are on the ground, sneak attacks, and the ability to throw people with telekinesis.
  13. Just to warn you: it doesn't do that much damage, and deadly reflex makes the game very difficult by making combat quite complicated.
  14. try asking the guy who made it via youtube, maybe he will know what mod it is (and if he tells you, please give me the name of the mod cause that armor looks awesome).
  15. couldn't find the armor and weapon, but i found a really really long list of mods that it might be under if you feel like looking for a while. You will probably need to use a translator unless you know German... I'll keep looking for a bit and tell you if I find it, cause it looks really cool and I also want that mod. here is the link: http://www.scharesoft.de/joomla/forum/showpost.php?p=569667
  16. It's called emporer's robe and emporer's armor, if you really want it badly you can find it in the testinghall, only the chest piece is enchanted for the armor, they both for enchantment do reflect damage and spell 50% and fortify health 50%, i have managed to take it from him using Toaster's companion share and recruit mod.
  17. I think it's deadly reflex or supreme magicka, but I'm not sure (I use both) but one of them makes it so if you cast telekinesis on an npc and click you throw them to the ground and do some damage, unless they resist it of course.
  18. What mod do you have that adds guars, if its OOO, then you will occasionally find higher level things (like when I encountered a spriggan while walking to chorral at level 1, it one shotted me)
  19. Definitely want Mordekaiser's armor from League of Legends (and possibly his giant mace to go with it) here's a picture http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9_Rr3BXzgTQ/TbG9h14AsKI/AAAAAAAAAAc/Pw3KUZ0ViU4/s1600/mordekaiser1.jpg and sorry for double post, it didn't display my original one for some reason, so I thought I posted on a different thread :P
  20. Pretty sure the unnecessary violence mod gives you the ability to do that, although it also adds a bunch of other stuff Here is the link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24936
  21. I recently started playing League of Legends, and I would like some of the items from that in Oblivion, the most wanted one would be The Bloodthirster. Could someone make a sword that is scripted to get more powerful as you kill stuff (and not in the way of dawnfang/duskfang, I mean gradually, like you kill 5 monsters and it does one extra damage permanently, although to a balanced scale). I am no good at modding oblivion and have no idea how to script, so if anyone could make a mod to add this, I would welcome it. Also, some not scripted things that would just require textures/meshes that would be cool: Garen's armor and sword Master Yi's goggles Jarvan IV's armor Mordekaiser's armor and giant mace of doom So if someone would please make any of these it would be really cool, thanks!
  22. I would want the armour of Mordekaiser, (and the giant mace with it) from League of Legends here is a picture: http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/8/88468/1334883-312e302e302e38322d3832_large.jpg
  23. Found it, took me like five minutes, here's the link to the mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13591 You're welcome 8)
  24. I have been playing League of Legends lately and I want someone to make a weapon in oblivion similar to The Bloodthirster from League of Legends, a sword that gets more powerful the more things you kill with it (and not like Dawnfang/Duskfang, I would like it to gradually increase in power with every kill). Could someone please create this as I am not very good at modding oblivion and know absolutely nothing about scripting which would probably be required.
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