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About Vyxenne

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  1. Please disregard the "all plugins gone" part of the headline. Nexus forum will not allow me to fix it. Last night after re-enabling a previously-disabled mod, Vortex suddenly displayed a red warning popup saying "Some downloads were not finalized. Vortex may appear frozen whil..." I clicked the Repair button but nothing happened- Vortex did not "appear frozen whil..." and the warning message persisted. I clicked it closed and closed Vortex, waited a few minutes and then relaunched it; the error message popped right back up. I checked Vortex's Downloads tab and noticed that the date of all 500+ downloads was January 22, 2022 7:38:10 AM. Obviously, this is impossible. I checked Vortex's Plugins tab and all 500 active and inactive plugins appeared to be there. Vortex's staging directory looks fine- all mods seem to be present there. SSE's Data subdirectory properly contains (Vortex hardlinks to) all 350-400 active plugins. And finally, deploying mods seems to work OK and the game launches and plays normally as far as I can tell in 15 minutes of in-game testing. I would appreciate help getting rid of the red warning. Thanks.
  2. No, thanks, I haven't solved it yet and it is driving me nuts. I tried copying femalebody_1_s.dds to estrusfemalebody_1_s.dds as one or two users reported as a fix, but it didn't fix my game. I've never had "estrus body" installed anyway... nobody who has ever actually experienced it would want it in their games... :ohmy: I tried starting several new characters (thank you, ASLAL!) without any jslot preset and it seems to fix the issue but I can't stand to look at myself! What's the point of implementing a "fix" that renders the game unpleasant, hence unplayable? I already had A Change of Face but it was disabled for some reason. I just reactivated it, and as soon as I rebuild my Bashed Patch, I'll test to see if it fixes my shiny bits. And to anyone who keeps insisting that all the requirements of a preset are listed in RM when you look at the preset, I would offer a couple of slight corrections to that statement: all of the required MODS that the preset author KNOWINGLY introduced SHOULD BE listed. That's an awful lot of woulda-coulda-shoulda "weasel words" and not anything at all as cut-and-dried as a flat claim that all the requirements of a preset are listed when you look at it in RM. It's simply not true, or, as you said above, not necessarily true. Clearly, a rogue SKIN OVERRIDE accidentally embedded in the jslot is neither a MOD nor has it been KNOWINGLY introduced into the jslot- which is why it may not be listed as a requirement. Thanks again for your helpful response. :thumbsup: :wub:
  3. So much this. I'm currently running 410 mods, every one of them handled by Vortex. I do not understand the obvious undercurrent (sometimes not so under) of hatred and disparagement based on untruths and fake assumptions about Vortex, but most of the shade cast on Vortex is just plain ignorant, and false. PS: I tried to use the forum Quote system so the quote above would have attribution, but it's not working today, so if you want to know who said it, go look- it's among the first 10 posts in this thread.
  4. It's happening because the game's "Mods" tab disables SkyUI- that's why it is un-asterisked in plugins.txt. You can fix it manually all you want, but every time you use the game's "Mods" controls it will re-disable SkyUI. There are two ways to permanently fix this: Get an actual competent mod manager (Vortex) that doesn't disable SkyUI and never touch the game's "Mods" controls again; AND/OR Use SSEEdit to add Skyrim.esm as a Master to SkyUI_SE.esp.
  5. Alternatively, you could just not update SKSE64 since 2.00.17 works just fine with game version 1.5.97 and all of the game- and SKSE-version dependent mods. I read the Update notes on SKSE64 2.00.18 and didn't see any earth-shaking reason to update it (other than to test Vortex's ability to install SKSE64 just by dropping the SKSE64 7z archive into Vortex's Drop Files area and clicking "Install.") :woot:
  6. Actually, many BSA-packed mods have mostly-empty plugins for the sole purpose of giving users a way to specify the order in which the game loads the BSA-packed assets- Skyrim loads BSA assets based on plugin load order. Also, Vortex is FAR more flexible than what you implied above- while NMM allowed load order by mod (load ALL of Mod B after Mod A), Vortex allows you to set load order (priorities, actually) on a file-by-file basis! So if you have, for example, two armor replacers, both of which replace Armor 11 and Armor 29 but have no other conflicts with their other armors, you can easily tell Vortex to prioritize (load, use, whatever paradigm you want to use) Mod A's meshes and textures for Armor 29 and mod B's meshes and textures for Armor 11. In fact, you could even say "use Mod A's meshes and Mod B's Textures for Armor 29!!" Of course, using one mod's textures on another mod's meshes probably would not work well- I'm just using that as an illustration of the flexibility offered by Vortex. Also, Vortex can now install SKSE (and other Bethesda games' script extenders) just by dragging the SKSE 7z archive into the Drop Files area of Vortex and clicking "Install." This is a major breakthrough and will probably (eventually) eliminate the number-one source of user frustration and errors.
  7. I'm looking for a tutorial on how to set the right BSLightingShaderProperty Flags 1 & 2 in Nifskope on a new shape I added (polished toenails) that show up great in NifSkope and Outfit Studio but are invisible in-game when the BSLightingShaderProperty is classified as an Environment Map but show up fine in-game when the shader property is set to Skin Tint... except that the colors are off then. I can't find any guide on how to know which flags to set.
  8. In any Nexus Mod Page "Posts" window, content edits are not reflected after the "submit" button is clicked, but instead the original unedited text reappears after the "grayout" that occurs any time the Submit button is clicked. Pressing Firefox's or MIE's Circle-Curly Arrow to reload the page reloads the unedited content, and pressing edit again to re-do the edit results in the original unedited text being displayed for editing, followed by a site error on pressing the Submit button after re-editing the text. The error ranges from a "something went wrong try again later" generic message to the site freezing, necessitating navigation away from Nexus then back in to wherever I was. The only reliable way I have found to force the site to display my edited text without 8-10 page reloads is to navigate away from the site and then NOT use the "notification" link to get back to the page I was editing but instead manually navigate back to the page. Apparently, unlike the Reload icon, manually navigating away and then back forces a full page reload and almost always results in the edited post being correctly displayed. This suggests that my edits were "there" (in website limbo somewhere) all along but Nexus simply failed to display them until forced to do so by my clunky, time-consuming workaround. This is more than an inconvenience. Please fix it. Thanks.
  9. Please help me understand this, because unless SMP is inventing its own axes, it's wrong. Angular Left/Right is Yaw, not Pitch. Yaw is movement about the vertical axis of an object- in aircraft, primarily controlled by rudders. Angular Up/Down is Pitch, not Yaw. Pitch is movement about the lateral axis of an object- in aircraft, primarily controlled by elevators. Linear Forward/Back is Fore/Aft, not Twist/Roll. Fore & Aft are actually bipolar longitudinal vectors, not really an axis per se, while Roll is angular movement about the longitudinal axis of an object- in airplanes, primarily controlled by ailerons. It is not conceptually possible for "Z" (or any other single label) to represent both fore/aft linear movement AND twist/roll angular movement at the same time. Yes, an object can move fore/aft and twist/roll at the same time, but it can't legitimately use the same descriptor or label ("Z") for both of those movements because then the label becomes ambiguous and functionally meaningless. Therefore, "Z" must be one or the other- either it is Fore/Aft (linear) movement or it is Roll/Twist (angular) movement. In the case of Skyrim physics systems, it seems that it would have to be exclusively fore/aft because there are no roll controls in Skyrim physics systems. Also, please advise where I can find a definition (with examples) of "proxy object," which is mentioned and used to define or "clarify" other concepts but not themselves clearly explained or defined that I could see. Maybe I've just gone blind- it's late. :wallbash: Thanks.
  10. This is a mandatory comment. Had it been an actual comment, it would probably have contained some intelligent sentences. :woot:
  11. Thanks for this- Ousnius has always been willing to help whenever I had a problem with Bodyslide (due to my own ignorance of all of its features) and I can't thank him enough for that. :wub:
  12. #meetoo :tongue: I agree with this- I have timed a few new comment postings and comment-editing postings, and have gotten post-[sUBMIT] button press spinny-gear times of 26 seconds in one case and 15-20 seconds as an average of 5 postings. This is just nuts. I tested my Internet connection on GitHub and LoversLab by posting there and it took less than a second in all but one case, which took almost 2 seconds. Clearly, there is something wrong with the Nexus Forum system. In contrast, I have uploaded two files to my mod pages on the Nexus with no issues or delays, and downloaded several files quickly and efficiently from both the Fallout 4 Nexus and the Skyrim Special Edition Nexus, including a couple of archives that were well over 1GB. So the file servers, at least the Premium ones, are just fine- it's the forums that are mired in molasses.
  13. I want to use these via hotkeys... I bought a keyboard with programmable hotkeys- mine is a Lopgitech G910 Mechanical but there are less-expensibve Logitechs and also Razr and other programmable-key keyboards and mice. I have the following macros on various hotkeys: `tfc[Enter]` `sucsm 0.5[Enter]` `epc[Enter]` `tm[Enter]` `sgtm 0.7[Enter]` `sgtm 0.5[Enter]` `sgtm 0.3[Enter]` `sgtm 1[Enter]`NOTE: the ` character you see in my macros is the tilde ~ key that opens and closes the console- it only produces an actual tilde character in combination with the Shift key, which isn't needed to toggle the console in Bethesda games. You can also assign any macros you want to any mouse controls such as Scroll-Wheel-Left and Scroll-Wheel-Right, which are seldom used in games. Some may ask "Why bother with the trouble and expense of a programmable-key keyboard or mouse? Why not just manually enter the console commands?" The answer is that I occasionally make YouTube videos, and all of my macros complete in less than ¼ second, which greatly reduces the need for me to edit out the parts where I'm issuing commands- as long as my HUD is turned off so you can't see the console flash open and closed, many of my commands are undetectable. It also breaks immersion with certain animations ⚤ to have to manually enter a bunch of keystrokes.
  14. Mary had a little lamb... Her gynecologist was quite surprised! :woot:
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